// Peter Divianszky, 2007 // Code extended and adapted by Peter Achten, 2007, Pieter Koopman 2010 definition module Graphviz from StdOverloaded import class toString import StdMaybe import GenEq // A digraph contains a title and a list of node definitions :: Digraph = Digraph String [GraphAttribute] [NodeDef] (Maybe SelectedItem) :: SelectedItem = SelectedItem Int digraphTitle :: !Digraph -> String digraphAtts :: !Digraph -> [GraphAttribute] digraphNodes :: !Digraph -> [NodeDef] digraphSelectedItem :: !Digraph -> Maybe SelectedItem // A node definition contains a unique identifier (an integer), a list of node attributes and a list of edge definitions. // An edge definition contains an identifier (the id of the end node and edge attributes). :: NodeDef = NodeDef !Int ![NodeState] ![NodeAttribute] [EdgeDef] :: EdgeDef :== (!Int,![EdgeAttribute]) :: NodeState = NStAllEdgesFound !Bool // all edges of this node are known // Convert digraph into list of strings. // The strings are lines of the graphviz representation of the graph. printDigraph :: !Digraph -> [String] :: GraphAttribute = GAtt_Damping Real | GAtt_K Real | GAtt_URL String | GAtt_bb Rect | GAtt_bgcolor Color | GAtt_center Bool | GAtt_charset String | GAtt_clusterrank ClusterMode | GAtt_colorscheme String | GAtt_comment String | GAtt_compound Bool | GAtt_concentrate Bool | GAtt_defaultdist Real | GAtt_dim Int // | GAtt_diredgeconstraints ... PA: ignored, neato only | GAtt_dpi Real | GAtt_epsilon Real | GAtt_esep Real | GAtt_fontcolor Color | GAtt_fontname String | GAtt_fontnames String | GAtt_fontpath String | GAtt_fontsize Real | GAtt_label String | GAtt_labeljust String | GAtt_labelloc String | GAtt_landscape Bool | GAtt_layers LayerList | GAtt_layersep String | GAtt_levelsgap Real | GAtt_lp DotPoint | GAtt_margin Margin | GAtt_maxiter Int | GAtt_mclimit Real | GAtt_mindist Real | GAtt_mode String | GAtt_model String | GAtt_mosek Bool | GAtt_nodesep Real | GAtt_nojustify Bool | GAtt_normalize Bool | GAtt_nslimit Real | GAtt_nslimit1 Real | GAtt_ordering String | GAtt_orientation String | GAtt_outputorder OutputMode | GAtt_pad Pad | GAtt_page Pointf | GAtt_pagedir PageDir | GAtt_quantum Real | GAtt_rank RankType | GAtt_rankdir RankDir | GAtt_ranksep Real | GAtt_ratio Ratio | GAtt_remincross Bool | GAtt_resolution Real | GAtt_root String | GAtt_rotate Int | GAtt_searchsize Int | GAtt_showboxes Int | GAtt_size Sizef //Pointf // PA++ // | GAtt_splines PA: skipped for the time being | GAtt_start StartType | GAtt_stylesheet String | GAtt_target String | GAtt_truecolor Bool | GAtt_viewport ViewPort | GAtt_voro_margin Real :: NodeAttribute = NAtt_URL String | NAtt_color Color | NAtt_colorscheme String | NAtt_comment String | NAtt_distortion Real | NAtt_fillcolor Color | NAtt_fixedsize Bool | NAtt_fontcolor Color | NAtt_fontname String | NAtt_fontsize Real | NAtt_group String | NAtt_height Real | NAtt_label String | NAtt_layer LayerRange | NAtt_margin Margin | NAtt_nojustify Bool | NAtt_orientation Real | NAtt_peripheries Int | NAtt_pin Bool // | NAtt_pos ... PA: ignored for the time being | NAtt_rects Rect | NAtt_regular Bool | NAtt_samplepoints Int | NAtt_shape NodeShape | NAtt_shapefile String | NAtt_showboxes Int | NAtt_sides Int | NAtt_skew Real | NAtt_style NodeStyle | NAtt_target String | NAtt_tooltip String | NAtt_width Real | NAtt_z Real :: EdgeAttribute = EAtt_URL String | EAtt_arrowhead ArrowType | EAtt_arrowsize Real | EAtt_arrowtail ArrowType | EAtt_color Color | EAtt_colorscheme String | EAtt_comment String | EAtt_constraint Bool | EAtt_decorate Bool | EAtt_dir DirType | EAtt_edgeURL String | EAtt_edgehref String | EAtt_edgetarget String | EAtt_edgetooltip String | EAtt_fontcolor Color | EAtt_fontname String | EAtt_fontsize Real | EAtt_headURL String | EAtt_headclip Bool | EAtt_headhref String | EAtt_headlabel String | EAtt_headport PortPos | EAtt_headtarget String | EAtt_headtooltip String | EAtt_href String | EAtt_label String | EAtt_labelURL String | EAtt_labelangle Real | EAtt_labeldistance Real | EAtt_labelfloat Bool | EAtt_labelfontcolor Color | EAtt_labelfontname String | EAtt_labelfontsize Real | EAtt_labelhref String | EAtt_labeltarget String | EAtt_labeltooltip String | EAtt_layer LayerRange | EAtt_len Real | EAtt_lhead String | EAtt_lp DotPoint | EAtt_ltail String | EAtt_minlen Int | EAtt_nojustify Bool // | EAtt_pos PA: ignored for the time being | EAtt_samehead String | EAtt_sametail String | EAtt_showboxes Int | EAtt_style EdgeStyle | EAtt_tailURL String | EAtt_tailclip Bool | EAtt_tailhref String | EAtt_taillabel String | EAtt_tailport PortPos | EAtt_tailtarget String | EAtt_tailtooltip String | EAtt_target String | EAtt_tooltip String | EAtt_weight Real :: ClusterMode = CM_local | CM_global | CM_none :: CompassPoint = CP_n | CP_ne | CP_e | CP_se | CP_s | CP_sw | CP_w | CP_nw :: DotPoint = DotPoint Real Real Bool :: LayerId = LayerAll | LayerNr Int | LayerName String :: LayerList = LayerList [String] :: LayerRange = LayerRange LayerId [LayerId] :: Margin = SingleMargin Real | DoubleMargin Real Real :: OutputMode = OM_breadthfirst | OM_nodesfirst | OM_edgesfirst :: Pad = SinglePad Real | DoublePad Real Real :: PageDir = PD_BL | PD_BR | PD_TL | PD_TR | PD_RB | PD_RT | PD_LB | PD_LT :: Pointf = Pointf Real Real :: PortPos // PA: for now only compass points are supported :== CompassPoint :: RankDir = RD_TB | RD_LR | RD_BT | RD_RL :: RankType = RT_same | RT_min | RT_source | RT_max | RT_sink :: Ratio = AspectRatio Real | R_fill | R_compress | R_expand | R_auto :: Rect = {llx :: Int,lly :: Int, urx :: Int, ury :: Int} :: Sizef // PA++ = Sizef Real Real Bool :: StartStyle = SS_regular | SS_self | SS_random :: StartType = { startStyle :: Maybe StartStyle , startSeed :: Maybe Int } :: ViewPort = { vp_W :: Real , vp_H :: Real , vp_Z :: Maybe Real , vp_xy :: Maybe Pointf } pointNode :: [NodeAttribute] // attributes of a point-shaped node hiddenNode :: [NodeAttribute] // attributes of a hidden node :: NodeShape = NShape_box | NShape_circle | NShape_diamond | NShape_doublecircle | NShape_doubleoctagon | NShape_egg | NShape_ellipse | NShape_hexagon | NShape_house | NShape_invtriangle | NShape_invtrapezium | NShape_invhouse | NShape_octagon | NShape_Mdiamond | NShape_Msquare | NShape_Mcircle | NShape_parallelogram | NShape_pentagon | NShape_plainText | NShape_polygon | NShape_point | NShape_rect | NShape_rectangle | NShape_septagon | NShape_trapezium | NShape_triangle | NShape_tripleoctagon | NShape_none instance toString NodeShape instance == NodeShape derive gEq NodeShape // PK++ :: NodeStyle = NStyle_filled | NStyle_invis | NStyle_diagonals | NStyle_rounded | NStyle_dashed | NStyle_dotted | NStyle_solid | NStyle_bold instance toString NodeStyle instance == NodeStyle derive gEq NodeStyle // PK++ :: EdgeStyle = EStyle_solid | EStyle_bold | EStyle_dashed | EStyle_dotted | EStyle_invis instance toString EdgeStyle instance == EdgeStyle derive gEq EdgeStyle // PK++ :: Color = RGB Int Int Int | HSV Real Real Real | Color String // X11 1.2 color names; see rgb.txt C_black :== Color "black" C_white :== Color "white" C_gray :== Color "gray" C_red :== Color "red" C_green :== Color "green" C_blue :== Color "blue" C_yellow :== Color "yellow" instance toString Color instance == Color derive gEq Color // PK++ :: ArrowType = { closest :: Arrow , furthest :: Maybe Arrow } :: Arrow = { open :: Bool , side :: Maybe Side , shape :: ArrowShape } :: Side = Side_l | Side_r :: ArrowShape = AShape_box | AShape_crow | AShape_diamond | AShape_dot | AShape_inv | AShape_none | AShape_normal | AShape_tee | AShape_vee instance toString ArrowType instance == ArrowType derive gEq ArrowType // PK++ // direction of the edge :: DirType = DT_forward | DT_back | DT_both | DT_none instance toString DirType instance == DirType derive gEq DirType // PK++ layersep :== ":\t"