definition module iTasks.Framework.Client.LinkerSupport import StdString import Data.Maybe, Data.Void import iTasks.Framework.IWorld import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Editlet taskletUpdateLinker :: !val !*IWorld -> *(!String, !*IWorld) taskletLinker :: !st // state ![(!String, !iarg -> Void)] // interface functions ![(!String, !String, *JSWorld -> Void)] // event handlers !rs // result function !(Maybe cf) // controller function !(Maybe uf) // update function !(Maybe uv) // update value !*IWorld -> *(!String // JS code of the state ,!String // JS code of the support code for all the expressions ,![(!String,!String,!String)] // JS code of the eventhandlers ,![(!String,!String)] // JS code of the interface functions ,!String // JS code of the result function ,!Maybe String // JS code of the controller function ,!Maybe String // JS code of the update function ,!*IWorld) editletLinker :: ![(!String, !String, ComponentEventHandlerFunc a st)] // event handlers !ivf // init value function !uui // updateUI function !gdf // gendiff function !adf // adddiff function !*IWorld -> *(!String // JS code of the support code for all the expressions ,![(!String,!String,!String)] // JS code of the eventhandlers ,!String // JS code of the init value function ,!String // JS code of the updateUI function ,!String // JS code of the gendiff function ,!String // JS code of the adddiff function ,!*IWorld)