implementation module linkargs import StdArray, StdBool, StdChar, StdFile, StdFunc, StdInt import StdMaybe import UtilOptions, UtilStrictLists :: LPathname :== String :: LinkInfo` = { exe_path :: !LPathname , res_path :: !LPathname , open_console :: !Bool , static_link :: !Bool , gen_relocs :: !Bool , gen_linkmap :: !Bool , link_resources:: !Bool , object_paths :: !List LPathname , dynamic_libs :: !List LPathname , static_libs :: !List LPathname , stack_size :: !Int , gen_dll :: !Bool , dll_names :: !String , dynamics_path :: !String } emptyLinkInfo` :: LinkInfo` emptyLinkInfo` = { exe_path = "a.exe" , res_path = "" , open_console = True , static_link = True , gen_relocs = False , gen_linkmap = False , link_resources= False , object_paths = Nil , dynamic_libs = Nil , static_libs = Nil , stack_size = 0x100000 // 1MB old linker default , gen_dll = False , dll_names = "" , dynamics_path = "" } //-- Link Args Options File LinkFileVersion :== "1.0" WriteLinkOpts :: !{#Char} !LinkInfo` !*Files -> (!Maybe [String], !*Files) WriteLinkOpts linkargsPath linkargs files #! (opened, file, files) = fopen linkargsPath FWriteText files | not opened = (Just ["Fatal open link opts..."],files) // = (Just ["Fatal open link opts: "+++.linkargsPath],files) #! options = WLO linkargs #! file = WriteOptionsFile LinkFileVersion options file # (closed,files) = fclose file files | not closed = (Just ["Fatal close link opts..."],files) = (Nothing,files) ReadLinkOpts :: !{#Char} !*Files -> ((!LinkInfo`, !Bool, !{#Char}),!*Files) ReadLinkOpts linkargsPath ps # (opened, file, ps) = fopen linkargsPath FReadData ps | not opened = ((emptyLinkInfo`,False,"The file \"" +++ linkargsPath +++ "\" could not be opened."),ps) # (version, file) = ReadVersion file | version <> LinkFileVersion # (_, ps) = fclose file ps = ((emptyLinkInfo`,False,"The file \"" +++ linkargsPath +++ "\" has the wrong version."+++version+++"<<<"),ps) #! (options, file) = ReadOptionsFile file linkargs = RLO options (closed, ps) = fclose file ps | not closed // generate warning? = ((linkargs, True,"The file \"" +++ linkargsPath +++ "\" could not be closed."), ps) = ((linkargs, True,""), ps) WLO :: !LinkInfo` -> [Option] WLO prefs = PutOptions (LinkOptionsTable) prefs RLO :: .[Option] -> LinkInfo` RLO options # prefs = GetOptions LinkOptionsTable options emptyLinkInfo` = prefs LinkOptionsTable :: OptionsTable LinkInfo` LinkOptionsTable = { SimpleOption "ExePath" (\a->a.exe_path) (\v a->{a & exe_path=v}) , SimpleOption "ResPath" (\a->a.res_path) (\v a->{a & res_path=v}) , SimpleOption "OpenConsole" (\a->if a.open_console "1" "0") (\v a->{a & open_console=(if (v=="1") True False)}) , SimpleOption "StaticLink" (\a->if a.static_link "1" "0") (\v a->{a & static_link=(if (v=="1") True False)}) , SimpleOption "GenRelocations" (\a->if a.gen_relocs "1" "0") (\v a->{a & gen_relocs=(if (v=="1") True False)}) , SimpleOption "GenLinkMap" (\a->if a.gen_linkmap "1" "0") (\v a->{a & gen_linkmap=(if (v=="1") True False)}) , SimpleOption "LinkResources" (\a->if a.link_resources "1" "0") (\v a->{a & link_resources=(if (v=="1") True False)}) , ListOption "ObjectPaths" (PathOption) "" (\a->a.object_paths) (\v a->{a & object_paths=v}) , ListOption "DynamicLibs" (PathOption) "" (\a->a.dynamic_libs) (\v a->{a & dynamic_libs=v}) , ListOption "StaticLibs" (PathOption) "" (\a->a.static_libs) (\v a->{a & static_libs=v}) , SimpleOption "StackSize" (\a->a.stack_size) (\v a->{a & stack_size=v}) , SimpleOption "GenDLL" (\a->if a.gen_dll "1" "0") (\v a->{a & gen_dll=(if (v=="1") True False)}) , SimpleOption "DLLSymbols" (\a->a.dll_names) (\v a->{a & dll_names=v}) , SimpleOption "DynamicLinker" (\a->a.dynamics_path) (\v a->{a & dynamics_path=v}) } PathOption =SimpleOption "Path" id const instance fromString Int where fromString s = toInt s //-- link errors ReadLinkErrors :: !String !*Files -> ((Maybe [String],[String]),*Files) ReadLinkErrors errors_path files # (ok,file,files) = fopen errors_path FReadText files | not ok = ((Just ["Fatal read link errors..."],[]),files) # (le,file) = ReadErrorLines file # (ok,files) = fclose file files | not ok = ((Just ["Fatal close link errors..."],[]),files) = ((Nothing,le),files) where ReadErrorLines file #! (string, file) = freadline file (eof,file) = fend file errline = Strip string | eof | errline == "" = ([],file) = ([errline],file) # (errlist,file) = ReadErrorLines file = ([errline:errlist],file) Strip "" = "" Strip s #! last = dec (size s) #! char = s.[last] | char == '\n' || char == '\r' = Strip (s % (0,dec last)) = s WriteLinkErrors :: !String ![String] !*Files -> (Maybe [String],*Files) WriteLinkErrors errors_path le files # (ok,file,files) = fopen errors_path FWriteText files | not ok = (Just ["Unable to open linkerrs"],files) # file = WriteErrorLines le file # (ok,files) = fclose file files | not ok = (Just ["Unable to close linkerrs"],files) = (Nothing,files) where WriteErrorLines [] file = file WriteErrorLines [h:t] file # file = fwrites (h+++"\n") file = WriteErrorLines t file