definition module PmAbcMagic import StdFile, StdMaybe import UtilStrictLists, StdPathname from UtilDate import :: DATE from PmTypes import :: LinkObjFileName, :: LinkLibraryName, :: Modulename from Directory import :: DateTime, :: Date, :: Time from PmDirCache import :: DirCache // Compiler options that are stored in the abc file :: ABCOptions = { abcMemoryProfile :: !Bool // -desc , abcTimeProfile :: !Bool , abcStrictnessAnalysis :: !Bool , abcGiveWarnings :: !Bool //. , abcBeVerbose :: !Bool //--> now abused for -exl flag , abcGenerateComments :: !Bool , abcReuseUniqueNodes :: !Bool , abcFusion :: !Bool , abc64Bits :: !Bool } DefaultABCOptions :: ABCOptions :: *ABCCache :: ModuleDate :== DateTime AC_Init :: ABCCache ParseABCInfoAndDependencies :: !Pathname !DATE !ABCCache !Files -> (!((!Bool, !Bool, !Int, !ABCOptions ),(!List Modulename, !Maybe ModuleDate, !List ModuleDate, !List LinkObjFileName, !List LinkLibraryName ),!ABCCache),!Files) // Returns further info from an .abc file: GetABCCompiledInfo :: !Bool // require update abcinfo? !Pathname // full path name of the .abc file. !ABCCache // !Files // Input filesystem -> ((!Bool // is this module a system file? , !Bool // does this .abc file contain sequential stack info? , !Int // version number of compiler which generated the .abc file (-1 if .abc file could not be read). , !ABCOptions // compiler options this .abc file was generated with (except 'Show Type Info'). , !ABCCache // ),!Files // The new filesystem ) ParseABCDependencies` :: !Pathname // The full .abc path name !DATE // .abc last modified date !*ABCCache // !Files // Input filesystem -> ((!Bool // Indication whether .abc file could be read , !List Modulename // The list of dependencies , !Maybe ModuleDate // , !List ModuleDate // , !List LinkObjFileName // The list of dependant object files , !List LinkLibraryName // The list of dependant (dynamic) library files , !*ABCCache // ), !Files // The new filesystem ); PatchSystemABC :: !Int // !Bool // !Pathname // !Bool // !*Files // Input filesystem -> ( !Bool // , !*Files // The new filesystem )