implementation module ligrettoTOP_standalone import ligrettoTOP import iTasks /** Running the Ligretto game as a stand-alone iTask server application: */ :: Friend = { friend :: String , password :: Password } :: OwnerChoice = UpdateFriends | PlayLigretto derive class iTask Friend, OwnerChoice /* Register the persons with whom you wish to play Ligretto. This is shared as a list of (friend,color) pairs (yup, that is quite unsafe...). In this simplified version, there are two requirements that need to be adhered to: (1) The list is not empty, and the first entry is the 'owner' of the game. Only the 'owner' can update this list. (2) Each color occurs at most once (so in this version there is a maximum of four players). */ registered_players :: Shared [(Friend,Color)] registered_players = sharedStore "my_ligretto_friends" [({friend = "owner", password = Password "owner"}, Red) ,({friend = "friend1",password = Password "friend1"},Blue) ] Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine check_registered_players world where check_registered_players = get registered_players >>= \people -> let nr_of_persons = length people in if (nr_of_persons < 1 || nr_of_persons > 4) (ouch "Incorrect number of registered persons." >>| return Void) (login people) login people = forever ( ( viewTitle "Enter Ligretto" ||- enterInformation ("Login","Enter your credentials to login") []) >>* [WithResult (Action "Login" [ActionIcon "login",ActionKey (unmodified KEY_ENTER)]) (const True) (check_login people)] ) check_login [(owner,color):friends] person = if (person === owner) (update_friends_or_play_ligretto (length friends + 1) color) (case [color \\ (friend,color) <- friends | person === friend] of [color : _] -> play_ligretto_as (length friends + 1) color >>| return Void nobody -> ouch "Your username or password is incorrect" >>| return Void ) update_friends_or_play_ligretto nr_of_players color = enterChoice "What do you want to do?" [] [PlayLigretto,UpdateFriends] >>= \choice -> case choice of PlayLigretto -> play_ligretto_as nr_of_players color >>| return Void UpdateFriends -> updateSharedInformation "Update friends:" [] registered_players >>| check_registered_players /** ouch message = task: this task always displays message. */ ouch :: String -> Task String ouch message = viewInformation (Title "Failure") [] message