implementation module Section8 // Examples showing the usage of editors with multiple buttons import iTasks from Section4 import onlyIf from Section6 import selectUser from Section7 import normalTask, const2 derive bimap (,), Maybe Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine (manageWorkflows flows8) world flows8 :: [Workflow] flows8 = [ workflow "CEFP/Section 8 - Parallel Tasks II/1. Chat with several users" "Chat with several users" chat3 , workflow "CEFP/Section 8 - Parallel Tasks II/2. Editing a text file" "Editing a text file" editorApplication , workflow "CEFP/Section 8 - Parallel Tasks II/3. Petition campaign" "Start petition campaign" myPetition // ] :: Petition = { titlePetition :: String , deadlineSubmission :: DateTime , description :: Note } :: Signer = { name :: String , profession :: Maybe String , emailAddress :: String , comments :: Maybe Note } derive class iTask Petition, Signer myPetition :: Task (Petition,[Signer]) myPetition = enterInformation "Describe the petition" [] >>= \pet -> campaign pet pet.titlePetition pet.deadlineSubmission >>= viewInformation "The petition has been signed by:" [] campaign :: pet String DateTime -> Task (pet,[signed]) | iTask pet & iTask signed campaign pet title deadline = enterSharedMultipleChoice "Invite people to sign" [] users >>= \signers -> parallel ("Sign Petition: " +++ title) [] (\_ signed -> (pet,signed)) [ (Embedded, waitForDeadline deadline) : [ (Detached (normalTask signer),sign pet) \\ signer <- signers ] ] waitForDeadline dateTime list = waitForDateTime dateTime >>| return Stop sign :: pet (TaskList [signed]) -> Task ParallelControl | iTask pet & iTask signed sign pet list = enterInformation ("Please sign the following petition:") [About pet] >?* [(Action "Decline", Always (return Continue)) ,(Action "Sign", IfValid signAndAskFriends) ] where signAndAskFriends signed = update (\list -> [signed:list]) (taskListState list) >>| viewInformation "Thanks for signing !" [] Void >>| enterSharedMultipleChoice "Invite other people too" [] users >>= askSigners askSigners [] = return Continue askSigners [c:cs] = appendTask (Detached (normalTask c), sign pet) list >>| askSigners cs // chat with several users derive class iTask ChatState, Message :: ChatState = { chatters :: [User] , chats :: [Message] } :: Message = { chatting :: User , message :: String } emptyChatState = {chatters = [], chats = []} addMessage user message cs = {cs & chats = cs.chats ++ [{chatting = user, message = message}]} addUser user cs = {cs & chatters = [user:cs.chatters]} removeUser user cs = {cs & chatters = removeMember user cs.chatters} chat3 = get currentUser >>= \me -> parallel "Chat application" emptyChatState (const2 Void) [(Embedded, chatTask me)] chatTask user cs = update (addUser user) (taskListState cs) >>| viewSharedInformation ("Chat list view") [] (taskListState cs) Void ||- chatMore user "" cs chatMore user s cs = updateInformation ("Chat with iTask users") [UpdateView (GetLocal toView,SetLocal fromView)] s >?* [(ActionAdd, IfValid (\r -> appendTask newChatter cs >>| chatMore user r cs)) ,(ActionOk, IfValid (\r -> update (addMessage user r) (taskListState cs) >>| chatMore user "" cs)) ,(ActionQuit, Always ( update (removeUser user o addMessage user "bye") (taskListState cs) >>| return Stop )) ] where toView c = Note c fromView (Note c) _ _ = c newChatter = (Embedded, handleNewChatter) handleNewChatter cs = Window @>> selectUser >>= \someone -> appendTask (newChatTask someone) cs >>| return Continue where newChatTask someone = (Detached (normalTask someone), chatTask someone) ActionAdd :== Action "Add Chatter" // pocket calculator, see Steffens example... import Text derive class iTask Replace, TextStatistics, EditorState :: Replace = { search :: String , replaceBy :: String } :: TextStatistics = { lines :: Int , words :: Int , characters :: Int } :: EditorState = { mytext :: String , replace :: Bool , statistics :: Bool } :: FileName :== String initEditorState text = {mytext = text, replace = False, statistics = False} updateReplace b = update (\s ->{s & replace = b}) updateStat b = update (\s -> {s & statistics = b}) updateText f = update (\s -> {s & mytext = f s.mytext}) voidResult _ _ = Void normalTask user = { worker = Just user, role = Nothing, startAt = Nothing, completeBefore = Nothing, notifyAt = Nothing, priority = NormalPriority} ActionReplace :== Action "File/Replace" ActionStatistics :== Action "File/Statistics" editorApplication :: Task Void editorApplication = enterInformation "Give name of text file you want to edit..." [] >>= \fileName -> readTextFile fileName >>= \(_,text) -> parallel "Editor" (initEditorState text) voidResult [(Embedded, editor fileName)] editor :: String (TaskList EditorState) -> Task ParallelControl editor fileName ls = updateSharedInformation (fileName,"Edit text file \"" +++ fileName +++ "\"") views (taskListState ls) Void >?* [ (ActionSave, IfValid save) , (ActionReplace, Sometimes (onlyIf (\(s,_) -> not s.replace) replace)) , (ActionStatistics,Sometimes (onlyIf (\(s,_) -> not s.statistics) statistics)) , (ActionQuit, Always quit) ] where views = [UpdateView ( GetShared (\s -> Note s.mytext) , SetShared (\(Note text) _ s -> {s & mytext = text}) ) ] save (val,_) = saveTextFile fileName val.mytext >>| editor fileName ls replace _ = updateReplace True (taskListState ls) >>| appendTask (Embedded, replaceTask {search = "", replaceBy = ""}) ls >>| editor fileName ls statistics _ = updateStat True (taskListState ls) >>| appendTask (Embedded, statisticsTask) ls >>| editor fileName ls quit = return Stop replaceTask :: Replace (TaskList EditorState) -> Task ParallelControl replaceTask replacement ls = Window @>> updateInformation ("Replace","Define replacement...") [] replacement >?* [(ActionOk, IfValid replace) ,(Action "Close", Always close) ] where replace repl = updateText (replaceSubString repl.replaceBy) (taskListState ls) >>| replaceTask repl ls close = updateReplace False (taskListState ls) >>| return Continue statisticsTask :: (TaskList EditorState) -> Task ParallelControl statisticsTask ls = Window @>> viewSharedInformation ("Statistics","Statistics of your document") views (taskListState ls) Void >?* [(Action "Close", Always close)] where views = [DisplayView (GetShared showStatistics)] showStatistics state = { lines = length (split "\n" state.mytext) , words = length (split " " (replaceSubString "\n" " " state.mytext)) , characters = textSize state.mytext } close = updateStat False (taskListState ls) >>| return Continue // --- file access utility import StdFile saveTextFile :: FileName String -> Task Bool saveTextFile fileName text = accWorld (safeFileMonad fileName text) where safeFileMonad :: String String *World -> (Bool,*World) safeFileMonad fileName text world # (ok,file,world) = fopen fileName FWriteText world | not ok = (False,world) # file = fwrites text file = fclose file world readTextFile :: FileName -> Task (Bool,String) readTextFile fileName = accWorld (readFileMonad fileName) where readFileMonad :: String *World -> ((Bool,String),*World) readFileMonad fileName world # (ok,file,world) = fopen fileName FReadText world | not ok = ((False,""),world) # (text,file) = freads file 1000000 | text == "" = ((False,""),world) # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = ((False,""),world) = ((True,text),world)