implementation module wraptextcontrol import StdEnv, StdIO, StdDebug //Start = splitwords "zin met vier woorden" :: WrapText ls ps = WrapText String [ControlAttribute *(ls,ps)] instance Controls WrapText where getControlType _ = "WrapText" controlToHandles (WrapText text atts) ps # (w,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture detw) ps # (h`,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (deth` w)) ps # (h,ps) = deth ps # wid = if (isNothing sAtt) w ((fromJust sAtt).w) # hgt = if (isNothing sAtt) h ((fromJust sAtt).h) # siz = {w = wid, h = h`}//hgt} = controlToHandles (imp siz) ps where texts = splitlines text wtexts = map splitwords texts imp size = CustomControl size look atts look sel {newFrame} pic # pic = unfill newFrame pic # wid = newFrame.corner2.x - newFrame.corner1.x # (met,pic) = getPenFontMetrics pic # pic = setPenPos {zero & y = met.fLeading + met.fAscent} pic # (sp,pic) = getPenFontStringWidth " " pic /* # (wwdths,pic) = seqlist getPenFontStringWidths wtexts pic # wtext = zip2 wtext wwdth # stext = wrap wtext sp wid */ # (stexts,pic) = seqlist (wtext2stext sp wid) wtexts pic # stext = flatten stexts # pic = drawWT 0 (fontLineHeight met) stext pic = pic wtext2stext sp wid wtext pic # (wwdth,pic) = getPenFontStringWidths wtext pic # wtext = zip2 wtext wwdth # stext = wrap wtext sp wid = (stext,pic) sAtt = getSizeAtt atts detw pic # (fnt,pic) = openDefaultFont pic # (wids,pic) = seqlist (getFontStringWidth fnt) texts pic # wid = maxlist wids = (wid,pic) maxlist [] = 0 maxlist [h:t] = max h (maxlist t) deth` wid pic # (sp,pic) = getPenFontStringWidth " " pic # (stexts,pic) = seqlist (wtext2stext sp wid) wtexts pic # stext = flatten stexts # (met,pic) = getPenFontMetrics pic = (length stext * (fontLineHeight met),pic) seqlist f [] s = ([],s) seqlist f [h:t] s # (h,s) = f h s # (t,s) = seqlist f t s = ([h:t],s) deth ps # (siz,ps) = controlSize (TextControl "" []) True Nothing Nothing Nothing ps # hgt = siz.h = (hgt,ps) getSizeAtt [] = Nothing getSizeAtt [ControlViewSize s:_] = Just s getSizeAtt [_:atts] = getSizeAtt atts splitwords :: String -> [String] splitwords string = splitwords 0 where splitwords i | i >= l = [] # (s,r) = scanword i // | s == r = [] = [string%(i,s):splitwords r] l = size string scanword x | x >= l = (dec l,l) | (string.[x] == ' ') = (dec x,scanspace x) // | (isControl string.[x]) // = (x, scanspace x) = scanword (inc x) scanspace x | x >= l = l | (string.[x] == ' ') = scanspace (inc x) = x isNewline '\n' = True isNewline _ = False splitlines s | size s == 0 = [] = [s%(b,e-1) \\ (b,e) <- bes2] where bes1 = [i \\ i <- [1..(size s - 1)] | (isNewline s.[i]) <> (isNewline s.[i-1])] bes2 | isNewline s.[0] = zip` bes1 = zip` [0:bes1] zip` [b] = [(b,size s)] zip` [b,e:r] = [(b,e):zip` r] zip` _ = [] wrap :: .[(String,Int)] Int Int -> [String] wrap [] _ _ = [] wrap list sp width # list = exp list 0 (h,t) = span (\(_,_,w)->w<width) list // moet hier wat doen voor het geval eerste string te breed... flextext of zo... #! (h,t) = if (isEmpty h) (splitAt 1 t) (h,t) // (abort "Word too long in string to be wrapped!") h # h = map fst3 h h = foldl (\l r -> l +++ " " +++ r) "" h t = map (\(s,w,_)->(s,w)) t t = wrap t sp width = [h:t] where exp [] _ = [] exp [(s,w):t] x = [(s,w,x+w): exp t (x+w+sp)] drawWT _ _ [] picture = picture drawWT x dy [line:text] picture # picture = draw line picture (pos,picture) = getPenPos picture dx = x - (pos.x) picture = movePenPos {vx = dx, vy = dy} picture = drawWT x dy text picture