module Shop import StdClass, StdList from StdFunc import o, flip import iTasks import StdListExt, ShopDSL Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine shopFlows world shopFlows :: [Workflow] shopFlows = [ { name = "Catalog/Manage catalog" , label = "Manage catalog" , roles = [] , mainTask = defaultProduct >>= \defProd -> manageCatalog defProd >>| stop } , { name = "Catalog/Browse shop" , label = "Browse shop" , roles = [] , mainTask = defaultCart >>= \defCart -> browseShop defCart } , { name = "Suppliers/Manage suppliers" , label = "Manage suppliers" , roles = [] , mainTask = return Void } , { name = "Suppliers/Special order" , label = "Special order" , roles = [] , mainTask = specialProductSearch } ] // The shop management workflow: ACTION_ADD :== ActionLabel "Add item" ACTION_EDIT :== ActionLabel "Edit item" ACTION_DELETE :== ActionLabel "Delete item" manageCatalog :: a -> Task (Maybe a) | iTask, DB a manageCatalog _ = (dbReadAll >>= browseCatalog) Task (Maybe a) | iTask, DB a browseCatalog [] = showMessageA "The catalog is empty." [ButtonAction (ACTION_ADD,Always),ButtonAction (ActionQuit,Always)] >>= \action -> case action of ACTION_ADD = continue createItem ActionQuit = return Nothing browseCatalog items = enterChoiceA "Manage the catalog" [ButtonAction (ACTION_EDIT,IfValid) ,ButtonAction (ACTION_DELETE,IfValid) ,ButtonAction (ACTION_ADD,Always) ,ButtonAction (ActionQuit,Always) ] items >>= \(action,item) -> case action of ACTION_EDIT = continue (updateItem item) ACTION_DELETE = continue (deleteItem item) ACTION_ADD = continue createItem ActionQuit = return Nothing createItem :: Task a | iTask, DB a createItem = enterInformation "Enter details of new item:" >>= dbCreateItem updateItem :: a -> Task a | iTask, DB a updateItem item = updateInformation "Please update the following item:" item >>= dbUpdateItem deleteItem :: a -> Task a | iTask, DB a deleteItem item = dbDeleteItem (getItemId item) >>| return item continue :: (Task a) -> Task (Maybe a) | iTask a continue t = t >>= \i -> return (Just i) // The customer workflow: browseShop :: (Cart a) -> Task Void | iTask, DB, Product a browseShop initCart = dbReadAll >>= \items -> doShopping initCart items >>= doAction initCart items where doShopping :: (Cart a) [a] -> Task (ShopAction,Cart a) | iTask, Product a doShopping cart [] = showMessage [normalText "Currently no items in catalogue, sorry."] >>| return (LeaveShop,cart) doShopping cart items = anyTask [ navigateShop cart : map (itemActions cart) items ] where itemActions :: (Cart a) a -> Task (ShopAction,Cart a) | iTask, Product a itemActions cart item = showMessageAbout "Add to cart" item >>| return (ToCart, add (toCartItem item) cart) where add :: (CartItem a) [CartItem a] -> [CartItem a] add new [] = [new] add new [item:items] = if (eqItemNr new item) [amountOrderedUpd item (amountOrderedOf item+1):items] [item:add new items] navigateShop :: (Cart a) -> Task (ShopAction, Cart a) | iTask a navigateShop cart = (enterChoice "" [ return (ToShop, cart) <<@ "Do Shopping" , return (ToPay, cart) <<@ "Check Out And Pay" , return (ToCart, cart) <<@ "Show Cart" , return (LeaveShop,cart) <<@ "Leave Shop" ] >>= \task -> task) -||- (showStickyMessageAbout [BrTag [], boldText "Total cost of ordered items = "] (totalCost cart) >>| getDefaultValue) doAction :: (Cart a) [a] (ShopAction, Cart a) -> Task Void | iTask, DB, Product a doAction initCart items (action,cart) = case action of LeaveShop = return Void ToCart = showCart cart >>= doAction initCart items ToShop = doShopping cart items >>= doAction initCart items ToPay = checkOutAndPay cart >>| browseShop initCart showCart :: (Cart a) -> Task (ShopAction,Cart a) | iTask a showCart cart=:[] = navigateShop cart -||- (showStickyMessage [normalText "No items in cart yet!"] >>| getDefaultValue) showCart cart = anyTask [ navigateShop cart : map (itemActions cart) cart ] where itemActions :: (Cart a) (CartItem a) -> Task (ShopAction,Cart a) | iTask a itemActions cart item = showStickyMessageAbout "Item: " item ||- updateInformation "Change amount: " {orderAmount = amountOrderedOf item} >>= \{orderAmount=n} -> return (ToCart,if (n <= 0) (filter (not o eqItemNr item) cart) (lreplace eqItemNr (amountOrderedUpd item n) cart) ) checkOutAndPay :: (Cart a) -> Task Void | iTask a checkOutAndPay cart = getDefaultValue >>= \order -> fillInClientInfo {order & itemsOrdered = cart} >>= \order -> showMessageA [normalText "Confirm Order"] [ButtonAction (ActionYes,Always),ButtonAction (ActionNo,Always)] >>= \action -> case action of ActionYes = (dbCreateItem order >>| getCurrentUser >>= \me -> spawnProcess me.User.userName True (showMessageAbout "Order:" (order,costOrder order) <<@ "Order Confirmed") >>| spawnProcess shopOwner True (showMessageAbout "Order" (order,costOrder order) <<@ "New Order from " <+++ me.User.displayName) >>| return Void ) ActionNo = (return Void) where costOrder order = totalCost order.itemsOrdered fillInClientInfo order = fillInData name_prompt nameOf nameUpd order >>= \order -> fillInData billing_prompt billingAddressOf billingAddressUpd order >>= \order -> showMessageA ([ normalText "Billing address:" :visualizeAsHtmlDisplay (billingAddressOf order) ] ++ [ normalText "Is the shipping addres same as the billing address above?" ]) [ButtonAction (ActionYes,Always),ButtonAction (ActionNo,Always)] >>= \action -> (case action of ActionYes = (return {order & shippingAddress = billingAddressOf order}) ActionNo = (fillInData shipping_prompt shippingAddressOf shippingAddressUpd order) ) >>= \order -> showMessageA (showOrder order) [ButtonAction (ActionYes,Always),ButtonAction (ActionNo,Always)] >>= \action -> case action of ActionYes = return order ActionNo = fillInClientInfo order where name_prompt = "Please fill in your name:" billing_prompt = "Please fill in the billing address:" shipping_prompt = "Please fill in the shipping address:" fillInData prompt valueOf updateOf record = updateInformation [normalText prompt] (valueOf record) >>= \value -> return (updateOf record value) showOrder order = section "name:" (visualizeAsHtmlDisplay (nameOf order)) ++ section "billing address:" (visualizeAsHtmlDisplay (billingAddressOf order)) ++ section "shipping address:" (visualizeAsHtmlDisplay (shippingAddressOf order)) ++ section "ordered items:" (flatten (map (visualizeAsHtmlDisplay o toInCart) order.itemsOrdered) ++ [DivTag [] (visualizeAsHtmlDisplay (costOrder order))]) ++ section "Confirm:" [normalText "Is the data above correct?"] // Special order from suppliers specialProductSearch :: Task Void specialProductSearch = defineSearch >>= \search -> selectSuppliers >>= \suppliers -> collectBids search suppliers >>= \bids -> selectBid bids >>= \bid -> confirmBid search bid defineSearch :: Task ProductSearch defineSearch = enterInformation "Please describe the item you are looking for" selectSuppliers :: Task [User] selectSuppliers = getUsersWithRole "supplier" >>= enterMultipleChoice "Select the suppliers you want to ask" collectBids :: ProductSearch [User] -> Task [(User,Currency)] collectBids search suppliers = allTasks ["Bid for " +++ +++ " from " +++ supplier.User.displayName @>> (supplier @: ("Bid request regarding " +++, collectBid search supplier)) \\ supplier <- suppliers] where collectBid :: ProductSearch User -> Task (User,Currency) collectBid search bid = enterInformationAbout "Please make a bid to supply the following product" search >>= \price -> return (bid,price) selectBid :: [(User,Currency)] -> Task (User,Currency) selectBid bids = determineCheapest bids >>= \cheapestBid=:(supplier,price) -> requestConfirmation [ Text "The cheapest bid is ", Text (toString price), Text " by ", Text supplier.User.displayName, BrTag [], Text "Do you want to accept this bid?" ] >>= \acceptCheapest -> if acceptCheapest ( return cheapestBid ) ( enterChoice "Please select one of the following bids" bids ) where determineCheapest bids = return (hd (sortBy (\(_,x) (_,y) -> x < y) bids)) confirmBid :: ProductSearch (User,Currency) -> Task Void confirmBid search bid =: (user, price) = user @: ("Bid confirmation", showMessage [Text "Your bid of ", Text (toString price),Text " for the product ",ITag [] [Text], Text " has been accepted."]) // little markup functions: boldText text = BTag [] [Text text, BrTag [], BrTag []] normalText text = DivTag [] [Text text, BrTag [], BrTag []] ruleText text = section text [HrTag []] section label content = [HrTag [], boldText label : content]