definition module ligretto import iTasks /** A model for the game of Ligretto. */ :: NrOfPlayers :== Int // 2 upto 4 players :: Middle :== [Pile] // 0 upto 16 piles :: Pile :== [Card] // 0 upto 10 cards of same front color :: Card = { back :: Color // the backside color (belonging to player) , front :: Color // the frontside color (for playing) , nr :: Int // 1 upto 10 } :: SideUp = Front | Back // the side of the card that faces upwards :: Color = Red | Green | Blue | Yellow // the four player / card colors :: Player = { color :: Color // the backside color of this player's cards , row :: Row // the row of the player (nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players) , ligretto :: Pile // the ligretto pile: 10 upto 0 (win) cards , hand :: Hand // the hand cards } :: Row :== [Card] // nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players cards :: Hand = { conceal :: Pile // the concealed pile , discard :: Pile // the discarded pile } /** nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players = n: @n is the number of cards that a row should have. @nr_of_players should be one of: 2, 3, 4. */ nr_of_cards_in_row :: !NrOfPlayers -> Int /** colors nr_of_players = player_colors: @player_colors are the colors in a game consisting of @nr_of_players players. @nr_of_players should be one of: 2, 3, 4. */ colors :: !NrOfPlayers -> [Color] /** initial_player nr_of_players color n = player: @player is a player with all cards shuffled and distributed to the @player.row, @player.ligretto, and @player.hand. @nr_of_players should be one of: 2, 3, 4. @color should be one of: (colors @nr_ofplayers). */ initial_player :: !NrOfPlayers !Color !Int -> Player /** row_card row_nr player = card: @card is the card at @row_nr in the current @player.row (counted as 1..(nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players)). This function aborts if @row_nr is not one of these values. */ row_card :: !Int !Player -> Card /** move_ligretto_card_to_row row_nr player = player`: @card is the card at @row_nr in the current @player.row (counted as 1..nr_of_players). The current card at @row_nr in the current @player.row (counted as 1..(nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players)) is replaced by the current top card in @player.ligretto, which therefor contains one card less. This function aborts if @player.ligretto is empty. */ move_ligretto_card_to_row :: !Int !Player -> Player /** top_discard player = Nothing: @player has no current cards in her @player.hand.discard pile. top_discard player = Just card: @player has @card on top of her @player.hand.discard pile. */ top_discard :: !Player -> Maybe Card /** shuffle_hand seed player = player`: shuffles the current @player.hand.discard pile and sets it to @player`.hand.conceal. This function aborts if @player.hand.conceal is empty. */ shuffle_hand :: !Int !Player -> Player /** remove_top_of_discard player = player`: @player` is identical to @player except that the card at the top of @player.hand.discard is removed. This function aborts if @player.hand.discard is not empty. */ remove_top_of_discard:: !Player -> Player /** swap_discards player = player`: moves the top 3 cards from the @player.hand.conceal pile in reverse order to the @player.hand.discard pile. @player.hand.conceal must not be empty. */ swap_discards :: !Player -> Player /** card_matches_top_of_pile card pile = match: @match is True only if @pile is empty and is 1 or if the front color of the card on top of @pile is equal to the front color of @card and the value of the the card on top of @pile is one less than the value of @card. */ card_matches_top_of_pile :: !Card !Pile -> Bool