definition module iTasks._Framework.SDS import GenEq import System.FilePath, Data.Maybe, Data.Either, Data.Error, System.Time, Text.JSON from iTasks._Framework.IWorld import :: IWorld from iTasks._Framework.Task import :: TaskException from iTasks._Framework.Generic import class iTask, generic gEditor, generic gEditMeta, generic gUpdate, generic gVerify, generic gEq, generic gDefault, generic gText from iTasks._Framework.Generic import :: VSt, :: VisualizationResult, :: EditMeta, :: VerifiedValue, :: DataPath, :: Verification, :: InteractionMask from iTasks._Framework.Generic import :: USt, :: MaskedValue, :: VerifyOptions, :: TextFormat from iTasks.API.Core.Types import :: InstanceNo, :: TaskId :: RWShared p r w = SDSSource !(SDSSource p r w) | rs ws: SDSLens !(RWShared ps rs ws) (SDSLens p r w ps rs ws) & iTask ps | E.p1 p2: SDSSelect !(RWShared p1 r w) !(RWShared p2 r w) (SDSSelect p p1 p2 r w) & iTask p1 & iTask p2 | E.p1 r1 w1 p2 r2 w2: SDSParallel !(RWShared p1 r1 w1) !(RWShared p2 r2 w2) (SDSParallel p1 r1 w1 p2 r2 w2 p r w) & iTask p1 & iTask p2 | E.r1 w1 p2 r2 w2: SDSSequence !(RWShared p r1 w1) !(RWShared p2 r2 w2) (SDSSequence p r1 w1 p2 r2 w2 r w) & iTask p2 // USE IT CAREFULLY, IT CAN BREAK NOTIFICATION! | SDSDynamic !(p *IWorld -> *(MaybeError TaskException (RWShared p r w), *IWorld)) //A notification is function predictate that can determine whether //some registered parameter of type p needs to be notified. :: SDSNotifyPred p :== p -> Bool //Notification requests are stored in the IWorld :: SDSNotifyRequest = { reqTaskId :: TaskId //Id of the task that read the SDS. This Id also connects a chain of notify requests that were registered together , reqSDSId :: SDSIdentity //Id of the actual SDS used to create this request (may be a derived one) , cmpSDSId :: SDSIdentity //Id of the SDS we are saving for comparison , cmpParam :: Dynamic //Parameter we are saving for comparison , cmpParamText :: String //String version of comparison parameter for tracing } :: SDSIdentity :== String //Sources provide direct access to a data source :: SDSSource p r w = { name :: String , read :: p *IWorld -> *(!MaybeError TaskException r, !*IWorld) , write :: p w *IWorld -> *(!MaybeError TaskException (SDSNotifyPred p), !*IWorld) } :: SDSLens p r w ps rs ws = { name :: String , param :: p -> ps , read :: SDSLensRead p r rs , write :: SDSLensWrite p w rs ws , notify :: SDSLensNotify p w rs } :: SDSLensRead p r rs = SDSRead (p rs -> MaybeError TaskException r) //Read original source and transform | SDSReadConst (p -> r) //No need to read the original source :: SDSLensWrite p w rs ws = SDSWrite (p rs w -> MaybeError TaskException (Maybe ws)) //Read original source, and write updated version | SDSWriteConst (p w -> MaybeError TaskException (Maybe ws)) //No need to read the original source :: SDSLensNotify p w rs = SDSNotify (p rs w -> SDSNotifyPred p) | SDSNotifyConst (p w -> SDSNotifyPred p) //Merge two sources by selecting one based on the parameter :: SDSSelect p p1 p2 r w = { name :: String , select :: p -> Either p1 p2 , notifyl :: p1 r w -> SDSNotifyPred p2 , notifyr :: p2 r w -> SDSNotifyPred p1 } //Read from and write to two independent SDS's :: SDSParallel p1 r1 w1 p2 r2 w2 p r w = { name :: String , param :: p -> (p1,p2) , read :: (r1,r2) -> r , writel :: SDSLensWrite p w r1 w1 , writer :: SDSLensWrite p w r2 w2 } //Read from and write to two dependent SDS's //The read value from the first is used to compute the parameter for the second :: SDSSequence p r1 w1 p2 r2 w2 r w = { name :: String , param :: p r1 -> p2 , read :: (r1,r2) -> r , writel :: SDSLensWrite p w r1 w1 , writer :: SDSLensWrite p w r2 w2 } :: BasicShareId :== String :: WriteShare p = E.r w: Write !w !(RWShared p r w) :: ROShared p a :== RWShared p a () :: WOShared p a :== RWShared p () a :: ReadWriteShared r w :== RWShared () r w :: ReadOnlyShared a :== ReadWriteShared a () :: WriteOnlyShared a :== ReadWriteShared () a :: Shared a :== ReadWriteShared a a createReadWriteSDS :: !String !String !(p *IWorld -> *(!MaybeError TaskException r, !*IWorld)) !(p w *IWorld -> *(!MaybeError TaskException (SDSNotifyPred p), !*IWorld)) -> RWShared p r w createReadOnlySDS :: !(p *IWorld -> *(!r, !*IWorld)) -> ROShared p r createReadOnlySDSError :: !(p *IWorld -> *(!MaybeError TaskException r, !*IWorld)) -> ROShared p r //Normal access functions //Just read an SDS read :: !(RWShared () r w) !*IWorld -> (!MaybeError TaskException r, !*IWorld) //Read an SDS and register a taskId to be notified when it is written readRegister :: !TaskId !(RWShared () r w) !*IWorld -> (!MaybeError TaskException r, !*IWorld) //Write an SDS (and queue evaluation of those task instances which contained tasks that registered for notification) write :: !w !(RWShared () r w) !*IWorld -> (!MaybeError TaskException (), !*IWorld) //Read followed by write modify :: !(r -> w) !(RWShared () r w) !*IWorld -> (!MaybeError TaskException (), !*IWorld) //Force notify (queue evaluation of task instances that registered for notification) notify :: !(RWShared () r w) !*IWorld -> (!MaybeError TaskException (), !*IWorld) //Clear all registrations for a given task instance. //This is normally called by the queueRefresh functions, because once an instance is queued //for evaluation anyway, it no longer make sense to notify it again. clearInstanceSDSRegistrations :: ![InstanceNo] !*IWorld -> *IWorld //List all current registrations (for debugging purposes) listAllSDSRegistrations :: *IWorld -> (![(InstanceNo,[(TaskId,SDSIdentity)])],!*IWorld) formatSDSRegistrationsList :: [(InstanceNo,[(TaskId,SDSIdentity)])] -> String :: JSONShared :== RWShared JSONNode JSONNode JSONNode //Exposing shares for external nodes toJSONShared :: (RWShared p r w) -> JSONShared | JSONDecode{|*|} p & JSONEncode{|*|} r & JSONDecode{|*|} w & iTask p fromJSONShared :: JSONShared -> RWShared p r w | JSONEncode{|*|} p & JSONDecode{|*|} r & JSONEncode{|*|} w newURL :: !*IWorld -> (!String, !*IWorld) getURLbyId :: !String !*IWorld -> (!String, !*IWorld)