implementation module iTasks.API.Extensions.Tonic.Toniclet import iTasks import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Editlet import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Interface import iTasks.Framework.Tonic.AbsSyn import StdMisc import Data.Graph derive gEditor TonicModule, GLet, DecisionType, GNode, GNodeType, GJoinType, GEdge, GExpression, GListComprehension, Graph, Node derive gEditMeta TonicModule, GLet, DecisionType, GNode, GNodeType, GJoinType, GEdge, GExpression, GListComprehension, Graph, Node derive gVisualizeText TonicModule, GLet, DecisionType, GNode, GNodeType, GJoinType, GEdge, GExpression, GListComprehension, Graph, Node derive gDefault TonicModule, GLet, DecisionType, GNode, GNodeType, GJoinType, GEdge, GExpression, GListComprehension, Graph, Node derive gUpdate TonicModule, GLet, DecisionType, GNode, GNodeType, GJoinType, GEdge, GExpression, GListComprehension, Graph, Node derive gVerify TonicModule, GLet, DecisionType, GNode, GNodeType, GJoinType, GEdge, GExpression, GListComprehension, Graph, Node jointDotJS :== "/joint/dist/joint.all.js" jointDotCSS :== "/joint/dist/joint.all.css" tonicShapes :== "/joint/plugins/joint.shapes.tonic.js" mkPaperId :: String -> String mkPaperId x = "paper" +++ x import StdDebug toniclet :: GinGraph -> Editlet GinGraph GinGraph toniclet g = toEditlet simpl where simpl = EditletSimpl g { EditletSimplDef | genUI = \cid world -> (uiDef cid, world) , updateUI = onUpdate , genDiff = genDiff , appDiff = appDiff } uiDef cid = { html = DivTag [IdAttr (mkPaperId cid), ClassAttr (mkPaperId cid)] [] , eventHandlers = [] , width = ExactSize 1024 , height = ExactSize 768 } loadJointJSLib pid world # world = addJSFromUrl jointDotJS (Just (createEditletEventHandler loadPlugins pid)) world = addCSSFromUrl jointDotCSS world loadPlugins pid evt val world # world = addJSFromUrl tonicShapes (Just (createEditletEventHandler onLibLoaded pid)) world = (val, world) onLibLoaded pid evt val world # (jgrph, world) = jsNewObject "joint.dia.Graph" [] world # (div, world) = callFunction "$" [toJSArg ("#" +++ mkPaperId pid)] world # (paper, world) = jsNewObject "joint.dia.Paper" [toJSArg {PaperArgs | el = div , width = 1024 , height = 768 , gridSize = 1 , model = jgrph }] world # world = drawTonicGraph val jgrph world = (val, world) onUpdate pid _ val world # (joint, world) = findObject "joint" world | jsIsUndefined joint # world = loadJointJSLib pid world = (val, world) | otherwise = onLibLoaded pid Nothing val world genDiff _ _ = Just g appDiff g _ = g drawTonicGraph g jgrph world # (_, world) = foldrNodes addNode (jgrph, world) g # (_, world) = foldrEdges addEdge (jgrph, world) g = layoutGraph jgrph world where addNode ni node (jgrph, world) = case of GAssign expr # (anon, world) = jsEmptyObject world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "id" (toJSVal ni) anon world # (dec, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.AssignFigure" [toJSArg anon] world # world = addCell dec jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GDecision dt expr # args = { ReturnStateArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 100, height = 100} , attrs = { Attrs | text = { TextAttrs | text = expr} } } # (dec, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.DecisionState" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell dec jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GLet lt # binds = foldr (\(l, r) xs -> l +++ " = " +++ r +++ xs) "" lt.glet_binds # args = { LetArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 100, height = 100} , attrs = { Attrs | text = { TextAttrs | text = binds} } } # (ltst, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.LetState" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell ltst jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GInit # (anon, world) = jsEmptyObject world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "id" (toJSVal ni) anon world # (start, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.StartState" [toJSArg anon] world # world = addCell start jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GListComprehension lc # ident = case lc.input of GCleanExpression ce -> ce _ -> "a list" # args = { ListComprehensionArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 100, height = 100} , name = ident } # (dec, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.ListComprehension" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell dec jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GParallelSplit # args = { ParSplitArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 100, height = 100} , attrs = { Attrs | text = { TextAttrs | text = "Start parallel tasks"} } } # (dec, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.ParallelSplit" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell dec jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GParallelJoin jt # args = { ParJoinArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 100, height = 100} , attrs = { Attrs | text = { TextAttrs | text = ppJT jt} } } # (dec, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.ParallelJoin" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell dec jgrph world = (jgrph, world) where ppJT DisFirstBin = "First finished task" ppJT DisFirstList = "First finished task" ppJT DisLeft = "Left task result" ppJT DisRight = "Right task result" ppJT ConAll = "All task results" ppJT ConPair = "Pair of task results" GReturn (GCleanExpression expr) # args = { ReturnStateArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 50, height = 50} , attrs = { Attrs | text = { TextAttrs | text = expr } } } # (ret, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.Return" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell ret jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GReturn expr # args = { ReturnStateArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 50, height = 50} , attrs = { Attrs | text = { TextAttrs | text = "TODO: expr :: GExpression" } } } # (ret, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.Return" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell ret jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GStep # (anon, world) = jsEmptyObject world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "id" (toJSVal ni) anon world # (dec, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.Step" [toJSArg anon] world # world = addCell dec jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GStop # (anon, world) = jsEmptyObject world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "id" (toJSVal ni) anon world # (stop, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.StopState" [toJSArg anon] world # world = addCell stop jgrph world = (jgrph, world) GTaskApp ident exprs # args = { TaskAppArgs | id = ni , size = {Size | width = 100, height = 100} , name = ident } // TODO: Add exprs # (app, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.TaskApp" [toJSArg args] world # world = addCell app jgrph world = (jgrph, world) _ = (jgrph, world) addEdge (fromNode, toNode) {edge_pattern} (jgrph, world) # world = jsTrace (toJSVal ("Adding edge from " +++ toString fromNode +++ " to " +++ toString toNode)) world # world = mkBind fromNode toNode edge_pattern jgrph world = (jgrph, world) addCell :: (JSVal o) (JSVal g) *JSWorld -> *JSWorld addCell cell jgrph world = snd (callObjectMethod "addCell" [toJSArg cell] jgrph world) mkBind :: Int Int (Maybe String) (JSVal g) *JSWorld -> *JSWorld mkBind sid tid mtxt jgrph world # args = {ArrowArgs | source = {Identifier | id = toString sid} , target = {Identifier | id = toString tid} , labels = mkLabels mtxt} # world = jsTrace (toJSVal args) world # (bind, world) = jsNewObject "joint.shapes.tonic.Bind" [toJSArg args] world = addCell bind jgrph world where mkLabels Nothing = [] mkLabels (Just lbl) = [ {LabelArgs | position = 0.5 , attrs = { Attrs | text = { TextAttrs | text = lbl } } } ] layoutGraph :: (JSVal g) *JSWorld -> *JSWorld layoutGraph g world # (obj, world) = jsEmptyObject world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "setLinkVertices" (toJSVal False) obj world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "rankDir" (toJSVal "LR") obj world # (_, world) = callFunction "joint.layout.DirectedGraph.layout" [toJSArg g, toJSArg obj] world = world :: ArrowArgs = { source :: Identifier , target :: Identifier , labels :: [LabelArgs] } :: LabelArgs = { position :: Real , attrs :: Attrs } :: Attrs = { text :: TextAttrs } :: TextAttrs = { text :: String } :: Identifier = { id :: String } :: PaperArgs = E.e m: { el :: JSVal e , width :: Int , height :: Int , gridSize :: Int , model :: JSVal m } :: Point = { x :: Int , y :: Int } :: Size = { width :: Int , height :: Int } :: DecisionArgs = { id :: Int , size :: Size , name :: String } :: TaskAppArgs = { id :: Int , size :: Size , name :: String } :: ReturnStateArgs = { id :: Int , size :: Size , attrs :: Attrs } :: ListComprehensionArgs = { id :: Int , size :: Size , name :: String } :: LetArgs = { id :: Int , size :: Size , attrs :: Attrs } :: ParSplitArgs = { id :: Int , size :: Size , attrs :: Attrs } :: ParJoinArgs = { id :: Int , size :: Size , attrs :: Attrs }