implementation module comparedefimp import syntax, checksupport, compare_constructor, utilities, StdCompare :: CompareState = { comp_type_var_heap :: !.TypeVarHeap , comp_attr_var_heap :: !.AttrVarHeap , comp_error :: !.ErrorAdmin } type_def_error = "type definition in the impl module conflicts with the def module" class_def_error = "class definition in the impl module conflicts with the def module" instance_def_error = "instance definition in the impl module conflicts with the def module" generic_def_error = "generic definition in the impl module conflicts with the def module" compareError message pos error_admin = popErrorAdmin (checkError "" message (pushErrorAdmin pos error_admin)) compareTypeDefs :: !{# Int} !{#Bool} !{# CheckedTypeDef} !{# ConsDef} !u:{# CheckedTypeDef} !v:{# ConsDef} !*CompareState -> (!u:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !v:{# ConsDef}, !*CompareState) compareTypeDefs dcl_sizes copied_from_dcl dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs icl_type_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st # nr_of_dcl_types = dcl_sizes.[cTypeDefs] = iFoldSt (compare_type_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_types (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) where compare_type_defs :: !{# Bool} !{# CheckedTypeDef} !{# ConsDef} !Index (!u:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !v:{# ConsDef}, !*CompareState) -> (!u:{# CheckedTypeDef}, !v:{# ConsDef}, !*CompareState) compare_type_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_type_defs dcl_cons_defs type_index (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap,comp_attr_var_heap}) | not copied_from_dcl.[type_index] # dcl_type_def = dcl_type_defs.[type_index] (icl_type_def, icl_type_defs) = icl_type_defs![type_index] comp_type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dcl_type_def.td_args icl_type_def.td_args comp_type_var_heap comp_attr_var_heap = initialyseAttributeVars dcl_type_def.td_attrs icl_type_def.td_attrs comp_attr_var_heap comp_st = { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap = comp_attr_var_heap } (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) = compare_rhs_of_types dcl_type_def.TypeDef.td_rhs icl_type_def.TypeDef.td_rhs dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st | ok && dcl_type_def.TypeDef.td_arity==icl_type_def.TypeDef.td_arity && dcl_type_def.TypeDef.td_attribute==icl_type_def.TypeDef.td_attribute = (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) # comp_error = compareError type_def_error (newPosition icl_type_def.td_ident icl_type_def.td_pos) comp_st.comp_error = (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error }) = (icl_type_defs, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_rhs_of_types (AlgType dclConstructors) (AlgType iclConstructors) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = compare_constructor_lists dclConstructors iclConstructors dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st where compare_constructor_lists [ dcl_cons : dcl_conses ][icl_cons : icl_conses] dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st | dcl_cons.ds_index == icl_cons.ds_index # last_cons = isEmpty dcl_conses # (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) = compare_constructors last_cons dcl_cons.ds_index dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st | ok | last_cons = (isEmpty icl_conses, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) = compare_constructor_lists dcl_conses icl_conses dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_constructor_lists [ dcl_cons : dcl_conses ] [] dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_rhs_of_types (SynType dclType) (SynType iclType) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st # (ok, comp_st) = compare dclType iclType comp_st = (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_rhs_of_types (RecordType dclRecord) (RecordType iclRecord) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = compare_records dclRecord iclRecord dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st where compare_records dcl_rec icl_rec dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st # nr_of_dcl_fields = size dcl_rec.rt_fields | nr_of_dcl_fields == size icl_rec.rt_fields && compare_fields nr_of_dcl_fields dcl_rec.rt_fields icl_rec.rt_fields && icl_rec.rt_is_boxed_record==dcl_rec.rt_is_boxed_record = compare_constructors True dcl_rec.rt_constructor.ds_index dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_fields field_nr dcl_fields icl_fields | field_nr == 0 = True # field_nr = dec field_nr = dcl_fields.[field_nr].fs_index == icl_fields.[field_nr].fs_index && compare_fields field_nr dcl_fields icl_fields compare_rhs_of_types (NewType dclConstructor) (NewType iclConstructor) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st | dclConstructor.ds_index<>iclConstructor.ds_index = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) # dcl_cons_def = dcl_cons_defs.[dclConstructor.ds_index] (icl_cons_def, icl_cons_defs) = icl_cons_defs![iclConstructor.ds_index] # (ok, comp_st) = compare_cons_def_types True icl_cons_def dcl_cons_def comp_st = (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_rhs_of_types (AbstractType _) (NewType _) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_rhs_of_types (AbstractType _) icl_type dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = (True, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_rhs_of_types (AbstractSynType _ dclType) (SynType iclType) dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st # (ok, comp_st) = compare dclType iclType comp_st = (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_rhs_of_types dcl_type icl_type dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st = (False, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_constructors do_compare_result_types cons_index dcl_cons_defs icl_cons_defs comp_st # dcl_cons_def = dcl_cons_defs.[cons_index] (icl_cons_def, icl_cons_defs) = icl_cons_defs![cons_index] (ok, comp_st) = compare_cons_def_types do_compare_result_types icl_cons_def dcl_cons_def comp_st = (ok, icl_cons_defs, comp_st) compare_cons_def_types do_compare_result_types icl_cons_def dcl_cons_def comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap} | dcl_cons_def.cons_priority<>icl_cons_def.cons_priority = (False,comp_st) # dcl_cons_type = dcl_cons_def.cons_type icl_cons_type = icl_cons_def.cons_type comp_type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dcl_cons_def.cons_exi_vars icl_cons_def.cons_exi_vars comp_type_var_heap comp_st = { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap } (ok, comp_st) = compare (dcl_cons_type.st_args,dcl_cons_type.st_args_strictness) (icl_cons_type.st_args,icl_cons_type.st_args_strictness) comp_st | not ok = (False,comp_st) | do_compare_result_types # (ok,comp_st) = compare dcl_cons_type.st_result icl_cons_type.st_result comp_st | ok = compare dcl_cons_type.st_context icl_cons_type.st_context comp_st = (False,comp_st) = compare dcl_cons_type.st_context icl_cons_type.st_context comp_st compareClassDefs :: !{#Int} {#Bool} !{# ClassDef} !{# MemberDef} !u:{# ClassDef} !v:{# MemberDef} !*CompareState -> (!u:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, !*CompareState) compareClassDefs dcl_sizes copied_from_dcl dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs icl_class_defs icl_member_defs comp_st # nr_of_dcl_classes = dcl_sizes.[cClassDefs] = iFoldSt (compare_class_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_classes (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st) where compare_class_defs :: !{# Bool} {# ClassDef} {# MemberDef} !Index (!u:{# ClassDef}, !v:{# MemberDef}, !*CompareState) -> (!u:{# ClassDef}, v:{# MemberDef}, !*CompareState) compare_class_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_class_defs dcl_member_defs class_index (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st) | not copied_from_dcl.[class_index] # dcl_class_def = dcl_class_defs.[class_index] (icl_class_def, icl_class_defs) = icl_class_defs![class_index] (ok, icl_member_defs, comp_st) = compare_classes dcl_class_def dcl_member_defs icl_class_def icl_member_defs comp_st | ok = (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st) # comp_error = compareError class_def_error (newPosition icl_class_def.class_ident icl_class_def.class_pos) comp_st.comp_error = (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error }) = (icl_class_defs, icl_member_defs, comp_st) compare_classes dcl_class_def dcl_member_defs icl_class_def icl_member_defs comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap} # comp_type_var_heap = initialyseTypeVars dcl_class_def.class_args icl_class_def.class_args comp_type_var_heap comp_st = { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap } # (ok, comp_st) = compare dcl_class_def.class_context icl_class_def.class_context comp_st | ok # nr_of_dcl_members = size dcl_class_def.class_members | nr_of_dcl_members == size icl_class_def.class_members = compare_array_of_class_members nr_of_dcl_members dcl_class_def.class_members icl_class_def.class_members dcl_member_defs icl_member_defs comp_st = (False, icl_member_defs, comp_st) = (False, icl_member_defs, comp_st) compare_array_of_class_members loc_member_index dcl_members icl_members dcl_member_defs icl_member_defs comp_st | loc_member_index == 0 = (True, icl_member_defs, comp_st) # loc_member_index = dec loc_member_index # dcl_member = dcl_members.[loc_member_index] # icl_member = icl_members.[loc_member_index] | dcl_member == icl_member # glob_member_index = dcl_member.ds_index # dcl_member_def = dcl_member_defs.[glob_member_index] (icl_member_def, icl_member_defs) = icl_member_defs![glob_member_index] (ok, comp_st) = compare dcl_member_def.me_type icl_member_def.me_type comp_st | ok && dcl_member_def.me_priority == icl_member_def.me_priority = compare_array_of_class_members loc_member_index dcl_members icl_members dcl_member_defs icl_member_defs comp_st = (False, icl_member_defs, comp_st) = (False, icl_member_defs, comp_st) compareInstanceDefs :: !{# Int} !{# ClassInstance} !u:{# ClassInstance} !*{#FunDef} !*CompareState -> (!u:{# ClassInstance},!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState) compareInstanceDefs dcl_sizes dcl_instance_defs icl_instance_defs icl_functions comp_st # nr_of_dcl_instances = dcl_sizes.[cInstanceDefs] = iFoldSt (compare_instance_defs dcl_instance_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_instances (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions,comp_st) where compare_instance_defs :: !{# ClassInstance} !Index !(!u:{# ClassInstance},!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState) -> (!u:{# ClassInstance},!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState) compare_instance_defs dcl_instance_defs instance_index (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions,comp_st) # dcl_instance_def = dcl_instance_defs.[instance_index] (icl_instance_def, icl_instance_defs) = icl_instance_defs![instance_index] (ok, comp_st) = compare dcl_instance_def.ins_type icl_instance_def.ins_type comp_st | not ok # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error icl_instance_def.ins_ident icl_instance_def.ins_pos comp_st = (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions, comp_st) # (icl_functions,comp_st) = member_types_equal dcl_instance_def.ins_member_types icl_instance_def.ins_members 0 icl_functions comp_st = (icl_instance_defs,icl_functions,comp_st) member_types_equal :: [FunType] {#ClassInstanceMember} Int *{#FunDef} *CompareState -> (!*{#FunDef},!*CompareState) member_types_equal [] icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st | icl_member_n0 # ({fun_ident,fun_pos},icl_functions) = icl_functions![function_index] # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error fun_ident fun_pos comp_st = member_types_equal [] icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st = member_types_equal [] icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st = (icl_functions,comp_st) member_types_equal [instance_member_type:instance_member_types] icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st = member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type instance_member_types icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st where member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type=:{ft_ident,ft_type,ft_pos} instance_member_types icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st | icl_member_ncim_ident.id_name | icl_functions.[cim_index].fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_MemberInstanceRequiresTypeInDefMod<>0 # ({fun_ident,fun_pos},icl_functions) = icl_functions![cim_index] # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error fun_ident fun_pos comp_st = member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type instance_member_types icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st = member_type_and_types_equal instance_member_type instance_member_types icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st # ({fun_type},icl_functions) = icl_functions![cim_index] # (Yes icl_instance_member_type) = fun_type # tc_state = { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn comp_st.comp_type_var_heap , tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn comp_st.comp_attr_var_heap , tc_strictness_flags = 0 } # tc_state = init_symbol_type_vars ft_type icl_instance_member_type tc_state # (corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds ft_type icl_instance_member_type tc_state # comp_st = {comp_st & comp_type_var_heap=tc_state.tc_type_vars.hwn_heap, comp_attr_var_heap=tc_state.tc_attr_vars.hwn_heap } # comp_st = if (not corresponds) (instance_def_conflicts_error ft_ident ft_pos comp_st) comp_st = member_types_equal instance_member_types icl_instance_members (icl_member_n+1) icl_functions comp_st # comp_st = instance_def_conflicts_error ft_ident ft_pos comp_st = member_types_equal instance_member_types icl_instance_members icl_member_n icl_functions comp_st instance_def_conflicts_error ident pos comp_st = {comp_st & comp_error = compareError instance_def_error (newPosition ident pos) comp_st.comp_error } compareGenericDefs :: !{# Int} !{#Bool} !{# GenericDef} !u:{# GenericDef} !*CompareState -> (!u:{# GenericDef}, !*CompareState) compareGenericDefs dcl_sizes copied_from_dcl dcl_generic_defs icl_generic_defs comp_st # nr_of_dcl_generics = dcl_sizes.[cGenericDefs] = iFoldSt (compare_generic_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_generic_defs) 0 nr_of_dcl_generics (icl_generic_defs, comp_st) where compare_generic_defs :: !{#Bool} !{# GenericDef} !Index (!u:{# GenericDef}, !*CompareState) -> (!u:{# GenericDef}, !*CompareState) compare_generic_defs copied_from_dcl dcl_generic_defs generic_index (icl_generic_defs, comp_st) | not copied_from_dcl.[generic_index] # dcl_generic_def = dcl_generic_defs.[generic_index] (icl_generic_def, icl_generic_defs) = icl_generic_defs![generic_index] # (ok1, comp_st) = compare dcl_generic_def.gen_type icl_generic_def.gen_type comp_st # (ok2, comp_st) = compare dcl_generic_def.gen_vars icl_generic_def.gen_vars comp_st | ok1 && ok2 = (icl_generic_defs, comp_st) # comp_error = compareError generic_def_error (newPosition icl_generic_def.gen_ident icl_generic_def.gen_pos) comp_st.comp_error = (icl_generic_defs, { comp_st & comp_error = comp_error }) | otherwise = (icl_generic_defs, comp_st) class compare a :: !a !a !*CompareState -> (!Bool, !*CompareState) instance compare (a,b) | compare a & compare b where compare (x1, y1) (x2, y2) comp_st # (ok, comp_st) = compare x1 x2 comp_st | ok = compare y1 y2 comp_st = (False, comp_st) instance compare (Global a) | == a where compare g1 g2 comp_st = (g1.glob_module == g2.glob_module && g1.glob_object == g2.glob_object, comp_st) instance compare [a] | compare a where compare [x:xs] [y:ys] comp_st = compare (x, xs) (y, ys) comp_st compare [] [] comp_st = (True, comp_st) compare _ _ comp_st = (False, comp_st) instance compare Type where compare (TA dclIdent dclArgs) (TA iclIdent iclArgs) comp_st = compare (dclIdent.type_index, dclArgs) (iclIdent.type_index, iclArgs) comp_st compare (TA dclIdent dclArgs) (TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness) comp_st = compare (dclIdent.type_index, (dclArgs,NotStrict)) (iclIdent.type_index, (iclArgs,iclStrictness)) comp_st compare (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) (TA iclIdent iclArgs) comp_st = compare (dclIdent.type_index, (dclArgs,dclStrictness)) (iclIdent.type_index, (iclArgs,NotStrict)) comp_st compare (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) (TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness) comp_st = compare (dclIdent.type_index, (dclArgs,dclStrictness)) (iclIdent.type_index, (iclArgs,iclStrictness)) comp_st compare (dclFun --> dclArg) (iclFun --> iclArg) comp_st = compare (dclFun, dclArg) (iclFun, iclArg) comp_st compare (TArrow1 dclArg) (TArrow1 iclArg) comp_st = compare dclArg iclArg comp_st compare TArrow TArrow comp_st = (True, comp_st) compare (CV dclVar :@: dclArgs) (CV iclVar :@: iclArgs) comp_st = compare (dclVar, dclArgs) (iclVar, iclArgs) comp_st compare (TB dclDef) (TB iclDef) comp_st = (dclDef == iclDef, comp_st) compare (GTV dclDef) (GTV iclDef) comp_st = compare dclDef iclDef comp_st compare (TV dclVar) (TV iclVar) comp_st = compare dclVar iclVar comp_st compare (TFA dclvars dcltype) (TFA iclvars icltype) comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap} # comp_type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dclvars iclvars comp_type_var_heap (ok, comp_st) = compare dcltype icltype {comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap} type_heaps = clear_type_vars dclvars (comp_st.comp_type_var_heap, comp_st.comp_attr_var_heap) (comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap) = clear_type_vars iclvars type_heaps = (ok, {comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap = comp_attr_var_heap}) where clear_type_vars vars type_and_attr_var_heaps = foldSt clear_type_var vars type_and_attr_var_heaps where clear_type_var {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}, atv_attribute} (type_var_heap,attr_var_heap) = (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty), clear_attr_var atv_attribute attr_var_heap) clear_attr_var (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap = attr_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty) clear_attr_var (TA_RootVar {av_info_ptr}) attr_var_heap = attr_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty) clear_attr_var attr attr_var_heap = attr_var_heap compare (TFAC dclvars dcltype dcl_contexts) (TFAC iclvars icltype icl_contexts) comp_st = (False, comp_st) compare _ _ comp_st = (False, comp_st) instance compare AType where compare at1 at2 comp_st = compare (at1.at_attribute, at1.at_type) (at2.at_attribute, at2.at_type) comp_st instance compare TypeAttribute where compare ta1 ta2 comp_st | equal_constructor ta1 ta2 = compare_equal_constructor ta1 ta2 comp_st = (False, comp_st) where compare_equal_constructor (TA_Var dclDef) (TA_Var iclDef) comp_st = compare dclDef iclDef comp_st compare_equal_constructor (TA_RootVar dclDef) (TA_RootVar iclDef) comp_st = compare dclDef iclDef comp_st compare_equal_constructor _ _ comp_st = (True, comp_st) instance compare Annotation where compare an1 an2 comp_st = (equal_constructor an1 an2, comp_st) instance compare StrictnessList where compare strictness1 strictness2 comp_st = (equal_strictness_lists strictness1 strictness2,comp_st) instance compare AttributeVar where compare {av_info_ptr = dcl_info_ptr} {av_info_ptr = icl_info_ptr} comp_st=:{comp_attr_var_heap} # (dcl_info, comp_attr_var_heap) = readPtr dcl_info_ptr comp_attr_var_heap (icl_info, comp_attr_var_heap) = readPtr icl_info_ptr comp_attr_var_heap (ok, comp_attr_var_heap) = compare_vars dcl_info icl_info dcl_info_ptr icl_info_ptr comp_attr_var_heap = (ok, { comp_st & comp_attr_var_heap = comp_attr_var_heap }) where compare_vars AVI_Empty AVI_Empty dcl_av_info_ptr icl_av_info_ptr comp_attr_var_heap = (True, comp_attr_var_heap <:= (dcl_av_info_ptr, AVI_AttrVar icl_av_info_ptr) <:= (icl_av_info_ptr, AVI_AttrVar dcl_av_info_ptr)) compare_vars (AVI_AttrVar dcl_forward) (AVI_AttrVar icl_forward) dcl_av_info_ptr icl_av_info_ptr comp_attr_var_heap = (dcl_forward == icl_av_info_ptr && icl_forward == dcl_av_info_ptr, comp_attr_var_heap) compare_vars dcl_info icl_info dcl_av_info_ptr icl_av_info_ptr comp_attr_var_heap = (True, comp_attr_var_heap) instance compare TypeVar where compare {tv_info_ptr = dcl_info_ptr} {tv_info_ptr = icl_info_ptr} comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap} # (dcl_info, comp_type_var_heap) = readPtr dcl_info_ptr comp_type_var_heap (icl_info, comp_type_var_heap) = readPtr icl_info_ptr comp_type_var_heap (ok, comp_type_var_heap) = compare_vars dcl_info icl_info dcl_info_ptr icl_info_ptr comp_type_var_heap = (ok, { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap }) where compare_vars TVI_Empty TVI_Empty dcl_tv_info_ptr icl_tv_info_ptr type_var_heap = (True, type_var_heap <:= (dcl_tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeVar icl_tv_info_ptr) <:= (icl_tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeVar dcl_tv_info_ptr)) compare_vars (TVI_TypeVar dcl_forward) (TVI_TypeVar icl_forward) dcl_tv_info_ptr icl_tv_info_ptr type_var_heap = (dcl_forward == icl_tv_info_ptr && icl_forward == dcl_tv_info_ptr, type_var_heap) compare_vars dcl_info icl_info dcl_tv_info_ptr icl_tv_info_ptr type_var_heap = (True, type_var_heap) instance compare AttrInequality where compare dcl_ineq icl_ineq comp_st = compare (dcl_ineq.ai_demanded, dcl_ineq.ai_offered) (icl_ineq.ai_demanded, icl_ineq.ai_offered) comp_st instance compare SymbolType where compare dcl_st icl_st comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap,comp_attr_var_heap} # comp_type_var_heap = initialyseTypeVars dcl_st.st_vars icl_st.st_vars comp_type_var_heap comp_attr_var_heap = initialyseAttributeVars dcl_st.st_attr_vars icl_st.st_attr_vars comp_attr_var_heap comp_st = { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap = comp_attr_var_heap } = compare (dcl_st.st_args, (dcl_st.st_args_strictness, (dcl_st.st_result, (dcl_st.st_context, dcl_st.st_attr_env)))) (icl_st.st_args, (icl_st.st_args_strictness, (icl_st.st_result, (icl_st.st_context, icl_st.st_attr_env)))) comp_st instance compare InstanceType where compare dcl_it icl_it comp_st=:{comp_type_var_heap,comp_attr_var_heap} # comp_type_var_heap = initialyseTypeVars dcl_it.it_vars icl_it.it_vars comp_type_var_heap comp_attr_var_heap = initialyseAttributeVars dcl_it.it_attr_vars icl_it.it_attr_vars comp_attr_var_heap comp_st = { comp_st & comp_type_var_heap = comp_type_var_heap, comp_attr_var_heap = comp_attr_var_heap } = compare (dcl_it.it_types, dcl_it.it_context) (icl_it.it_types, icl_it.it_context) comp_st instance compare TypeContext where compare dcl_tc icl_tc comp_st | dcl_tc.tc_class == icl_tc.tc_class = compare dcl_tc.tc_types icl_tc.tc_types comp_st = (False, comp_st) initialyseTypeVars [{tv_info_ptr=dcl_tv_info_ptr}:dcl_type_vars] [{tv_info_ptr=icl_tv_info_ptr}:icl_type_vars] type_var_heap # type_var_heap = type_var_heap <:= (icl_tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeVar dcl_tv_info_ptr) <:= (dcl_tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeVar icl_tv_info_ptr) = initialyseTypeVars dcl_type_vars icl_type_vars type_var_heap initialyseTypeVars [{tv_info_ptr}:dcl_type_vars] [] type_var_heap = initialyseTypeVars dcl_type_vars [] (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)); initialyseTypeVars [] [{tv_info_ptr}:icl_type_vars] type_var_heap = initialyseTypeVars [] icl_type_vars (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)); initialyseTypeVars [] [] type_var_heap = type_var_heap initialyseATypeVars [{atv_variable={tv_info_ptr=dcl_tv_info_ptr}}:dcl_type_vars] [{atv_variable={tv_info_ptr=icl_tv_info_ptr}}:icl_type_vars] type_var_heap # type_var_heap = type_var_heap <:= (icl_tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeVar dcl_tv_info_ptr) <:= (dcl_tv_info_ptr, TVI_TypeVar icl_tv_info_ptr) = initialyseATypeVars dcl_type_vars icl_type_vars type_var_heap initialyseATypeVars [{atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}}:dcl_type_vars] [] type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars dcl_type_vars [] (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)); initialyseATypeVars [] [{atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}}:icl_type_vars] type_var_heap = initialyseATypeVars [] icl_type_vars (type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)); initialyseATypeVars [] [] type_var_heap = type_var_heap initialyseAttributeVars [{av_info_ptr=dcl_av_info_ptr}:dcl_type_vars] [{av_info_ptr=icl_av_info_ptr}:icl_type_vars] type_var_heap # type_var_heap = type_var_heap <:= (icl_av_info_ptr, AVI_AttrVar dcl_av_info_ptr) <:= (dcl_av_info_ptr, AVI_AttrVar icl_av_info_ptr) = initialyseAttributeVars dcl_type_vars icl_type_vars type_var_heap initialyseAttributeVars [{av_info_ptr}:dcl_type_vars] [] type_var_heap = initialyseAttributeVars dcl_type_vars [] (type_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)); initialyseAttributeVars [] [{av_info_ptr}:icl_type_vars] type_var_heap = initialyseAttributeVars [] icl_type_vars (type_var_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)); initialyseAttributeVars [] [] type_var_heap = type_var_heap :: TypesCorrespondState = { tc_type_vars :: !.HeapWithNumber TypeVarInfo , tc_attr_vars :: !.HeapWithNumber AttrVarInfo , tc_strictness_flags :: !Int } AllowFirstMoreStrictness:==1; FirstHasMoreStrictness:==2; :: TypesCorrespondMonad :== *TypesCorrespondState -> *(!Bool, !*TypesCorrespondState) :: ExpressionsCorrespondState = { ec_icl_correspondences :: !.{# Int }, ec_dcl_correspondences :: !.{# Int } , ec_var_heap :: !.HeapWithNumber VarInfo , ec_expr_heap :: !.ExpressionHeap , ec_icl_functions :: !.{#FunDef} , ec_macro_defs :: !.{#.{#FunDef}} , ec_error_admin :: !.ErrorAdmin , ec_tc_state :: !.TypesCorrespondState , ec_main_dcl_module_n :: !Int } :: ExpressionsCorrespondMonad :== *ExpressionsCorrespondState -> *ExpressionsCorrespondState :: Conversions :== {#Index} :: HeapWithNumber a = { hwn_heap :: !.Heap a , hwn_number :: !Int } :: OptionalCorrespondenceNumber = CorrespondenceNumber !Int | Unbound :: ComparisionErrorCode :== Int // arg n not ok: n CEC_ResultNotOK :== 0 CEC_Ok :== -1 CEC_NrArgsNotOk :== -2 CEC_StrictnessOfArgsNotOk :== -3 CEC_ContextNotOK :== -4 CEC_AttrEnvNotOK :== -5 class t_corresponds a :: !a !a -> *TypesCorrespondMonad // whether two types correspond class e_corresponds a :: !a !a -> ExpressionsCorrespondMonad // check for correspondence of expressions class getIdentPos a :: a -> IdentPos class CorrespondenceNumber a where toCorrespondenceNumber :: .a -> OptionalCorrespondenceNumber fromCorrespondenceNumber :: Int -> .a initial_hwn hwn_heap = { hwn_heap = hwn_heap, hwn_number = 0 } compareDefImp :: !Int !DclModule !(Optional {#Index}) !CopiedDefinitions !Int !*IclModule !*{#*{#FunDef}} !*Heaps !*ErrorAdmin -> (!.IclModule,!.{#.{#FunDef}},!.Heaps,!.ErrorAdmin) compareDefImp main_dcl_module_n main_dcl_module No _ n_exported_global_functions icl_module macro_defs heaps error_admin = (icl_module, macro_defs,heaps, error_admin) compareDefImp main_dcl_module_n main_dcl_module (Yes macro_conversion_table) {copied_type_defs,copied_class_defs,copied_generic_defs} n_exported_global_functions icl_module macro_defs heaps error_admin // | Trace_array icl_module.icl_functions // && Trace_array macro_defs.[main_dcl_module_n] # {dcl_functions,dcl_macros,dcl_common} = main_dcl_module {icl_common, icl_functions} = icl_module {hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps={th_vars, th_attrs}} = heaps { com_cons_defs=icl_com_cons_defs, com_type_defs = icl_com_type_defs, com_selector_defs=icl_com_selector_defs, com_class_defs = icl_com_class_defs, com_member_defs=icl_com_member_defs, com_instance_defs = icl_com_instance_defs, com_generic_defs=icl_com_generic_defs} = icl_common comp_st = { comp_type_var_heap = th_vars , comp_attr_var_heap = th_attrs , comp_error = error_admin } (icl_com_type_defs, icl_com_cons_defs, comp_st) = compareTypeDefs main_dcl_module.dcl_sizes copied_type_defs dcl_common.com_type_defs dcl_common.com_cons_defs icl_com_type_defs icl_com_cons_defs comp_st (icl_com_class_defs, icl_com_member_defs, comp_st) = compareClassDefs main_dcl_module.dcl_sizes copied_class_defs dcl_common.com_class_defs dcl_common.com_member_defs icl_com_class_defs icl_com_member_defs comp_st (icl_com_instance_defs, icl_functions, comp_st) = compareInstanceDefs main_dcl_module.dcl_sizes dcl_common.com_instance_defs icl_com_instance_defs icl_functions comp_st (icl_com_generic_defs, comp_st) = compareGenericDefs main_dcl_module.dcl_sizes copied_generic_defs dcl_common.com_generic_defs icl_com_generic_defs comp_st { comp_type_var_heap = th_vars, comp_attr_var_heap = th_attrs, comp_error = error_admin } = comp_st tc_state = { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn th_vars , tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn th_attrs , tc_strictness_flags = 0 } (icl_functions, macro_defs, hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap, tc_state, error_admin) = compareMacrosWithConversion main_dcl_module_n macro_conversion_table dcl_macros icl_functions macro_defs hp_var_heap hp_expression_heap tc_state error_admin (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin) = compareFunctionTypes n_exported_global_functions dcl_functions icl_functions tc_state error_admin { tc_type_vars, tc_attr_vars } = tc_state icl_common = { icl_common & com_cons_defs=icl_com_cons_defs, com_type_defs = icl_com_type_defs, com_selector_defs=icl_com_selector_defs, com_class_defs=icl_com_class_defs, com_member_defs=icl_com_member_defs, com_instance_defs = icl_com_instance_defs, com_generic_defs=icl_com_generic_defs } heaps = { heaps & hp_var_heap = hp_var_heap, hp_expression_heap = hp_expression_heap, hp_type_heaps = { th_vars = tc_type_vars.hwn_heap, th_attrs = tc_attr_vars.hwn_heap}} = ({ icl_module & icl_common = icl_common, icl_functions = icl_functions },macro_defs,heaps, error_admin ) compareFunctionTypes n_exported_global_functions dcl_fun_types icl_functions tc_state error_admin = iFoldSt (compareTwoFunctionTypes dcl_fun_types) 0 n_exported_global_functions (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin) compareTwoFunctionTypes :: !{#FunType} !Int !*(!u:{#FunDef},!*TypesCorrespondState,!*ErrorAdmin) -> (!v:{#FunDef},!.TypesCorrespondState,!.ErrorAdmin) , [u <= v] compareTwoFunctionTypes dcl_fun_types dclIndex (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin) # (fun_def=:{fun_type, fun_priority}, icl_functions) = icl_functions![dclIndex] = case fun_type of No -> generate_error "type of exported function is missing" fun_def icl_functions tc_state error_admin Yes icl_symbol_type # {ft_type=dcl_symbol_type, ft_priority,ft_ident} = dcl_fun_types.[dclIndex] # tc_state = init_symbol_type_vars dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state (corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds dcl_symbol_type icl_symbol_type tc_state | corresponds && fun_priority==ft_priority -> (icl_functions, tc_state, error_admin) -> generate_error ErrorMessage fun_def icl_functions tc_state error_admin compare_specified_and_derived_instance_types :: !SymbolType !SymbolType !*TypeHeaps -> (!ComparisionErrorCode, !*TypeHeaps) compare_specified_and_derived_instance_types specified_instance_type derived_symbol_type type_heaps=:{th_vars, th_attrs} | length specified_instance_type.st_args<>length derived_symbol_type.st_args = (CEC_NrArgsNotOk, type_heaps) # tc_state = { tc_type_vars = initial_hwn th_vars , tc_attr_vars = initial_hwn th_attrs , tc_strictness_flags = AllowFirstMoreStrictness } tc_state = init_symbol_type_vars specified_instance_type derived_symbol_type tc_state (correspond_list, tc_state) = map2St t_corresponds [specified_instance_type.st_result:specified_instance_type.st_args] [derived_symbol_type.st_result:derived_symbol_type.st_args] tc_state err_code = firstIndex not correspond_list | err_code<>CEC_Ok = (err_code, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state) # (arg_strictness_corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds specified_instance_type.st_args_strictness derived_symbol_type.st_args_strictness tc_state | not arg_strictness_corresponds = (CEC_StrictnessOfArgsNotOk, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state) # (context_corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds specified_instance_type.st_context derived_symbol_type.st_context tc_state | not context_corresponds = (CEC_ContextNotOK, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state) # (attr_env_corresponds, tc_state) = t_corresponds specified_instance_type.st_attr_env derived_symbol_type.st_attr_env tc_state | not attr_env_corresponds = (CEC_AttrEnvNotOK, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state) | tc_state.tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0 = (CEC_OkWithFirstMoreStrictness, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state) = (CEC_Ok, tc_state_to_type_heaps tc_state) where tc_state_to_type_heaps {tc_type_vars, tc_attr_vars} = { th_vars = tc_type_vars.hwn_heap, th_attrs = tc_attr_vars.hwn_heap} init_symbol_type_vars symbol_type_1 symbol_type_2 tc_state # tc_state = init_attr_vars symbol_type_1.st_attr_vars symbol_type_2.st_attr_vars tc_state tc_state = init_type_vars symbol_type_1.st_vars symbol_type_2.st_vars tc_state = tc_state init_type_vars type_vars1 type_vars2 tc_state=:{tc_type_vars=tc_type_vars=:{hwn_heap}} # hwn_heap = foldSt init_type_var type_vars1 hwn_heap # hwn_heap = foldSt init_type_var type_vars2 hwn_heap = { tc_state & tc_type_vars = {tc_type_vars & hwn_heap = hwn_heap}} where init_type_var {tv_info_ptr} heap = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty heap generate_error message iclDef iclDefs tc_state error_admin # ident_pos = getIdentPos iclDef error_admin = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos error_admin error_admin = checkError ident_pos.ip_ident message error_admin = (iclDefs, tc_state, popErrorAdmin error_admin) compareMacrosWithConversion main_dcl_module_n conversions macro_range icl_functions macro_defs var_heap expr_heap tc_state error_admin #! n_icl_functions = size icl_functions #! n_dcl_macros_and_functions = size macro_defs.[main_dcl_module_n] # ec_state = { ec_icl_correspondences = createArray n_icl_functions cNoCorrespondence, ec_dcl_correspondences = createArray n_dcl_macros_and_functions cNoCorrespondence, ec_var_heap = initial_hwn var_heap, ec_expr_heap = expr_heap, ec_icl_functions = icl_functions,ec_macro_defs=macro_defs, ec_error_admin = error_admin, ec_tc_state = tc_state, ec_main_dcl_module_n = main_dcl_module_n } ec_state = iFoldSt (compareMacroWithConversion conversions macro_range.ir_from) macro_range.ir_from macro_range.ir_to ec_state with compareMacroWithConversion conversions ir_from dclIndex ec_state=:{ec_main_dcl_module_n} = compareTwoMacroFuns ec_main_dcl_module_n dclIndex conversions.[dclIndex-ir_from] ec_state {ec_icl_functions,ec_macro_defs,ec_var_heap, ec_expr_heap, ec_error_admin, ec_tc_state} = ec_state = (ec_icl_functions,ec_macro_defs, ec_var_heap.hwn_heap, ec_expr_heap, ec_tc_state, ec_error_admin) compareTwoMacroFuns :: !Int !Int !Int !*ExpressionsCorrespondState -> .ExpressionsCorrespondState; compareTwoMacroFuns macro_module_index dclIndex iclIndex ec_state=:{ec_icl_functions,ec_macro_defs,ec_main_dcl_module_n} | macro_module_index<>ec_main_dcl_module_n # (dcl_function,ec_macro_defs) = ec_macro_defs![macro_module_index,dclIndex] = { ec_state & ec_macro_defs=ec_macro_defs,ec_error_admin = checkErrorWithIdentPos (getIdentPos dcl_function) ErrorMessage ec_state.ec_error_admin } | iclIndex==NoIndex = ec_state # (dcl_function, ec_macro_defs) = ec_macro_defs![macro_module_index,dclIndex] (icl_function, ec_icl_functions) = ec_icl_functions![iclIndex] ec_state = { ec_state & ec_icl_correspondences.[iclIndex]=dclIndex, ec_dcl_correspondences.[dclIndex]=iclIndex, ec_icl_functions = ec_icl_functions,ec_macro_defs=ec_macro_defs } need_to_be_compared = case (dcl_function.fun_body, icl_function.fun_body) of (TransformedBody _, CheckedBody _) // the macro definition in the icl module is not used, so we don't need to compare -> False _ -> True | not need_to_be_compared = ec_state # ident_pos = getIdentPos dcl_function ec_error_admin = pushErrorAdmin ident_pos ec_state.ec_error_admin ec_state = { ec_state & ec_error_admin = ec_error_admin } | dcl_function.fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_IsMacroFun <> icl_function.fun_info.fi_properties bitand FI_IsMacroFun || dcl_function.fun_priority<>icl_function.fun_priority # ec_state = give_error dcl_function.fun_ident ec_state = { ec_state & ec_error_admin = popErrorAdmin ec_state.ec_error_admin } # ec_state = e_corresponds dcl_function.fun_body icl_function.fun_body ec_state = { ec_state & ec_error_admin = popErrorAdmin ec_state.ec_error_admin } instance getIdentPos (TypeDef a) where getIdentPos {td_ident, td_pos} = newPosition td_ident td_pos instance getIdentPos ConsDef where getIdentPos {cons_ident, cons_pos} = newPosition cons_ident cons_pos instance getIdentPos SelectorDef where getIdentPos {sd_ident, sd_pos} = newPosition sd_ident sd_pos instance getIdentPos ClassDef where getIdentPos {class_ident, class_pos} = newPosition class_ident class_pos instance getIdentPos MemberDef where getIdentPos {me_ident, me_pos} = newPosition me_ident me_pos instance getIdentPos ClassInstance where getIdentPos {ins_ident, ins_pos} = newPosition ins_ident ins_pos instance getIdentPos FunDef where getIdentPos {fun_ident, fun_pos} = newPosition fun_ident fun_pos instance CorrespondenceNumber VarInfo where toCorrespondenceNumber (VI_CorrespondenceNumber number) = CorrespondenceNumber number toCorrespondenceNumber _ // VarInfoPtrs are not initialized in this module. This doesnt harm because VI_CorrespondenceNumber should // not be used outside this module = Unbound fromCorrespondenceNumber number = VI_CorrespondenceNumber number instance CorrespondenceNumber TypeVarInfo where toCorrespondenceNumber (TVI_CorrespondenceNumber number) = CorrespondenceNumber number toCorrespondenceNumber TVI_Empty = Unbound fromCorrespondenceNumber number = TVI_CorrespondenceNumber number instance CorrespondenceNumber AttrVarInfo where toCorrespondenceNumber (AVI_CorrespondenceNumber number) = CorrespondenceNumber number toCorrespondenceNumber AVI_Empty = Unbound fromCorrespondenceNumber number = AVI_CorrespondenceNumber number assignCorrespondenceNumber ptr1 ptr2 {hwn_heap, hwn_number} = let var_info = fromCorrespondenceNumber hwn_number in { hwn_heap = writePtr ptr1 var_info (writePtr ptr2 var_info hwn_heap) , hwn_number = hwn_number + 1 } tryToUnifyVars ptr1 ptr2 heapWithNumber #! info1 = sreadPtr ptr1 heapWithNumber.hwn_heap info2 = sreadPtr ptr2 heapWithNumber.hwn_heap = case (toCorrespondenceNumber info1, toCorrespondenceNumber info2) of (CorrespondenceNumber number1, CorrespondenceNumber number2) -> (number1==number2, heapWithNumber) (Unbound, Unbound) -> (True, assignCorrespondenceNumber ptr1 ptr2 heapWithNumber) _ -> (False, heapWithNumber) instance t_corresponds [a] | t_corresponds a where t_corresponds [] [] = return True t_corresponds [dclDef:dclDefs] [iclDef:iclDefs] = t_corresponds dclDef iclDef &&& t_corresponds dclDefs iclDefs t_corresponds _ _ = return False instance t_corresponds (a, b) | t_corresponds a & t_corresponds b where t_corresponds (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = t_corresponds a1 a2 &&& t_corresponds b1 b2 instance t_corresponds {# a} | t_corresponds a & Array {#} a where t_corresponds dclArray iclArray # size_dclArray = size dclArray | size_dclArray<>size iclArray = return False = loop (size_dclArray-1) dclArray iclArray where loop :: !Int !{# a} !{# a} -> *TypesCorrespondMonad | t_corresponds a & Array {#} a loop i dclArray iclArray | i<0 = return True = t_corresponds dclArray.[i] iclArray.[i] &&& loop (i-1) dclArray iclArray instance t_corresponds (Optional a) | t_corresponds a where t_corresponds No No = return True t_corresponds (Yes dclYes) (Yes iclYes) = t_corresponds dclYes iclYes t_corresponds _ _ = return False instance t_corresponds (Global DefinedSymbol) where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds dclDef.glob_object iclDef.glob_object &&& equal dclDef.glob_module iclDef.glob_module instance t_corresponds (TypeDef TypeRhs) where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds_TypeDef dclDef iclDef where t_corresponds_TypeDef dclDef iclDef tc_state # tc_state = init_attr_vars dclDef.td_attrs iclDef.td_attrs tc_state tc_state = init_atype_vars dclDef.td_args iclDef.td_args tc_state = t_corresponds (dclDef.td_args, (dclDef.TypeDef.td_rhs, dclDef.td_attribute)) (iclDef.td_args, (iclDef.TypeDef.td_rhs, iclDef.td_attribute)) tc_state instance t_corresponds TypeContext where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds dclDef.tc_class iclDef.tc_class &&& t_corresponds dclDef.tc_types iclDef.tc_types instance t_corresponds TCClass where t_corresponds (TCClass class1) (TCClass class2) = t_corresponds class1 class2 t_corresponds (TCGeneric {gtc_generic=gen1, gtc_kind=kind1}) (TCGeneric {gtc_generic=gen2, gtc_kind=kind2}) = t_corresponds gen1 gen2 &&& equal kind1 kind2 t_corresponds _ _ = return False instance t_corresponds DefinedSymbol where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = equal dclDef.ds_ident iclDef.ds_ident instance t_corresponds ATypeVar where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds dclDef.atv_attribute iclDef.atv_attribute &&& t_corresponds dclDef.atv_variable iclDef.atv_variable instance t_corresponds Annotation where t_corresponds dcl_annotation icl_annotation = t_corresponds` dcl_annotation icl_annotation where t_corresponds` AN_Strict AN_Strict tc_state = (True, tc_state) t_corresponds` AN_Strict AN_None tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags} | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0 = (False,tc_state) | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0 = (True,tc_state) # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness} = (True,tc_state) t_corresponds` AN_None AN_None tc_state = (True, tc_state) t_corresponds` AN_None AN_Strict tc_state = (False, tc_state) instance t_corresponds StrictnessList where t_corresponds dcl_strictness icl_strictness = t_corresponds` dcl_strictness icl_strictness where t_corresponds` dcl_strictness icl_strictness tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags} | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0 = (equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness, tc_state) | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0 = (more_or_equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness, tc_state) | equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness = (True,tc_state) | more_or_equal_strictness_lists dcl_strictness icl_strictness # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness} = (True,tc_state) = (False,tc_state) instance t_corresponds AType where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds dclDef.at_attribute iclDef.at_attribute &&& t_corresponds dclDef.at_type iclDef.at_type instance t_corresponds TypeAttribute where t_corresponds TA_Unique TA_Unique = return True t_corresponds TA_Multi icl = case icl of TA_Multi-> return True TA_None -> return True _ -> return False t_corresponds (TA_Var dclDef) (TA_Var iclDef) = t_corresponds dclDef iclDef t_corresponds (TA_RootVar dclDef) (TA_RootVar iclDef) = t_corresponds dclDef iclDef t_corresponds TA_None icl = case icl of TA_Multi-> return True TA_None -> return True _ -> return False t_corresponds _ _ = return False instance t_corresponds AttributeVar where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = corresponds` dclDef iclDef where corresponds` dclDef iclDef tc_state=:{tc_attr_vars} # (unifiable, tc_attr_vars) = tryToUnifyVars dclDef.av_info_ptr iclDef.av_info_ptr tc_attr_vars = (unifiable, { tc_state & tc_attr_vars = tc_attr_vars }) instance t_corresponds Type where t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) (TA iclIdent iclArgs) = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident &&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module &&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs t_corresponds (TA dclIdent dclArgs) (TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness) = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident &&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module &&& return (is_not_strict iclStrictness) &&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) (TA iclIdent iclArgs) = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident &&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module &&& compare_strictness dclStrictness &&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs where compare_strictness dclStrictness tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags} | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0 = (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness NotStrict, tc_state) | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0 || equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness NotStrict = (True, tc_state) # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness} = (True, tc_state) t_corresponds (TAS dclIdent dclArgs dclStrictness) (TAS iclIdent iclArgs iclStrictness) = equal dclIdent.type_ident iclIdent.type_ident &&& equal dclIdent.type_index.glob_module iclIdent.type_index.glob_module &&& compare_strictness dclStrictness iclStrictness &&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs where compare_strictness dclStrictness iclStrictness tc_state=:{tc_strictness_flags} | tc_strictness_flags bitand AllowFirstMoreStrictness==0 = (equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness, tc_state) | tc_strictness_flags bitand FirstHasMoreStrictness<>0 = (more_or_equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness, tc_state) | equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness = (True, tc_state) | more_or_equal_strictness_lists dclStrictness iclStrictness # tc_state = {tc_state & tc_strictness_flags = tc_strictness_flags bitor FirstHasMoreStrictness} = (True, tc_state) = (False, tc_state) t_corresponds (dclFun --> dclArg) (iclFun --> iclArg) = t_corresponds dclFun iclFun &&& t_corresponds dclArg iclArg t_corresponds (dclVar :@: dclArgs) (iclVar :@: iclArgs) = t_corresponds dclVar iclVar &&& t_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs t_corresponds (TB dclDef) (TB iclDef) = equal dclDef iclDef t_corresponds (TV dclDef) (TV iclDef) = t_corresponds dclDef iclDef t_corresponds (GTV dclDef) (GTV iclDef) = t_corresponds dclDef iclDef t_corresponds (TFA dclVars dclType) (TFA iclVars iclType) = do (init_atype_vars dclVars iclVars) &&& t_corresponds dclType iclType t_corresponds (TFAC dclVars dclType dclContexts) (TFAC iclVars iclType iclContexts) = do (init_atype_vars dclVars iclVars) &&& t_corresponds dclType iclType &&& t_corresponds dclContexts iclContexts t_corresponds _ _ = return False instance t_corresponds ConsVariable where t_corresponds (CV dclVar) (CV iclVar) = t_corresponds dclVar iclVar instance t_corresponds TypeVar where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = corresponds_TypeVar dclDef iclDef where corresponds_TypeVar dclDef iclDef tc_state=:{tc_type_vars} # (unifiable, tc_type_vars) = tryToUnifyVars dclDef.tv_info_ptr iclDef.tv_info_ptr tc_type_vars = (unifiable, { tc_state & tc_type_vars = tc_type_vars }) instance t_corresponds TypeRhs where t_corresponds (AlgType dclConstructors) (AlgType iclConstructors) = t_corresponds dclConstructors iclConstructors t_corresponds (SynType dclType) (SynType iclType) = t_corresponds dclType iclType t_corresponds (RecordType dclRecord) (RecordType iclRecord) = t_corresponds dclRecord iclRecord t_corresponds (AbstractType _) (NewType _) = return False t_corresponds (AbstractType _) _ = return True t_corresponds (AbstractSynType _ dclType) (SynType iclType) = t_corresponds dclType iclType t_corresponds (NewType dclConstructor) (NewType iclConstructor) = t_corresponds dclConstructor iclConstructor // sanity check ... t_corresponds UnknownType _ = undef // <<- "t_corresponds (TypeRhs): dclDef == UnknownType" t_corresponds _ UnknownType = undef // <<- "t_corresponds (TypeRhs): iclDef == UnknownType" // ... sanity check t_corresponds _ _ = return False instance t_corresponds Bool where t_corresponds b1 b2 = return (b1==b2) instance t_corresponds RecordType where t_corresponds dclRecord iclRecord = t_corresponds dclRecord.rt_constructor dclRecord.rt_constructor &&& t_corresponds dclRecord.rt_is_boxed_record dclRecord.rt_is_boxed_record &&& t_corresponds dclRecord.rt_fields iclRecord.rt_fields instance t_corresponds FieldSymbol where t_corresponds dclField iclField = equal dclField.fs_ident iclField.fs_ident instance t_corresponds ConsDef where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = do (init_atype_vars dclDef.cons_exi_vars iclDef.cons_exi_vars) &&& t_corresponds dclDef.cons_type iclDef.cons_type &&& equal dclDef.cons_ident iclDef.cons_ident &&& equal dclDef.cons_priority iclDef.cons_priority instance t_corresponds SelectorDef where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = do (init_atype_vars dclDef.sd_exi_vars iclDef.sd_exi_vars) &&& t_corresponds dclDef.sd_type iclDef.sd_type &&& equal dclDef.sd_field_nr iclDef.sd_field_nr init_atype_vars atype_vars1 atype_vars2 tc_state=:{tc_type_vars=tc_type_vars=:{hwn_heap}} # hwn_heap = foldSt init_type_var atype_vars1 hwn_heap # hwn_heap = foldSt init_type_var atype_vars2 hwn_heap = {tc_state & tc_type_vars = {tc_type_vars & hwn_heap = hwn_heap}} where init_type_var {atv_variable} type_heap = writePtr atv_variable.tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty type_heap instance t_corresponds SymbolType where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds dclDef.st_args iclDef.st_args &&& t_corresponds dclDef.st_args_strictness iclDef.st_args_strictness &&& t_corresponds dclDef.st_result iclDef.st_result &&& t_corresponds dclDef.st_context iclDef.st_context &&& t_corresponds dclDef.st_attr_env iclDef.st_attr_env instance t_corresponds AttrInequality where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds dclDef.ai_demanded iclDef.ai_demanded &&& t_corresponds dclDef.ai_offered iclDef.ai_offered instance t_corresponds ClassDef where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = do (init_type_vars dclDef.class_args iclDef.class_args) &&& equal dclDef.class_ident iclDef.class_ident &&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_args iclDef.class_args &&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_context iclDef.class_context &&& t_corresponds dclDef.class_members iclDef.class_members instance t_corresponds MemberDef where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = do (init_type_vars dclDef.me_type.st_vars iclDef.me_type.st_vars) &&& do (init_attr_vars dclDef.me_type.st_attr_vars iclDef.me_type.st_attr_vars) &&& equal dclDef.me_ident iclDef.me_ident &&& equal dclDef.me_offset iclDef.me_offset &&& equal dclDef.me_priority iclDef.me_priority &&& t_corresponds dclDef.me_type iclDef.me_type instance t_corresponds DynamicType where t_corresponds dclDef iclDef = t_corresponds dclDef.dt_type iclDef.dt_type instance e_corresponds (Optional a) | e_corresponds a where e_corresponds No No = do_nothing e_corresponds (Yes dclYes) (Yes iclYes) = e_corresponds dclYes iclYes e_corresponds _ _ = give_error "" instance e_corresponds (a, b) | e_corresponds a & e_corresponds b where e_corresponds (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = (e_corresponds a1 a2) o` (e_corresponds b1 b2) instance e_corresponds [a] | e_corresponds a where e_corresponds [] [] = do_nothing e_corresponds [dclDef:dclDefs] [iclDef:iclDefs] = e_corresponds dclDef iclDef o` e_corresponds dclDefs iclDefs e_corresponds _ _ = give_error "" instance e_corresponds (Global a) | e_corresponds a where e_corresponds dclDef iclDef = equal2 dclDef.glob_module iclDef.glob_module o` e_corresponds dclDef.glob_object iclDef.glob_object instance e_corresponds DefinedSymbol where e_corresponds dclDef iclDef = equal2 dclDef.ds_ident iclDef.ds_ident instance e_corresponds FunctionBody where // both bodies are either CheckedBodies or TransformedBodies e_corresponds dclDef iclDef = e_corresponds (from_body dclDef) (from_body iclDef) where from_body (TransformedBody {tb_args, tb_rhs}) = (tb_args, [tb_rhs]) from_body (CheckedBody {cb_args, cb_rhs}) = (cb_args, [ca_rhs \\ {ca_rhs} <- cb_rhs]) instance e_corresponds FreeVar where e_corresponds dclVar iclVar = e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr iclVar.fv_ident dclVar.fv_info_ptr iclVar.fv_info_ptr instance e_corresponds Expression where // the following alternatives don't occur anymore: Lambda, Conditional, WildCard e_corresponds (Var dcl) (Var icl) = e_corresponds dcl icl e_corresponds (App dcl_app) (App icl_app) = e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app.app_symb icl_app.app_symb o` e_corresponds dcl_app.app_args icl_app.app_args e_corresponds (dclFun @ dclArgs) (iclFun @ iclArgs) = e_corresponds dclFun iclFun o` e_corresponds dclArgs iclArgs e_corresponds (Let dcl) (Let icl) = e_corresponds dcl icl e_corresponds (Case dcl) (Case icl) = e_corresponds dcl icl e_corresponds (Selection dcl_is_unique dcl_expr dcl_selections) (Selection icl_is_unique icl_expr icl_selections) | not (equal_constructor dcl_is_unique icl_is_unique) = give_error "" = e_corresponds dcl_expr icl_expr o` e_corresponds dcl_selections icl_selections e_corresponds (Update dcl_expr_1 dcl_selections dcl_expr_2) (Update icl_expr_1 icl_selections icl_expr_2) = e_corresponds dcl_expr_1 icl_expr_1 o` e_corresponds dcl_selections icl_selections o` e_corresponds dcl_expr_2 icl_expr_2 e_corresponds (RecordUpdate dcl_type dcl_expr dcl_selections) (RecordUpdate icl_type icl_expr icl_selections) = e_corresponds dcl_type icl_type o` e_corresponds dcl_expr icl_expr o` e_corresponds dcl_selections icl_selections e_corresponds (TupleSelect dcl_ds dcl_field_nr dcl_expr) (TupleSelect icl_ds icl_field_nr icl_expr) = e_corresponds dcl_ds icl_ds o` equal2 dcl_field_nr icl_field_nr o` e_corresponds dcl_expr icl_expr e_corresponds (BasicExpr dcl_value) (BasicExpr icl_value) = equal2 dcl_value icl_value e_corresponds (AnyCodeExpr dcl_ins dcl_outs dcl_code_sequence) (AnyCodeExpr icl_ins icl_outs icl_code_sequence) = e_corresponds dcl_ins icl_ins o` e_corresponds dcl_outs icl_outs o` equal2 dcl_code_sequence icl_code_sequence e_corresponds (ABCCodeExpr dcl_lines dcl_do_inline) (ABCCodeExpr icl_lines icl_do_inline) = equal2 dcl_lines icl_lines o` equal2 dcl_do_inline icl_do_inline e_corresponds (MatchExpr dcl_cons_symbol dcl_src_expr) (MatchExpr icl_cons_symbol icl_src_expr) = e_corresponds dcl_cons_symbol icl_cons_symbol o` e_corresponds dcl_src_expr icl_src_expr e_corresponds (FreeVar dcl) (FreeVar icl) = e_corresponds dcl icl e_corresponds (DynamicExpr dcl) (DynamicExpr icl) = e_corresponds dcl icl e_corresponds (TypeCodeExpression dcl) (TypeCodeExpression icl) = e_corresponds dcl icl e_corresponds EE EE = do_nothing e_corresponds (NoBind _) (NoBind _) = do_nothing e_corresponds _ _ = give_error "" instance e_corresponds Let where e_corresponds dclLet iclLet = e_corresponds dclLet.let_strict_binds iclLet.let_strict_binds o` e_corresponds dclLet.let_lazy_binds iclLet.let_lazy_binds o` e_corresponds dclLet.let_expr iclLet.let_expr instance e_corresponds LetBind where e_corresponds dcl icl = e_corresponds dcl.lb_src icl.lb_src o` e_corresponds dcl.lb_dst icl.lb_dst instance e_corresponds (Bind a b) | e_corresponds a & e_corresponds b where e_corresponds dcl icl = e_corresponds dcl.bind_src icl.bind_src o` e_corresponds dcl.bind_dst icl.bind_dst instance e_corresponds Case where e_corresponds dclCase iclCase = e_corresponds dclCase.case_expr iclCase.case_expr o` e_corresponds dclCase.case_guards iclCase.case_guards o` e_corresponds dclCase.case_default iclCase.case_default instance e_corresponds CasePatterns where e_corresponds (AlgebraicPatterns dcl_alg_type dcl_patterns) (AlgebraicPatterns icl_alg_type icl_patterns) = e_corresponds dcl_patterns icl_patterns e_corresponds (BasicPatterns dcl_basic_type dcl_patterns) (BasicPatterns icl_basic_type icl_patterns) = equal2 dcl_basic_type icl_basic_type o` e_corresponds dcl_patterns icl_patterns e_corresponds (NewTypePatterns _ dcl_patterns) (NewTypePatterns _ icl_patterns) = e_corresponds dcl_patterns icl_patterns e_corresponds (OverloadedListPatterns dcl_alg_type _ dcl_patterns) (OverloadedListPatterns icl_alg_type _ icl_patterns) = e_corresponds dcl_patterns icl_patterns e_corresponds (DynamicPatterns dcl_patterns) (DynamicPatterns icl_patterns) = e_corresponds dcl_patterns icl_patterns e_corresponds NoPattern NoPattern = do_nothing e_corresponds _ _ = give_error "" instance e_corresponds AlgebraicPattern where e_corresponds dcl icl = e_corresponds dcl.ap_symbol icl.ap_symbol o` e_corresponds dcl.ap_vars icl.ap_vars o` e_corresponds dcl.ap_expr icl.ap_expr instance e_corresponds BasicPattern where e_corresponds dcl icl = equal2 dcl.bp_value icl.bp_value o` e_corresponds dcl.bp_expr icl.bp_expr instance e_corresponds DynamicPattern where e_corresponds dcl icl = e_corresponds dcl.dp_var icl.dp_var o` e_corresponds dcl.dp_rhs icl.dp_rhs o` e_corresponds_dp_type dcl.dp_type icl.dp_type where e_corresponds_dp_type dcl_expr_ptr icl_expr_ptr ec_state=:{ec_expr_heap, ec_tc_state} # (dcl_type, ec_expr_heap) = readPtr dcl_expr_ptr ec_expr_heap (icl_type, ec_expr_heap) = readPtr icl_expr_ptr ec_expr_heap # (EI_DynamicTypeWithVars _ dcl_dyn_type _) = dcl_type (EI_DynamicTypeWithVars _ icl_dyn_type _) = icl_type (corresponds, ec_tc_state) = t_corresponds dcl_dyn_type icl_dyn_type ec_tc_state ec_state = { ec_state & ec_tc_state = ec_tc_state, ec_expr_heap = ec_expr_heap } | corresponds = ec_state = give_error "" ec_state instance e_corresponds Selection where e_corresponds (RecordSelection dcl_selector dcl_field_nr) (RecordSelection icl_selector icl_field_nr) = e_corresponds dcl_selector icl_selector o` equal2 dcl_field_nr icl_field_nr e_corresponds (ArraySelection dcl_selector _ dcl_index_expr) (ArraySelection icl_selector _ icl_index_expr) = e_corresponds dcl_selector icl_selector o` e_corresponds dcl_index_expr icl_index_expr e_corresponds (DictionarySelection dcl_dict_var dcl_selections _ dcl_index_expr) (DictionarySelection icl_dict_var icl_selections _ icl_index_expr) = e_corresponds dcl_dict_var icl_dict_var o` e_corresponds dcl_selections icl_selections o` e_corresponds dcl_index_expr icl_index_expr instance e_corresponds DynamicExpr where e_corresponds dcl icl = e_corresponds_dyn_opt_type dcl.dyn_opt_type icl.dyn_opt_type o` e_corresponds dcl.dyn_expr icl.dyn_expr where e_corresponds_dyn_opt_type dcl icl ec_state # (corresponds, ec_tc_state) = t_corresponds dcl icl ec_state.ec_tc_state ec_state = { ec_state & ec_tc_state = ec_tc_state } | corresponds = ec_state = give_error "" ec_state instance e_corresponds TypeCodeExpression where e_corresponds TCE_Empty TCE_Empty = do_nothing e_corresponds _ _ = abort "comparedefimp:e_corresponds (TypeCodeExpression): currently only TCE_Empty can appear" instance e_corresponds {#Char} where e_corresponds s1 s2 = equal2 s1 s2 instance e_corresponds BoundVar where e_corresponds dcl icl = e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr icl.var_ident dcl.var_info_ptr icl.var_info_ptr instance e_corresponds FieldSymbol where e_corresponds dclField iclField = equal2 dclField.fs_ident iclField.fs_ident e_corresponds_VarInfoPtr ident dclPtr iclPtr ec_state=:{ec_var_heap} # (unifiable, ec_var_heap) = tryToUnifyVars dclPtr iclPtr ec_var_heap ec_state = { ec_state & ec_var_heap = ec_var_heap } | not unifiable = { ec_state & ec_error_admin = checkError ident ErrorMessage ec_state.ec_error_admin } = ec_state /* e_corresponds_app_symb checks correspondence of the function symbols in an App expression. The problem: also different symbols can correspond with each other, because for macros all local functions (also lambda functions) will be generated twice. */ e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident, symb_kind=SK_Function dcl_glob_index} {symb_kind=SK_Function icl_glob_index} ec_state #! main_dcl_module_n = ec_state.ec_main_dcl_module_n | dcl_glob_index.glob_module==main_dcl_module_n && icl_glob_index.glob_module==main_dcl_module_n | dcl_glob_index.glob_object<>icl_glob_index.glob_object = give_error symb_ident ec_state = ec_state | dcl_glob_index<>icl_glob_index = give_error symb_ident ec_state = ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident, symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction dcl_glob_index} {symb_kind=SK_OverloadedFunction icl_glob_index} ec_state | dcl_glob_index<>icl_glob_index = give_error symb_ident ec_state = ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident, symb_kind=SK_Generic dcl_glob_index dcl_kind} {symb_kind=SK_Generic icl_glob_index icl_kind} ec_state | dcl_glob_index<>icl_glob_index || dcl_kind <> icl_kind = give_error symb_ident ec_state = ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_DclMacro dcl_glob_index} icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_IclMacro icl_index} ec_state = continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_macros dcl_app_symb dcl_glob_index.glob_module dcl_glob_index.glob_object icl_app_symb icl_index ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident,symb_kind=SK_DclMacro dcl_glob_index} {symb_kind=SK_DclMacro icl_glob_index} ec_state | dcl_glob_index==icl_glob_index = ec_state = give_error symb_ident ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb dcl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_LocalDclMacroFunction dcl_glob_index} icl_app_symb=:{symb_kind=SK_LocalMacroFunction icl_index} ec_state = continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_macros dcl_app_symb dcl_glob_index.glob_module dcl_glob_index.glob_object icl_app_symb icl_index ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident=dcl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Constructor dcl_glob_index} {symb_ident=icl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_Constructor icl_glob_index} ec_state | dcl_glob_index.glob_module==icl_glob_index.glob_module && dcl_symb_name.id_name==icl_symb_name.id_name = ec_state = give_error icl_symb_name ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident=dcl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_NewTypeConstructor dcl_glob_index} {symb_ident=icl_symb_name, symb_kind=SK_NewTypeConstructor icl_glob_index} ec_state | dcl_glob_index.gi_module==icl_glob_index.gi_module && dcl_symb_name.id_name==icl_symb_name.id_name = ec_state = give_error icl_symb_name ec_state e_corresponds_app_symb {symb_ident,symb_kind} {symb_kind=symb_kind2} ec_state = give_error symb_ident ec_state continuation_for_possibly_twice_defined_macros dcl_app_symb dcl_module_index dcl_index icl_app_symb icl_index ec_state | icl_index==NoIndex = ec_state // two different functions were referenced. In case of macro functions they still could correspond | not (names_are_compatible dcl_index icl_index ec_state.ec_icl_functions ec_state.ec_macro_defs) = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_ident ec_state | dcl_module_index<>ec_state.ec_main_dcl_module_n = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_ident ec_state | ec_state.ec_dcl_correspondences.[dcl_index]==icl_index && ec_state.ec_icl_correspondences.[icl_index]==dcl_index = ec_state | ec_state.ec_dcl_correspondences.[dcl_index]==cNoCorrespondence && ec_state.ec_icl_correspondences.[icl_index]==cNoCorrespondence // going into recursion is save = compareTwoMacroFuns dcl_module_index dcl_index icl_index ec_state = give_error icl_app_symb.symb_ident ec_state where names_are_compatible :: Int Int {#FunDef} {#{#FunDef}} -> Bool; names_are_compatible dcl_index icl_index icl_functions macro_defs # dcl_function = macro_defs.[dcl_module_index,dcl_index] icl_function = icl_functions.[icl_index] dcl_name_is_loc_dependent = name_is_location_dependent dcl_function.fun_kind icl_name_is_loc_dependent = name_is_location_dependent icl_function.fun_kind = (dcl_name_is_loc_dependent==icl_name_is_loc_dependent) && (implies (not dcl_name_is_loc_dependent) (dcl_function.fun_ident.id_name==icl_function.fun_ident.id_name)) // functions that originate from e.g. lambda expressions can correspond although their names differ where name_is_location_dependent (FK_Function name_is_loc_dependent) = name_is_loc_dependent name_is_location_dependent _ = False init_attr_vars attr_vars1 attr_vars2 tc_state=:{tc_attr_vars=tc_attr_vars=:{hwn_heap}} # hwn_heap = foldSt init_attr_var attr_vars1 hwn_heap # hwn_heap = foldSt init_attr_var attr_vars2 hwn_heap = { tc_state & tc_attr_vars = { tc_attr_vars & hwn_heap = hwn_heap } } where init_attr_var {av_info_ptr} attr_heap = writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_Empty attr_heap ErrorMessage = "definition in the impl module conflicts with the def module" cNoCorrespondence :== -1 implies a b :== not a || b (==>) infix 0 // :: w:(St .s .a) v:(.a -> .(St .s .b)) -> u:(St .s .b), [u <= v, u <= w] (==>) f g :== \st0 -> let (r,st1) = f st0 in g r st1 (o`) infixr 0 (o`) f g :== \state -> g (f state) do f = \state -> (True, f state) (&&&) infixr (&&&) m1 m2 :== m1 ==> \b -> if b m2 (return False) equal a b = return (a == b) equal2 a b | a<>b = give_error "" = do_nothing do_nothing ec_state = ec_state give_error s ec_state = { ec_state & ec_error_admin = checkError s ErrorMessage ec_state.ec_error_admin } /* instance <<< Priority where (<<<) file NoPrio = file <<< "NoPrio" (<<<) file (Prio LeftAssoc i) = file <<< "Prio LeftAssoc " <<< i (<<<) file (Prio RightAssoc i) = file <<< "Prio RightAssoc " <<< i (<<<) file (Prio NoAssoc i) = file <<< "Prio NoAssoc " <<< i Trace_array a = trace_array 0 where trace_array i | i Bool; file_to_true file = code { .inline file_to_true pop_b 2 pushB TRUE .end }; */