implementation module iTasks.API.Core.SDSs import StdList, StdBool, StdFile, StdTuple import System.Time, Text, Data.Tuple, Data.Functor, Data.Error, System.File import iTasks._Framework.Store, iTasks._Framework.TaskStore, iTasks._Framework.Util import iTasks._Framework.Task import iTasks._Framework.IWorld import iTasks.API.Core.Types import iTasks.API.Core.SDSCombinators, iTasks.API.Common.SDSCombinators from StdFunc import o, seq, const, id from iTasks._Framework.Util as iFU import qualified dateToTimestamp from iTasks._Framework.TaskEval import currentInstanceShare import qualified Data.Map as DM NS_SYSTEM_DATA :== "SystemData" sharedStore :: !String !a -> Shared a | JSONEncode{|*|}, JSONDecode{|*|}, TC a sharedStore storeId defaultV = sdsFocus storeId (jsonFileStore NS_APPLICATION_SHARES True True (Just defaultV)) constShare :: !a -> ROShared p a constShare v = createReadOnlySDS (\_ env -> (v, env)) null :: WriteOnlyShared a null = createReadWriteSDS NS_SYSTEM_DATA "null" (\() env -> (Ok (), env)) (\() _ env -> (Ok (const False), env)) currentDateTime :: ReadOnlyShared DateTime currentDateTime = mapRead (\(d,t) -> DateTime d t) (iworldLocalDate |+| iworldLocalTime) currentTime :: ReadOnlyShared Time currentTime = toReadOnly iworldLocalTime currentDate :: ReadOnlyShared Date currentDate = toReadOnly iworldLocalDate currentUTCDateTime :: ReadOnlyShared DateTime currentUTCDateTime = mapRead (\(d,t) -> DateTime d t) (iworldUTCDate |+| iworldUTCTime) currentUTCTime :: ReadOnlyShared Time currentUTCTime = toReadOnly iworldUTCTime currentUTCDate :: ReadOnlyShared Date currentUTCDate = toReadOnly iworldUTCDate currentTimestamp :: ReadOnlyShared Timestamp currentTimestamp = mapRead datetimeToTimestamp currentUTCDateTime // Workflow processes topLevelTasks :: SharedTaskList Void topLevelTasks = topLevelTaskList currentSessions ::ReadOnlyShared [TaskListItem Void] currentSessions = mapRead (map toTaskListItem) (toReadOnly (sdsFocus filter filteredInstanceIndex)) where filter = {InstanceFilter|onlyInstanceNo=Nothing,notInstanceNo=Nothing,onlySession=Just True ,includeConstants=True,includeProgress=True,includeAttributes=True} currentProcesses ::ReadOnlyShared [TaskListItem Void] currentProcesses = mapRead (map toTaskListItem) (toReadOnly (sdsFocus filter filteredInstanceIndex)) where filter = {InstanceFilter|onlyInstanceNo=Nothing,notInstanceNo=Nothing,onlySession=Just False ,includeConstants=True,includeProgress=True,includeAttributes=True} toTaskListItem :: !InstanceData -> TaskListItem a toTaskListItem (instanceNo,Just {InstanceConstants|listId},Just progress, Just attributes) //TODO Set self for current evaluating instance = {TaskListItem|taskId = TaskId instanceNo 0, listId = listId, detached = True, self = False, value = NoValue, progress = Just progress, attributes = attributes} taskInstanceFromInstanceData :: InstanceData -> TaskInstance taskInstanceFromInstanceData (instanceNo,Just {InstanceConstants|instanceKey,session,listId,build,issuedAt},Just progress=:{InstanceProgress|value,firstEvent,lastEvent,connectedTo,lastIO},Just attributes) = {TaskInstance|instanceNo = instanceNo, instanceKey = instanceKey, session = session, listId = listId, build = build ,attributes = attributes, value = value, issuedAt = issuedAt, firstEvent = firstEvent, lastEvent = lastEvent, connectedTo = connectedTo,lastIO = lastIO} currentTaskInstanceNo :: ROShared () InstanceNo currentTaskInstanceNo = createReadOnlySDS (\() iworld=:{current={taskInstance}} -> (taskInstance,iworld)) currentTaskInstanceAttributes :: RWShared () TaskAttributes TaskAttributes currentTaskInstanceAttributes = sdsSequence "currentTaskInstanceAttributes" (\_ no -> no) snd (SDSWriteConst (\_ _ -> Ok Nothing)) (SDSWriteConst (\no w -> (Ok (Just w)))) currentTaskInstanceNo taskInstanceAttributes //taskInstanceAttributes :: RWShared InstanceNo TaskAttributes TaskAttributes allTaskInstances :: ROShared () [TaskInstance] allTaskInstances = toReadOnly (sdsProject (SDSLensRead readInstances) SDSNoWrite (sdsFocus {InstanceFilter|onlyInstanceNo=Nothing,notInstanceNo=Nothing,onlySession=Nothing,includeConstants=True,includeProgress=True,includeAttributes=True} filteredInstanceIndex)) where readInstances is = Ok (map taskInstanceFromInstanceData is) detachedTaskInstances :: ROShared () [TaskInstance] detachedTaskInstances = toReadOnly (sdsProject (SDSLensRead readInstances) SDSNoWrite (sdsFocus {InstanceFilter|onlyInstanceNo=Nothing,notInstanceNo=Nothing,onlySession=Just False,includeConstants=True,includeProgress=True,includeAttributes=True} filteredInstanceIndex)) where readInstances is = Ok (map taskInstanceFromInstanceData is) taskInstanceByNo :: RWShared InstanceNo TaskInstance TaskAttributes taskInstanceByNo = sdsProject (SDSLensRead readItem) (SDSLensWrite writeItem) (sdsTranslate "taskInstanceByNo" filter filteredInstanceIndex) where filter no = {InstanceFilter|onlyInstanceNo=Just [no],notInstanceNo=Nothing,onlySession=Nothing,includeConstants=True,includeProgress=True,includeAttributes=True} readItem [i] = Ok (taskInstanceFromInstanceData i) readItem _ = Error (exception "Task instance not found") writeItem [(n,c,p,_)] a = Ok (Just [(n,c,p,Just a)]) writeItem _ _ = Error (exception "Task instance not found") taskInstanceAttributesByNo :: RWShared InstanceNo TaskAttributes TaskAttributes taskInstanceAttributesByNo = sdsProject (SDSLensRead readItem) (SDSLensWrite writeItem) (sdsTranslate "taskInstanceAttributesByNo" filter filteredInstanceIndex) where filter no = {InstanceFilter|onlyInstanceNo=Just [no],notInstanceNo=Nothing,onlySession=Nothing,includeConstants=False,includeProgress=False,includeAttributes=True} readItem [(_,_,_,Just a)] = Ok a readItem _ = Error (exception "Task instance not found") writeItem [(n,c,p,_)] a = Ok (Just [(n,c,p,Just a)]) writeItem _ _ = Error (exception "Task instance not found") currentTopTask :: ReadOnlyShared TaskId currentTopTask = mapRead (\currentInstance -> TaskId currentInstance 0) currentInstanceShare applicationName :: ReadOnlyShared String applicationName = createReadOnlySDS appName where appName () iworld=:{IWorld|server={serverName}} = (serverName,iworld) applicationBuild :: ReadOnlyShared String applicationBuild = createReadOnlySDS appBuild where appBuild () iworld=:{IWorld|server={buildID}} = (buildID,iworld) applicationDirectory :: ReadOnlyShared FilePath applicationDirectory = createReadOnlySDS appDir where appDir () iworld=:{IWorld|server={paths={appDirectory}}} = (appDirectory,iworld) applicationConfig :: ReadOnlyShared Config applicationConfig = createReadOnlySDS config where config () iworld=:{IWorld|config} = (config,iworld) storeNamespaces :: ROShared () [String] storeNamespaces = createReadOnlySDS read where read () iworld = listStoreNamespaces iworld storeNames :: ROShared String [String] storeNames = createReadOnlySDSError read where read namespace iworld = case listStoreNames namespace iworld of (Ok names,iworld) = (Ok names,iworld) (Error e,iworld) = (Error (exception e),iworld) // Random source randomInt :: ROShared () Int randomInt = createReadOnlySDS randomInt where randomInt () iworld=:{IWorld|random=[i:is]} = (i, {IWorld|iworld & random = is}) externalFile :: RWShared FilePath String String externalFile = createReadWriteSDS NS_SYSTEM_DATA "externalFile" read write where read path iworld=:{world} # (ok,file,world) = fopen path FReadData | not ok = (Ok "", {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) // empty string if file doesn't exist # (res,file) = readAll file # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = (Error (exception CannotClose) ,{IWorld|iworld & world = world}) = case res of Error e = (Error (exception e), {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) Ok content = (Ok content, {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) write path content iworld=:{world} # (ok,file,world) = fopen path FWriteText world | not ok = (Error (exception CannotOpen), {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) # file = fwrites content file # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = (Error (exception CannotClose) ,{IWorld|iworld & world = world}) = (Ok ((==) path), {IWorld|iworld & world = world})