module CoffeeTeaBoundedCoinsMachine import iTasks import ESMVizTool import StdMisc Start :: *World -> *World Start world = esmVizTool coffeeNcoins world /************************************************************************************** * * The concrete example: a coffeemachine that accepts a bounded nr of coins. * **************************************************************************************/ :: State = Coins Int :: Input = Coin | But Product | Surprise :: Output = Cup Product | Change Int :: Product = Tea | Coffee coffeeNcoins :: ESM State Input Output coffeeNcoins = { s_0 = Coins 0, d_F = coffeeNcoins`, out = undef, pred = healthy} where coffeeNcoins` :: State Input -> [Trans Output State] coffeeNcoins` (Coins n) Coin | n<=Max = [Pt [] (Coins (n+1))] coffeeNcoins` (Coins n) (But Tea) = if (n>=2) [Pt [Cup Tea] (Coins (n-2))] [] coffeeNcoins` (Coins n) (But Coffee) = if (n>=3) [Pt [Cup Coffee] (Coins (n-3))] [] coffeeNcoins` (Coins n) Surprise = if (n>=3) [Pt [Cup Tea] (Coins (n-2)) ,Pt [Cup Coffee] (Coins (n-2))] (if (n>=2) [Pt [Cup Tea] (Coins (n-2))] []) coffeeNcoins` state _ = [Pt [] state] Max = 4 healthy :: (SeenTrans State Input Output) -> [[String]] healthy (s,i,o,t) = [ if (vs+vi == vo+vt) [] [ "value is not preserved in this transition" , " value s+value i= ", toString (vs+vi) , " and value o+value t= ", toString (vo+vt)] , if (vt>Max) ["Value of target state ",toString vt," larger than Max."] [] , case (i,o) of (But p,[Cup q]) | p =!= q = ["The required product is not the delivered product!"] _ = [] ] where vs = value s; vi = value i; vo = value o; vt = value t class value x :: x -> Int instance value State where value (Coins n) = n instance value Input where value Coin = 1; value _ = 0 instance value Output where value (Cup p) = value p; value (Change c) = c instance value Product where value Tea = 2; value Coffee = 3 instance value [x] | value x where value list = sum (map value list) derive bimap (,), Maybe, [] derive class iTask State, Input, Output, Product derive genShow State //derive gEq State, Input, Output, Product derive ggen Input, Product instance render State where render s = visualizeAsText AsDisplay s instance render Input where render i = visualizeAsText AsDisplay i instance render Output where render e = visualizeAsText AsDisplay e instance == State where (==) s1 s2 = n1 < minbound && n2 < minbound || n1 > maxbound && n2 > maxbound || n1==n2 where n1 = toInt s1; n2 = toInt s2 instance == Input where (==) i1 i2 = gEq{|*|} i1 i2 instance == Output where (==) e1 e2 = gEq{|*|} e1 e2 instance toInt State where toInt (Coins n) = n minbound = 0 maxbound = 2