implementation module PmDirCache // Search paths for a file import StdArray,StdBool,StdEnum,StdList,StdFile,StdOrdList,StdStrictLists,StdMaybe import StdDirectory // Directory -> StdDirectory to avoid name conflicts import UtilStrictLists, PmPath, UtilIO import Platform from StdLibMisc import :: Date{..}, :: Time{..} // Added test whether a given file exists // Used to call WinFileExists FExists :: !String !Files -> (!Bool, !Files) FExists name files //# ((ok,path),files) = pd_StringToPath name files //| not ok = (False,files) # ((dirInfo,fileInfo),files) = getFileInfo name files = (dirInfo <> NoDirError && not fileInfo.pi_fileInfo.isDirectory,files) :: DirCacheElem :== (String,String,DateTime) // module name, module path, module modified :: SimpleDirCache :== {!DirCacheElem} :: SubdirElem = { subdir_name :: !{#Char}, subdir_cache :: !.SimpleDirCache} :: SubdirCache :== {#.SubdirElem} :: DirCache = { root :: !.SimpleDirCache, subdirs :: !.SubdirCache, paths :: ![#Pathname!] } :: Warn = Warn String String [(String,String,DateTime)] emptyDateTime :== ({year=0,month=0,day=0,dayNr=0},{hours=0,minutes=0,seconds=0}) DC_Setup :: !(List Pathname) !*Files -> (!(![String],![Warn],!.DirCache),!*Files) DC_Setup paths files # paths = remove_dup_paths paths # paths = [|winfix path \\ path<|-paths] // local hack to fix dir names # (err,files_in_dir,files) = setup paths files # (wrn,cache) = make_dir_cache files_in_dir # dir_cache = {root = cache, subdirs={}, paths=paths} = ((err,wrn,dir_cache),files) where remove_dup_paths :: (List Pathname) -> *[#Pathname!] remove_dup_paths paths = u_reverse (remove_dup_paths_reversed paths [|]) [|] where remove_dup_paths_reversed :: !(List {#Char}) !*[#{#Char}!] -> *[#{#Char}!] remove_dup_paths_reversed (path:!paths) unique_paths | occurs_in path unique_paths = remove_dup_paths_reversed paths unique_paths = remove_dup_paths_reversed paths [|path:unique_paths] where occurs_in path [|path_e:paths] = path==path_e || occurs_in path paths occurs_in path [|] = False remove_dup_paths_reversed Nil unique_paths = unique_paths u_reverse :: *[#{#Char}!] *[#{#Char}!] -> *[#{#Char}!] u_reverse [|] r = r u_reverse [|e:l] r = u_reverse l [|e:r] setup [|] files = ([],[],files) setup [|path:paths] files # ((ok,path`),files) = pd_StringToPath path files | not ok # (errs,cache,files) = setup paths files = ([path:errs],cache,files) # ((err,dir),files) = getDirectoryContents path` files | err <> NoDirError # (errs,cache,files) = setup paths files = ([path:errs],cache,files) # dir = [(fileName,path,lastModified) \\ {fileName,fileInfo={pi_fileInfo={lastModified,isDirectory}}} <- dir | not isDirectory] # (errs,cache,files) = setup paths files # cache = dir ++ cache = (errs,cache,files) //winfix :: renames root directories winfix s = PlatformDependant (/*Win*/ if (size s > 0 && s.[size s - 1] == ':') (s +++. "\\") (s)) (/*Mac*/ if (findPos ':' s 0 == ~1) (s +++. ":") (s)) findPos c s i | i >= size s = ~1 | s.[i] == c = i = findPos c s (inc i) make_dir_cache :: [DirCacheElem] -> (![Warn],!*SimpleDirCache) make_dir_cache cache # cache = sortBy (\(l,_,_) (r,_,_) -> l ([Warn],[DirCacheElem]) removedups [x=:(".DS_Store",_,_):xs] = removedups xs removedups [x=:(l,p,_):xs] # (wrn,xs) = dropWarn (\(r,_,_) -> l==r) xs | isEmpty wrn # (wrn,xs) = removedups xs = (wrn,[x:xs]) # (wrn`,xs) = removedups xs = ([Warn l p wrn:wrn`],[x:xs]) removedups _ = ([],[]) dropWarn :: (a -> Bool) ![a] -> ([a],[a]) dropWarn f cons=:[a:x] | f a # (wrn,x) = dropWarn f x = ([a:wrn],x) = ([],cons) dropWarn f [] = ([],[]) DC_Update :: !(!String,!String,!DateTime) !*DirCache -> *DirCache DC_Update (n`,p`,m`) dir_cache=:{root=cache} # cache = update_dir_cache (n`,p`,m`) cache = {dir_cache & root=cache} DC_HUpdate :: !(!String,!String,!DateTime) !String !*DirCache !*Files -> (!*DirCache,!*Files) DC_HUpdate (n`,p`,m`) file_ext dir_cache=:{root=cache,subdirs,paths} files # last_dot_i = find_last_dot_i n` | last_dot_i<0 # cache = update_dir_cache (n`,p`,m`) cache = ({dir_cache & root=cache},files) # (subdir_name,file_name) = subdir_and_file_name_of_hmodule_name last_dot_i n` file_ext (found,subdir_i,subdirs) = bin_search_subdir subdir_name subdirs | found # (subdir,subdirs) = subdirs![subdir_i] cache = update_dir_cache (n`,p`,m`) subdir.subdir_cache subdirs & [subdir_i]={subdir & subdir_cache=cache} = ({dir_cache & subdirs=subdirs},files) # (errs,files_in_dir,files) = setup_h paths subdir_name files (wrn,cache) = make_dir_cache files_in_dir cache = update_dir_cache (n`,p`,m`) cache new_subdirs = add_subdir subdir_i subdir_name cache subdirs = ({dir_cache & subdirs=new_subdirs},files) update_dir_cache :: !(!String,!String,!DateTime) !*SimpleDirCache -> *SimpleDirCache update_dir_cache (n`,p`,m`) cache # (maxi,cache) = usize cache = binsearch 0 maxi maxi cache where binsearch :: !Int !Int !Int !*SimpleDirCache -> *SimpleDirCache binsearch left right max cache | left >= right # newcache = createArray (inc max) (n`,p`,m`) # (newcache,cache) = copy (dec right) newcache cache 0 0 # (newcache,cache) = copy (max - right) newcache cache (inc right) right = newcache # mid = (left+right)>>1 # ((n,p,m),cache) = cache![mid] | n` == n = {cache & [mid]=(n`,p`,m`)} | n` < n = binsearch left mid max cache // n` > n = binsearch (inc mid) right max cache copy :: !Int !*SimpleDirCache !*SimpleDirCache !Int !Int -> (!*SimpleDirCache, !*SimpleDirCache) copy num new old newbegin oldbegin | num <= 0 = (new,old) # (e,old) = old![oldbegin] # new = {new & [newbegin]=e} = copy (dec num) new old (inc newbegin) (inc oldbegin) find_last_dot_i :: !{#Char} -> Int find_last_dot_i s = find_last_dot_i s (size s-1) where find_last_dot_i s i | i>=0 | s.[i]=='.' = i = find_last_dot_i s (i-1) = i concat_paths path subdir # size_path=size path | size_path>0 && path.[size_path-1]==DirSeparator = path+++subdir = path+++DirSeparatorString+++subdir DC_Search :: !Modulename !*DirCache -> *(!Bool,!Pathname,!DateTime,!*DirCache) DC_Search mod dir_cache=:{root=cache} # (found,path_name,date_time,cache) = bin_search_file mod cache = (found,path_name,date_time,{dir_cache & root=cache}) DC_HSearch :: !Modulename !String !*DirCache !*Files -> *(!Bool,!Pathname,!DateTime,!*DirCache,!*Files) DC_HSearch mod file_ext dir_cache=:{root=cache,subdirs,paths} files # last_dot_i = find_last_dot_i mod | last_dot_i<0 # (found,path_name,date_time,cache) = bin_search_file (mod+++file_ext) cache = (found,path_name,date_time,{dir_cache & root=cache},files) # (subdir_name,file_name) = subdir_and_file_name_of_hmodule_name last_dot_i mod file_ext (found,subdir_i,subdirs) = bin_search_subdir subdir_name subdirs | found # (subdir,subdirs) = subdirs![subdir_i] (found,path_name,date_time,cache) = bin_search_file file_name subdir.subdir_cache subdirs & [subdir_i]={subdir & subdir_cache=cache} = (found,path_name,date_time,{dir_cache & subdirs=subdirs},files) # (errs,files_in_dir,files) = setup_h paths subdir_name files (wrn,cache) = make_dir_cache files_in_dir (found,path_name,date_time,cache) = bin_search_file file_name cache new_subdirs = add_subdir subdir_i subdir_name cache subdirs = (found,path_name,date_time,{dir_cache & subdirs=new_subdirs},files) setup_h :: ![#{#Char}!] !{#Char} !*Files -> *(![{#Char}],![DirCacheElem],!*Files) setup_h [|] subdir files = ([],[],files) setup_h [|path:paths] subdir files # subdir_path = concat_paths path subdir # ((ok,path`),files) = pd_StringToPath subdir_path files | not ok # (errs,cache,files) = setup_h paths subdir files = ([subdir_path:errs],cache,files) # ((err,dir),files) = getDirectoryContents path` files | err <> NoDirError # (errs,cache,files) = setup_h paths subdir files = ([subdir_path:errs],cache,files) # dir = [(fileName,path,lastModified) \\ {fileName,fileInfo={pi_fileInfo={lastModified,isDirectory}}} <- dir | not isDirectory] # (errs,cache,files) = setup_h paths subdir files # cache = dir ++ cache = (errs,cache,files) add_subdir :: !Int !{#Char} !{!DirCacheElem} !*{#SubdirElem} -> *{#SubdirElem} add_subdir subdir_i subdir_name cache subdirs # (n_subdirs,subdirs) = usize subdirs new_subdirs={{subdir_name="",subdir_cache={}} \\ i<-[0..n_subdirs]} (new_subdirs,subdirs) = move_begin_elements 0 subdir_i new_subdirs subdirs new_subdirs & [subdir_i]={subdir_name=subdir_name, subdir_cache=cache} = move_end_elements_to_next subdir_i new_subdirs subdirs where move_begin_elements :: !Int !Int !*SubdirCache !*SubdirCache -> (!*SubdirCache,!*SubdirCache) move_begin_elements i max_i d_a s_a | i *SubdirCache move_end_elements_to_next i d_a s_a | i *(!Bool,!Pathname,!DateTime,!*SimpleDirCache) bin_search_file mod cache # (cache_size,cache) = usize cache = bin_search_file 0 cache_size mod cache where bin_search_file :: !Int !Int !Modulename !*SimpleDirCache -> *(!Bool,!Pathname,!DateTime,!*SimpleDirCache) bin_search_file left right mod cache | left >= right = (False,"",emptyDateTime,cache) # mid = (left+right)>>1 # ((n,p,m),cache) = cache![mid] | mod == n = (True,p,m,cache) | mod < n = bin_search_file left mid mod cache // mod > n = bin_search_file (inc mid) right mod cache bin_search_subdir subdir_name subdirs # (n_subdirs,subdirs) = usize subdirs = bin_search_subdir 0 n_subdirs subdir_name subdirs where bin_search_subdir :: !Int !Int !{#Char} !*SubdirCache -> *(!Bool,!Int,!*SubdirCache) bin_search_subdir left right subdir cache | left >= right = (False,right,cache) # mid = (left+right)>>1 # (subdir_name,cache) = cache![mid].subdir_name | subdir == subdir_name = (True,mid,cache) | subdir < subdir_name = bin_search_subdir left mid subdir cache // subdir > subdir_name = bin_search_subdir (inc mid) right subdir cache SearchDisk :: !Modulename !(List Pathname) !*Files -> (!(!Bool,!Pathname),!*Files) SearchDisk modname dirs files = SearchDisk2 modname dirs files FindHModule :: !Modulename !{#Char} !(List Pathname) !*Files -> (!(!Bool,!Pathname),!*Files) FindHModule module_name file_ext dirs files # last_dot_i = find_last_dot_i module_name | last_dot_i<0 = SearchDisk2 (module_name+++file_ext) dirs files # (subdir_name,file_name) = subdir_and_file_name_of_hmodule_name last_dot_i module_name file_ext # dirs = Map (\dir->concat_paths dir subdir_name) dirs = SearchDisk2 file_name dirs files SearchDisk2 :: !Modulename !(List Pathname) !*Files -> (!(!Bool,!Pathname),!*Files) SearchDisk2 modname Nil files = ((False, EmptyPathname),files) SearchDisk2 modname (dir:!rest) files # dir_modname1 = MakeFullPathname dir modname # (exists,files) = FExists dir_modname1 files | exists = ((True, dir_modname1),files) = SearchDisk2 modname rest files