definition module Text.JSON /* * This module provides functions to encode and decode any Clean data type * to JSON format. It provides two generic functions JSONEncode and JSONDecode * which must be derived for concrete types. Then toJSON and fromJSON may be * used to convert any value to and from JSON. * * For more info about JSON see: */ import StdGeneric, Data.Maybe, StdString :: JSONNode = JSONNull | JSONBool !Bool | JSONInt !Int | JSONReal !Real | JSONString !String | JSONArray ![JSONNode] | JSONObject ![(!String,!JSONNode)] | JSONRaw !String | JSONError /** * Serializing JSON structures is done with a toString instance */ instance toString JSONNode /** * Deserializing JSON structures is done with a fromString instance */ instance fromString JSONNode /** * Encodes any value to JSON format. * @param The value to encode * @return The JSON encoded value */ toJSON :: !a -> JSONNode | JSONEncode{|*|} a /** * Tries to parse a JSON encoded string. * When parsing fails, the result is Nothing. * * @param The JSON encoded input * @return Just the result, when parsing succeeds */ fromJSON :: !JSONNode -> Maybe a | JSONDecode{|*|} a /** * Escapes a string for manual JSON construction * * @param The unescaped string * @return A properly escaped string */ jsonEscape :: !String -> String /** * Unescapes a string that is escaped for use in a serialized JSON string * * @param The escaped string * @return An unescaped string */ jsonUnescape :: !String -> String /** * Simple query-by-path function that enables searching of JSON structures * * @param The query path separated by '/'. Objects are indexed by fieldname * and arrays by their array index. * Example paths: 'node1/node3' 'node1/node2/23' * * @return The value if a value of the right type is at that path. */ jsonQuery :: !String !JSONNode -> Maybe a | JSONDecode{|*|} a /** * Generic encoding function. This function should not be used * directly but always through the toJSON function. It must be derived * for each type you want to encode in JSON format. */ generic JSONEncode t :: !t -> [JSONNode] derive JSONEncode Int, Real, Char, Bool, String, UNIT, [], (,), (,,), (,,,), (,,,,), {}, {!}, Maybe, JSONNode, EITHER, CONS of {gcd_arity,gcd_name}, OBJECT JSONEncode{|RECORD of {grd_fields}|} fx (RECORD x) = [JSONObject [(name, o) \\ o <- fx x & name <- grd_fields | isNotNull o]] where isNotNull JSONNull = False isNotNull _ = True JSONEncode{|FIELD|} fx (FIELD x) = fx x JSONEncode{|PAIR|} fx fy (PAIR x y) = fx x ++ fy y where (++) infixr 5::![.a] u:[.a] -> u:[.a] (++) [hd:tl] list = [hd:tl ++ list] (++) nil list = list /** * Generic decoding function. This function should not be used * directly, but always through the fromJSON function. It must be derived * for each type you want to parse from JSON format. */ generic JSONDecode t :: ![JSONNode] -> (!Maybe t,![JSONNode]) derive JSONDecode Int, Real, Char, Bool, String, UNIT, EITHER, CONS of {gcd_arity,gcd_name}, OBJECT, [], (,), (,,), (,,,), (,,,,), {}, {!}, Maybe, JSONNode JSONDecode{|PAIR|} fx fy l = d1 (fx l) l where d1 (Just x,xs) l = d2 x (fy xs) l d1 (Nothing, _) l = (Nothing, l) d2 x (Just y, ys) l = (Just (PAIR x y), ys) d2 x (Nothing, _) l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|RECORD|} fx l=:[obj=:JSONObject fields : xs] = d (fx [obj]) xs l where d (Just x, _) xs l = (Just (RECORD x),xs) d (Nothing, _) xs l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|RECORD|} fx l = (Nothing,l) JSONDecode{|FIELD of {gfd_name}|} fx l =: [JSONObject fields] # field = findField gfd_name fields = case fx field of (Just x, _) = (Just (FIELD x), l) (_, _) = (Nothing, l) where findField match [(l,x):xs] | l == match = [x] = findField match xs findField match [] = [] JSONDecode{|FIELD|} fx l = (Nothing, l) /** * Equality of JSON nodes. * JSON Reals are considered equal if their string representation is equal. * JSON Objects are considered equal if they contain the same non-null fields. */ instance == JSONNode /** * Pretty printed string encoding of JSON nodes. * This function uses indenting and newlines to make the serialized JSON representation * more readable than the standard toString instance, which uses minimal whitespace. */ jsonPrettyPrint :: JSONNode -> String