If you have downloaded the iTasks nightly build (recommended), you are almost all set to start building iTasks applications. Follow these steps to get a working system: 1. Install clean. Download the Clean nightly distribution for your Mac, unzip it in your home directory (e.g. in ~/clean) and run make inside that directory. 2. In your shell's initialization script, add the following line: export CLEAN_HOME=~/clean export PATH=$CLEAN_HOME/lib/exe:$CLEAN_HOME/bin:$PATH Change ~/clean to the appropriate path if you have installed Clean somewhere else. 3. Append the contents of iTasks.env to $CLEAN_HOME/etc/IDEEnvs 4. Compile the latest graph_copy for your platform. It can be found in $CLEAN_HOME/lib/iTasks-SDK/Dependencies/graph_copy. Remove graph_to_string_with_descriptors.icl and rename graph_to_string_with_descriptors_macho.icl to graph_to_string_with_descriptors.icl. Build graph_copy using: make -f Makefile.macosx 5. You are now ready to compile your iTasks program. The best way to do so is by using CPM. To build all project files in the current directory, simply type cpm make To build a specific project file, type cpm project MyProject.prj build CPM has a built-in help system as well.