definition module PmPrefs // The IDE Preferences from StdPictureDef import :: FontDef import StdFile, StdIOBasic import StdPathname import PmTypes from UtilStrictLists import :: List from PmCompilerOptions import :: CompilerOptions, :: ListTypes from EdMonad import :: SyntaxColours, :: Colour PrefsFileName :== "IDEPrefs" :: ErrPrefs = // Error window preferences { err_pos :: !Vector2 , err_siz :: !Size , err_fname :: !String , err_fsize :: !Int , err_forc :: !Colour , err_bacc :: !Colour , err_err :: !Bool , err_wrn :: !Bool , err_inf :: !Bool } :: SrcPrefs = // Search window preferences { src_pos :: !Vector2 , src_siz :: !Size , src_fname :: !String , src_fsize :: !Int , src_forc :: !Colour , src_bacc :: !Colour } :: TypPrefs = // Types window preferences { typewinfont :: !FontDef , typewinpos :: !Vector2 , typewinsiz :: !Size , typewinsync :: !SyntaxColours } :: ConPrefs = // Console window preferences { conswinfont :: !FontDef , conswinpos :: !Vector2 , conswinsiz :: !Size , conswinsync :: !SyntaxColours } :: PrjPrefs = // Project preferences { proj_pos :: !Vector2 // Project window position , proj_siz :: !Size // Project window size , proj_topc :: !Colour // Colour settings for project window , proj_forc :: !Colour , proj_bacc :: !Colour , proj_font :: !FontDef // Font for project window , proj_shft :: !Bool // True: open dcl default; False: open icl default; } :: Prefs = { pmp_pth :: !List Pathname , pmp_lnk :: !List Pathname , pmp_obj :: !List Pathname , typ_prefs :: !TypPrefs , con_prefs :: !ConPrefs , err_prefs :: !ErrPrefs , src_prefs :: !SrcPrefs , prj_prefs :: !PrjPrefs // want to set these per filetype... , edwinfont :: !FontDef // FIXME use a record for these options , edwintabs :: !(Int,Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool) // tabsize, autotab, showtabs, showlinenos, showsyncol , edwinmargin :: !Int // right margin (in #characters), 0: no margin , compopts :: !CompilerOptions , cgenopts :: !CodeGenOptions , linkopts :: !LinkOptions , applopts :: !ApplicationOptions , syncols :: !SyntaxColours // default syntax colours , defcols :: !SyntaxColours // .dcl syntax colours , impcols :: !SyntaxColours // .icl syntax colours , proj_hist :: !List Pathname // project history , file_hist :: !List Pathname // file history , switch_close :: !Bool // close associated editor windows on project switch , show_toolbar :: !Bool // enable toolbar // , enable_prover :: !Bool // enable theorem prover , be_verbose :: !Bool // give extended diagnostics , altgr_workaround :: !Bool // temp fix to workaround french azerty keyboard menu shortcuts... , newline_handling :: !NewlinePrefs , reg_prefs :: !RegPrefs } :: RegPrefs = { rp_flags :: ![(String,String,String)] // should use registry entries for the following instead of Prefs file... , tp_name :: !String , tp_path :: !String , hp_name :: !String , hp_path :: !String , pr_name :: !String , pr_path :: !String , ve_name :: !String , ve_path :: !String } :: NewlinePrefs = LeaveAlone NewlineConvention // leave alone existing files, use given convention for new files | AlwaysUse NewlineConvention // always save with given newline convention openPrefs :: !String !*a -> *(!Prefs,!*a) | FileEnv a savePrefs :: !String Prefs *a -> *a | FileEnv a