module SharedPaint import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Editlet import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Interface from StdArray import class Array(uselect), instance Array {} a import Text :: Tool = TLine | TRect | TRectF | TCircle | TCircleF :: Color = Yellow | Red | Green | Blue | Black colors = [Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Black] tools = [TLine, TRect, TRectF, TCircle, TCircleF] canvasWidth :== 300 canvasHeight :== 300 instance toString Color where toString Yellow = "yellow" toString Red = "red" toString Green = "green" toString Blue = "blue" toString Black = "black" instance toString Tool where toString TLine = "Line" toString TRect = "Rectangle" toString TRectF = "Rectangle (filled)" toString TCircle = "Circle" toString TCircleF = "Circle (filled)" instance fromString Tool where fromString "Line" = TLine fromString "Rectangle" = TRect fromString "Rectangle (filled)" = TRectF fromString "Circle" = TCircle fromString "Circle (filled)" = TCircleF :: PainterState = { selectedTool :: Tool , selectedColor :: Color , currentOrigin :: Maybe (Int, Int) , currentShape :: Maybe Shape } :: Filled :== Bool :: Shape = Line !Color !Int !Int !Int !Int | Rect !Color !Filled !Int !Int !Int !Int | Circle !Color !Filled !Int !Int !Int !Int :: Drawing = Drawing [Shape] instance toString Shape where toString (Line color a b c d) = "DrawLine " +++ toString color +++ " " +++toString a +++ " " +++ toString b +++ " " +++ toString c +++ " " +++ toString d toString (Rect color filled a b c d) = "DrawRect " +++ toString color +++ " " +++ toString filled +++ " " +++ toString a +++ " " +++ toString b +++ " " +++ toString c +++ " " +++ toString d toString (Circle color filled a b c d) = "DrawCircle " +++ toString color +++ " " +++ toString filled +++ " " +++ toString a +++ " " +++ toString b +++ " " +++ toString c +++ " " +++ toString d dumpDrawing :: [Shape] -> String dumpDrawing drawing = join "," (map toString drawing) derive class iTask PainterState, Shape, Color, Tool derive gDefault Drawing derive gText Drawing derive gEq Drawing derive gVerify Drawing derive gEditMeta Drawing derive JSONEncode Drawing derive JSONDecode Drawing withEditlet editlet dp (val,mask,ver) meta vst = gEditor{|*|} dp ({editlet & currVal = val},mask,ver) meta vst gEditor{|Drawing|} dp vv meta env = withEditlet painterEditlet dp vv meta env //gEditor{|Drawing|} = withEditlet painterEditlet withEditlet2 editlet dp upd (val,mask) env # ((editlet,mask),env) = gUpdate{|*|} dp upd ({editlet & currVal = val},mask) env = ((editlet.currVal,mask),env) gUpdate{|Drawing|} dp upd vv iworld = withEditlet2 painterEditlet dp upd vv iworld //gUpdate{|Drawing|} = withEditlet2 painterEditlet painterEditlet :: Editlet Drawing [Shape] PainterState painterEditlet = { Editlet | currVal = Drawing [] , defValSrv = Drawing [] , genUI = painterGUI , initClient = onInitUI , appDiffClt = updateUI , genDiffSrv = srvGenDiff , appDiffSrv = \ns (Drawing ds) -> Drawing (ds ++ ns) } where srvGenDiff (Drawing ds1) (Drawing ds2) = case drop (length ds1) ds2 of [] = Nothing shapes = Just shapes updateUI mkHandler cid ds cl world # (context, world) = getContext cid "pcanvas" world = (cl, foldl (\world dr = draw context dr world) world ds) onInitUI mkHandler cid world # world = foldl addEventListener world eventHandlers = ({selectedTool = TLine, selectedColor = Black, currentOrigin = Nothing, currentShape = Nothing}, world) where addEventListener world (ComponentEvent elementId event handler) = ((getElementById elementId) .# "addEventListener" .$! (event, mkHandler handler cid)) world mkId color = "sel_" +++ toString color +++ "_" +++ cid eventHandlers = map (\color -> ComponentEvent (mkId color) "click" (onSelectColor color)) colors ++ [ ComponentEvent ("tcanvas_"+++cid) "mousedown" onMouseDown, ComponentEvent ("tcanvas_"+++cid) "mouseup" onMouseUp, ComponentEvent ("tcanvas_"+++cid) "mousemove" onMouseMove, ComponentEvent ("tool_"+++cid) "change" onChangeTool] onChangeTool :: ComponentId {JSObj JSEvent} PainterState *JSWorld -> *(!PainterState, !ComponentDiff [Shape] PainterState, !*JSWorld) onChangeTool _ {[0]=e} state world # (selectedIndex, world) = .? (e .# "target" .# "selectedIndex") world # (options, world) = .? (e .# "target" .# "options") world # (tool, world) = .? (options .# jsValToInt selectedIndex .# "value") world = ({state & selectedTool = fromString (jsValToString tool)}, NoDiff, world) onSelectColor :: Color ComponentId {JSObj JSEvent} PainterState *JSWorld -> *(!PainterState, !ComponentDiff [Shape] PainterState, !*JSWorld) onSelectColor color _ {[0]=e} state world # world = foldr (setBorder "white") world allBoxes # world = setBorder "pink" (e .# "target") world = ({state & selectedColor = color}, NoDiff, world) where allBoxes = map (getElementById o mkId) colors setBorder color el world = (el .# "style" .# "borderColor" .= color) world getCoordinates e world # (x, world) = .? (e .# "layerX") world # (y, world) = .? (e .# "layerY") world = ((jsValToInt x, jsValToInt y), world) onMouseDown _ {[0]=e} state world # (coordinates, world) = getCoordinates e world = ({state & currentOrigin = Just coordinates}, NoDiff, world) onMouseUp _ {[0]=e} state world # (tempcontext, world) = getContext cid "tcanvas" world # world = clearCanvas tempcontext world # (diff, world) = case state.currentShape of Just shape # (context, world) = getContext cid "pcanvas" world = (addShape shape, draw context shape world) Nothing = (NoDiff, world) = ({state & currentOrigin = Nothing, currentShape = Nothing}, diff, world) addShape shape = Diff [shape] callback where callback True state world # (context, world) = getContext cid "pcanvas" world = (state, addShape shape, draw context shape world) callback False state world = (state, NoDiff, world) // generate onDrawing event onMouseMove _ {[0]=e} state world = case state.currentOrigin of Just coordinates = onDrawing coordinates e state world _ = (state, NoDiff, world) onDrawing (ox, oy) e state world # ((x, y), world) = getCoordinates e world # (tempcontext, world) = getContext cid "tcanvas" world # world = clearCanvas tempcontext world # currentShape = case state.selectedTool of TLine = Line state.selectedColor ox oy x y TRect = Rect state.selectedColor False ox oy x y TRectF = Rect state.selectedColor True ox oy x y TCircle = Circle state.selectedColor False ox oy x y TCircleF = Circle state.selectedColor True ox oy x y # world = draw tempcontext currentShape world = ({state & currentShape = Just currentShape}, NoDiff, world) :: JSCanvasContext = JSCanvasContext :: Context :== JSVal JSCanvasContext getContext :: ComponentId String *JSWorld -> *(Context, *JSWorld) getContext cid canvasId world # canvas = getElementById (canvasId +++ "_" +++ cid) = (canvas .# "getContext" .$ ("2d")) world // not "2D" ! clearCanvas :: Context *JSWorld -> *JSWorld clearCanvas context world = (context .# "clearRect" .$! (0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)) world drawLine :: Context Color Int Int Int Int *JSWorld -> *JSWorld drawLine context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world # world = (context .# "beginPath" .$! () ) world # world = (context .# "strokeStyle" .= color ) world # world = (context .# "moveTo" .$! (x1, y1) ) world # world = (context .# "lineTo" .$! (x2, y2) ) world # world = (context .# "stroke" .$! () ) world = world drawRect :: Context Color Filled Int Int Int Int *JSWorld -> *JSWorld drawRect context color False x1 y1 x2 y2 world # world = (context .# "strokeStyle" .= color ) world # world = (context .# "strokeRect" .$! (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) world = world drawRect context color True x1 y1 x2 y2 world # world = (context .# "fillStyle" .= color ) world # world = (context .# "fillRect" .$! (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) world = world drawCircle :: Context Color Filled Int Int Int Int *JSWorld -> *JSWorld drawCircle context color filled x1 y1 x2 y2 world # world = (context .# "beginPath" .$! () ) world # world = (context .# "strokeStyle" .= color ) world # world = (context .# "fillStyle" .= color ) world # world = (context .# "arc" .$! (center x1 x2, center y1 y2, toInt ((distance x1 y1 x2 y2)/2.0), 0, 3.14159265*2.0, True)) world # world = case filled of True = (context .# "fill" .$! ()) world _ = (context .# "stroke" .$! ()) world = (context .# "closePath" .$! ()) world where center x1 x2 = (max x1 x2) - (abs (x1 - x2))/2 distance x1 y1 x2 y2 = sqrt (toReal ((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2))) draw :: Context Shape *JSWorld -> *JSWorld draw context (Line color x1 y1 x2 y2) world = drawLine context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world draw context (Rect color filled x1 y1 x2 y2) world = drawRect context color filled x1 y1 x2 y2 world draw context (Circle color filled x1 y1 x2 y2) world = drawCircle context color filled x1 y1 x2 y2 world // TODO: // :: PainterEventHand :== ComponentId {JSObj JSEvent} PainterState *JSWorld -> *(!PainterState, !ComponentDiff [Shape] PainterState, !*JSWorld) painterGUI :: ComponentId *World -> *(EditletHTML, *World) painterGUI cid world # ws = toString canvasWidth # hs = toString canvasHeight # canvas = DivTag [StyleAttr "position: relative; float: left;"] [ CanvasTag [IdAttr ("pcanvas_"+++cid), WidthAttr ws, HeightAttr hs, StyleAttr "border: 1px solid #000;"] [], CanvasTag [IdAttr ("tcanvas_"+++cid), WidthAttr ws, HeightAttr hs, StyleAttr "position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 1px;"] [] ] # editor = [ DivTag [StyleAttr "float: right;"] selectors, DivTag [StyleAttr "clear: both;"] [], DivTag [] [Text "Tool: ",SelectTag [IdAttr ("tool_"+++cid)] optionTags] ] # html = DivTag [StyleAttr "width: 360px; margin-right: auto;"] [canvas:editor] # gui = {ComponentHTML | width = ExactSize (canvasWidth + 70) , height = ExactSize (canvasHeight + 50) , html = html } = (gui, world) where optionTags = map (\tool -> let label = toString tool in OptionTag [ValueAttr label] [Text label]) tools selectors = map (\color -> DivTag [IdAttr (mkId color), StyleAttr ("border-style:solid; border-color:white; background-color:" +++ toString color +++ "; width: 40px; height:40px; margin: 5px;")] []) colors mkId color = "sel_" +++ toString color +++ "_" +++ cid //------------------------------------------------------------------------- import StdMisc editletExamples :: [Workflow] editletExamples = [workflow "Painter tasklet" "Simple painter tasklet" painter] painter :: Task Drawing painter = withShared (Drawing []) (\drawing -> updateSharedInformation "1" [] drawing -|| updateSharedInformation "1" [] drawing) Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine (workAs (AuthenticatedUser "root" [] Nothing) (manageWorklist editletExamples)) world