module IDE import iTasks import iTasks.API.Extensions.Development.Codebase import iTasks.API.Extensions.CodeMirror, StdFile, StdArray import qualified Data.Map import Text, System.OS import FindDefinitions //import APIDocumentation import IDE_Types //Common actions ActionSearch :== Action "Search" [ActionIcon "search",ActionKey {key=KEY_ENTER,ctrl=False,shift=False,alt=False}] ActionAdd :== Action "Add" [] ActionOpen :== Action "Open" [ActionTrigger DoubleClick] //Global status (for all users! If you open a file, everybody opens a file!) IDE_Status :: (Shared IDE_Status) IDE_Status = sharedStore "IDE_Status" { codeBase = [] , openModules = [] } initIDE = updateCodeBase updateCodeBase = get IDE_Status >>= \status -> rescanCodeBase status.codeBase >>= \codeBase -> upd (\status -> {status & codeBase = codeBase}) IDE_Status Start w = startEngine workOnCleanModules w where workOnCleanModules = initIDE >>- \initState -> parallel [(Embedded,viewLogo) //Yes viewing a useless logo is something we enable you to do :) ,(Embedded,chooseAndAddModules) ,(Embedded,addSearches) :[]/*[(Embedded,closableParTask (\l -> editCleanModule cleanModule l @ IDE_ModuleEdit)) \\ cleanModule <- initState.openModules]*/] [] <<@ ArrangeCustom arrange <<@ FullScreen @> (updateOpenModules,IDE_Status) arrange [b1,b2,b3:bs] actions = arrangeWithSideBar 0 LeftSide 200 True [ arrangeWithSideBar 0 TopSide 40 False [b1,b2] [] , arrangeWithSideBar 0 TopSide 40 False [b3,arrangeWithTabs bs []] []] actions viewLogo _ = viewInformation () [] (ATag [HrefAttr "",TargetAttr "_blank"] [ImgTag [SrcAttr "/img/logo.png",WidthAttr "200",HeightAttr "40"]]) <<@ ForceLayout <<@ AfterLayout (tweakUI (setMargins 0 0 0 0)) @? const NoValue chooseAndAddModules list = (whileUnchanged (mapRead (\s -> s.codeBase) IDE_Status) \codeBase -> ((navigateCodebase codeBase >^* [ OnAction ActionOpen (hasValue (openSelection list)) , OnAction ActionAdd (always ((addSourceTree @! ()) <<@ InWindow)) ]) )) @? const NoValue openSelection list (SelSourceTree name rootDir) = openSourceTreeEditor rootDir list openSelection list (SelMainModule moduleName moduleBase) = openModuleEditor moduleName MainModule moduleBase list openSelection list (SelAuxModule moduleName moduleBase) = openModuleEditor moduleName AuxModule moduleBase list addSourceTree :: Task (Maybe SourceTree) addSourceTree = ( (enterInformation "Please give a descriptive name for this source tree" [] -&&- locateSourceFolder -&&- enterInformation "If the source tree is splitted into overlapping parts (for multiplatform subtrees), you can specify the subdirectories here" [] ) >>* [OnAction ActionCancel (always (return Nothing)) ,OnAction ActionAdd (hasValue (\(name,(rootPath,subPaths)) -> add name rootPath subPaths @ Just)) ] ) <<@ Title "Add source tree" where add name rootPath subPaths = let tree = {SourceTree|name=name,rootPath=rootPath,subPaths=subPaths,modules=[],readOnly=False} in upd (\status -> {status & codeBase = status.codeBase ++ [tree]}) IDE_Status >>| updateCodeBase @! tree locateSourceFolder = enterInformation "Please specify the location of the sourcecode on your disk" [] addSearches list = forever ((( (enterInformation () [] <<@ NoAnnotation) -&&- (updateChoice () [ChooseWith (ChooseFromComboBox view)] [SearchIdentifier,SearchDefinition,SearchImplementation] SearchIdentifier <<@ NoAnnotation) ) <<@ ArrangeCustom arrange) >>* [OnAction ActionSearch (hasValue (\(query,what) -> openSearch what query list))] ) <<@ (Attribute "buttonPosition" "right") @? const NoValue where view SearchIdentifier = "Identifier" view SearchDefinition = "Definition" view SearchImplementation = "Implementation" arrange [block] [] = {UIBlock|block & content = {block.UIBlock.content & direction = Horizontal}} //HACK arrange blocks actions = arrangeHorizontal blocks actions updateOpenModules (Value results _) status | openModules <> status.openModules = Just {status & openModules = openModules} = Nothing where openModules = [] //[moduleName \\ (_,Value (IDE_ModuleEdit {IDE_ModuleEdit|moduleName}) _) <- results] updateOpenModules _ _ = Nothing openSourceTreeEditor :: FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task () openSourceTreeEditor base list = appendTask Embedded (closableParTask (\l -> editSourceTree base l @ IDE_SourceTreeEdit)) list >>- \taskId -> focusTask taskId list @! () :: SourceTreeOptions = { name :: String, rootPath :: FilePath } derive class iTask SourceTreeOptions editSourceTree :: FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task FilePath editSourceTree base list //Just edit options for now = forever (viewSourceTreeDetails base >>* [OnAction ActionEdit (always (editSourceTreeOptions base))] ) <<@ Title "Source tree" <<@ Icon "sourcetree" where viewSourceTreeDetails base = viewSharedInformation () [ViewWith (fmap view o findSourceTree base)] IDE_Status @! base where view {SourceTree|name,rootPath} = {SourceTreeOptions|name = name, rootPath = rootPath} editSourceTreeOptions base = get IDE_Status @ findSourceTree base >>- \mbSourceTree -> case mbSourceTree of Nothing = throw ("Source tree at "+++ base +++ " not found") Just {SourceTree|name,rootPath} = updateInformation () [] {SourceTreeOptions|name = name, rootPath = rootPath} >>= \{SourceTreeOptions|name=newName,rootPath=newRootPath} -> upd (\s=:{codeBase} -> {s & codeBase = map (updateTree base newName newRootPath) codeBase}) IDE_Status @! base updateTree base newName newRootPath tree=:{SourceTree|rootPath} | rootPath == base = {SourceTree|tree & name = newName, rootPath = newRootPath} = tree findSourceTree base {codeBase} = case [tree \\ tree=:{SourceTree|rootPath} <- codeBase | rootPath == base] of [tree] = Just tree _ = Nothing openModuleEditor :: ModuleName ModuleType FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task () openModuleEditor name type base list = appendTask Embedded (closableParTask editorTask) list >>- \taskId -> focusTask taskId list @! () where editorTask = case type of MainModule = (\l -> workOnCleanMainModule name base l @ IDE_ModuleEdit) AuxModule = (\l -> workOnCleanAuxModule name base l @ IDE_ModuleEdit) workOnCleanMainModule :: ModuleName FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task IDE_ModuleEdit workOnCleanMainModule moduleName moduleBase list = viewInformation () [ViewWith moduleTitleView] moduleName ||- (editIclFile moduleBase list -&&- buildMainModule moduleName moduleBase <<@ ArrangeWithTabs ) <<@ ArrangeWithSideBar 0 TopSide 35 False <<@ (Title moduleName) <<@ Icon "mainmodule" @! {IDE_ModuleEdit|moduleName=moduleName} workOnCleanAuxModule :: ModuleName FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task IDE_ModuleEdit workOnCleanAuxModule moduleName moduleBase list = viewInformation () [ViewWith moduleTitleView] moduleName ||- (editDclFile moduleBase list -&&- editIclFile moduleBase list <<@ ArrangeWithTabs ) <<@ ArrangeWithSideBar 0 TopSide 35 False <<@ (Title moduleName) <<@ Icon "auxmodule" @! {IDE_ModuleEdit|moduleName=moduleName} editIclFile :: FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task () editIclFile moduleBase list = editCleanFile (addExtension moduleBase "icl") list <<@ Title "Implementation" editDclFile :: FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task () editDclFile moduleBase list = editCleanFile (addExtension moduleBase "dcl") list <<@ Title "Definition" editCleanFile :: FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task () editCleanFile path list = catchAll ( importTextFile path @ split OS_NEWLINE >>- \initContent -> withShared (initCleanEditor False initContent) \mirror -> updateCleanEditor (shareSearchResults path list mirror) @! () ) (\e -> viewInformation () [] e @! ()) moduleTitleView s = SpanTag [StyleAttr "font-size: 24px"] [Text s] buildMainModule :: FilePath ModuleName -> Task IDE_ModuleEdit buildMainModule base moduleName = viewInformation () [] /*filterSearchers*/ ("Building is not supported in this version") <<@ Title "Build" @? const NoValue shareSearchResults :: FilePath (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) (Shared CodeMirror) -> (Shared CodeMirror) shareSearchResults path list mirror = mirror //= list >+> filterSearchers //TODO Use proper share propagation to link shares /* = sdsSequence ">+>" (\p r -> p) filterSearchers (SDSWriteConst (\p w -> Ok (Just w))) (SDSWriteConst (\p w -> Ok Nothing)) mirror list //filterSearchers list //TODO Use proper share propagation to link shares */ where filterSearchers :: (CodeMirror, TaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> CodeMirror filterSearchers (mirror, (_,items)) # highLight = [ toHighLight (size query) (toList posList) \\ {TaskListItem|value=Value (IDE_Search {results,query}) _} <- items , ((sBase,sModule,sExt),posList) <- results | addExtension (sBase sModule) (toString sExt) == path ] = case highLight of [] -> mirror lights -> {mirror & highlighted = flatten lights} toHighLight length list = map (\(line,col) -> ((line,col),(line,col+length-1))) list undef = undef //sdsSequence :: !String !(p r1 -> p2) !((r1,r2) -> r) !(SDSLensWrite p w r1 w1) !(SDSLensWrite p w r2 w2) !(RWShared p r1 w1) !(RWShared p2 r2 w2) -> RWShared p r w | TC p2 openSearch :: SearchWhat String (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task () openSearch what identifier list = appendTask Embedded (closableParTask (\l -> searchCodebase what identifier l @ IDE_Search)) list >>- \taskId -> focusTask taskId list @! () searchCodebase what initq list = withShared initq \query -> ( (updateSharedInformation () [] query) ||- (whileUnchanged query \identifier -> get IDE_Status >>- \status -> searchForIdentifier what True identifier Nothing status.codeBase >>- \results -> viewSearchResults what identifier (fst results) list @! {IDE_Search|query=identifier,results=fst results} )) <<@ (ArrangeWithSideBar 0 TopSide 50 False) <<@ (Title "Search") <<@ Icon "search" where viewSearchResults :: !SearchWhat !String [(!CleanFile,!IdentifierPositionList)] (SharedTaskList IDE_TaskResult) -> Task (!CleanFile,!IdentifierPositionList) viewSearchResults what identifier [] list = viewInformation (Title "Results") [] (toString what identifier +++ "has *not* been found !") @? const NoValue viewSearchResults what identifier found list = enterChoice ("Results",toString what identifier +++ "has been found in:") [ChooseWith (ChooseFromGrid toGrid)] found >^* [OnAction (Action "Open module" [ActionTrigger DoubleClick]) (hasValue (\((dir,module,_),_) -> openSearchResult module list))] openSearchResult module list = (get IDE_Status @ \status -> lookupModule module status.codeBase) >>- maybe (throw ("Could not find module "+++ module)) (\(modName,modType,modPath) -> openModuleEditor modName modType modPath list) toString SearchIdentifier ident = "Identifier \"" +++ ident +++ "\" " toString SearchImplementation ident = "Implementation of \"" +++ ident +++ "\" " toString SearchDefinition ident = "Definition of \"" +++ ident +++ "\" " toGrid :: (!CleanFile,!IdentifierPositionList) -> FoundInfo toGrid ((pathName,modName,ext),positions) = { moduleName = modName , iclDcl = ext , howOften = length (toList positions) , positions = toList positions , pathName = pathName } :: FoundInfo = { moduleName :: ModuleName , iclDcl :: Extension , howOften :: Int , positions :: [(Int,Int)] , pathName :: FilePath } derive class iTask FoundInfo, SearchWhat (>>?) infixl 1 :: !(Task a) !(a -> Task b) -> Task (Maybe b) | iTask a & iTask b (>>?) taska taskbf = step taska (const Nothing) [OnAction ActionCancel (always (return Nothing)) ,OnAction ActionOk (hasValue (\a -> taskbf a @ Just)) ,OnValue (ifStable (\a -> taskbf a @ Just)) ] getSelection :: CodeMirror -> Identifier getSelection {position,selection=Nothing,source} = "nothing" getSelection {position,selection=Just ((beginline,beginchar),(endline,endchar)),source} | beginline == endline && beginchar == endchar = "zero" = join OS_NEWLINE (take (endline - beginline) (drop beginline source)) //TODO, ALSO SELECT CHARS closableParTask :: (ParallelTask a) -> (ParallelTask a) | iTask a closableParTask task = task` where task` l = get (taskListSelfId l) >>- \myId -> (task l -|| (viewInformation () [] () >>* [OnAction ActionClose (always (removeTask myId l))])) toList :: IdentifierPositionList -> [(Int,Int)] toList (Pos begin end rest) = [(begin,end): toList rest] toList _ = [] NoAnnotation :== AfterLayout (tweakControls (map (\(c,_) -> (c,'Data.Map'.newMap))))