implementation module PmPath import StdClass,StdString, StdChar, StdBool, StdChar,StdInt, StdMisc,StdArray; import StdPathname import PmTypes import Platform import UtilStrictLists /* The name of the system directory */ SystemDir :== "Clean System Files"; //-- IsDefPathname :: !Pathname -> Bool; IsDefPathname name = equal_suffix ".dcl" name; IsImpPathname :: !Pathname -> Bool; IsImpPathname name = equal_suffix ".icl" name; IsABCPathname :: !Pathname -> Bool; IsABCPathname name = equal_suffix ".abc" name; IsPrjPathname :: !Pathname -> Bool; IsPrjPathname name = equal_suffix ".prj" name; MakeDefPathname :: !String -> Pathname; MakeDefPathname name = RemoveSuffix name +++ ".dcl"; MakeImpPathname :: !String -> Pathname; MakeImpPathname name = RemoveSuffix name +++ ".icl"; MakeABCPathname :: !String -> Pathname; MakeABCPathname name = RemoveSuffix name +++ ".abc"; MakeObjPathname :: !Processor !String -> Pathname; MakeObjPathname processor name = RemoveSuffix name +++ ProcessorSuffix processor MakeProjectPathname :: !String -> Pathname; MakeProjectPathname name = RemoveSuffix name +++ ".prj"; MakeExecPathname :: !String -> Pathname; MakeExecPathname name = PlatformDependant (RemoveSuffix name+++".exe") // Win (RemoveSuffix name) // Mac MakeSystemPathname :: !Pathname -> Pathname; MakeSystemPathname pathname | equal_suffix SystemDir pathname = pathname | size pathname > 0 && pathname.[size pathname - 1] == DirSeparator = pathname +++ SystemDir | otherwise = pathname +++ sep +++ SystemDir; where sep = toString DirSeparator; ModuleDirAndNameToImpPathname :: !ModuleDirAndName -> Pathname ModuleDirAndNameToImpPathname {mdn_dir,mdn_name} = MakeFullPathname mdn_dir (replace_dot_chars_by_dir_separators mdn_name +++ ".icl") ModuleDirAndNameToDefPathname :: !ModuleDirAndName -> Pathname ModuleDirAndNameToDefPathname {mdn_dir,mdn_name} = MakeFullPathname mdn_dir (replace_dot_chars_by_dir_separators mdn_name +++ ".dcl") replace_dot_chars_by_dir_separators :: !{#Char} -> {#Char} replace_dot_chars_by_dir_separators module_name # last_dot_i=find_last_dot_i module_name | last_dot_i<0 = module_name = {if (c=='.') DirSeparator c \\ c<-:module_name & i<-[0..]} ModuleDirAndNameToABCSystemPathname :: !ModuleDirAndName -> Pathname ModuleDirAndNameToABCSystemPathname {mdn_dir,mdn_name} = make_clean_system_files_path mdn_dir mdn_name ".abc" ModuleDirAndNameToObjSystemPathname :: !Processor !ModuleDirAndName -> Pathname ModuleDirAndNameToObjSystemPathname processor {mdn_dir,mdn_name} = make_clean_system_files_path mdn_dir mdn_name (ProcessorSuffix processor) make_clean_system_files_path dir module_name file_ext # last_dot_i=find_last_dot_i module_name | last_dot_i<0 = directory_name_plus_system_dir_from_dir dir+++DirSeparatorString+++module_name+++file_ext with directory_name_plus_system_dir_from_dir dir | equal_suffix SystemDir dir = dir; | size dir>0 && dir.[size dir-1]==DirSeparator = dir +++ SystemDir; | otherwise = dir +++ DirSeparatorString +++ SystemDir; # (subdir,file_name) = subdir_and_file_name_of_hmodule_name last_dot_i module_name file_ext = directory_name_without_system_dir_with_separator_from_dir dir+++subdir+++DirSeparatorString+++SystemDir+++DirSeparatorString+++file_name with directory_name_without_system_dir_with_separator_from_dir dir | equal_suffix SystemDir dir = dir % (0,size dir-1-size SystemDir)+++DirSeparatorString | size dir>0 && dir.[size dir-1]==DirSeparator = dir | otherwise = dir+++DirSeparatorString; find_last_dot_i :: !{#Char} -> Int find_last_dot_i s = find_last_dot_i s (size s-1) where find_last_dot_i s i | i>=0 | s.[i]=='.' = i = find_last_dot_i s (i-1) = i subdir_and_file_name_of_hmodule_name :: !Int !{#Char} !{#Char} -> (!*{#Char},!{#Char}) subdir_and_file_name_of_hmodule_name last_dot_i mod file_ext # subdir_name = {if (c=='.') DirSeparator c \\ i<-[0..last_dot_i-1] & c<-:mod} file_name = mod % (last_dot_i+1,size mod-1)+++file_ext = (subdir_name,file_name) MakeAssemblySystemPathname :: !Pathname -> Pathname MakeAssemblySystemPathname abcname = directory_name_plus_system_dir +++ sep +++ file +++ suffix where directory_name_plus_system_dir | equal_suffix SystemDir dir = dir; | size dir > 0 && dir.[size dir - 1] == DirSeparator = dir +++ SystemDir; | otherwise = dir +++ sep +++ SystemDir; dir = RemoveFilename abcname; sep = toString DirSeparator; file = RemovePath (RemoveSuffix abcname); suffix = PlatformDependant ".s" // Win ".a" // Mac GetModuleName :: !Pathname -> Modulename; GetModuleName name = RemoveSuffix (RemovePath name); determine_dir_and_filename :: !{#Char} !(List {#Char}) -> (!ModuleDirAndName,!{#Char}) determine_dir_and_filename imp_pathname dirs = determine_dir_and_filename dirs "" where determine_dir_and_filename (dir:!dirs) longest_dir # sd=size dir | sd>size longest_dir && sd=file_ext_i) c module_name.[i-filename_i] \\ c<-:pathname & i<-[0..]} = (module_name,pathname) replace_dir_separators_by_dots s = {if (c==DirSeparator) '.' c \\ c<-:s} //== symPath :: !Pathname !Pathname !Pathname -> Pathname symPath ap pp l | size ap >= size pp // generate shortest symbolic path... # l = replace_prefix_path ap "{Application}" l l = replace_prefix_path pp "{Project}" l = l | otherwise # l = replace_prefix_path pp "{Project}" l l = replace_prefix_path ap "{Application}" l = l fulPath :: !Pathname !Pathname !Pathname -> Pathname fulPath ap pp l # l = replace_prefix_path "{Application}" ap l l = replace_prefix_path "{Project}" pp l // ensure full pathname is just that... | IsFullPathname l = l // if not put it in the project directory... = MakeFullPathname pp l get_separator_and_convert_path :: !Pathname -> (!Char,!Pathname) get_separator_and_convert_path path # prefix="{Project}" # prefix_size=size prefix # i=first_not_equal_character_index prefix path | i==prefix_size && size path>prefix_size = replace_prefix path.[prefix_size] path # prefix="{Application}" # prefix_size=size prefix # i=first_not_equal_character_index prefix path | i==prefix_size && size path>prefix_size = replace_prefix path.[prefix_size] path = (DirSeparator,path) where replace_prefix separator path | separator==DirSeparator = (separator,path) = (separator,replace_character_in_string separator DirSeparator path) replace_character_in_string :: !Char !Char !{#Char} -> {#Char} replace_character_in_string old_c new_c string = {if (c==old_c) new_c c \\ c<-:string} first_not_equal_character_index s1 s2 #! max_index=if (size s1<=size s2) (size s1) (size s2) = first_not_equal_character_index 0 max_index s1 s2 where first_not_equal_character_index :: !Int !Int !{#Char} !{#Char} -> Int first_not_equal_character_index i n s1 s2 | i Pathname convert_path_separators path # (separator,path) = get_separator_and_convert_path path = path convert_exec_path_separators_and_extension :: !Pathname -> Pathname convert_exec_path_separators_and_extension path # (separator,path) = get_separator_and_convert_path path | separator==DirSeparator = path | DirSeparator=='\\' = path+++".exe" | separator=='\\' # l=size path | l>4 && path.[l-4]=='\\' && (path.[l-3]=='e' || path.[l-3]=='e') && (path.[l-2]=='x' || path.[l-2]=='x') && (path.[l-1]=='e' || path.[l-1]=='e') = path % (0,l-4) = path = path symPaths :: !Pathname !Pathname !(List Pathname) -> List Pathname symPaths ap pp l = Map (symPath ap pp) l fulPaths :: !Pathname !Pathname !(List Pathname) -> List Pathname fulPaths ap pp l = Map (fulPath ap pp) l symAppPath :: !Pathname !Pathname -> Pathname symAppPath ap p = replace_prefix_path ap "{Application}" p fulAppPath :: !Pathname !Pathname -> Pathname fulAppPath ap p = replace_prefix_path "{Application}" ap p symAppPaths :: !Pathname !(List Pathname) -> List Pathname symAppPaths ap l = Map (symAppPath ap) l fulAppPaths :: !Pathname !(List Pathname) -> List Pathname fulAppPaths ap l = Map (fulAppPath ap) l