implementation module Incidone.RoleBased.AdministratorTasks import iTasks, iTasks.API.Extensions.SQLDatabase import Incidone.OP.Concepts, Incidone.OP.SDSs, Incidone.OP.DemonstrationTasks import Incidone.OP.ContactManagementTasks import Incidone.OP.ImportExportTasks import Incidone.Configuration import Incidone.Integration.AIS import Incidone.Integration.Asterisk import Incidone.ContactPosition import Incidone.ActionManagementTasks import Incidone.Util.TaskPatterns import iTasks.API.Extensions.Admin.ServerAdmin import iTasks.API.Extensions.Dashboard :: DatabaseProblem = NoDatabaseAccess | NoDatabaseTables | IncorrectDatabaseTables derive class iTask DatabaseProblem configureIncidone :: [Workspace -> Task ()] configureIncidone = map const [configureDatabase ,manageUsers <<@ (Title "Users") ,manageDemoData ,configureIntegration ,manageUserActionCatalog ,configureMaps <<@ (Title "Maps") ,configureWebLinks <<@ (Title "Web integration") // ,(manageServer @! ()) <<@ (Title "Processes") ] configureDatabase :: Task () configureDatabase = viewDatabaseConfigStatus >^* [OnAction (Action "Configure database" []) (always (doOrCancel setupDatabase <<@ InWindow)) ,OnAction (Action "Manage database" []) (ifValue hasAccess (\_ -> doOrClose manageDatabase <<@ AfterLayout (uiDefSetSize (ExactSize 800) (ExactSize 600)) <<@ InWindow)) ] @! () where hasAccess (Error NoDatabaseAccess) = False hasAccess _ = True viewDatabaseConfigStatus = whileUnchanged databaseConfig \config -> checkDatabaseConfig config >>- viewInformation (Title "Database configuration") [ViewWith databaseStatusView] databaseStatusView (Ok InternalSQLiteDB) = Row (LightOnGreen, "Incidone is correctly configured to use an internal SQLite database.") databaseStatusView (Ok (ExternalMySQLDB _)) = Row (LightOnGreen, "Incidone is correctly configured to use an external MySQL database.") databaseStatusView (Error NoDatabaseAccess) = Row (LightOnRed, "A database is configured, but it can not be accessed. Please reconfigure.") databaseStatusView (Error NoDatabaseTables) = Row (LightOnRed, "A database is configured, but it contains no tables. Please reconfigure.") databaseStatusView (Error IncorrectDatabaseTables) = Row (LightOnRed, "A database is configured, but it contains other tables than Incidone's. Please reconfigure.") setupDatabase = get databaseConfig >>- editDatabaseConfig where editDatabaseConfig config = updateInformation ("Database configuration","Please edit settings") [] config >>= \newConfig -> checkDatabaseConfig newConfig >>- \mbError -> case mbError of Ok config = set config databaseConfig @! () Error NoDatabaseTables = set newConfig databaseConfig >>| viewInformation ("Create tables","The database you configured does not have tables set up yet.") [] "Do you want to create them now?" >>* [OnAction ActionYes (always (createIncidoneTables (toDatabaseDef newConfig) @! ())) ,OnAction ActionNo (always (return ())) ] Error e = viewInformation ("Warning","The new configuration appears to have a problem") [ViewWith databaseStatusView] (Error e) >>* [OnAction (Action "Set anyway" []) (always (set config databaseConfig @! ())) ,OnAction (Action "Change and try again" []) (always (editDatabaseConfig newConfig)) ] checkDatabaseConfig config = catchAll ( get (sdsFocus (toDatabaseDef config) sqlTables) >>- \tables -> if (isEmpty tables) (return (Error NoDatabaseTables)) (if (checkTables tables) (return (Ok config)) (return (Error IncorrectDatabaseTables)) ) ) (\e -> return (Error NoDatabaseAccess)) where checkTables tables = foldl (\c t -> c && isMember tables) True IncidoneDB manageDatabase = get databaseDef >>- \db -> ( (enterChoiceWithShared (Title "Tables") [ChooseWith (ChooseFromTree group)] (sdsFocus db sqlTables) >^* [OnAction ActionDelete (hasValue (\table -> deleteTable db table <<@ InWindow @! ())) ,OnAction (Action "Empty database" []) (always (emptyDatabase db <<@ InWindow @! ())) ,OnAction (Action "Load Incidone tables" []) (always (createIncidoneTables db <<@ InWindow )) ] ) >&> withSelection viewNoSelection \table -> catchAll ( viewSharedInformation (Title ("Schema of"+++ table)) [] (sdsFocus (db,table) sqlTableDefinition) @! () ) (\e -> viewInformation () [] e @! ()) ) <<@ (ArrangeWithSideBar 0 LeftSide 300 True) where group items _ = [{ChoiceTree|defaultValue & label=o,value=ChoiceNode i}\\(i,o) <- items] deleteTable db table = viewInformation "Are your sure you want to delete this table?" [] table >>? \_ -> sqlExecuteDropTable db table @! () createIncidoneTables db = (sequence "Creating Incidone tables" [sqlExecuteCreateTable db table \\ table <- IncidoneDB] >>- viewInformation "Incidone schema created" []) <<@ Title "Creating Incidone tables..." >>* [OnAction ActionOk (always (return ()))] emptyDatabase db = viewInformation (Title "Empty database") [] "Are your sure you want fully remove all database tables?" >>? \_ -> get (sdsFocus db sqlTables) >>- \tables -> sequence "Deleting all tables" [sqlExecuteDropTable db table \\ table <- tables] >>- viewInformation ("Empty database","All data deleted") [] >>* [OnAction ActionOk (always (return ()))] manageUsers :: Task () manageUsers = forever (catchAll ( manageExistingUsers >^* [OnAction (Action "/Add" []) (always (addUser <<@ InWindow)) ,OnAction (Action "/Import from CSV" []) (always (importUsers <<@ InWindow)) ,OnAction (Action "/Set admin password" []) (always (setAdminPassword <<@ InWindow)) ] ) (\e -> viewInformation "Error" [] e >>| return ())) where manageExistingUsers = (enterChoiceWithSharedAs () [ChooseWith (ChooseFromGrid id)] allContactsShort contactIdentity >&> withSelection viewNoSelection manageContactAccess )<<@ ArrangeWithSideBar 0 LeftSide 200 True viewNoSelection = return () //FIXME addUser = enterInformation (Title "Add user") [] >>? \newUser -> (createContact newUser @! ()) importUsers = doOrClose ( enterInformation instructions [] >>= \doc -> catchAll ( importContactsFromCSVFile doc >>- \_ -> viewInformation () [] "Succesfully imported contacts" >>| return () ) (\_ -> viewInformation "Failed to import contacts" [] ()) ) <<@ Title "Import contacts" where instructions = toString (PTag [] [Text "Please select a CSV file to upload.",BrTag [] ,Text "The file needs to be formatted like ",ATag [HrefAttr "/demo-content/contacts.csv",TargetAttr "_blank"] [Text "this example file"] ]) setAdminPassword = ( enterPasswords -&&- get adminPassword >>* [OnAction ActionCancel (always (return Nothing)) ,OnAction (Action "Change" [ActionIcon "ok"]) (hasValue updatePassword) ] ) <<@ Title "Set admin password" where enterPasswords = (Label "Old password" @>> enterInformation () []) -&&- (Label "New password" @>> enterInformation () []) -&&- (Label "New password (again)" @>> enterInformation () []) @ \(o,(n1,n2)) -> (o,n1,n2) updatePassword ((old,new1,new2),current) | old =!= current = viewInformation "Error" [] "You did not enter the correct old password" >>| return Nothing | new1 =!= new2 = viewInformation "Error" [] "The new passwords are not the same" >>| return Nothing = set new1 adminPassword >>| viewInformation () [] "The admin password has been updated" >>| return (Just ()) manageDemoData :: Task () manageDemoData = allTasks [forever generateTestIncidents <<@ Title "Generate demo incidents" ] <<@ Title "Demo data" @! () where generateTestIncidents = enterInformation "Enter the number of demo incidents that you would like to create and press continue" [] -&&- enterInformation "Immediate close the incidents?" [] >>= \(num,closed) -> sequence "Generating test incidents" (repeatn num (generateTestIncident closed)) @! () configureIntegration :: Task () configureIntegration = anyTask [configureAISIntegration,configureAsteriskIntegration,configureEmailIntegration] <<@ ForceLayout <<@ Title "Integration" @! () where configureAISIntegration = updateSharedInformation ("AIS server configuration","Please supply the host and port of the AIS server") [] aisLinkConfig ||- manageBackgroundTask "AIS Link Status" "ais-sync" "AIS Synchronisation" syncAISStream configureAsteriskIntegration = updateSharedInformation ("Asterisk server configuration","Please supply the configuration for your asterisk server") [] asteriskLinkConfig ||- manageBackgroundTask "Asterisk Link Status" "asterisk-sync" "Asterisk Synchronisation" syncAsteriskAMI configureEmailIntegration = updateSharedInformation ("SMTP server configuration","Please supply the configuration for your SMTP server") [] smtpConfig @! () configureMaps :: Task () configureMaps = (viewOrEdit (Title "Default map perspective") standardPerspective (\_ _ -> return ()) -||- viewOrEdit (Title "Map layer definitions") standardMapLayers (\_ _ -> return ()) <<@ ArrangeVertical ) -|| previewMapLayers <<@ (ArrangeSplit Horizontal True) <<@ (Title "Manage map layers") where previewMapLayers :: Task ContactMapPerspective previewMapLayers = withShared defaultValue \perspective -> updateSharedInformation (Title "Preview") [UpdateWith toPrj fromPrj] (perspective >+| standardMapLayers) <<@ AfterLayout (tweakUI fill) where toPrj (perspective,layers) = toLeafletMap {ContactMap|defaultValue & perspective=perspective,layers=layers} fromPrj _ {LeafletMap|perspective} = fromLeafletPerspective perspective configureWebLinks :: Task () configureWebLinks = viewAndEdit (viewSharedInformation "Web integration configuration" [] webLinksConfig) (get webLinksConfig >>- updateInformation () [] >>? \updated -> set updated webLinksConfig) >^* [OnAction (Action "/Export" []) (always (exportConfig <<@ InWindow)) ,OnAction (Action "/Import" []) (always (importConfig <<@ InWindow))] @! () where exportConfig = doOrClose ( get (webLinksConfig |+| currentDateTime) >>- \(config,now) -> createJSONFile ("Incidone-weblinks-" +++ paddedDateTimeString now +++ ".json") config >>- viewInformation "An export file has been created" [] @! () ) <<@ Title "Export web links" importConfig = doOrClose ( enterInformation instructions [] >>= \doc -> catchAll ( importJSONDocument doc >>- \config -> set config webLinksConfig >>- \_ -> viewInformation () [] "Succesfully imported web links" @! () ) (\e -> viewInformation "Failed import of web links" [] e @! ()) ) <<@ Title "Import web links" where instructions = toString (PTag [] [Text "Please select a JSON export file to upload.",BrTag [] ,Text "The file needs to be formatted like ",ATag [HrefAttr "/demo-content/weblinks.json",TargetAttr "_blank"] [Text "weblinks.json"] ])