implementation module RPCExamples import iTasks, XML, Error, Text, GoogleMaps, google_maps_services rpcExamples :: [Workflow] rpcExamples = [ workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Weather forecast" "Fetches the weather forecast from a remote server" weatherExample ] GOOGLE_API = "" weatherExample :: Task HtmlDisplay weatherExample = eitherTask enterLocation markLocation >>= getLocation >>= \location. callRPCHTTP GET GOOGLE_API [("weather", location),("hl","en-GB")] formatResponse >>= showInformation ("Weather", "Weather forecast is:") [] enterLocation = enterInformation ("Enter location", "Enter a location you want to retrieve the weather forecast for.") [] markLocation = updateInformation ("Mark location","Mark a location you want to retrieve the weather forecast for.") [UpdateView (GetLocal toView, PutbackLocal fromView)] defaultMap >>+ (\{modelValue} -> UserActions [(ActionOk,if (oneLocation modelValue) (Just modelValue) Nothing)]) >>= transform (\{markers=ms=:[m:_]} -> m.position) where toView = id fromView map=:{markers} _ _ = {map & markers = if (isEmpty markers) [] [hd (reverse markers)]} oneLocation {markers} = (length markers) == 1 getLocation (Left loc) = return loc getLocation (Right {lat,lng}) = reverse_geocoding (toString lat+++","+++toString lng) "json" False GOOGLE_API_KEY parseJSON where parseJSON info = case jsonQuery "Placemark/0/address" (fromString info) of (Just addr) = replaceSubString ", " "\n" addr _ = "Address Unknown" formatResponse :: !String -> HtmlDisplay formatResponse xmlStr = case fromString xmlStr of Ok xmlDoc = toHtmlDisplay (formatXML xmlDoc) Error err = toHtmlDisplay [Text err] formatXML (XMLDoc _ _ e) = [ul [formatElem e]] formatElem (XMLElem (XMLQName _ n) [XMLAttr (XMLQName _ "data") data] children) = li [formattedData,ul (map formatElem children)] where formattedData | n == "icon" = ImgTag [SrcAttr ("" +++ data), HeightAttr "80"] | otherwise = Text (formatName n +++ ": " +++ data) formatElem (XMLElem (XMLQName _ n) attr children) # childrenHtml = map formatElem children | isMember n showElements = li [Text (formatName n),ul (map formatAttr attr ++ childrenHtml)] | otherwise = ul childrenHtml formatAttr (XMLAttr (XMLQName _ n) v) = li [Text (formatName n +++ ": " +++ v)] ul = UlTag [StyleAttr "list-style: disc;padding-left:20 px"] li = LiTag [StyleAttr "margin-left: 20px"] showElements = ["forecast_information","current_conditions","forecast_conditions"] formatName name = upperCaseFirst (replaceSubString "_" " " name)