definition module PmProject import PmTypes from UtilStrictLists import :: List import PmFiles import StdMaybe, StdFile DclMod :== True IclMod :== False :: Def_and_Imp :== Bool :: Project = { built :: !Bool // Was dependency list generated? , saved :: !Bool , exec :: !Bool // exe linked ok? , inflist :: !InfList // list with constituent modules , codegenopt :: !CodeGenOptions // code generator options , code_gen_options_unchanged :: !Bool , applicationopt :: !ApplicationOptions // application options , linkOptions :: !LinkOptions , prjpaths :: !List String // project paths , staticLibInfo :: !StaticLibInfo , target :: !String // environment , dynamic_info :: !ProjectDynamicInfo , relative_root_directory :: !String // string of '.'s, relative to .prj file , root_directory :: !String , execpath :: !String // move to app_opts , prec :: !Maybe String // " (precompile command) , posl :: !Maybe String // " (postlink command) } :: InfList :== List InfListItem :: InfListItem = { mn :: !Modulename // module name , info :: !ModInfo // module info , src :: !Bool // src up to date? , abc :: !Bool // abc up to date? } SaveProjectFile :: !String // path to projectfile !Project // the project !String // the application directory !*Files // the filesystem environment -> ( !Bool // success , !*Files // returned filesystem ); ReadProjectFile :: !String // path to projectfile !String // the application directory !*Files // the filesystem environment -> (!(!Project // the project , !Bool // success: true if successful except when failed to close // project file. Then success is true but errmsg (next entry) // is nonempty. , !{#Char} // errmsg: reports the encountered error if any ),!*Files // returned filesystem ) save_project_template_file :: !String !Project !String !*Files -> (!Bool, !*Files) read_project_template_file :: !String !String !*Files -> (!(!Bool, !Project, !{#Char}),!*Files) change_root_directory_of_project :: !{#Char} !{#Char} !Project -> Project getDynamicInfo :: !Project -> (ProjectDynamicInfo,Project) setDynamicInfo :: !.ProjectDynamicInfo !.Project -> .Project //-- PR_InitProject :: Project PR_ProjectSet :: !Project -> Bool PR_NewProject :: !String !EditWdOptions !CompilerOptions !CodeGenOptions !ApplicationOptions !(List String) !LinkOptions -> Project PR_SetBuilt :: !(List Modulename) !.Project -> .Project PR_ClearDependencies :: !Project -> Project PR_SetRoot :: !String !EditWdOptions !CompilerOptions !Project -> Project PR_SetCompiled :: !Modulename !Project -> Project PR_SetCodeGenerated :: !Modulename !Project -> Project PR_SetSysCodeGenerated :: !Project -> Project PR_SetLinked :: !Project -> Project PR_SetSaved :: !Project -> Project PR_SetCodeGenOptions :: !CodeGenOptions !Project -> Project PR_SetApplicationOptions :: !ApplicationOptions !Project -> Project PR_SetPaths :: !Bool !(List String) !(List String) !Project -> Project PR_GetCodeGenOptions :: !Project -> CodeGenOptions //PR_GetProcessor :: !Project -> Processor PR_GetApplicationOptions :: !Project -> ApplicationOptions PR_GetPaths :: !Project -> List String PR_GetRootModuleName :: !Project -> String PR_GetRootPathName :: !Project -> (!String,!Project) PR_GetRootModuleDir :: !Project -> String PR_GetRootDir :: !Project -> String PR_GetRelativeRootDir :: !Project -> String PR_GetModulenames :: !Bool !Def_and_Imp !Project -> (List String,Project) PR_GetOpenModulenames :: !Project -> List String PR_GetModuleStuff :: !Project -> List (Modulename,String,Modulename,String) PR_Built :: !Project -> Bool PR_SrcUpToDate :: !Modulename !Project -> Bool PR_ABCUpToDate :: !Modulename !Project -> Bool PR_SysUptoDate :: !Project -> Bool PR_ExecUpToDate :: !Project -> Bool PR_Saved :: !Project -> Bool PR_GetModuleInfo :: !Modulename !Project -> Maybe ModInfo PR_UpdateModule :: !Modulename !(ModInfo -> ModInfo) !Project -> Project PR_UpdateModules :: ![Modulename] !(ModInfo -> ModInfo) !Project -> Project PR_SetLinkOptions :: !Project !LinkOptions -> Project PR_GetLinkOptions :: !Project -> LinkOptions PR_AddABCInfo :: !String !(List LinkObjFileName) !(List LinkLibraryName) !CompilerOptions !EditWdOptions !EditWdOptions !Project -> Project PR_GetABCLinkInfo :: !Project -> ABCLinkInfo PR_GetStaticLibsInfo :: !Project -> StaticLibInfo PR_SetStaticLibsInfo :: !StaticLibInfo !Project -> Project PR_GetTarget :: !Project -> String PR_SetTarget :: !String !Project -> Project PR_GetExecPath :: !Project -> String PR_SetExecPath :: !String !Project -> Project SL_Add :: !String !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_Rem :: ![String] !String !String !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_Libs :: !StaticLibInfo -> List String SL_Dcls :: !StaticLibInfo -> List String SL_Deps :: !StaticLibInfo -> List String SL_SetLibs :: !(List String) !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_SetDcls :: !(List String) !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_SetDeps :: !(List String) !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo PR_SetPrecompile :: !(Maybe String) !Project -> Project PR_GetPrecompile :: !Project -> (!Maybe String, !Project) PR_SetPostlink :: !(Maybe String) !Project -> Project PR_GetPostlink :: !Project -> (!Maybe String, !Project) make_project_dir :: !Int !{#Char} -> {#Char}