implementation module iTasks._Framework.Tonic import iTasks._Framework.Engine import iTasks._Framework.SDS import qualified iTasks._Framework.SDS as DSDS import iTasks._Framework.IWorld import iTasks._Framework.Tonic.AbsSyn import iTasks._Framework.Tonic.Images import iTasks._Framework.Tonic.Types import iTasks._Framework.Tonic.Pretty import iTasks._Framework.TaskState import iTasks._Framework.TaskStore import iTasks._Framework.TaskEval import iTasks._Framework.Task import iTasks.API.Core.TaskCombinators import iTasks.API.Core.Tasks import iTasks.API.Core.Types import iTasks.API.Core.SDSs import iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators import iTasks.API.Common.ImportTasks import iTasks.API.Common.InteractionTasks import iTasks.API.Extensions.Admin.UserAdmin import iTasks.API.Extensions.SVG.SVGlet import iTasks.API.Extensions.Admin.WorkflowAdmin import System.File from StdFunc import o from System.FilePath import from StdMisc import undef, abort from StdFile import instance FileSystem World import StdArray import System.Directory, System.FilePath, Data.Func, Data.Functor, Data.List import qualified Data.Map as DM from Data.Map import instance Functor (Map a) from Data.Set import :: Set import qualified Data.Set as DS import qualified Data.Foldable as DF from Data.Foldable import class Foldable, instance Foldable [] from Data.IntMap.Strict import :: IntMap import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as DIS import Text import GenLexOrd from Control.Monad import `b`, class Monad, instance Monad Maybe import qualified Control.Applicative as CA from Control.Applicative import class Applicative, instance Applicative Maybe import Data.CircularStack import System.IO from Text.Parsers.Parsers import :: Parser import qualified Text.Parsers.Parsers as PS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TYPES //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: StaticDisplaySettings = { unfold_depth :: !Scale , display_compact :: !Bool , show_comments :: !Bool } :: DynamicDisplaySettings = { unfold_depth :: !Scale , display_compact :: !Bool , show_finished_blueprints :: !Bool , show_task_value :: !Bool , show_comments :: !Bool , show_all_child_tasks :: !Bool } :: NavStack :== [ClickMeta] :: DynamicView = { taskName :: !String , startTime :: !String , lastUpdate :: !String , endTime :: !String , user :: !String } :: BlueprintQuery = FuncName String | UserInvolved String | IsActiveTask | HasInstanceNo Int | AndQuery BlueprintQuery BlueprintQuery | OrQuery BlueprintQuery BlueprintQuery :: AllBlueprints :== Map ModuleName (Map FuncName TonicFunc) NS_TONIC_INSTANCES :== "tonic-instances" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INSTANCES //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TonicTopLevelBlueprint Task where tonicWrapBody mn tn args cases t = tonicWrapTaskBody` mn tn args cases t tonicWrapArg d ptr v = viewInformation (Title d) [] v @! () instance TonicBlueprintPart Task where tonicWrapApp mn fn nid cases t = tonicWrapApp` mn fn nid cases t instance TonicBlueprintPart Maybe where tonicWrapApp _ _ _ _ mb = mb :: TonicIOState = { currIndent :: Int } derive class iTask TonicIOState TonicIOFile = "TonicIOFile" readTonicState :: IO TonicIOState readTonicState = readFileM TonicIOFile >>= \tfile -> case fromJSON (fromString tfile) of Just ts -> return ts _ -> return { TonicIOState | currIndent = 0 } writeTonicState :: TonicIOState -> IO () writeTonicState st = writeFileM TonicIOFile (toString (toJSON st)) indent :: !Int -> String indent n = repeatStr " " n underline :: !Int -> String underline n = repeatStr "-" n repeatStr :: !String !Int -> String repeatStr str n = foldr (+++) "" (repeatn n str) instance TonicTopLevelBlueprint IO where tonicWrapBody mn tn args _ t = readTonicState >>= \ts=:{currIndent = ci} -> let message = "In " +++ mn +++ "." +++ tn +++ " (" +++ toString (length args) +++ " arguments)" in putStrLn (indent ci +++ if (ci > 0) "| " "" +++ message) >>= \_ -> putStrLn (indent ci +++ if (ci > 0) "|" "" +++ underline (size message + 1)) >>= \_ -> writeTonicState {ts & currIndent = ci + 1} >>= \_ -> t >>= \tr -> writeTonicState ts >>= \_ -> return tr tonicWrapArg _ _ _ = return () instance TonicBlueprintPart IO where tonicWrapApp mn fn nid _ mb | isLambda fn = mb | otherwise = readTonicState >>= \ts=:{currIndent = ci} -> putStrLn (indent (ci - 1) +++ if (ci - 1 > 0) "| " "" +++ "Applying " +++ mn +++ "." +++ fn +++ " (node ID " +++ ppnid nid +++ ").") >>= \_ -> mb instance TApplicative IO where return x = IO (\s -> (x, s)) (<#>) f g = liftA2 id f g instance TFunctor IO where tmap f x = x >>= (return o f) instance TMonad IO where (>>=) (IO f) a2mb = IO run where run world # (x, world) = f world # (IO g) = a2mb x = g world ppnid nid = "[" +++ ppnid` nid +++ "]" where ppnid` [] = "" ppnid` [x] = toString x ppnid` [x:xs] = toString x +++ ", " +++ ppnid` xs liftA2 f a b = (tmap f a) <#> b instance TonicTopLevelBlueprint (Parser s t) where tonicWrapBody _ _ _ _ t = t tonicWrapArg _ _ _ = return () instance TonicBlueprintPart (Parser s t) where tonicWrapApp mn tn nid _ mb = mb instance TFunctor (Parser s t) where tmap f a = f 'PS'. @> a instance TApplicative (Parser s t) where return a = 'PS'.yield a (<#>) fab fa = fab 'PS'. <++> fa instance TMonad (Parser s t) where (>>=) ma a2mb = ma 'PS'. <&> a2mb derive class iTask Set, StaticDisplaySettings, DynamicDisplaySettings, DynamicView, BlueprintQuery, UIAction, CircularStack //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SHARES //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sdsUnsafeRead :: (RWShared () a b) *IWorld -> *(a, *IWorld) sdsUnsafeRead focus iworld # (res, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read focus iworld = case res of Ok x -> (x, iworld) selectedBlueprint :: RWShared () (Maybe ClickMeta) (Maybe ClickMeta) selectedBlueprint = sdsFocus "selectedBlueprint" (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just Nothing)) selectedDetail :: RWShared () (Maybe (Either ClickMeta (ModuleName, FuncName, TaskId, Int))) (Maybe (Either ClickMeta (ModuleName, FuncName, TaskId, Int))) selectedDetail = sdsFocus "selectedDetail" (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just Nothing)) storedOutputEditors :: RWShared () (Map (TaskId, ExprId) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability)) (Map (TaskId, ExprId) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability)) storedOutputEditors = sdsTranslate "storedOutputEditors" (\t -> t +++> "-storedOutputEditors") (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just 'DM'.newMap)) outputForTaskId :: RWShared (TaskId, ExprId) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability) outputForTaskId = sdsLens "outputForTaskId" (const ()) (SDSRead read) (SDSWrite write) (SDSNotify notify) storedOutputEditors where read :: (TaskId, ExprId) (Map (TaskId, ExprId) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability)) -> MaybeError TaskException (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability) read oid=:(tid, _) trtMap = maybe (Ok (TaskId 0 0, 0, viewInformation (Title "Notice") [] ("No task value for the selected task. Try entering or updating a value in its editor.") @! (), TNoVal)) Ok ('DM'.get oid trtMap) write :: (TaskId, ExprId) (Map (TaskId, ExprId) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability)) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability) -> MaybeError TaskException (Maybe (Map (TaskId, ExprId) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability))) write tid trtMap bpref = Ok (Just ('DM'.put tid bpref trtMap)) notify :: (TaskId, ExprId) (Map (TaskId, ExprId) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability)) (TaskId, Int, Task (), TStability) -> SDSNotifyPred (TaskId, ExprId) notify tid oldmap (_, n, _, st) = \tid` -> case (tid == tid`, 'DM'.get tid oldmap) of (True, Just (_, n`, _, st`)) -> n <> n` || st =!= st` _ -> False tonicSharedRT :: RWShared () TonicRTMap TonicRTMap tonicSharedRT = sdsTranslate "tonicSharedRT" (\t -> t +++> "-tonicSharedRT") (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just 'DM'.newMap)) tonicInstances :: RWShared TaskId (Maybe BlueprintInstance) BlueprintInstance tonicInstances = sdsLens "tonicInstances" (const ()) (SDSRead read) (SDSWrite write) (SDSNotify notify) tonicSharedRT where read :: TaskId TonicRTMap -> MaybeError TaskException (Maybe BlueprintInstance) read tid trtMap = Ok ('DM'.get tid trtMap) write :: TaskId TonicRTMap BlueprintInstance -> MaybeError TaskException (Maybe TonicRTMap) write tid trtMap bpref = Ok (Just ('DM'.put tid bpref trtMap)) notify :: TaskId TonicRTMap BlueprintInstance -> SDSNotifyPred TaskId notify tid oldmap inst = \tid` -> case (tid == tid`, 'DM'.get tid oldmap) of (True, Just oldinst) -> oldinst =!= inst _ -> False tonicEnabledSteps :: RWShared () (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) tonicEnabledSteps = sdsTranslate "tonicEnabledSteps" (\t -> t +++> "-tonicEnabledSteps") (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just 'DM'.newMap)) tonicActionsForTaskID :: RWShared TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction]) (Map ExprId [UIAction]) tonicActionsForTaskID = sdsLens "tonicActionsForTaskID" (const ()) (SDSRead read) (SDSWrite write) (SDSNotify notify) tonicEnabledSteps where read :: TaskId (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) -> MaybeError TaskException (Map ExprId [UIAction]) read tid acts = case 'DM'.get tid acts of Just acts` -> Ok acts` _ -> Ok 'DM'.newMap write :: TaskId (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) (Map ExprId [UIAction]) -> MaybeError TaskException (Maybe (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction]))) write tid oldmap acts = Ok (Just ('DM'.put tid acts oldmap)) notify :: TaskId (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) (Map ExprId [UIAction]) -> SDSNotifyPred TaskId notify tid oldmap acts = \tid` -> case read tid oldmap of Ok oldacts -> oldacts =!= acts _ -> False tonicActionsForTaskIDAndExpr :: RWShared (TaskId, ExprId) [UIAction] [UIAction] tonicActionsForTaskIDAndExpr = sdsLens "tonicActionsForTaskIDAndExpr" (const ()) (SDSRead read) (SDSWrite write) (SDSNotify notify) tonicEnabledSteps where read :: (TaskId, ExprId) (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) -> MaybeError TaskException [UIAction] read (tid, eid) acts = case 'DM'.get tid acts of Just acts` -> case 'DM'.get eid acts` of Just xs -> Ok xs _ -> Ok [] _ -> Ok [] write :: (TaskId, ExprId) (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) [UIAction] -> MaybeError TaskException (Maybe (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction]))) write (tid, eid) oldmap acts # m = case 'DM'.get tid oldmap of Just acts` -> acts` _ -> 'DM'.newMap # m = 'DM'.put eid acts m = Ok (Just ('DM'.put tid m oldmap)) notify :: (TaskId, ExprId) (Map TaskId (Map ExprId [UIAction])) [UIAction] -> SDSNotifyPred (TaskId, ExprId) notify tid oldmap acts = \tid` -> case read tid oldmap of Ok oldacts -> oldacts =!= acts _ -> False staticDisplaySettings :: RWShared () StaticDisplaySettings StaticDisplaySettings staticDisplaySettings = sdsFocus "staticDisplaySettings" (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just { StaticDisplaySettings | unfold_depth = { Scale | min = 0 , cur = 0 , max = 25 } , display_compact = False , show_comments = True })) queryShare :: RWShared () (Maybe BlueprintQuery) (Maybe BlueprintQuery) queryShare = sdsFocus "queryShare" (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just Nothing)) dynamicDisplaySettings :: RWShared () DynamicDisplaySettings DynamicDisplaySettings dynamicDisplaySettings = sdsFocus "dynamicDisplaySettings" (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES (Just { DynamicDisplaySettings | unfold_depth = { Scale | min = 0 , cur = 0 , max = 5 } , display_compact = False , show_finished_blueprints = False , show_task_value = False , show_comments = False , show_all_child_tasks = False })) paramsForTaskInstance :: RWShared (ModuleName, FuncName, TaskId) [(VarName, Int, Task ())] [(VarName, Int, Task ())] paramsForTaskInstance = sdsTranslate "paramsForTaskInstance" (\t -> t +++> "-paramsForTaskInstance") (memoryStore NS_TONIC_INSTANCES Nothing) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // REST //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tonicExtWrapArg :: !VarName !Int !a -> m () | iTask a & TonicTopLevelBlueprint m tonicExtWrapArg d n v = tonicWrapArg d n v tonicExtWrapBody :: !ModuleName !FuncName [(VarName, Int, m ())] [(ExprId, Int)] ( m a) -> m a | TonicTopLevelBlueprint m & iTask a tonicExtWrapBody mn tn args cases t = tonicWrapBody mn tn args cases t tonicExtWrapBodyLam1 :: !ModuleName !FuncName [(VarName, Int, m ())] [(ExprId, Int)] (b -> m a) -> b -> m a | TonicTopLevelBlueprint m & iTask a tonicExtWrapBodyLam1 mn tn args cases f = \x -> tonicWrapBody mn tn args cases (f x) tonicExtWrapBodyLam2 :: !ModuleName !FuncName [(VarName, Int, m ())] [(ExprId, Int)] (b c -> m a) -> b c -> m a | TonicTopLevelBlueprint m & iTask a tonicExtWrapBodyLam2 mn tn args cases f = \x y -> tonicWrapBody mn tn args cases (f x y) tonicExtWrapBodyLam3 :: !ModuleName !FuncName [(VarName, Int, m ())] [(ExprId, Int)] (b c d -> m a) -> b c d -> m a | TonicTopLevelBlueprint m & iTask a tonicExtWrapBodyLam3 mn tn args cases f = \x y z -> tonicWrapBody mn tn args cases (f x y z) tonicWrapTaskBody` :: !ModuleName !FuncName [(VarName, Int, Task ())] [(ExprId, Int)] (Task a) -> Task a | iTask a tonicWrapTaskBody` mn tn args cases t=:(Task eval) | isLambda tn = Task updCases | otherwise = Task preEval where setBlueprintInfo :: !TaskEvalOpts -> TaskEvalOpts setBlueprintInfo evalOpts = modTonicOpts evalOpts (\teo -> {teo & currBlueprintName = (mn, tn)}) setBPTaskId :: !TaskId !TaskEvalOpts -> TaskEvalOpts setBPTaskId tid evalOpts = modTonicOpts evalOpts (\teo -> {teo & currBlueprintTaskId = tid}) resetInhOpts :: !TaskEvalOpts -> TaskEvalOpts resetInhOpts evalOpts = modTonicOpts evalOpts (\teo -> {teo & inParallel = Nothing , inAssignNode = Nothing }) updCases event evalOpts taskTree iworld # iworld = addCases evalOpts cases iworld = eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld preEval event evalOpts taskTree iworld # (mmn, iworld) = getModule` mn iworld = case mmn of Ok mod -> eval` mod event evalOpts taskTree iworld _ -> eval event (resetInhOpts (setBlueprintInfo evalOpts)) taskTree iworld eval` mod event evalOpts=:{tonicOpts={callTrace, currBlueprintTaskId}} taskTree=:(TCInit currTaskId=:(TaskId instanceNo _) _) iworld # iworld = updateInstance iworld = eval event (resetInhOpts (setBPTaskId currTaskId (setBlueprintInfo evalOpts))) taskTree iworld where updateInstance iworld = case getTonicFunc mod tn of Just bprep # (curr, iworld) = iworld!current # (clocks, iworld) = iworld!clocks # (muser, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus instanceNo taskInstanceUser) iworld # bpinst = { BlueprintInstance | bpi_taskId = currTaskId , bpi_startTime = DateTime clocks.localDate clocks.localTime , bpi_lastUpdated = DateTime clocks.localDate clocks.localTime , bpi_endTime = Nothing , bpi_activeNodes = 'DM'.newMap , bpi_previouslyActive = 'DM'.newMap , bpi_parentTaskId = currBlueprintTaskId , bpi_blueprint = bprep , bpi_currentUser = error2mb muser , bpi_case_branches = 'DM'.newMap , bpi_bpref = { BlueprintIdent | bpr_moduleName = mn , bpr_taskName = tn } } # bpinst = addCases` bpinst evalOpts cases # (_, iworld) = 'DSDS'.write bpinst (sdsFocus currTaskId tonicInstances) iworld # (_, iworld) = 'DSDS'.write args (sdsFocus (mn, tn, currTaskId) paramsForTaskInstance) iworld = iworld _ = iworld eval` _ event evalOpts taskTree=:(TCDestroy _) iworld # (tr, iworld) = eval event (resetInhOpts (setBlueprintInfo evalOpts)) taskTree iworld = (tr, okSt iworld logTaskEnd (taskIdFromTaskTree taskTree)) where logTaskEnd currTaskId iworld # (mbpref, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus currTaskId tonicInstances) iworld = case mbpref of Ok (Just bpi) # (clocks, iworld) = iworld!clocks # oldActive = 'DM'.union ('DM'.fromList [(nid, tid) \\ (tid, nid) <- concatMap 'DIS'.elems ('DM'.elems bpi.bpi_activeNodes)]) bpi.bpi_previouslyActive # (_, iworld) = 'DSDS'.write { bpi & bpi_endTime = Just (DateTime clocks.localDate clocks.localTime) , bpi_previouslyActive = oldActive , bpi_activeNodes = 'DM'.newMap } (sdsFocus currTaskId tonicInstances) iworld = iworld _ = iworld eval` _ event evalOpts taskTree=:(TCStable currTaskId _ _) iworld # (tr, iworld) = eval event (resetInhOpts (setBPTaskId currTaskId (setBlueprintInfo evalOpts))) taskTree iworld # iworld = markStable currTaskId iworld # iworld = storeTaskOutputViewer tr evalOpts.tonicOpts.currBlueprintExprId evalOpts.tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId currTaskId iworld = (tr, iworld) eval` _ event evalOpts taskTree=:TCNop iworld = eval event (resetInhOpts (setBlueprintInfo evalOpts)) taskTree iworld eval` _ event evalOpts taskTree=:TCTasklet iworld = eval event (resetInhOpts (setBlueprintInfo evalOpts)) taskTree iworld eval` _ event evalOpts taskTree iworld # evalOpts = case taskIdFromTaskTree taskTree of Ok tid -> setBPTaskId tid evalOpts _ -> evalOpts # (tr, iworld) = eval event (resetInhOpts (setBlueprintInfo evalOpts)) taskTree iworld # iworld = case (taskIdFromTaskTree taskTree, tr) of (Ok tid, ValueResult (Value _ True) _ _ _) # iworld = markStable tid iworld = storeTaskOutputViewer tr evalOpts.tonicOpts.currBlueprintExprId evalOpts.tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId tid iworld _ = iworld = (tr, iworld) modTonicOpts :: !TaskEvalOpts !(TonicOpts -> TonicOpts) -> TaskEvalOpts modTonicOpts teo f = {teo & tonicOpts = f teo.tonicOpts} markStable :: !TaskId !*IWorld -> *IWorld markStable currTaskId iworld # (mbpref, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus currTaskId tonicInstances) iworld = case mbpref of Ok (Just {bpi_endTime = Just _}) // Already marked as stable, don't do extra work = iworld Ok (Just bpi) # (curr, iworld) = iworld!current # (clocks, iworld) = iworld!clocks # currDateTime = DateTime clocks.localDate clocks.localTime # oldActive = 'DM'.union ('DM'.fromList [(nid, tid) \\ (tid, nid) <- concatMap 'DIS'.elems ('DM'.elems bpi.bpi_activeNodes)]) bpi.bpi_previouslyActive # (_, iworld) = 'DSDS'.write { bpi & bpi_previouslyActive = oldActive , bpi_activeNodes = 'DM'.newMap , bpi_lastUpdated = currDateTime , bpi_endTime = Just currDateTime } (sdsFocus currTaskId tonicInstances) iworld = iworld _ = iworld resultToOutput :: !Int !TaskId !(TaskResult a) -> (!TaskId, !Int, !Task (), !TStability) | iTask a resultToOutput newN tid (ValueResult (Value v s) _ _ _) = (tid, newN, viewInformation (Title ("Value for task " +++ toString tid)) [] v @! (), if s TStable TUnstable) resultToOutput newN tid (ValueResult NoValue _ _ _) = (tid, newN, viewInformation (Title ("Value for task " +++ toString tid)) [] "No value" @! (), TNoVal) resultToOutput newN tid _ = (tid, newN, viewInformation (Title "Error") [] ("No task value for task " +++ toString tid) @! (), TNoVal) tonicExtWrapApp :: !ModuleName !FuncName !ExprId [(ExprId, a -> Int)] (m a) -> m a | TonicBlueprintPart m & iTask a tonicExtWrapApp mn tn nid cases mapp = tonicWrapApp mn tn nid cases mapp isBind :: !String !String -> Bool isBind "iTasks.API.Core.Types" ">>=" = True isBind "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" ">>|" = True isBind _ _ = False isStep :: !String !String -> Bool isStep "iTasks.API.Core.TaskCombinators" "step" = True isStep "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" ">>*" = True isStep _ _ = False isParallel :: !String !String -> Bool isParallel "iTasks.API.Core.TaskCombinators" "parallel" = True isParallel "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" "-&&-" = True isParallel "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" "-||-" = True isParallel "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" "||-" = True isParallel "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" "-||" = True isParallel "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" "anyTask" = True isParallel "iTasks.API.Common.TaskCombinators" "allTasks" = True isParallel _ _ = False isAssign :: !String !String -> Bool isAssign "iTasks.API.Extensions.User" "@:" = True isAssign _ _ = False isLambda :: !FuncName -> Bool isLambda str = startsWith "\;" str stepEval cases eval nid event evalOpts taskTree=:(TCInit childTaskId _) iworld = stepEval` cases nid childTaskId eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld stepEval cases eval nid event evalOpts taskTree=:(TCStep childTaskId _ (Left _)) iworld = stepEval` cases nid childTaskId eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld stepEval cases eval nid event evalOpts taskTree iworld # (tr, iworld) = eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld # iworld = case tr of ValueResult (Value x _) _ _ _ -> addCases evalOpts (map (\(eid, f) -> (eid, f x)) cases) iworld _ -> iworld = (tr, iworld) stepEval` cases nid childTaskId=:(TaskId ino tno) eval event evalOpts=:{TaskEvalOpts|tonicOpts} taskTree iworld # (taskResult, iworld) = eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld = case taskResult of ValueResult (Value x _) _ (TaskRep uiDef) _ # iworld = addCases evalOpts (map (\(eid, f) -> (eid, f x)) cases) iworld // TODO // This LC filters out the actions for the current task. For some reason, we sometimes // get actions for the _next_ step here. Why is this? Ideally, we should remove this LC here. = case [a \\ a <- uiDefActions uiDef | a.UIAction.taskId == toString ino +++ "-" +++ toString tno] of [] = (taskResult, iworld) xs # focus = sdsFocus (tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId, nid) tonicActionsForTaskIDAndExpr # (mas, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read focus iworld # iworld = case mas of Ok as | as === xs -> iworld _ -> snd ('DSDS'.write xs focus iworld) = (taskResult, iworld) _ = (taskResult, iworld) import StdDebug derive class iTask TonicOpts ppeid xs = foldr (\x xs -> toString x +++ "," +++ xs) "" xs addCases evalOpts [] iworld = iworld addCases evalOpts=:{TaskEvalOpts|tonicOpts} cases iworld # (mParentBP, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId tonicInstances) iworld = case mParentBP of Ok (Just parentBPInst) # bpi = addCases` parentBPInst evalOpts cases = snd ('DSDS'.write bpi (sdsFocus parentBPInst.bpi_taskId tonicInstances) iworld) _ = iworld addCases` parentBPInst evalOpts=:{TaskEvalOpts|tonicOpts} cases = {parentBPInst & bpi_case_branches = 'DM'.union ('DM'.fromList cases) parentBPInst.bpi_case_branches} /** * ModuleName and FuncName identify the blueprint, of which we need to * highlight nodes. */ tonicWrapApp` :: !ModuleName !FuncName !ExprId [(ExprId, a -> Int)] (Task a) -> Task a | iTask a tonicWrapApp` mn fn nid cases t=:(Task eval) //| isBind mn fn = Task bindEval | isStep mn fn = Task (stepEval cases eval nid) | isLambda fn = t | otherwise = return () >>~ \_ -> Task eval` where updateAssignStatus evalOpts = { evalOpts & tonicOpts = { evalOpts.tonicOpts & inAssignNode = if (isJust evalOpts.tonicOpts.inAssignNode) Nothing (if (isAssign mn fn) (Just nid) evalOpts.tonicOpts.inAssignNode) } } //bindEval event evalOpts=:{TaskEvalOpts|tonicOpts} taskTree iworld //# iworld = addCases evalOpts cases iworld //= eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld eval` event evalOpts=:{TaskEvalOpts|tonicOpts} taskTree=:(TCInit childTaskId=:(TaskId childInstanceNo _) _) iworld # (mParentBP, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId tonicInstances) iworld = case mParentBP of Ok (Just parentBPInst) # (parentBPInst, iworld) = case tonicOpts.inAssignNode of Just assignNode # (muser, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus childInstanceNo taskInstanceUser) iworld # (parent_body, _, _) = case muser of Ok usr = updateNode assignNode (\x -> case x of TMApp eid mtn "iTasks.API.Extensions.User" "@:" [TFApp "_Tuple2" [_, descr] prio : as] assoc | eid == assignNode = TMApp eid mtn "iTasks.API.Extensions.User" "@:" [TFApp "_Tuple2" [TLit (TString (toString usr)), descr] prio : as] assoc | otherwise = x TMApp eid mtn "iTasks.API.Extensions.User" "@:" [_ : as] assoc | eid == assignNode = TMApp eid mtn "iTasks.API.Extensions.User" "@:" [TLit (TString (toString usr)) : as] assoc | otherwise = x e = e ) parentBPInst.bpi_blueprint.tf_body _ = (parentBPInst.bpi_blueprint.tf_body, False, Nothing) # bpi = {parentBPInst & bpi_blueprint = {parentBPInst.bpi_blueprint & tf_body = parent_body}} = (bpi, iworld) _ = (parentBPInst, iworld) # evalOpts = if (isParallel mn fn) {evalOpts & tonicOpts = {tonicOpts & inParallel = Just childTaskId}} evalOpts # evalOpts = {evalOpts & tonicOpts = {tonicOpts & currBlueprintExprId = nid}} # iworld = updRTMap tonicOpts nid childTaskId parentBPInst iworld # (tr, iworld) = eval event (updateAssignStatus evalOpts) taskTree iworld // These reads need to be done here, because: // - The parent blueprint may have been altered while evaluating the continuation // - The childTaskId blueprint won't be instantiated before the continuation is evaluated # (mparent_bpr, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus parentBPInst.bpi_taskId tonicInstances) iworld # iworld = case (tr, mparent_bpr) of (ValueResult _ _ _ (TCParallel childTaskId _ parallelChildren), Ok (Just new_parent_instance)) = evalParallel new_parent_instance tr evalOpts childTaskId parallelChildren iworld (_, Ok (Just new_parent_instance)) # (new_parent_instance, chng) = case tr of (ValueResult (Value x _) _ _ _) -> (addCases` new_parent_instance evalOpts (map (\(eid, f) -> (eid, f x)) cases), True) _ -> (new_parent_instance, False) # iworld = storeTaskOutputViewer tr nid parentBPInst.bpi_taskId childTaskId iworld # (mchild_bpr, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus childTaskId tonicInstances) iworld # (new_parent_instance, chng`, iworld) = case mchild_bpr of Ok (Just {bpi_bpref}) # (parent_body, chng, mvid) = updateNode nid (\x -> case x of TVar eid _ _ -> TMApp eid Nothing bpi_bpref.bpr_moduleName bpi_bpref.bpr_taskName [] TNoPrio e -> e ) new_parent_instance.bpi_blueprint.tf_body | chng # parent_body = case mvid of Just (vid, expr) -> replaceNode vid expr parent_body _ -> parent_body # parent_bpr = {new_parent_instance & bpi_blueprint = {new_parent_instance.bpi_blueprint & tf_body = parent_body}} = (parent_bpr, True, iworld) | otherwise = (new_parent_instance, False, iworld) _ = (new_parent_instance, False, iworld) | chng || chng` = snd ('DSDS'.write new_parent_instance (sdsFocus new_parent_instance.bpi_taskId tonicInstances) iworld) | otherwise = iworld _ = iworld = (tr, iworld) _ = eval event (updateAssignStatus evalOpts) taskTree iworld eval` event evalOpts taskTree=:(TCStable currTaskId _ _) iworld # evalOpts = {evalOpts & tonicOpts = {evalOpts.tonicOpts & currBlueprintExprId = nid}} # (tr, iworld) = eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld # iworld = markStable currTaskId iworld # iworld = storeTaskOutputViewer tr nid evalOpts.tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId currTaskId iworld = (tr, iworld) eval` event evalOpts taskTree=:TCNop iworld = eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld eval` event evalOpts taskTree=:(TCDestroy _) iworld = eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld eval` event evalOpts taskTree=:TCTasklet iworld = eval event evalOpts taskTree iworld eval` event evalOpts taskTree iworld = case taskIdFromTaskTree taskTree of Ok tid # evalOpts = {evalOpts & tonicOpts = {evalOpts.tonicOpts & currBlueprintExprId = nid}} # (tr, iworld) = eval event (updateAssignStatus evalOpts) taskTree iworld # iworld = case tr of (ValueResult (Value x stable) _ _ _) #! iworld = trace_n "eval`" iworld # iworld = addCases evalOpts (map (\(eid, f) -> (eid, f x)) cases) iworld = if stable (markStable tid iworld) iworld _ = iworld # iworld = storeTaskOutputViewer tr nid evalOpts.tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId tid iworld = (tr, iworld) _ = eval event (updateAssignStatus evalOpts) taskTree iworld updRTMap tonicOpts nid childTaskId parentBPInst iworld # (newActiveNodes, iworld) = setActiveNodes tonicOpts parentBPInst childTaskId nid iworld # newActiveNodeMap = 'DM'.fromList [(nid, tid) \\ (tid, nid) <- concatMap 'DIS'.elems ('DM'.elems newActiveNodes)] # oldActiveNodes = 'DM'.difference ('DM'.union parentBPInst.bpi_previouslyActive ('DM'.fromList [(nid, tid) \\ (tid, nid) <- concatMap 'DIS'.elems ('DM'.elems parentBPInst.bpi_activeNodes)])) newActiveNodeMap // This difference is required, because currently active nodes may up in the old set due to the iteration over parallel branches # newParent = { parentBPInst & bpi_activeNodes = newActiveNodes , bpi_previouslyActive = oldActiveNodes} # (_, iworld) = 'DSDS'.write newParent (sdsFocus parentBPInst.bpi_taskId tonicInstances) iworld = iworld evalParallel pinst tr evalOpts childTaskId parallelChildren iworld # currActive = case 'DM'.get childTaskId pinst.bpi_activeNodes of Just ns -> ns _ -> 'DIS'.newMap # (childNodes, currActive, iworld) = foldr (registerTask pinst.bpi_taskId childTaskId) ([], currActive, iworld) (zip2 [0..] parallelChildren) # (tf_body, _, _) = updateNode nid (\x -> case x of e=:(TMApp _ _ _ _ [TMApp _ _ _ _ _ _ : _] _) -> e e=:(TMApp _ _ _ _ [TFApp "_Cons" _ _ : _] _) -> e // TODO This is probably insufficient. It will capture things like [t1:someOtherTasks], where we would like to expand someOtherTasks at runtime TMApp eid mtn mn tn _ pr -> TMApp eid mtn mn tn [list2TExpr childNodes] pr e -> e ) pinst.bpi_blueprint.tf_body # pinst = { pinst & bpi_blueprint = { pinst.bpi_blueprint & tf_body = tf_body} , bpi_activeNodes = 'DM'.put childTaskId currActive pinst.bpi_activeNodes} # iworld = snd ('DSDS'.write pinst (sdsFocus pinst.bpi_taskId tonicInstances) iworld) # iworld = storeTaskOutputViewer tr nid evalOpts.tonicOpts.currBlueprintTaskId childTaskId iworld = iworld where registerTask (TaskId parentInstanceNo parentTaskNo) (TaskId listInstanceNo listTaskNo) (n, (tid, _)) (acc, currActive, iworld) # (mchild_bpr, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus tid tonicInstances) iworld = case mchild_bpr of (Ok (Just {bpi_bpref})) # newNodeId = nid ++ [n] # childApp = TMApp newNodeId Nothing bpi_bpref.bpr_moduleName bpi_bpref.bpr_taskName [] TNoPrio # currActive = 'DIS'.put n (tid, newNodeId) currActive = ([childApp:acc], currActive, iworld) _ = (acc, currActive, iworld) getNode :: !ExprId !TExpr -> Maybe TExpr getNode eid expr=:(TVar eid` _ _) | eid == eid` = Just expr getNode eid expr=:(TMApp eid` _ _ _ es _) | eid == eid` = Just expr | otherwise = case [e \\ Just e <- map (getNode eid) es] of [x : _] -> Just x _ -> Nothing getNode eid (TFApp _ es _) = case [e \\ Just e <- map (getNode eid) es] of [x : _] -> Just x _ -> Nothing getNode eid (TLam _ e) = getNode eid e getNode eid (TLet pats e) = getNode eid e getNode eid (TIf _ c t e) = case [e \\ Just e <- [getNode eid t, getNode eid e]] of [x : _] -> Just x _ -> Nothing getNode eid (TCase _ e pats) = case [e \\ Just e <- map (getNode eid o snd) pats] of [x : _] -> Just x _ -> Nothing getNode _ e = Nothing storeTaskOutputViewer :: !(TaskResult a) !ExprId !TaskId !TaskId !*IWorld -> *IWorld | iTask a storeTaskOutputViewer tr nid parentTaskId childTaskId iworld | nid <> [] && parentTaskId <> TaskId 0 0 # childFocus = sdsFocus (parentTaskId, nid) outputForTaskId # ((_, n, _, _), iworld) = sdsUnsafeRead childFocus iworld = snd ('DSDS'.write (resultToOutput (n + 1) childTaskId tr) childFocus iworld) | otherwise = iworld dump x = toString (toJSON x) list2TExpr :: [TExpr] -> TExpr list2TExpr [] = TFApp "_Nil" [] TNoPrio list2TExpr [x:xs] = TFApp "_Cons" [x, list2TExpr xs] TNoPrio setActiveNodes :: !TonicOpts !BlueprintInstance !TaskId !ExprId !*IWorld -> *(!Map ListId (IntMap (TaskId, ExprId)), !*IWorld) setActiveNodes tonicOpts {bpi_taskId = parentTaskId, bpi_activeNodes = parentActiveNodes} childTaskId nid iworld = case tonicOpts.inParallel of Just currentListId | currentListId < parentTaskId = (defVal parentTaskId, iworld) | otherwise # taskListFilter = { TaskListFilter | onlyIndex = Nothing, onlyTaskId = Nothing, onlySelf = False, includeValue = False, includeAttributes = False, includeProgress = False} # (mTaskList, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus (currentListId, taskListFilter) taskInstanceParallelTaskList) iworld = case error2mb mTaskList `b` getTaskState tonicOpts.callTrace of Just pts # parentCallTrace = dropFirstInstances tonicOpts.callTrace # parentCtx = getParentContext parentTaskId parentCallTrace # activeTasks = 'DM'.del parentCtx parentActiveNodes # activeTasks = 'DM'.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k >= parentCtx) activeTasks # activeSubTasks = fromMaybe 'DIS'.newMap ('DM'.get currentListId activeTasks) # activeSubTasks = 'DIS'.put pts.index (childTaskId, nid) activeSubTasks = ('DM'.put currentListId activeSubTasks activeTasks, iworld) _ = (defVal currentListId, iworld) _ = (defVal parentTaskId, iworld) where defVal :: !TaskId -> Map ListId (IntMap (!TaskId, !ExprId)) defVal tid = 'DM'.singleton tid ('DIS'.singleton 0 (childTaskId, nid)) getTaskState :: !Calltrace ![ParallelTaskState] -> Maybe ParallelTaskState getTaskState trace ss = case pop trace of (Just ct, trace) = case [ts \\ ts=:{ParallelTaskState | taskId} <- ss | ct == taskId] of [ts : _] -> Just ts _ -> getTaskState trace ss _ = Nothing getParentContext :: !TaskId !Calltrace -> TaskId getParentContext parentTaskId trace = case pop trace of (Just (TaskId ino _), trace) # parentTraceId = TaskId ino 0 | parentTraceId < parentTaskId = parentTaskId | otherwise = case findNext ino trace of Just parentContextId | parentContextId < parentTaskId = parentTaskId | otherwise = parentContextId _ = parentTaskId _ = parentTaskId where findNext :: !InstanceNo !Calltrace -> Maybe TaskId findNext ino trace = case pop trace of (Just tid=:(TaskId ino` _), trace) | ino <> ino` = Just tid | otherwise = findNext ino trace _ = Nothing dropFirstInstances :: !Calltrace -> Calltrace dropFirstInstances trace = case pop trace of (Just (TaskId ino _), trace) = dropFirstInstances` ino trace _ = trace where dropFirstInstances` :: !InstanceNo !Calltrace -> Calltrace dropFirstInstances` ino trace = case pop trace of (Just (TaskId ino` _), trace) | ino == ino` = dropFirstInstances` ino trace _ = trace tonicExtWrapAppLam1 :: !ModuleName !FuncName !ExprId [(ExprId, a -> Int)] !(b -> m a) -> b -> m a | TonicBlueprintPart m & iTask a tonicExtWrapAppLam1 mn fn nid cases f = \x -> tonicWrapApp mn fn nid cases (f x) tonicExtWrapAppLam2 :: !ModuleName !FuncName !ExprId [(ExprId, a -> Int)] !(b c -> m a) -> b c -> m a | TonicBlueprintPart m & iTask a tonicExtWrapAppLam2 mn fn nid cases f = \x y -> tonicWrapApp mn fn nid cases (f x y) tonicExtWrapAppLam3 :: !ModuleName !FuncName !ExprId [(ExprId, a -> Int)] !(b c d -> m a) -> b c d -> m a | TonicBlueprintPart m & iTask a tonicExtWrapAppLam3 mn fn nid cases f = \x y z -> tonicWrapApp mn fn nid cases (f x y z) anyTrue :: ![Bool] -> Bool anyTrue [True : _] = True anyTrue [_ : xs] = anyTrue xs anyTrue _ = False replaceNode :: !Int !TExpr !TExpr -> TExpr replaceNode varid newExpr expr=:(TVar eid _ varid`) | varid == varid` = case newExpr of TMApp _ mtn mn tn es p -> TMApp eid mtn mn tn es p TVar _ x vid -> TVar eid x vid _ -> newExpr | otherwise = expr replaceNode varid newExpr (TMApp eid` mtn mn tn es p) #! es` = map (replaceNode varid newExpr) es = TMApp eid` mtn mn tn es` p replaceNode varid newExpr (TFApp fn es p) #! es` = map (replaceNode varid newExpr) es = TFApp fn es` p replaceNode varid newExpr (TLam es e) #! e` = replaceNode varid newExpr e #! es` = map (replaceNode varid newExpr) es = TLam es` e` replaceNode varid newExpr (TSel e es) #! e` = replaceNode varid newExpr e #! es` = map (replaceNode varid newExpr) es = TSel e` es` replaceNode varid newExpr (TRecUpd vn e es) #! e` = replaceNode varid newExpr e #! es` = map (replaceNode varid newExpr) es = TRecUpd vn e` es` replaceNode varid newExpr (TLet pats e) #! e` = replaceNode varid newExpr e #! pats = replaceNodePats varid newExpr pats = TLet pats e` replaceNode varid newExpr (TIf cs c t e) #! c` = replaceNode varid newExpr c #! t` = replaceNode varid newExpr t #! e` = replaceNode varid newExpr e = TIf cs c` t` e` replaceNode varid newExpr (TCase cs e pats) #! e` = replaceNode varid newExpr e #! pats = replaceNodePats varid newExpr pats = TCase cs e` pats replaceNode _ _ e = e replaceNodePats _ _ [] = [] replaceNodePats varid newExpr [(pat, e) : xs] #! pat` = replaceNode varid newExpr pat #! e` = replaceNode varid newExpr e #! pats = replaceNodePats varid newExpr xs = [(pat`, e`) : pats] fst3 (x, _, _) = x snd3 (_, x, _) = x thrd (_, _, x) = x getMVid :: ![Maybe a] -> Maybe a getMVid xs = case [x \\ Just x <- xs] of [x : _] -> Just x _ -> Nothing // TODO This can be made faster by using the ExprId's structure updateNode :: !ExprId !(TExpr -> TExpr) !TExpr -> (!TExpr, !Bool, !Maybe (!Int, !TExpr)) updateNode eid f expr=:(TVar eid` _ varid) # expr` = f expr | eid == eid` = (expr`, True, Just (varid, expr`)) updateNode eid f expr=:(TMApp eid` mtn mn tn es p) | eid == eid` = (f expr, True, Nothing) | otherwise #! es` = map (updateNode eid f) es = (TMApp eid` mtn mn tn (map fst3 es`) p, anyTrue (map snd3 es`), getMVid (map thrd es`)) updateNode eid f (TFApp fn es p) #! es` = map (updateNode eid f) es = (TFApp fn (map fst3 es`) p, anyTrue (map snd3 es`), getMVid (map thrd es`)) updateNode eid f (TLam es e) #! (e`, eb, mvid) = updateNode eid f e #! es` = map (updateNode eid f) es = (TLam (map fst3 es`) e`, anyTrue [eb : map snd3 es`], getMVid [mvid : (map thrd es`)]) updateNode eid f (TSel e es) #! (e`, eb, mvid) = updateNode eid f e #! es` = map (updateNode eid f) es = (TSel e` (map fst3 es`), anyTrue [eb : map snd3 es`], getMVid [mvid : (map thrd es`)]) updateNode eid f (TRecUpd vn e es) #! (e`, eb, mvid) = updateNode eid f e #! es` = map (updateNode eid f) es = (TRecUpd vn e` (map fst3 es`), anyTrue [eb : map snd3 es`], getMVid [mvid : (map thrd es`)]) updateNode eid f (TLet pats e) #! (e`, eb, mvid) = updateNode eid f e #! (pats, b, mvids) = updatePats eid f pats = (TLet pats e`, b || eb, getMVid [mvid : mvids]) updateNode eid f (TIf cs c t e ) #! (c`, cb, mvidc) = updateNode eid f c #! (t`, tb, mvidt) = updateNode eid f t #! (e`, eb, mvide) = updateNode eid f e = (TIf cs c` t` e`, cb || tb || eb, getMVid [mvidc, mvidt, mvide]) updateNode eid f (TCase cs e pats) #! (e`, eb, mvid) = updateNode eid f e #! (pats, b, mvids) = updatePats eid f pats = (TCase cs e` pats, b || eb, getMVid [mvid : mvids]) updateNode _ _ e = (e, False, Nothing) updatePats _ _ [] = ([], False, []) updatePats eid f [(pat, e) : xs] #! (pat`, pb, mvid1) = updateNode eid f pat #! (e`, eb, mvid2) = updateNode eid f e #! (pats, b, mvids) = updatePats eid f xs = ([(pat`, e`) : pats], pb || eb || b, [mvid1 : mvid2 : mvids]) getModule :: !String -> Task TonicModule getModule moduleName = mkInstantTask (const (getModule` moduleName)) getModule` :: !String !*IWorld -> *(!MaybeError (Dynamic, String) TonicModule, !*IWorld) getModule` moduleName iworld # (dir, iworld) = getTonicDir iworld # (mjson, world) = readFile (dir (moduleName +++ ".tonic")) # iworld = {iworld & world = world} = case mjson of Ok json -> case fromJSON (fromString json) of Just gg -> (Ok gg, iworld) _ -> err ("Failed to deserialize JSON: " +++ json) iworld Error msg -> err (toString msg) iworld where err msg iworld # msg = "Failed to load Tonic file for module " +++ moduleName +++ ": " +++ msg = (Error (dynamic msg, msg), iworld) getTonicModules :: Task [String] getTonicModules = mkInstantTask (const getTonicModules`) getTonicModules` :: !*IWorld -> *(!MaybeError (Dynamic, String) [String], !*IWorld) getTonicModules` iworld # (dir, iworld) = getTonicDir iworld # (mfs, world) = readDirectory dir # iworld = {iworld & world = world} = case mfs of Ok fs = (Ok (map dropExtension (filter (\x -> noDots x && onlyTonic x) fs)), iworld) Error _ # msg = "Failed to read Tonic directory" = (Error (dynamic msg, msg), iworld) where onlyTonic :: !String -> Bool onlyTonic str = endsWith ".tonic" str noDots :: !String -> Bool noDots str = not (str.[0] == '.') getTonicDir :: !*IWorld -> *(!String, !*IWorld) getTonicDir iworld # (server, iworld) = iworld!server = (server.paths.appDirectory "tonic", iworld) getTasks :: !TonicModule -> [String] getTasks tm = 'DM'.keys tm.tm_funcs getTonicFunc :: !TonicModule !String -> Maybe TonicFunc getTonicFunc tm tn = 'DM'.get tn tm.tm_funcs tonicStaticWorkflow :: [TaskAppRenderer] -> Workflow tonicStaticWorkflow rs = workflow "Tonic Static Browser" "Tonic Static Browser" (tonicStaticBrowser rs) tonicDynamicWorkflow :: [TaskAppRenderer] -> Workflow tonicDynamicWorkflow rs = workflow "Tonic Dynamic Browser" "Tonic Dynamic Browser" (tonicDynamicBrowser rs) (>>~) infixl 1 :: !(Task a) !(a -> Task b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b (>>~) taska taskbf = step taska (const Nothing) [OnValue (hasValue taskbf)] tonicStaticBrowser :: [TaskAppRenderer] -> Task () tonicStaticBrowser rs = withShared [] ( \navstack -> (updateSharedInformation "Display settings" [] staticDisplaySettings -&&- (allBlueprints >>- \allbps -> (selectModule >&> withSelection noModuleSelection ( \mn -> getModule mn >>- \tm -> (selectTask tm >&> withSelection noTaskSelection ( \tn -> maybe (return ()) ( \tt -> whileUnchanged staticDisplaySettings ( \sett -> (if (sett.StaticDisplaySettings.show_comments && tt.tf_comments <> "") (viewInformation "Task comments" [] tt.tf_comments @! ()) (return ())) -&&- viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack { BlueprintIdent | bpr_moduleName = tm.tm_name , bpr_taskName = tt.tf_name } tm tt sett.StaticDisplaySettings.unfold_depth sett.StaticDisplaySettings.display_compact @! ())) (getTonicFunc tm tn) )) <<@ ArrangeWithSideBar 0 LeftSide 200 True )) <<@ FullScreen))) @! () where selectModule = getTonicModules >>- enterChoice "Select a module" [ChooseWith (ChooseFromComboBox id)] selectTask tm = enterChoice "Select task" [ChooseWith (ChooseFromComboBox id)] (getTasks tm) noModuleSelection = viewInformation () [] "Select module..." noTaskSelection = viewInformation () [] "Select task..." viewStaticTask :: !AllBlueprints ![TaskAppRenderer] !(Shared NavStack) !BlueprintIdent !TonicModule !TonicFunc !Scale !Bool -> Task () viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack bpref tm tt depth compact = get navstack >>~ \ns -> showStaticBlueprint rs bpref (expandTask allbps depth.cur tt) compact depth >>* [ OnValue (doAction (handleClicks tm tt)) , OnAction (Action "Back" [ActionIcon "previous"]) (navigateBackwards tm tt ns) ] @! () where navigateBackwards :: TonicModule TonicFunc NavStack a -> Maybe (Task ()) navigateBackwards _ _ [] _ = Nothing navigateBackwards tm tt [prev:stack] _ = navigateBackwards` prev where navigateBackwards` :: ClickMeta -> Maybe (Task ()) navigateBackwards` meta`=:{click_origin_mbbpident = Just {bpident_taskId = Just tid}} = Just (upd pop navstack >>| get dynamicDisplaySettings >>~ \sett -> get selectedDetail >>~ \selDetail -> get (sdsFocus tid tonicInstances) >>~ \mbpref -> case mbpref of Just bpref` -> viewInstance rs navstack sett bpref` selDetail meta` _ -> return ()) navigateBackwards` meta=:{click_origin_mbbpident = Just {bpident_moduleName, bpident_taskName}} = Just (upd pop navstack >>| getModule bpident_moduleName >>* [ OnValue (onNavVal bpident_taskName) , OnAllExceptions (const (viewInformation "Error" [] "Something went wrong with navigating backwards" @! ())) ] @! ()) where onNavVal bpident_taskName (Value tm` _) = fmap (\tt` -> viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack {bpr_moduleName = bpident_moduleName, bpr_taskName = bpident_taskName} tm` tt` depth compact @! ()) (getTonicFunc tm` bpident_taskName) onNavVal _ _ = Nothing navigateBackwards` _ = Nothing pop [] = [] pop [_:xs] = xs handleClicks :: TonicModule TonicFunc (TClickAction, ClickMeta) a -> Task () handleClicks tm tt (TNavAction, meta) _ = navigate (\ns -> [meta : ns]) tm tt meta handleClicks tm tt _ _ = viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack bpref tm tt depth compact navigate :: (NavStack -> NavStack) TonicModule TonicFunc ClickMeta -> Task () navigate mkNavStack _ _ meta`=:{click_target_bpident = {bpident_taskId = Just tid}} = get (sdsFocus tid tonicInstances) >>~ \mbpref -> case mbpref of Just bpref` = upd mkNavStack navstack >>| get dynamicDisplaySettings >>~ \sett -> get selectedDetail >>~ \selDetail -> viewInstance rs navstack sett bpref` selDetail meta` _ = return () navigate mkNavStack tm tt meta=:{click_target_bpident = {bpident_moduleName, bpident_taskName}} = upd mkNavStack navstack >>| getModule bpident_moduleName >>* [ OnValue (onNavVal bpident_taskName) , OnAllExceptions (const (viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack bpref tm tt depth compact)) ] @! () where onNavVal bpident_taskName (Value tm` _) = fmap (\tt` -> viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack {bpr_moduleName = bpident_moduleName, bpr_taskName = bpident_taskName} tm` tt` depth compact @! ()) (getTonicFunc tm` bpident_taskName) onNavVal _ _ = Nothing showBlueprintInstance :: ![TaskAppRenderer] !BlueprintInstance !(Maybe (Either ClickMeta (ModuleName, FuncName, TaskId, Int))) !(Map ExprId [UIAction]) !Bool !Scale -> Task (ActionState (TClickAction, ClickMeta) TonicImageState) showBlueprintInstance rs bpi selDetail enabledSteps compact depth = get (mapRead (fmap (\(_, _, _, x) -> x)) storedOutputEditors) >>~ \outputs -> let outputs` = 'DM'.foldlWithKey (\m (tid, eid) v -> if (tid == bpi.bpi_taskId) ('DM'.put eid v m) m) 'DM'.newMap outputs in updateInformation () [imageUpdate id (trace_n "showBlueprint dynamic" mkInstanceImage rs bpi outputs` enabledSteps selDetail compact) (\_ _ -> Nothing) (const id)] { ActionState | state = { tis_task = bpi.bpi_blueprint , tis_depth = depth , tis_compact = compact } , action = Nothing} showStaticBlueprint :: ![TaskAppRenderer] !BlueprintIdent !TonicFunc !Bool !Scale -> Task (ActionState (TClickAction, ClickMeta) TonicImageState) showStaticBlueprint rs bpref task compact depth = updateInformation () [imageUpdate id (trace_n "showBlueprint static" mkStaticImage rs bpref compact) (\_ _ -> Nothing) (const id)] { ActionState | state = { tis_task = task , tis_depth = depth , tis_compact = compact } , action = Nothing} dynamicParent :: !TaskId -> Task (Maybe BlueprintInstance) dynamicParent childId = get tonicSharedRT >>~ \rtm -> return ('DM'.get childId rtm `b` \child -> 'DM'.get child.bpi_parentTaskId rtm) enterQuery :: Task (Maybe BlueprintQuery) enterQuery = enterInformation "Enter filter query" [] tonicDynamicBrowser :: [TaskAppRenderer] -> Task () tonicDynamicBrowser rs = withShared [] ( \navstack -> (parallel [ (Embedded, \_ -> tonicDynamicBrowser` rs navstack) , (Embedded, \_ -> settingsViewer) , (Embedded, \_ -> filterQuery) , (Embedded, \_ -> activeUsers) , (Embedded, \_ -> taskViewer) ] [] <<@ ArrangeCustom layout <<@ FullScreen )) @! () where layout [mainTask, settingsTask, filterTask, usersTask : _] actions = arrangeWithSideBar 0 RightSide 250 True [supportArea, mainTask] actions where supportArea = arrangeWithSideBar 0 TopSide 175 False [settingsTask, filterTask, usersTask] [] filterQuery = updateSharedInformation (Title "Filter query") [] queryShare @! () taskViewer = whileUnchanged dynamicDisplaySettings ( \{show_task_value} -> if show_task_value (whileUnchanged selectedDetail viewDetail <<@ InWindow) (viewInformation () [] ()) ) @! () where viewDetail (Just (Left { click_origin_mbbpident = Just {bpident_taskId = Just tid} , click_origin_mbnodeId = Just nid })) = whileUnchanged (sdsFocus (tid, nid) outputForTaskId) (\(_, _, x, _) -> x) viewDetail (Just (Left {click_target_bpident = {bpident_taskId = Nothing}})) = viewInformation (Title "Notice") [] "No data available for selected task. " @! () viewDetail (Just (Right (mn, tn, tid, argIdx))) = get (sdsFocus (mn, tn, tid) paramsForTaskInstance) >>~ \params -> case getN params argIdx of Just (_, _, vi) -> vi _ -> viewInformation (Title "Notice") [] "Argument value not found" @! () where getN [] _ = Nothing getN [x:_] 0 = Just x getN [_:xs] n | n < 0 = Nothing | otherwise = getN xs (n - 1) viewDetail _ = viewInformation (Title "Task viewer") [] "Select dynamic task" @! () settingsViewer :: Task () settingsViewer = updateSharedInformation (Title "Settings") [] dynamicDisplaySettings @! () windowIf True t = t <<@ InWindow windowIf _ _ = return () activeUsers :: Task () activeUsers = return () //= get currentTaskInstanceNo //>>- \ino -> let filter = { onlyInstanceNo = Nothing //, notInstanceNo = Just [ino] //, onlySession = Nothing //, includeConstants = False //, includeProgress = True //, includeAttributes = True //} //in whileUnchanged (sdsFocus filter filteredInstanceIndex) ( //\idatas -> let userData = mergeSortBy (\(l, _) (r, _) -> l <= r) (nub [(usr, dt) \\ (Ok usr, dt) <- map (\(_,_, Just {InstanceProgress | lastIO}, Just attributes) -> (userFromAttr () attributes, lastIO)) idatas | usr <> SystemUser]) //in get currentDateTime >>= \currDT -> enterChoice (Title "Active users") [ChooseWith (ChooseFromGrid (mkUsersView currDT))] userData //) @! () :: UsersView = { username :: User, inactivity :: String } derive class iTask UsersView mkUsersView :: DateTime (User, Maybe DateTime) -> UsersView mkUsersView currDT (usr, Just mLastIO) # (DateTime _ dt) = currDT - mLastIO # st = if (dt.Time.min > 0) "> 1m" (if (dt.Time.sec > 30) "> 30s" "") = { username = usr, inactivity = st } mkUsersView currDT (usr, _) = { username = usr, inactivity = ""} merge _ [] ys = ys merge _ xs [] = xs merge f xs=:[x:xt] ys=:[y:yt] | f x y = [x : merge f xt ys] | otherwise = [y : merge f xs yt] split [x:y:zs] = let (xs,ys) = split zs in ([x:xs], [y:ys]) split [x] = ([x],[]) split [] = ([],[]) mergeSortBy _ [] = [] mergeSortBy _ [x] = [x] mergeSortBy f xs # (as,bs) = split xs = merge f (mergeSortBy f as) (mergeSortBy f bs) tonicDynamicBrowser` :: [TaskAppRenderer] (Shared NavStack) -> Task () tonicDynamicBrowser` rs navstack = ((activeBlueprintInstances -&&- blueprintViewer) <<@ ArrangeVertical) @! () where activeBlueprintInstances = editSharedChoiceWithSharedAs (Title "Active blueprint instances") [ChooseWith (ChooseFromGrid customView)] (mapRead filterTasks (tonicSharedRT |+| queryShare)) setTaskId selectedBlueprint <<@ ArrangeWithSideBar 0 TopSide 175 True where setTaskId x = { click_origin_mbbpident = Nothing , click_origin_mbnodeId = Nothing , click_target_bpident = { bpident_moduleName = x.bpi_bpref.bpr_moduleName , bpident_taskName = x.bpi_bpref.bpr_taskName , bpident_taskId = Just x.bpi_taskId } } filterTasks (trt, q) = filterActiveTasks q ('DM'.elems trt) blueprintViewer = whileUnchanged (selectedBlueprint |+| navstack) ( \(bpmeta, ns) -> case bpmeta of Just meta=:{click_target_bpident = {bpident_taskId = Just tid}} = dynamicParent tid >>~ \mbprnt -> whileUnchanged (sdsFocus tid tonicInstances |+| dynamicDisplaySettings |+| selectedDetail) ( \shareData -> case shareData of ((Just bpinst, dynSett), selDetail) -> viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpinst selDetail meta >>* [ OnAction (Action "Back" [ActionIcon "previous"]) (navigateBackwards dynSett selDetail ns) , OnAction (Action "Parent task" [ActionIcon "open"]) (\_ -> navToParent bpinst dynSett selDetail tid rs mbprnt) ] _ -> return () ) _ = viewInformation () [] "Please select a blueprint" @! () ) where navToParent currinst=:{bpi_bpref = currbpref} dynSett selDetail tid rs (Just inst=:{bpi_bpref = bpref}) // TODO FIXME = Just ( upd (\xs -> [mkMeta tid : xs]) navstack >>| set (Just (mkMeta inst.bpi_taskId)) selectedBlueprint >>| viewInstance rs navstack dynSett inst selDetail (mkMeta inst.bpi_taskId) @! ()) where mkMeta tid = { click_origin_mbbpident = Just { bpident_moduleName = currbpref.bpr_moduleName , bpident_taskName = currbpref.bpr_taskName , bpident_taskId = Just currinst.bpi_taskId } , click_origin_mbnodeId = Nothing , click_target_bpident = { bpident_moduleName = bpref.bpr_moduleName , bpident_taskName = bpref.bpr_taskName , bpident_taskId = Just tid } } navToParent _ _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing navigateBackwards :: !DynamicDisplaySettings !(Maybe (Either ClickMeta (ModuleName, FuncName, TaskId, Int))) NavStack a -> Maybe (Task ()) navigateBackwards _ _ [] _ = Nothing navigateBackwards dynSett selDetail [prev:stack] _ = navigateBackwards` prev where navigateBackwards` :: ClickMeta -> Maybe (Task ()) navigateBackwards` meta`=:{click_origin_mbbpident = Just {bpident_taskId = Just tid}} = Just (upd pop navstack >>| get (sdsFocus tid tonicInstances) >>~ \mbpref -> case mbpref of Just bpref` -> viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpref` selDetail meta` _ -> return ()) navigateBackwards` meta=:{click_origin_mbbpident = Just {bpident_moduleName, bpident_taskName}} = Just (upd pop navstack >>| getModule bpident_moduleName >>* [ OnValue (onNavVal bpident_taskName) , OnAllExceptions (const (viewInformation "Error" [] "Something went wrong with navigating backwards" @! ())) ] @! ()) where onNavVal bpident_taskName (Value tm` _) = fmap (\tt` -> allBlueprints >>- \allbps -> viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack {bpr_moduleName = bpident_moduleName, bpr_taskName = bpident_taskName} tm` tt` dynSett.DynamicDisplaySettings.unfold_depth dynSett.DynamicDisplaySettings.display_compact @! ()) (getTonicFunc tm` bpident_taskName) onNavVal _ _ = Nothing navigateBackwards` _ = Nothing pop [] = [] pop [_:xs] = xs filterActiveTasks Nothing instances = instances filterActiveTasks (Just q) instances = [bpi \\ bpi <- instances | not (startsWith "iTasks" bpi.bpi_bpref.bpr_moduleName) && isNothing bpi.bpi_endTime && doFilter bpi q] where doFilter {bpi_bpref = {bpr_taskName}} (FuncName tn) = tn == "" || indexOf tn bpr_taskName >= 0 doFilter {bpi_currentUser = Just u} (UserInvolved un) = un == "" || indexOf un (toString u) >= 0 doFilter {bpi_endTime} IsActiveTask = isNothing bpi_endTime doFilter {bpi_taskId = TaskId tinst _} (HasInstanceNo n) = tinst == n doFilter bpi (AndQuery l r) = doFilter bpi l && doFilter bpi r doFilter bpi (OrQuery l r) = doFilter bpi l || doFilter bpi r doFilter _ _ = True customView bpi=:{bpi_bpref = {bpr_moduleName, bpr_taskName}} = { DynamicView | taskName = bpr_moduleName +++ "." +++ bpr_taskName +++ " (" +++ toString bpi.bpi_taskId +++ ")" , startTime = toString bpi.bpi_startTime , lastUpdate = toString bpi.bpi_lastUpdated , endTime = maybe "" toString bpi.bpi_endTime , user = maybe "" toString bpi.bpi_currentUser } getModuleAndTask :: !AllBlueprints !ModuleName !FuncName -> Task (TonicModule, TonicFunc) getModuleAndTask allbps mn tn = getModule mn >>~ \mod -> case 'DM'.get mn allbps `b` 'DM'.get tn of Just tt -> return (mod, tt) _ -> throw "Can't get module and task" viewInstance :: ![TaskAppRenderer] !(Shared NavStack) !DynamicDisplaySettings !BlueprintInstance !(Maybe (Either ClickMeta (ModuleName, FuncName, TaskId, Int))) !ClickMeta -> Task () viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpinst=:{bpi_bpref = {bpr_moduleName, bpr_taskName}} selDetail meta=:{click_target_bpident = {bpident_taskId = Just tid}} = (if (dynSett.DynamicDisplaySettings.show_comments && bpinst.bpi_blueprint.tf_comments <> "") (viewInformation "Task comments" [] bpinst.bpi_blueprint.tf_comments @! ()) (return ())) -&&- ((whileUnchanged (sdsFocus bpinst.bpi_taskId tonicActionsForTaskID) ( \steps -> showBlueprintInstance rs bpinst selDetail steps False { Scale | min = 0, cur = 0, max = 0}) -|| showChildTasks dynSett bpinst) >>* [OnValue (doAction (handleClicks bpr_moduleName bpr_taskName))]) @! () where showChildTasks :: DynamicDisplaySettings BlueprintInstance -> Task () showChildTasks {DynamicDisplaySettings | show_all_child_tasks = False, unfold_depth = {Scale | cur = 0} } bpinst = return () showChildTasks {DynamicDisplaySettings | show_all_child_tasks, unfold_depth = {Scale | cur = d}, show_finished_blueprints } bpinst # childIds = [tid \\ tid <- map fst (concatMap 'DIS'.elems ('DM'.elems bpinst.bpi_activeNodes)) | not (tid == bpinst.bpi_taskId)] # childIds = if show_finished_blueprints ([tid \\ tid <- 'DM'.elems bpinst.bpi_previouslyActive | not (tid == bpinst.bpi_taskId)] ++ childIds) childIds # viewTasks = map ( \childId -> get (sdsFocus childId tonicInstances) >>~ \mbpref -> case mbpref of Just bpref` # dynSett = if show_all_child_tasks dynSett {DynamicDisplaySettings | dynSett & unfold_depth = {dynSett.DynamicDisplaySettings.unfold_depth & cur = d - 1}} = viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpref` selDetail (mkClickMeta childId) _ = return ()) childIds = allTasks viewTasks @! () where mkClickMeta childId = {meta & click_origin_mbbpident = Nothing , click_origin_mbnodeId = Nothing , click_target_bpident = { bpident_taskId = Just childId , bpident_moduleName = "" , bpident_taskName = "" } } handleClicks :: !ModuleName !FuncName !(TClickAction, ClickMeta) (ActionState (TClickAction, ClickMeta) TonicImageState) -> Task () handleClicks _ _ (TNavAction, meta`) _ = upd (\xs -> [meta` : xs]) navstack >>| viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpinst selDetail meta` handleClicks _ _ (TDetailAction, meta) _ = set (Just (Left meta)) selectedDetail >>| viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpinst selDetail meta handleClicks mn tn (TSelectArg i, meta) _ = set (Just (Right (mn, tn, tid, i))) selectedDetail >>| viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpinst selDetail meta handleClicks _ _ _ _ = viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpinst selDetail meta noSelection :: Task String noSelection = viewInformation () [] "Select argument..." collectArgs :: !BlueprintIdent !BlueprintInstance !TonicFunc -> Task [(String, Task ())] collectArgs bpref bpinst graph = mkInstantTask f where f _ iworld # (mparams, iworld) = 'DSDS'.read (sdsFocus (bpref.bpr_moduleName, bpref.bpr_taskName, bpinst.bpi_taskId) paramsForTaskInstance) iworld = case mparams of Ok params -> (Ok (zipWith (\(argnm, argty) (_, vi) -> (ppTExpr argnm +++ " :: " +++ ppTExpr argty, vi)) graph.tf_args params), iworld) _ -> (Ok [], iworld) viewInstance rs navstack dynSett bpinst selDetail {click_target_bpident = {bpident_moduleName, bpident_taskName}} = allBlueprints >>- \allbps -> getModuleAndTask allbps bpident_moduleName bpident_taskName >>- \(tm, tt) -> viewStaticTask allbps rs navstack bpinst.bpi_bpref tm tt { Scale | min = 0, cur = 0, max = 0} False pp3 (x, y, ns) = toString x +++ " " +++ toString y +++ " " +++ toString ns allBlueprints :: Task AllBlueprints allBlueprints = getTonicModules >>- \modnms -> allTasks (map getModule modnms) >>- \modules -> return (foldr f 'DM'.newMap modules) where f mod acc = case 'DM'.get mod.tm_name acc of Just _ -> acc _ -> 'DM'.put mod.tm_name mod.tm_funcs acc expandTask :: !AllBlueprints !Int !TonicFunc -> TonicFunc expandTask allbps n tt | n > 0 = {tt & tf_body = expandTExpr allbps n tt.tf_body} | otherwise = tt expandTExpr :: !AllBlueprints !Int !TExpr -> TExpr expandTExpr _ 0 texpr = texpr expandTExpr allbps n (TFApp vn args assoc) = TFApp vn (map (expandTExpr allbps n) args) assoc expandTExpr allbps n texpr=:(TMApp eid mtn mn tn args assoc) = case 'DM'.get mn allbps >>= 'DM'.get tn of Just tt = TExpand args (expandTask allbps (n - 1) tt) _ = TMApp eid mtn mn tn (map (expandTExpr allbps n) args) assoc expandTExpr allbps n (TLet pats bdy) = TLet (map f pats) (expandTExpr allbps n bdy) where f (pat, rhs) = (pat, expandTExpr allbps n rhs) expandTExpr allbps n (TIf cs c t e) = TIf cs c (expandTExpr allbps n t) (expandTExpr allbps n e) expandTExpr allbps n (TCase cs e pats) = TCase cs (expandTExpr allbps n e) (map f pats) where f (pat, rhs) = (pat, expandTExpr allbps n rhs) expandTExpr allbps n (TExpand vars tt) = TExpand vars (expandTask allbps n tt) expandTExpr allbps n (TSel e es) = TSel (expandTExpr allbps n e) (map (expandTExpr allbps n) es) expandTExpr allbps n (TRecUpd vn e es) = TRecUpd vn (expandTExpr allbps n e) (map (expandTExpr allbps n) es) expandTExpr allbps n (TLam vars e) = TLam vars (expandTExpr allbps n e) expandTExpr _ _ texpr = texpr