implementation module projectManager import iTasks import EditorUtil import PmTypes, PmProject, PmParse, PmEnvironment, UtilStrictLists import System.Directory, System.File import System.FilePath derive class iTask RunTimeOptions, DiagnosticsOptions, ProfilingOptions, TimeProfileOptions, HeapProfileOptions, HeapProfile derive class iTask Environment, ToolsOptions derive class iTask Project, LinkOptions, ApplicationOptions, CompilerOptions, ModInfo, ABCLinkInfo derive class iTask ModEditOptions, EditWdOptions, EditOptions, OptionalWindowPosAndSize, WindowPos_and_Size, NewlineConvention derive class iTask [!!], InfListItem, ListTypes, Output, LinkMethod, ProjectDynamicInfo, StaticLibInfo, CodeGenOptions derive class iTask UndefModule, UndefSymbol derive class iTask IdentifierPositionList derive class iTask Target, CompileMethod, Processor // project files handling toProject :: Project (RunTimeOptions, DiagnosticsOptions, ProfilingOptions, ConsoleOptions) -> Project toProject p=:{applicationopt,codegenopt} (rto,do,po,co) = { p & applicationopt.initial_heap_size = rto.initialHeapSize , applicationopt.heap_size_multiple = rto.heapSizeIncreaseStep , applicationopt.hs = rto.maximumHeapSize , = rto.stackSize , applicationopt.set = do.showExecutionTime , applicationopt.sgc = do.showGarbageCollections , applicationopt.pss = do.printStackSize , applicationopt.write_stderr_to_file = do.checkStacks , codegenopt.cs = do.showExecutionTime , = do.checkIndices , applicationopt.stack_traces = po.timeProfile === StackTraceOny || po.timeProfile === TimeProfileAndStackTrace , applicationopt.profiling = po.timeProfile === TimeProfileAndStackTrace , applicationopt.memoryProfiling = not (po.heapProfile === NoHeapProfiling) , applicationopt.memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize = case po.heapProfile of (HeapProfile rec) -> rec.minimumHeapProfile _ -> 0 , applicationopt.o = co } fromProject :: Project -> (RunTimeOptions, DiagnosticsOptions, ProfilingOptions, ConsoleOptions) fromProject p=:{applicationopt,codegenopt} = (rto,do,po,co) where rto = { initialHeapSize = applicationopt.initial_heap_size , heapSizeIncreaseStep = applicationopt.heap_size_multiple , maximumHeapSize = applicationopt.hs , stackSize = } do = { showExecutionTime = applicationopt.set , showGarbageCollections = applicationopt.sgc , printStackSize = applicationopt.pss , writeStderrToFile = applicationopt.write_stderr_to_file , checkStacks = codegenopt.cs , checkIndices = } po = { timeProfile = case (applicationopt.stack_traces,applicationopt.profiling) of (True,True) -> TimeProfileAndStackTrace (True,False) -> StackTraceOny _ -> NoTimeProfiling , heapProfile = if applicationopt.memoryProfiling (HeapProfile {minimumHeapProfile = applicationopt.memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize}) NoHeapProfiling } co = applicationopt.o readProjectFile :: !ProjectPath !CleanPath -> Task (Project, Bool, String) readProjectFile projectPath cleanAppDir = accWorld (accFiles (ReadProjectFile projectPath cleanAppDir)) saveProjectFile :: !Project !ProjectPath !CleanPath -> Task Bool saveProjectFile project projectPath cleanPath = accWorld (accFiles (SaveProjectFile projectPath project cleanPath)) initProject :: !ModuleName -> Project initProject main_module_file_name = PR_NewProject main_module_file_name editWdOptions compilerOptions codeGenOptions applicationOptions list linkOptions where editWdOptions = { eo = { newlines = NewlineConventionNone } , pos_size = NoWindowPosAndSize } compilerOptions = DefaultCompilerOptions codeGenOptions = DefCodeGenOptions applicationOptions = DefApplicationOptions list = [! "{Project}" !] linkOptions = DefaultLinkOptions // environments handling initTarget :: Target initTarget = t_StdEnv toTargets :: ![Environment] -> [Target] toTargets envs = map toTarget envs toTarget :: !Environment -> Target toTarget env = { initTarget & target_name = env.environmentName , target_path = ListToStrictList env.paths , target_comp = env.toolsOption.compiler , target_cgen = env.toolsOption.codeGenerator , target_link = env.toolsOption.staticLinker , target_dynl = env.toolsOption.dynamicLinker , target_vers = env.toolsOption.versionOfAbcCode , env_64_bit_processor = env.toolsOption.runOn64BitProcessor } fromTargets :: ![Target] -> [Environment] fromTargets targets = map fromTarget targets fromTarget :: !Target -> Environment fromTarget target = { environmentName = target.target_name , paths = StrictListToList target.target_path , toolsOption = { compiler = target.target_comp , codeGenerator = target.target_cgen , staticLinker = target.target_link , dynamicLinker = target.target_link , versionOfAbcCode = target.target_vers , runOn64BitProcessor = target.env_64_bit_processor } } readEnvironmentFile :: !FilePathName -> Task [Target] readEnvironmentFile env = accWorld (fileExists env) >>= \ok -> if (not ok) (showError ("Cannot read" +++ env) []) (accWorld (openEnvironments "" env)) saveEnvironmentFile :: !FilePathName ![Target] -> Task Bool saveEnvironmentFile file targets = accWorld (saveEnvironments file targets) // find all modules in search paths... findAllModulesInPaths :: !Extension !DirPathName !(List DirPathName) -> Task [(!DirPathName,![Module])] findAllModulesInPaths extension rootDir searchpaths = accWorld (searchDisk` searchpaths []) where searchDisk` [!!] found world = (reverse (map (\(d,ms)-> (d,map mkModule (sort ms))) found),world) // keep original order in paths searchDisk` [!path:paths!] found world # (content,world) = readDirectory dirName world = case content of Ok names -> searchDisk` paths [addFiles names:found] world _ -> searchDisk` paths found world where addFiles names = (path, [dropExtension name \\ name <- names | takeExtension name == extension]) dirName = rootDir +++ path mkModule m = {isUsed = False, moduleName = m} // determine which modules are used in the project findAllModulesInProject :: !DirPathName !(!DirPathName,!ModuleName) ![(!DirPathName,![Module])] -> Task [(!DirPathName,![Module])] findAllModulesInProject rootDir (dirName,"") envPaths = return [(dirName,[{isUsed = False,moduleName = ""}]):envPaths] findAllModulesInProject rootDir (dirName,startModule) envPaths = findImports rootDir (dirName,startModule) ".icl" // find imported modules >>= \imp -> findAllImported ([(dirName,startModule)],imp) // find all imported modules where findAllImported (found, []) // all imported modules have been searched = return (squeeze2 found envPaths) findAllImported (found, [mod:mods]) // investigate module # dir = [d \\ (d,ns) <- envPaths, n <- ns | n.moduleName == mod] // search module in paths | isEmpty dir = findAllImported (found,mods) // cannot find module in path, skip # dirName = hd dir // directory found = findImports rootDir (dirName,mod) ".dcl" // search modules imported in mod.dcl >>= \impd -> findImports rootDir (dirName,mod) ".icl" // search modules impoted in mod.icl >>= \impi -> findAllImported (removeExamined [(dirName,mod):found] (removeDup (impd ++ impi ++ mods))) where removeExamined :: [(!DirPathName,!ModuleName)] ![ModuleName] -> ([(!DirPathName,!ModuleName)],![ModuleName]) removeExamined examined todo # examinedMods = map snd found = (examined,[m \\ m <- todo | not (isMember m examinedMods)]) squeeze2 [] envPaths = envPaths squeeze2 [(dir,name):rest] envPaths = squeeze2 rest (insert (dir,name) envPaths) where insert (dir,name) [] = [] insert (dir,name) [(d,ms):envPaths] | dir == d = [(d,[{isUsed = if (moduleName == name) True isUsed, moduleName = moduleName} \\ {isUsed,moduleName} <- ms]) :envPaths ] = [(d,ms):insert (dir,name) envPaths] findImports rootDir (dirName,moduleName) extension = findDefinitionInFile "" (rootDir +++ dirName +++ "\\" +++ moduleName +++ extension) True @ (StrictListToList o fst) findDefinition :: !Identifier !FileName -> Task IdentifierPositionList findDefinition identifier fileName = findDefinitionInFile identifier fileName False @ snd findDefinitionInFile identifier fileName showImports = accWorld (accFiles (FindDefinitionInFile showImports [!!] identifier fileName)) findIdentifier :: !Identifier !FileName -> Task IdentifierPositionList findIdentifier identifier fileName = findIdentifierInFile identifier fileName False @ snd findIdentifierInFile identifier fileName showImports = accWorld (accFiles (FindIdentifiersInFile showImports [!!] identifier fileName)) /* // search department findAllModulesInPaths` :: !String !(List !DirPathName) -> Task ![(!DirPathName,!FileName)] findAllModulesInPaths` extension searchpaths = findAllModulesInPaths extension "" searchpaths >>= \res -> return [(path,name) \\ (path,names) <- res, name <- names] searchTask :: !SearchWhat !SearchWhere !Identifier !(!DirPathName,!FileName) !(List !DirPathName) -> Task (![(!(!DirPathName,!FileName),!IdentifierPositionList)],![FileName]) searchTask what searchWhere identifier path_modulename searchPaths = if (inImports searchWhere) (search [path_modulename] [] []) // recursive search through imported modules (case what of // search the modules in given paths only SearchIdentifier -> findAllModulesInPaths` "icl" searchPaths >>= \found -> search [path_modulename:found] [] [] SearchImplementation -> findAllModulesInPaths` "icl" searchPaths >>= \found -> search [path_modulename:found] [] [] SearchDefinition -> findAllModulesInPaths` "dcl" searchPaths >>= \found -> search [path_modulename:found] [] [] ) where search [] searched found = return (reverse found,reverse searched) search [(path,modulename):rest] searched found = searchInFile what (inImports searchWhere) identifier (path,modulename) >>= \(new,pos) -> let (addedImports,nsearched,nfound) = calc new pos rest searched found in if (isEmpty addedImports) (search rest nsearched nfound) ( searchFilesInPaths addedImports searchPaths >>= \more -> search (rest ++ more) nsearched nfound ) where calc new pos rest searched found # nfound = ifPosNil pos found [((path,modulename),pos):found] # nsearched = [modulename:searched] # filesInRest = map snd rest # addedImports = removeDup [fileName \\ fileName <- new | not (isMember fileName (filesInRest ++ nsearched))] = (addedImports,nsearched,nfound) inImports SearchInImports = True inImports _ = False ifPosNil PosNil then else = then ifPosNil _ then else = else searchInFile :: !SearchWhat !Bool !Identifier !(!DirPathName,!FileName) -> Task !(![String],!IdentifierPositionList) searchInFile SearchIdentifier inImports identifier (path, moduleName) = accWorld (accFiles (FindIdentifiersInFile inImports [!path +++ moduleName!] identifier (path +++ moduleName) )) >>= \(list,pos) -> return (map (\f -> f +++ ".icl") (/*init */(StrictListToList list)),pos) searchInFile SearchImplementation inImports identifier (path, moduleName) = accWorld (accFiles (FindDefinitionInFile inImports [!path +++ moduleName!] identifier (path +++ moduleName) )) >>= \(list,pos) -> return (map (\f -> f +++ ".icl") (/*init */(StrictListToList list)),pos) searchInFile SearchDefinition inImports identifier (path, moduleName) = accWorld (accFiles (FindDefinitionInFile inImports [!path +++ moduleName!] identifier (path +++ moduleName) )) >>= \(list,pos) -> return (map (\f -> f +++ ".dcl") (/*init */(StrictListToList list)),pos) searchIdentifiersInIclFile :: !Identifier !DirPathName !FileName -> Task !(![String],!IdentifierPositionList) searchIdentifiersInIclFile identifier path moduleName = accWorld (accFiles (FindIdentifiersInFile True [!path +++ moduleName!] identifier (path +++ moduleName) )) >>= \(list,pos) -> return (map (\f -> f +++ ".icl") (/*init */(StrictListToList list)),pos) searchFilesInPaths :: ![FileName] !(List !DirPathName) -> Task ![(!DirPathName,!FileName)] searchFilesInPaths fileNames pathNames = search fileNames pathNames [] where search [] _ found = return (reverse found) search [fileName:fileNames] pathNames found = searchFileInPaths fileName pathNames >>= \res -> if (isNothing res) (search fileNames pathNames found) (search fileNames pathNames [(fromJust res,fileName):found]) searchFileInPaths :: !FileName !(List !DirPathName) -> Task !(Maybe !DirPathName) searchFileInPaths fileName paths = accWorld (searchDisk` paths) where searchDisk` [!!] world = (Nothing,world) searchDisk` [!path:paths!] world # (content,world) = readDirectory path world = case content of Ok names -> if (isMember fileName names) ((Just path),world) (searchDisk` paths world) _ -> searchDisk` paths world */