implementation module PmEnvironment import StdArray, StdFunc, StdList import UtilOptions import UtilStrictLists import PmPath import StdMaybe import Platform import PmTypes import System.Directory, StdBool, System.File, Data.Error EnvsFileName :== "IDEEnvs" emptyTargets = [t_StdEnv20,t_StdIO20] t_StdEnv :: Target t_StdEnv = t_StdEnv20 :: Target = { target_name :: !String // environment identifier , target_path :: !List String // search paths , target_libs :: !List String // dynamic libraries , target_objs :: !List String // object files , target_stat :: !List String // static libraries , target_comp :: !String // compiler , target_cgen :: !String // code generator , target_link :: !String // static/eager linker , target_dynl :: !String // dynamic linker , target_vers :: !Int // abc version , env_64_bit_processor :: !Bool , target_redc :: !Bool // redirect console? , target_meth :: !CompileMethod // compile strategy , target_proc :: !Processor // object type } :: CompileMethod = CompileSync | CompileAsync !Int | CompilePers // getEnvironment adjusted to new platform independent Directory etup getEnvironments :: !String !String !*World -> *([Target],*World) //| FileSystem, FileEnv env getEnvironments stup envpath env // # ((ok,path),env) = pd_StringToPath envpath env # (mbEntries,env) = readDirectory envpath env // | err <> NoDirError = (map (fixAppPaths stup) emptyTargets,env) | isError mbEntries = (map (fixAppPaths stup) emptyTargets,env) # (Ok entries) = mbEntries # eentries = [fileName \\ fileName <- entries | size fileName > 4 && fileName%(size fileName - 4,size fileName) == ".env"] // # eentries = [fileName%(size fileName - 4,size fileName) \\ {fileName} <- entries ]//| size fileName > 4 && fileName%(size fileName - 4,size fileName) == ".env"] | isEmpty eentries = openEnvironments stup (MakeFullPathname envpath EnvsFileName) env # (ts,env) = seqSt eentries env = case ts of [] -> (map (fixAppPaths stup) emptyTargets,env) ts -> (map (fixAppPaths stup) ts,env) where seqSt [] e = ([],e) seqSt [e:es] env # ((t,ok,err),env) = openEnvironment (MakeFullPathname envpath e) env # env = case ok of True -> env // _ -> trace_n` ("Error",err) env _ -> env # (ts,env) = seqSt es env = (t++ts,env) /* //import dodebug getEnvironments :: !String !String !*env -> *([Target],*env) | FileSystem, FileEnv env getEnvironments stup envpath env # ((ok,path),env) = pd_StringToPath envpath env # ((err,entries),env) = getDirectoryContents path env | err <> NoDirError = (map (fixAppPaths stup) emptyTargets,env) # eentries = [fileName \\ {fileName} <- entries | size fileName > 4 && fileName%(size fileName - 4,size fileName) == ".env"] // # eentries = [fileName%(size fileName - 4,size fileName) \\ {fileName} <- entries ]//| size fileName > 4 && fileName%(size fileName - 4,size fileName) == ".env"] | isEmpty eentries = openEnvironments stup (MakeFullPathname envpath EnvsFileName) env # (ts,env) = seqSt eentries env = case ts of [] -> (map (fixAppPaths stup) emptyTargets,env) ts -> (map (fixAppPaths stup) ts,env) where seqSt [] e = ([],e) seqSt [e:es] env # ((t,ok,err),env) = openEnvironment (MakeFullPathname envpath e) env # env = case ok of True -> env // _ -> trace_n` ("Error",err) env _ -> env # (ts,env) = seqSt es env = (t++ts,env) */ openEnvironments :: !String !String !*env -> *([Target],*env) | FileEnv env openEnvironments stup envpath env // # (stup,env) = accFiles GetFullApplicationPath env # ((targets,ok,_),env) = accFiles (openEnvironment envpath) env | not ok # targets = emptyTargets # (_,env) = saveEnvironments envpath targets env # targets = map (fixAppPaths stup) targets = (targets,env) # targets = map (fixAppPaths stup) targets = (targets,env) openEnvironment :: !String *a -> *(([Target],.Bool,{#Char}),*a) | FileSystem a openEnvironment envpath env # (opened, file, env) = fopen envpath FReadData env | not opened = (([],False,"The file \"" +++ envpath +++ "\" could not be opened."),env) # (version, file) = ReadVersion file | version <> EnvFileVersion # (_, env) = fclose file env = (([],False,"The file \"" +++ envpath +++ "\" has the wrong version."+++version+++"<<<"),env) #! (options, file) = ReadOptionsFile file targets = REO options (closed, env) = fclose file env | not closed = ((targets, True,"The file \"" +++ envpath +++ "\" clould not be closed."), env) // warning genereren of zo? = ((targets, True,""), env) saveEnvironments :: !String ![Target] !*env -> *(Bool,*env) | FileEnv env saveEnvironments envpath targets env # stup = envpath // # (stup,env) = accFiles GetFullApplicationPath env # targets = map (unfixAppPaths stup) targets # (err,env) = accFiles (saveEnvironments envpath targets) env # ok = isNothing err = (ok,env) where saveEnvironments :: !String [.Target] *a -> *(Maybe .[{#Char}],*a) | FileSystem a saveEnvironments envpath targets env # (opened, file, env) = fopen envpath FWriteText env | not opened = (Just ["Fatal open environments..."],env) #! options = WEO targets #! file = WriteOptionsFile EnvFileVersion options file # (closed,env) = fclose file env | not closed = (Just ["Fatal close environments..."],env) = (Nothing,env) /* Variant die in dir zoekt naar alle *.env bestanden? * Eerst beginnen met targets in leesbare variant weg te schrijven... * Rekening houden met exemplaren oude variant... */ EnvFileVersion :== "1.0" emptyTarget = { target_name = "" , target_path = Nil , target_libs = Nil , target_objs = Nil , target_stat = Nil , target_comp = "" , target_cgen = "" , target_link = "" , target_dynl = "" , target_vers = 42 , env_64_bit_processor = False , target_redc = False , target_meth = CompileSync , target_proc = DefaultProcessor } WEO prefs = PutOptions TargetsTable prefs REO options = GetOptions TargetsTable options [] TargetsTable = { ListOption "Environments" (TargetTableOption) emptyTarget (\a->ListToStrictList a) (\v a->StrictListToList v) } TargetTableOption = GroupedOption "Environment" TargetTable id const TargetTable :: OptionsTable Target TargetTable = { SimpleOption "EnvironmentName" (\a->a.target_name) (\v a->{a & target_name=v}) , ListOption "EnvironmentPaths" (PathOption) "" (\a-> a.target_path) (\v a->{a & target_path= v}) , ListOption "EnvironmentDynamicLibs" (PathOption) "" (\a-> a.target_libs) (\v a->{a & target_libs= v}) , ListOption "EnvironmentObjects" (PathOption) "" (\a-> a.target_objs) (\v a->{a & target_objs= v}) , ListOption "EnvironmentStaticLibs" (PathOption) "" (\a-> a.target_stat) (\v a->{a & target_stat= v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentCompiler" (\a->a.target_comp) (\v a->{a & target_comp=v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentCodeGen" (\a->a.target_cgen) (\v a->{a & target_cgen=v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentLinker" (\a->a.target_link) (\v a->{a & target_link=v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentDynLink" (\a->a.target_dynl) (\v a->{a & target_dynl=v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentVersion" (\a->toString a.target_vers) (\v a->{a & target_vers=toInt v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentRedirect" (\a->b2s a.target_redc) (\v a->{a & target_redc=string_to_bool v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentCompileMethod" (\a->m2s a.target_meth) (\v a->{a & target_meth=s2m v}) , SimpleOption "EnvironmentProcessor" (\a->toString a.target_proc) (\v a->{a & target_proc=fromString v}) , SimpleOption "Environment64BitProcessor" (\a->toString a.env_64_bit_processor) (\v a->{a & env_64_bit_processor=string_to_bool v}) } where b2s True = "True" b2s _ = "False" string_to_bool "True" = True string_to_bool _ = False m2s CompileSync = "Sync" m2s CompilePers = "Pers" m2s (CompileAsync n) = toString n s2m "Sync" = CompileSync s2m "Pers" = CompilePers s2m n = CompileAsync (toInt n) PathOption = SimpleWithStringConversionOption convert_path_separators "Path" id const t_StdEnv20 :: Target t_StdEnv20 = { target_name = "StdEnv" , target_path = ( "{Application}\\Libraries\\StdEnv" :! Nil ) , target_libs = PlatformDependant ( Nil ) // Win ( Nil ) // Mac , target_objs = Nil , target_stat = Nil , target_comp = "Tools\\Clean System\\CleanCompiler.exe" , target_cgen = "Tools\\Clean System\\CodeGenerator.exe" , target_link = "Tools\\Clean System\\StaticLinker.exe" , target_dynl = "Tools\\Dynamics\\DynamicLinker.exe" , target_vers = 919 , env_64_bit_processor = False , target_redc = False , target_meth = CompilePers , target_proc = DefaultProcessor } t_StdIO20 = { t_StdEnv20 & target_name = "Object IO" , target_path = ( "{Application}\\Libraries\\StdEnv" :! "{Application}\\Libraries\\StdLib" :! "{Application}\\Libraries\\ObjectIO ObjectIO" :! "{Application}\\Libraries\\ObjectIO ObjectIO\\OS Windows" :! Nil ) } //-- fixAppPaths stup target=:{target_path = path, target_libs = libs, target_objs=objs, target_stat=stat} = {target & target_path = path`, target_libs = libs`, target_objs=objs`, target_stat = stat`} where path` = fulAppPaths stup path libs` = fulAppPaths stup libs objs` = fulAppPaths stup objs stat` = fulAppPaths stup stat unfixAppPaths stup target=:{target_path = path, target_libs = libs, target_objs=objs, target_stat=stat} = {target & target_path = path`, target_libs = libs`, target_objs=objs`, target_stat=stat`} where path` = symAppPaths stup path libs` = symAppPaths stup libs objs` = symAppPaths stup objs stat` = symAppPaths stup stat