implementation module iTasks.API.Extensions.CodeMirrorTasklet import StdMisc, StdString, StdArray, StdDebug import Data.Maybe, Data.List, Text import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Editlet import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Tasklet import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Interface derive JSONEncode CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive JSONDecode CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive gDefault CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive gEq CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive gText CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive gEditor CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive gEditMeta CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive gUpdate CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror derive gVerify CodeMirrorConfiguration, CodeMirrorDiff, CodeMirror :: JSCM = JSCM toAttrValue (CMMode a) = ("mode", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMTheme a) = ("theme", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMIdenUnit a) = ("idenUnit", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMSmartIdent a) = ("smartIdent", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMTabSize a) = ("tabSize", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMIndentWithTabs a) = ("indentWithTabs", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMElectricChars a) = ("electricChars", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMRtlMoveVisually a) = ("rtlMoveVisually", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMKeyMap a) = ("keyMap", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMLineWrapping a) = ("lineWrapping", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMLineNumbers a) = ("lineNumbers", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMFirstLineNumber a) = ("firstLineNumber", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMReadOnly a) = ("readOnly", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMShowCursorWhenSelecting a) = ("showCursorWhenSelecting", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMUndoDepth a) = ("undoDepth", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMHistoryEventDelay a) = ("historyEventDelay", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMTabindex a) = ("tabindex", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMAutofocus a) = ("autofocus", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMDragDrop a) = ("dragDrop", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMCursorBlinkRate a) = ("cursorBlinkRate", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMCursorScrollMargin a) = ("cursorScrollMargin", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMCursorHeight a) = ("cursorHeight", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMWorkTime a) = ("workTime", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMWorkDelay a) = ("workDelay", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMPollInterval a) = ("pollInterval", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMFlattenSpans a) = ("flattenSpans", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMMaxHighlightLength a) = ("maxHighlightLength", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMCrudeMeasuringFrom a) = ("crudeMeasuringFrom", toJSVal a) toAttrValue (CMViewportMargin a) = ("viewportMargin", toJSVal a) shallowEq a b = fst (toAttrValue a) == fst (toAttrValue b) createConfigurationObject :: [CodeMirrorConfiguration] !*JSWorld -> *(!JSObj CodeMirrorConfiguration, !*JSWorld) createConfigurationObject cs world # (obj, world) = jsEmptyObject world = (obj, foldl (set obj) world (map toAttrValue cs)) where set obj world (attr,value) = jsSetObjectAttr attr value obj world setOptions :: [CodeMirrorConfiguration] (JSObj JSCM) !*JSWorld -> *JSWorld setOptions cs cm world # world = foldl upd world (map toAttrValue cs) = loadModulesIfNeeded cs cm world where upd world (attr, val) = snd (callObjectMethod "setOption" [toJSArg attr, toJSArg val] cm world) loadModulesIfNeeded :: [CodeMirrorConfiguration] (JSObj JSCM) !*JSWorld -> *JSWorld loadModulesIfNeeded cs cm world # (cmobj, world) = findObject "CodeMirror" world // Load mode # world = case find isSetMode cs of Nothing = world (Just (CMMode mode)) = snd (callObjectMethod "autoLoadMode" [toJSArg cm, toJSArg mode] cmobj world) // Load theme = case find isSetTheme cs of Nothing = world (Just (CMTheme theme)) = addCSSFromUrl ("theme/"+++theme+++".css") world where isSetMode (CMMode _) = True isSetMode _ = False isSetTheme (CMTheme _) = True isSetTheme _ = False onInitClient hndCreator eventhandlers onLoadWrapper onLoadCont cid clval world # (obj, world) = findObject "CodeMirror.defaults" world | not (jsIsUndefined obj) = onLoad hndCreator eventhandlers onLoadCont cid undef clval world # world = addCSSFromUrl "codemirror.css" world # world = addJSFromUrl "codemirror.js" Nothing world # world = addJSFromUrl "addon/mode/loadmode.js" (Just (hndCreator onLoadWrapper cid)) world = (clval,world) onLoad hndCreator eventhandlers cont cid _ clval=:{val={source,configuration}} world # (ta, world) = .? (getElementById (sourcearea cid)) world # (co, world) = createConfigurationObject configuration world # (cmobj, world) = findObject "CodeMirror" world # (this, world) = jsThis world # (cm, world) = jsApply cmobj this [toJSArg ta, toJSArg co] world # world = loadModulesIfNeeded configuration cm world # st = {codeMirror = cm, systemEventHandlers = systemEvents, marks = []} # world = manageSystemEvents "on" st world # world = foldl (putOnEventHandler cm) world eventhandlers # (tasklets,world) = findObject "itwc.controller.tasklets" world # (editlets,world) = findObject "itwc.controller.editlets" world # (cmp,world) = .? (tasklets .# cid) world # (cmp,world) = if (jsIsUndefined cmp) (.? (editlets .# cid) world) (cmp,world) # (clval,world) = onAfterShow cm cid undef clval world # world = (cmp .# "afterResize" .= (toJSVal (hndCreator (onAfterShow cm) cid))) world # world = (cmp .# "afterShow" .= (toJSVal (hndCreator (onAfterShow cm) cid))) world //Call continuation to initialize the editor = cont cid {clval & mbSt = Just st} world where // Set the size directly because CodeMirror seems that cannot work with CSS3 FlexBox stuff onAfterShow cm cid _ st world # (editlets, world) = findObject "itwc.controller.editlets" world # (editlet,world) = jsGetObjectAttr cid editlets world # (domEl,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "domEl" editlet world # (style,world) = callObjectMethod "getComputedStyle" [toJSArg domEl] jsWindow world # (width,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "width" style world # (height,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "height" style world # (_,world) = (cm .# "setSize" .$ (width,height)) world = (st, world) putOnEventHandler cm world (event, handler) = snd (callObjectMethod "on" [toJSArg event, toJSArg (hndCreator handler cid)] cm world) systemEvents = [("cursorActivity", hndCreator onCursorActivity cid), ("change", hndCreator onChange cid)] isSetMode (CMMode _) = True isSetMode _ = False onChange cid {[0] = event} clval=:{val={source}, mbSt=Just {codeMirror}} world # (cmdoc, world) = callObjectMethod "getDoc" [] codeMirror world # (newsource, world) = callObjectMethod "getValue" [] cmdoc world # (nrlines, world) = callObjectMethod "lineCount" [] cmdoc world # nrlines = jsValToInt nrlines # (world, lines) = foldl (\(w,res) i -> let (line, w2) = readLine cmdoc i w in (w2, [line: res])) (world, []) (reverse [0..nrlines-1]) = ({clval & val={clval.val & source = lines}}, world) where readLine cmdoc n world # (line, world) = callObjectMethod "getLine" [toJSArg n] cmdoc world = (jsValToString line, world) onCursorActivity cid event clval=:{val, mbSt=Just {codeMirror}} world # (cmdoc, world) = callObjectMethod "getDoc" [] codeMirror world # (pos, world) = callObjectMethod "getCursor" [toJSArg "start"] cmdoc world # (idx1, world) = posToTuple pos world # val = {val & position = idx1} # (pos, world) = callObjectMethod "getCursor" [toJSArg "end"] cmdoc world # (idx2, world) = posToTuple pos world # val = if (idx1 == idx2) {val & selection = Nothing} {val & selection = Just (idx1,idx2)} = ({clval & val = val}, world) manageSystemEvents direction {codeMirror, systemEventHandlers} world = foldl sw world systemEventHandlers where sw world (event, handler) = snd (callObjectMethod direction [toJSArg event, toJSArg handler] codeMirror world) posToTuple cmpos world # (line, world) = .? (cmpos .# "line") world # (ch, world) = .? (cmpos .# "ch") world = ((jsValToInt line, jsValToInt ch), world) tupleToPos (line, ch) world # (cmpos, world) = jsEmptyObject world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "line" (toJSVal line) cmpos world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "ch" (toJSVal ch) cmpos world = (cmpos, world) addMark cmdoc (i1,i2) world # (p1, world) = tupleToPos i1 world # (p2, world) = tupleToPos i2 world # (conf, world) = jsEmptyObject world # world = (conf .# "className" .= "cm-highlight") world = (cmdoc .# "markText" .$ (p1,p2,conf)) world sourcearea :: String -> String sourcearea id = "cm_source_" +++ id codeMirrorUIDef :: a [TaskletEvent b] -> TaskletHTML b | toString a codeMirrorUIDef cid eventHandlers = { TaskletHTML | html = DivTag [] [StyleTag [] [Text " { background: #F3FA25 } \n .CodeMirror-focused { background: #F3FA25; !important }"] //FAD328 ,DivTag [IdAttr (sourcearea (toString cid)), StyleAttr "display: block; position: absolute;"] []] , eventHandlers = eventHandlers , width = ExactSize 300 , height = ExactSize 300 } codeMirrorTasklet :: !CodeMirror -> Tasklet CodeMirrorClient CodeMirror codeMirrorTasklet g = { Tasklet | genUI = \tid _ world -> (TaskletHTML (codeMirrorUIDef tid eventHandlers), {val = g, mbSt = Nothing}, world) , resultFunc = \clval -> Value clval.val False , tweakUI = id } where eventHandlers = [TaskletEvent "tasklet" "init" onInit] onInit taskId _ clval world = onInitClient foo [] onLoadWrapper onLoadCont (toString taskId) clval world where onLoadCont taskId clval world = onUpdate taskId clval world onLoadWrapper taskId obj st world = onLoad foo [] onLoadCont (toString taskId) obj st world foo hnd taskId = createTaskletEventHandler (\taskId obj val st -> hnd (toString taskId) obj val st) (fromString taskId) onUpdate taskid clval=:{val={source,configuration,position,selection,highlighted}, mbSt=Just st=:{codeMirror,marks}} world // disable system event handlers # world = manageSystemEvents "off" st world # world = setOptions configuration codeMirror world # world = loadModulesIfNeeded configuration codeMirror world # (cmdoc, world) = callObjectMethod "getDoc" [] codeMirror world # world = applyDiffClient cmdoc 0 0 source world # (pos, world) = tupleToPos position world # world = snd (callObjectMethod "setCursor" [toJSArg pos] cmdoc world) # world = case selection of Nothing = world (Just (idx1,idx2)) # (pos1, world) = tupleToPos idx1 world # (pos2, world) = tupleToPos idx2 world = snd (callObjectMethod "setSelection" [toJSArg pos1, toJSArg pos2] cmdoc world) // Set marks # (marks, world) = foldl (\(ms, world) pos -> let (m,w) = addMark cmdoc pos world in ([m:ms], w)) ([], world) highlighted // enable system event handlers # world = manageSystemEvents "on" st world = ({clval & mbSt = Just {st & marks = marks}}, world) applyDiffClient cmdoc flines llines diff world # (nrlines, world) = callObjectMethod "lineCount" [] cmdoc world # nrlines = jsValToInt nrlines # (line1, world) = callObjectMethod "getLine" [toJSArg (flines - 1)] cmdoc world # line1 = if (jsIsUndefined line1) "" (jsValToString line1) | (size line1 == 0 && nrlines == 1) || (nrlines == flines + llines) = insert line1 world = replace nrlines world where replace nrlines world # world = jsTrace (flines) world # world = jsTrace (nrlines - llines - 1) world # world = jsTrace ("\"" +++ join "\n" diff +++ "\n\"") world # (cmposfrom, world) = tupleToPos (flines, 0) world # (cmposto, world) = tupleToPos (nrlines - llines - 1, 0) world = snd (callObjectMethod "replaceRange" [toJSArg (join "\n" diff +++ "\n"), toJSArg cmposfrom, toJSArg cmposto] cmdoc world) insert line1 world # (cmpos, world) = tupleToPos (flines - 1, size line1) world = foldl (\w l -> snd (callObjectMethod "replaceRange" [toJSArg (l +++ "\n"), toJSArg cmpos, toJSArg cmpos] cmdoc w)) world (reverse diff) applyDiffServer :: [String] Int Int [String] -> [String] applyDiffServer os flines llines diff = take flines os ++ diff ++ drop (length os - llines) os genDiffRange :: [String] [String] -> Maybe (Int,Int,[String]) genDiffRange os ns = fmap addlines (calcDiffRange os ns) where lns = length ns addlines (flines, llines) = (flines, llines, take (lns-llines-flines) (drop flines ns)) // (valid lines from the left, valid lines from the right) calcDiffRange :: [String] [String] -> Maybe (Int,Int) calcDiffRange [] [] = Nothing calcDiffRange [] _ = Just (0,0) calcDiffRange os ns | flines == los = Nothing = Just (flines, llines) where flines = firstdiff os ns 0 llines = firstdiff (reverse os) (reverse ns) 0 los = length os firstdiff [] _ l = l firstdiff [o:os] [] l = l firstdiff [o:os] [n:ns] l | o == n = firstdiff os ns (l+1) = l firstDiff :: !String !String -> Int firstDiff str1 str2 = if (size str1 == size str2 && diff == size str1) -1 diff where diff = d 0 d p | (p >= size str1) || (p >= size str2) = p d p | str1.[p] == str2.[p] = d (p+1) d p = p lastDiff :: !String !String -> Int lastDiff str1 str2 = if (size str1 == size str2 && diff == size str1) -1 diff where s1 = size str1 s2 = size str2 diff = d 0 d p | (s1 - p - 1 < 0) || (s1 - p - 1 < 0) = p d p | str1.[p] == str2.[p] = d (p+1) d p = p