definition module EdTab import syncol :: SyntaxColours = { textColour :: !Colour , backgroundColour :: !Colour , marginColour :: !Colour , tabColour :: !Colour , commentColour :: !Colour , stringColour :: !Colour , charColour :: !Colour , keywordColour :: !Colour , typedefColour :: !Colour , typedeclColour :: !Colour } :: Colour = RGB RGBColour | Black | White | DarkGrey | Grey | LightGrey // 75%, 50%, and 25% Black | Red | Green | Blue | Cyan | Magenta | Yellow :: RGBColour = { r :: !Int // The contribution of red , g :: !Int // The contribution of green , b :: !Int // The contribution of blue } DefaultSyntaxColours :: SyntaxColours :: *Picture newPicture :: *Picture asString :: *Picture -> (!String, !Picture) tabDrawStringC :: !(!Info,!String) !SyntaxColours !*Picture -> *Picture