module FlightCheckIn import iTasks,iTasks.API.Core.Client.Tasklet,FlightSupport import Data.Maybe import StdArray //from StdArray import class Array(uselect), instance Array {} a :: BookingInfo = BookingReference String | PassangerLastName String :: Booking = {bookingRef :: String, firstName :: String, lastName :: String, flightNumber :: String, id :: Hidden String, seat :: Maybe Seat} :: Flight = {flightNumber :: String, rows :: Int, layout :: [Int], freeSeats :: [Seat]} derive class iTask BookingInfo, Booking, Flight derive gEditor Seat derive gEditMeta Seat derive gUpdate Seat derive gVerify Seat derive gDefault Seat derive JSONEncode Seat derive JSONDecode Seat derive gEq Seat gText{|Seat|} _ Nothing = [""] gText{|Seat|} _ (Just seat) = [toString seat] commitCheckIn b seat (bs, fs) = (updateBooking seat bs, removeSeat b.Booking.flightNumber seat fs) removeSeat flightNumber seat [f:fs] | f.Flight.flightNumber == flightNumber = [{f & freeSeats = removeMember seat f.freeSeats}:fs] = [f:removeSeat flightNumber seat fs] updateBooking pid seat [] = [] updateBooking pid seat [p:ps] | fromHidden == fromHidden pid = [{p & seat = Just seat}:ps] = [p:updateBooking pid seat ps] findFlight fno = get flightStore >>= return o find (\f -> f.Flight.flightNumber == fno) findBooking ref = get bookingStore >>= return o find (\{bookingRef} -> bookingRef == ref) getBookings f = get bookingStore >>= return o filter f bookingStore :: Shared [Booking] bookingStore = sharedStore "Bookings" /* [ {firstName = "Will", lastName = "Smith", bookingRef = "BHJZ345", flightNumber = "BA2334", id = Hidden "ID1L", seat = Nothing} , {firstName = "Adam", lastName = "Smith", bookingRef = "BHJZ346", flightNumber = "BA5623", id = Hidden "ID8I", seat = Nothing} , {firstName = "Teodor", lastName = "Domoszlai", bookingRef = "BHJZ347", flightNumber = "BA1234", id = Hidden "ID3T", seat = Just (Seat 1 1)}] */ [ {firstName = "Rinus", lastName = "P", bookingRef = "b", flightNumber = "BA1234", id = Hidden "id", seat = Nothing} , {firstName = "Laszlo", lastName = "Domoszlai", bookingRef = "BHJZ345", flightNumber = "BA1234", id = Hidden "ID1L", seat = Nothing} , {firstName = "Igor", lastName = "Domoszlai", bookingRef = "BHJZ346", flightNumber = "BA1234", id = Hidden "ID8I", seat = Nothing} , {firstName = "Teodor", lastName = "Domoszlai", bookingRef = "BHJZ347", flightNumber = "BA1234", id = Hidden "ID3T", seat = Just (Seat 1 1)}] flightStore :: Shared [Flight] flightStore = sharedStore "Flights" [{flightNumber = "BA1234", rows = 20, layout = [3,3], freeSeats = [Seat 13 1,Seat 13 5, Seat 11 1,Seat 10 2]}] task_checkin :: Task Void task_checkin = catchAll ( enterInformation "Please enter booking information:" [] >>= \ref -> lookUpBooking ref >>= \mbP -> verifyBooking mbP >>= \p -> findFlight p.Booking.flightNumber >>= \f -> chooseSeat f >>= \seat -> upd (commitCheckIn p seat) (bookingStore >+< flightStore) >>| findBooking p.bookingRef // refresh booking record >>= viewInformation "Check-in succeeded:" [] >>| task_checkin //>>* [OnAction ActionNext always (const task_checkin)] ) errorHandler where errorHandler msg = viewInformation "Error:" [] msg >>| task_checkin lookUpBooking (BookingReference ref) = findBooking ref lookUpBooking (PassangerLastName lname) = getBookings (\p -> p.lastName == lname && isNothing >>= \bs -> case bs of [] = return Nothing fs = enterChoice "Please choose passenger:" [] fs >>= return o Just verifyBooking Nothing = throw "Passenger cannot be found." verifyBooking (Just b) | isJust = throw "Passenger already checked-in." verifyBooking (Just p) = viewInformation "Passenger:" [] p ||- enterInformation "Please enter you id number:" [] >>= \id -> if (fromHidden == id) (return p) (throw "Identification falied.") /* chooseSeat (Just f) = enterChoice "Please choose seat:" [] (map toString (sort f.freeSeats)) >>= return o fromString chooseSeat Nothing = throw "Flight cannot be found" */ chooseSeat (Just f) = mkTask seatTasklet where seatTasklet :: Tasklet (Maybe Seat) Seat seatTasklet = { genUI = (\_ _ iworld -> (TaskletHTML gui, Nothing, iworld)) , resultFunc = maybe NoValue (\v -> Value v True) , tweakUI = setTitle "Seat chooser Tasklet" } occupiedStyle = StyleAttr "float: left; border-style:solid; background-color:blue; border-color:black; width: 15px; height: 15px; margin: 1px;" freeStyle = StyleAttr "float: left; border-style:solid; background-color:white; border-color:black; width: 15px; height: 15px; margin: 1px;" corridorStyle = StyleAttr "float: left; background-color:white; width: 20px; height: 15px;" rowLayout = intercalate [-1] (numbering 1 f.Flight.layout) numbering i [] = [] numbering i [x:xs] = [take x [i..] : numbering (i+x) xs] genSeatId seat = "_seat_" +++ toString seat genRowUI (Seat _ -1) = DivTag [corridorStyle] [] genRowUI seat | isMember seat f.freeSeats = DivTag [TitleAttr (toString seat), IdAttr (genSeatId seat), freeStyle] [] = DivTag [TitleAttr (toString seat), occupiedStyle] [] attachHandlers seat = [ComponentEvent (genSeatId seat) "click" (setState (Just seat)), ComponentEvent (genSeatId seat) "mouseover" (setColor "red"), ComponentEvent (genSeatId seat) "mouseout" (setColor "white")] setState newst _ _ _ world = (newst, world) setColor color _ {[0]=e} st world = (st, jsSetObjectAttr "" (toJSVal color) e world) htmlui = DivTag [] (intercalate [DivTag [StyleAttr "clear: both;"] []] [map (\s -> genRowUI (Seat r s)) rowLayout \\ r <- [1 .. f.rows]]) gui = { width = ExactSize 200 , height = ExactSize 200 , html = htmlui , eventHandlers = concatMap attachHandlers f.freeSeats } chooseSeat Nothing = throw "Flight cannot be found" taskletExamples :: [Workflow] taskletExamples = [workflow "Check-in" "Flight check-in" task_checkin] Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine (workAs (AuthenticatedUser "root" [] Nothing) (manageWorklist taskletExamples)) world