implementation module PmParse // Clean syntax dependant parsing import StdClass,StdString,StdInt,StdChar,StdBool,StdMisc,StdFile,StdArray import StdList, StdMaybe import StdPathname import UtilStrictLists import UtilNewlinesFile instance toString Symbol where toString {repr,string} = "{"+++.toString repr+++.":"+++.string+++."}" :: SymbolId :== Int; :: * Input *a = { offside :: !Bool // apply layout rule? , curpos :: !Int // current position in current line , curlen :: !Int // length of current line , line :: !String // current line , file :: !a // input file , linenr :: !Int // current line number , charnr :: !Int // current char number }; :: Symbol = { repr :: !SymbolId // symbol id , string :: !String // symbol string }; EofSymID :== 0; ErrorSymID :== 1; BarSymID :== 2; CloseSymID :== 3; CloseBraceSymID :== 4; CommaSymID :== 5; IsSymID :== 6; OpenBraceSymID :== 7; OpenSymID :== 8; SemiColonSymID :== 9; SynonymSymID :== 10; TypeSpecSymID :== 11; UniqueAttrSymID :== 12; IdentLowerSymID :== 13; IdentUpperSymID :== 14; IdentFunnySymID :== 15; FromSymID :== 16; ImportSymID :== 17; InstanceSymID :== 18; ClassSymID :== 19; InfixSymID :== 20; DigitSymID :== 21; WhereSymID :== 22; HashSymID :== 23; GenericSymID :== 24; DeriveSymID :== 25; EofSym :== {repr = EofSymID ,string = ""}; ErrorSym :== {repr = ErrorSymID ,string = ""}; BarSym :== {repr = BarSymID, string = ""}; CloseSym :== {repr = CloseSymID, string = ""}; CloseBraceSym :== {repr = CloseBraceSymID, string = ""}; CommaSym :== {repr = CommaSymID, string = ""}; IsSym :== {repr = IsSymID, string = ""}; OpenBraceSym :== {repr = OpenBraceSymID, string = ""}; OpenSym :== {repr = OpenSymID, string = ""}; SynonymSym :== {repr = SynonymSymID, string = ""}; SemiColonSym :== {repr = SemiColonSymID, string = ""}; TypeSpecSym :== {repr = TypeSpecSymID, string = ""}; UniqueAttrSym :== {repr = UniqueAttrSymID, string = "*"}; FromSym :== {repr = FromSymID, string = ""}; ImportSym :== {repr = ImportSymID, string = ""}; InstanceSym :== {repr = InstanceSymID, string = ""}; ClassSym :== {repr = ClassSymID, string = ""}; InfixSym :== {repr = InfixSymID, string = ""}; DigitSym :== {repr = DigitSymID, string = ""} WhereSym :== {repr = WhereSymID, string = ""} HashSym :== {repr = HashSymID, string = ""} IdentSymId id :== id == IdentLowerSymID || id == IdentUpperSymID || id == IdentFunnySymID || id == UniqueAttrSymID; IsTypeSymId id :== id == IdentUpperSymID || id == IdentFunnySymID; ConstrSymId id :== id == IdentUpperSymID || id == IdentFunnySymID; CommaSymId id :== id == CommaSymID :: DefinesState = { syms :: ![Def] } :: Def = DefFun !String !Int | DefType !String !Int | DefClass !String !Int | DefInst !String !String !Int | DefGeneric !String !Int | DefDerive !String !String !Int FindDefinesInText :: !*{String} !Files -> (![Def],!Files) FindDefinesInText text files # input = StartInput` text # state = {syms = []} # (state,input) = FindDefsInInput state input = (state.syms, files) FindDefsInInput :: !DefinesState !(Input a) -> (!DefinesState,!(Input a)) | ScanInput a FindDefsInInput state input # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanGlobal input = find_definitions input sym line state where ScanGlobal input # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == EofSymID = (input,sym,line,char) | char == 0 = (input,sym,line,char) = ScanGlobal input find_definitions :: !(Input a) !Symbol !Int !DefinesState -> (!DefinesState,!(Input a)) | ScanInput a find_definitions input sym=:{repr} line state | sym.repr == EofSymID = (state,input) | sym.repr == ClassSymID //=> class def # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID # state = {state & syms = [DefClass sym.string line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input | sym.repr == OpenSymID //=> infix class def # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID # state = {state & syms = [DefClass sym.string line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input = FindDefsInInput state input = FindDefsInInput state input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID //=> fun or macro def #! function_name = sym.string # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input // generic function ? | sym.repr==OpenBraceSymID && char<>0 # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input | sym.repr==BarSymID && char<>0 # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input #! type_name = sym.string | (sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID) && char<>0 # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input | sym.repr==BarSymID && char<>0 # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input | sym.repr==CloseBraceSymID && char<>0 #! name = function_name+++"{|"+++type_name+++"|}" # state = {state & syms = [DefFun name line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input # state = {state & syms = [DefFun function_name line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input # state = {state & syms = [DefFun function_name line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input # state = {state & syms = [DefFun function_name line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input # state = {state & syms = [DefFun function_name line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input # state = {state & syms = [DefFun function_name line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input | sym.repr == TypeSpecSymID //=> type def # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID # state = {state & syms = [DefType sym.string line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input | sym.repr == UniqueAttrSymID //=> unique type def # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID # state = {state & syms = [DefType ("*"+++. sym.string) line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input = FindDefsInInput state input = FindDefsInInput state input | sym.repr == OpenSymID //=> infix operator def # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID # state = {state & syms = [DefFun sym.string line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input = FindDefsInInput state input | sym.repr == InstanceSymID //=> instance def # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID = instance_or_derive_definition sym.string DefInst state input = FindDefsInInput state input | repr==GenericSymID # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID # state = {state & syms = [DefGeneric sym.string line:state.syms]} = FindDefsInInput state input = FindDefsInInput state input | repr==DeriveSymID # (input,sym,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID = instance_or_derive_definition sym.string DefDerive state input = FindDefsInInput state input = FindDefsInInput state input ScanMatch :: {#Char} Int Int ({#Char},{#Char}) Int *(Input a) -> *(!*(Input a),!{#Char}) | ScanInput a; ScanMatch str open close (oString,cString) depth input # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == EofSymID = (input,"") | sym.repr == open = ScanMatch (str +++. oString) open close (oString,cString) (inc depth) input | sym.repr == close | depth == 0 = (input, str +++. cString) = ScanMatch (str +++. cString) open close (oString,cString) (dec depth) input = case sym.repr of BarSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "|") open close (oString,cString) depth input CloseSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. ")") open close (oString,cString) depth input CloseBraceSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "}") open close (oString,cString) depth input CommaSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. ",") open close (oString,cString) depth input IsSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "=") open close (oString,cString) depth input OpenBraceSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "{") open close (oString,cString) depth input OpenSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "(") open close (oString,cString) depth input SynonymSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. ":==") open close (oString,cString) depth input SemiColonSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. ";") open close (oString,cString) depth input TypeSpecSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "::") open close (oString,cString) depth input FromSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "from") open close (oString,cString) depth input ImportSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "import") open close (oString,cString) depth input InstanceSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "instance") open close (oString,cString) depth input ClassSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "class") open close (oString,cString) depth input InfixSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "infix") open close (oString,cString) depth input DigitSymID # (char,input) = input!line.[char] -> ScanMatch (str +++. {char}) open close (oString,cString) depth input WhereSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "where") open close (oString,cString) depth input HashSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "#") open close (oString,cString) depth input GenericSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "generic") open close (oString,cString) depth input DeriveSymID -> ScanMatch (str +++. "derive") open close (oString,cString) depth input _ -> ScanMatch (str +++. sym.string) open close (oString,cString) depth input instance_or_derive_definition name make_def state input # (input,sym`,line,_) = ScanInput input | sym`.repr == IdentLowerSymID || sym`.repr == IdentUpperSymID || sym`.repr == IdentFunnySymID # state = {state & syms = [make_def name sym`.string line:state.syms]} // can be a list in .dcl so need to read on for CommaSymId... = more_instance_or_derive_types name make_def state input | sym`.repr == OpenSymID || sym`.repr == OpenBraceSymID // save contents upto matching close sym... # closeSym = case sym`.repr of OpenSymID -> CloseSymID OpenBraceSymID -> CloseBraceSymID # (oString,cString) = case sym`.repr of OpenSymID -> ("(",")") OpenBraceSymID -> ("{","}") # (input,str) = ScanMatch oString sym`.repr closeSym (oString,cString) 0 input # state = {state & syms = [make_def name str line:state.syms]} = more_instance_or_derive_types name make_def state input // or uniqueness & strictness attributes... //... = FindDefsInInput state input more_instance_or_derive_types name make_def state input # (input,sym,line,char) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == CommaSymID = instance_or_derive_definition name make_def state input | sym.repr == EofSymID = (state,input) | char==0 = find_definitions input sym line state = FindDefsInInput state input // Find the identifiers in the .dcl and the .icl files; FindIdentifiersInFile :: !Bool !(List String) !String !String !Files -> ((!List String,!IdentifierPositionList), !Files); FindIdentifiersInFile imp imports cleanid path files # (files,ok,file) = OpenTextFile path files | not ok = ((imports,PosNil), files) # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput (StartInput file) # (input,imports,identifier_position_list) = FindIdentifiersInInput imp cleanid imports sym input PosNil = ((imports,identifier_position_list), CloseTextFile (EndInput input) files) FindIdentifiersInText :: !Bool !(List String) !String !*{String} !Files -> ((!List String,!IdentifierPositionList), !Files); FindIdentifiersInText imp imports cleanid text files # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput (StartInput` text) # (input,imports,identifier_position_list) = FindIdentifiersInInput imp cleanid imports sym input PosNil = ((imports,identifier_position_list), files) // Find the definitions in the .dcl and the .icl files; FindDefinitionInFile :: !Bool !(List String) !String !String !*Files -> ((!List String,!IdentifierPositionList), !Files) FindDefinitionInFile imp imports cleanid path files # (files, ok, file) = OpenTextFile path files | not ok = ((imports,PosNil), files) # (input,imports,positions) = FindDefinitionInInput imp cleanid imports (StartInput file) = ((imports,positions), CloseTextFile (EndInput input) files) FindDefinitionInText :: !Bool !(List String) !String !*{String} !*Files -> ((!List String,!IdentifierPositionList), !Files) FindDefinitionInText imp imports cleanid text files # (input,imports,positions) = FindDefinitionInInput imp cleanid imports (StartInput` text) = ((imports,positions), files) FindIdentifiersInInput :: !Bool !String !(List String) !Symbol !(Input a) IdentifierPositionList -> (!Input a, !List String, !IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FindIdentifiersInInput imp cleanid imports sym=:{repr} input positions | repr==FromSymID && imp # (input,sym,imports,positions) = FindFrom imports input positions = FindIdentifiersInInput imp cleanid imports sym input positions | repr==ImportSymID && imp # (input,sym,imports,positions) = FindImport imports input positions = FindIdentifiersInInput imp cleanid imports sym input positions | repr==EofSymID = (input,imports,positions); # (input,sym,linenr,charnr) = ScanInput input; | IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string==cleanid # (input,imports,positions)=FindIdentifiersInInput imp cleanid imports sym input positions = (input,imports,Pos linenr charnr positions); = FindIdentifiersInInput imp cleanid imports sym input positions where FindFrom :: !(List String) !(Input a) IdentifierPositionList -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String, !IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FindFrom imports input positions # (input,sym,linenr,charnr) = ScanInput input; | IdentSymId sym.repr | sym.string == cleanid # (input,sym,imports,positions) = FindFromIdent (sym.string :! imports) input positions = (input,sym,imports,Pos linenr charnr positions) = FindFromIdent (sym.string :! imports) input positions = (input,sym, imports,positions); FindFromIdent :: !(List String) !(Input a) IdentifierPositionList -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String, IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FindFromIdent imports input positions # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; | sym.repr == ImportSymID # (input,sym,_,positions) = FindImport Nil input positions = (input,sym,imports,positions) = (input, sym, imports,positions); FindImport :: !(List String) !(Input a) IdentifierPositionList -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String, !IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FindImport imports input positions # (input,sym,linenr,charnr) = scan_module_symbol_from_input input | IdentSymId sym.repr | sym.string == cleanid # (input,sym,imports,positions) = FindImportIdent (sym.string :! imports) input positions = (input,sym,imports,Pos linenr charnr positions) = FindImportIdent (sym.string :! imports) input positions = (input,sym,imports,positions); FindImportIdent :: !(List String) !(Input a) IdentifierPositionList -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String,IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FindImportIdent imports input positions # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == CommaSymID = FindImportIdentComma imports input positions = (input,sym, imports,positions); FindImportIdentComma :: !(List String) !(Input a) IdentifierPositionList -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String,IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FindImportIdentComma imports input positions # (input,sym,linenr,charnr) = scan_module_symbol_from_input input | IdentSymId sym.repr | sym.string == cleanid # (input,sym,imports,positions) = FindImportIdent (sym.string :! imports) input positions = (input,sym,imports,Pos linenr charnr positions) = FindImportIdent (sym.string :! imports) input positions = (input,sym, imports, positions) FindDefinitionInInput :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FindDefinitionInInput imp cleanid imports input = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; Definition1 :: !(Maybe (Symbol,Int,Int)) !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; Definition1 maybe_sym imp cleanid imports input | match_from # (inputa,syma,importsa) = ScanFrom imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid importsa syma inputa; | match_import # (inputb,symb,importsb) = ScanImport imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid importsb symb inputb; | sym.repr == TypeSpecSymID = TypeDef imp cleanid imports input`; | match_instance = InstanceDef imp cleanid imports input`; | match_class = ClassDef imp cleanid imports input`; | match_ident = RuleOrMacroDef lnr cnr imp False cleanid imports input`; | match_open = InfixRuleDef imp cleanid imports input`; | match_where = RuleOrInfixRuleDef imp cleanid imports input`; | sym.repr == GenericSymID || sym.repr == DeriveSymID = generic_or_derive_definition imp cleanid imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = case maybe_sym of Just (sym,lnr,cnr) -> (input,sym,lnr,cnr) _ -> ScanInput input; match_from = sym.repr == FromSymID && imp; match_import = sym.repr == ImportSymID && imp; match_instance = sym.repr == InstanceSymID; match_class = sym.repr == ClassSymID; match_ident = IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid; match_open = sym.repr == OpenSymID; match_where = sym.repr == WhereSymID RuleOrInfixRuleDef :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; RuleOrInfixRuleDef imp cleanid imports input | match_ident = RuleOrMacroDef lnr cnr imp False cleanid imports input`; | match_open = InfixRuleDef imp cleanid imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_ident = IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid; match_open = sym.repr == OpenSymID; ClassDef :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; ClassDef imp cleanid imports input # (input,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; | (IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid) = FoundClass cleanid sym lnr cnr imp imports input | (sym.repr == OpenSymID) # (input,sym,lnr`,cnr`) = ScanInput input | (IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid) # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == CloseSymID = FoundClass cleanid sym lnr` cnr` imp imports input // possibly do fixprec first = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input # (input,sym) = dottypevar input | (sym.repr == BarSymID) = ClassContext imp cleanid imports sym input | (sym.repr == WhereSymID) = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input where dottypevar input # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID && sym.string == "." = dottypevar input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID = dottypevar input = (input,sym) FoundClass cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input # (input,sym) = dottypevar input | (sym.repr == BarSymID) # (input,imports,posl) = ClassContext imp cleanid imports sym input # posl = Cls linenr charnr posl = (input, imports, posl) | sym.repr == WhereSymID # (input,imports,posl) = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input # posl = Cls linenr charnr posl = (input, imports, posl) # (input,imports,posl) = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input # posl = Cls linenr charnr posl = (input, imports, posl) ClassContext imp cleanid imports sym input // | X,Y,Z a & A,B,C .d # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input | IdentSymId sym.repr // find comma # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == CommaSymID = ClassContext imp cleanid imports sym input = lookforclassvar sym input | sym.repr == WhereSymID = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input where lookforclassvar sym input | sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID && sym.string == "." # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input = lookforclassvar sym input | sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == IdentFunnySymID && sym.string == "&" = ClassContext imp cleanid imports sym input | sym.repr == SemiColonSymID # (input,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input | sym.repr == WhereSymID = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input = Definition1 (Just (sym,lnr,cnr)) imp cleanid imports input | sym.repr == WhereSymID = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input // =:{} need to track indent level here... # (input,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input # match_semicolon = sym.repr == SemiColonSymID | match_semicolon = Definition1 Nothing imp cleanid imports input # match_openbrace = sym.repr == OpenBraceSymID | match_openbrace = ClassMemberBraces 1 input # match_eof = sym.repr == EofSymID | match_eof = (input,imports,PosNil) # match_ident = IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid | match_ident = RuleOrMacroDef lnr cnr imp True cleanid imports input # match_open = sym.repr == OpenSymID; | match_open = InfixMemberDef input = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input where // InfixMemberDef :: !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; InfixMemberDef input | match_ident = IRC lnr cnr imp cleanid imports input`; = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_ident = IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid; ClassMemberBraces nesting input | match_openbrace = ClassMemberBraces (inc nesting) input`; | match_closebrace1 = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input`; | match_closebrace2 = ClassMemberBraces (dec nesting) input`; | match_eof = (input`,imports,PosNil); = ClassMemberBraces nesting input`; where (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; match_openbrace = sym.repr == OpenBraceSymID; match_closebrace1 = match_closebrace2 && nesting == 1; match_closebrace2 = sym.repr == CloseBraceSymID; match_eof = sym.repr == EofSymID; InstanceDef :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; InstanceDef imp cleanid imports input | match_ident = FoundInstance cleanid sym lnr cnr imp imports input`; | match_open | match_ident` | match_close = FoundInstance cleanid sym`` lnr` cnr` imp imports input```; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym`` input```; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym` input``; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_ident = IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid; match_open = sym.repr == OpenSymID; (input``,sym`,lnr`,cnr`) = ScanInput input`; match_ident` = IdentSymId sym`.repr && sym`.string == cleanid; (input```,sym``,_,_) = ScanInput input``; match_close = sym``.repr == CloseSymID RuleOrMacroDef :: !Int !Int !Bool !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; RuleOrMacroDef linenr charnr imp in_class cleanid imports input | sym.repr == TypeSpecSymID = FoundDefinition cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input`; | match_synonym = FoundDefinition cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input`; | match_variable = RuleOrMacroDef linenr charnr imp in_class cleanid imports input` | match_is = FoundDefinition cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input` | in_class = ClassMemberDef imp cleanid imports input` | sym.repr == OpenBraceSymID # (input``,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input` | sym.repr==BarSymID = FoundDefinition cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input`` = braces_sym sym 1 imp cleanid imports input`` = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; match_synonym = sym.repr == SynonymSymID; match_variable = sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID; match_is = imp && (sym.repr == IsSymID || sym.repr == HashSymID || sym.repr == BarSymID); // only find rules without types in .icl XXX InfixRuleDef :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; InfixRuleDef imp cleanid imports input | match_ident = IRC lnr cnr imp cleanid imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_ident = IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid; IRC :: !Int !Int !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; IRC l c imp cleanid imports input | match_close = InfixRuleDef1 l c imp cleanid imports input` = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input` where (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; match_close = sym.repr == CloseSymID; InfixRuleDef1 :: !Int !Int !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; InfixRuleDef1 linenr charnr imp cleanid imports input | sym.repr == TypeSpecSymID = FoundDefinition cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input`; | match_synonym = FoundDefinition cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input`; | match_infix = IRD linenr charnr imp cleanid imports input` | match_variable = InfixRuleDef1 linenr charnr imp cleanid imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; match_synonym = sym.repr == SynonymSymID; match_variable = sym.repr == IdentLowerSymID; match_infix = sym.repr == InfixSymID; IRD l c imp cleanid imports input | sym.repr == TypeSpecSymID = FoundDefinition cleanid sym l c imp imports input` | match_synonym = FoundDefinition cleanid sym l c imp imports input` | match_digit | sym`.repr == TypeSpecSymID = FoundDefinition cleanid sym l c imp imports input`` | match_synonym` = FoundDefinition cleanid sym l c imp imports input`` = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym` input`` = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input` where (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; match_synonym = sym.repr == SynonymSymID; match_digit = sym.repr == DigitSymID; (input``,sym`,_,_) = ScanInput input`; match_synonym` = sym`.repr == SynonymSymID; TypeDef :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; TypeDef imp cleanid imports input | match_typevar1 = FoundDefinition cleanid sym lnr cnr imp imports input`; | match_typevar2 = Algebraic imp cleanid imports input`; | sym.repr==SemiColonSymID || sym.repr==OpenBraceSymID = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; | sym.repr<>EofSymID = TypeDef imp cleanid imports input`; = (input`,imports,PosNil); where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_typevar2 = IsTypeSymId sym.repr; match_typevar1 = match_typevar2 && sym.string == cleanid; Algebraic :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; Algebraic imp cleanid imports input | sym.repr==IsSymID = Constructors imp cleanid imports input`; | sym.repr==SemiColonSymID || sym.repr==OpenBraceSymID = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; | sym.repr<>EofSymID = Algebraic imp cleanid imports input`; = (input`,imports,PosNil); where (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; Constructors :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; Constructors imp cleanid imports input | match_ident1 = FoundDefinition cleanid sym lnr cnr imp imports input`; | match_ident2 = NextConstructors imp cleanid imports input`; | match_open = InfixConstructors imp cleanid imports input`; | match_brace = Record imp cleanid imports input` = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_ident2 = ConstrSymId sym.repr; match_ident1 = match_ident2 && sym.string == cleanid; match_open = sym.repr == OpenSymID; match_brace = sym.repr == OpenBraceSymID; NextConstructors :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; NextConstructors imp cleanid imports input | sym.repr==BarSymID = Constructors imp cleanid imports input1; | sym.repr<>SemiColonSymID /*&& sym.repr<>OpenBraceSymID*/ && sym.repr<>EofSymID = NextConstructors imp cleanid imports input1; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input1; where (input1,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; Record imp cleanid imports input | match_ident1 = FoundDefinition cleanid sym lnr cnr imp imports input`; | match_ident2 = NextFields imp cleanid imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_ident2 = IdentSymId sym.repr; match_ident1 = match_ident2 && sym.string == cleanid; NextFields :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; NextFields imp cleanid imports input | sym.repr==CommaSymID = Record imp cleanid imports input1; | sym.repr<>SemiColonSymID && sym.repr<>OpenBraceSymID && sym.repr<>EofSymID = NextFields imp cleanid imports input1; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input1; where (input1,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; InfixConstructors :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; InfixConstructors imp cleanid imports input | match_ident1 = FoundDefinition cleanid sym lnr cnr imp imports input`; | match_ident2 = NextConstructors imp cleanid imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; where (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; match_ident1 = match_ident2 && sym.string == cleanid; match_ident2 = ConstrSymId sym.repr; Braces :: !Int !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; Braces nesting imp cleanid imports input # (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; = braces_sym sym nesting imp cleanid imports input`; braces_sym :: !Symbol !Int !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; braces_sym sym nesting imp cleanid imports input | match_openbrace = Braces (inc nesting) imp cleanid imports input; | match_closebrace1 = Definition1 Nothing imp cleanid imports input; | match_closebrace2 = Braces (dec nesting) imp cleanid imports input; | match_eof = (input,imports,PosNil); = Braces nesting imp cleanid imports input; where match_openbrace = sym.repr == OpenBraceSymID; match_closebrace1 = match_closebrace2 && nesting == 1; match_closebrace2 = sym.repr == CloseBraceSymID; match_eof = sym.repr == EofSymID; ScanFrom :: !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String) | ScanInput a; ScanFrom imports input # (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; | IdentSymId sym.repr = ScanFromIdent (sym.string :! imports) input`; = (input`,sym, imports); where ScanFromIdent :: !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String) | ScanInput a; ScanFromIdent imports input # (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; | sym.repr == ImportSymID = ScanFromIdentImport imports input`; = (input`, sym, imports); ScanFromIdentImport :: !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String) | ScanInput a; ScanFromIdentImport imports input # (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; = (input`, sym, imports); ScanImport :: !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String) | ScanInput a; ScanImport imports input # (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; | IdentSymId sym.repr = ScanImportComma (sym.string :! imports) input`; = (input`,sym, imports); where ScanImportComma :: !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !Symbol, !List String) | ScanInput a; ScanImportComma imports input # (input`,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input; | CommaSymId sym.repr = ScanImport imports input`; = (input`,sym, imports); generic_or_derive_definition :: !Bool !String !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; generic_or_derive_definition imp cleanid imports input # (input`,sym,lnr,cnr) = ScanInput input; | IdentSymId sym.repr && sym.string == cleanid = FoundDefinition cleanid sym lnr cnr imp imports input`; = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input`; FoundDefinition :: !String !Symbol !Int Int !Bool !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FoundDefinition cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input # (input`,imports`,posl) = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input # posl` = Pos linenr charnr posl = (input`, imports`, posl`); FoundInstance :: !String !Symbol !Int Int !Bool !(List String) !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; FoundInstance cleanid sym linenr charnr imp imports input # (input`,imports`,posl) = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input # posl` = case posl of PosNil -> Ins linenr charnr PosNil Ins r c l -> Ins r c (Ins linenr charnr l) Cls r c l -> Cls r c (Ins linenr charnr l) Pos r c l -> Pos r c (Ins linenr charnr l) = (input`, imports`, posl`); SkipToDefinition :: !Bool !String !(List String) !Symbol !(Input a) -> (!Input a, !List String,!IdentifierPositionList) | ScanInput a; SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym=:{repr} input # match_semicolon = repr == SemiColonSymID | match_semicolon = Definition1 Nothing imp cleanid imports input # match_openbrace = repr == OpenBraceSymID | match_openbrace = Braces 1 imp cleanid imports input # match_eof = repr == EofSymID | match_eof = (input,imports,PosNil) # (input,sym,_,_) = ScanInput input = SkipToDefinition imp cleanid imports sym input /* Auxilary functions which attempt to match specific symbols at the current position of the input */ FindSym :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool,!Int,!Symbol); FindSym curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = (False, curpos, ErrorSym); # curchar = line.[curpos]; curpos` = inc curpos; | curchar == ':' = FindColon1 curpos` curlen line; | curchar == '=' = FindIs1 curpos` curlen line; | curchar == '*' = FindStar1 curpos` curlen line; | curchar == ',' = (True, curpos`, CommaSym); | curchar == '{' = (True, curpos`, OpenBraceSym); | curchar == '}' = (True, curpos`, CloseBraceSym); | curchar == '(' = (True, curpos`, OpenSym); | curchar == ')' = (True, curpos`, CloseSym); | curchar == '|' = FindBar1 curpos` curlen line; | curchar == '#' = FindHash1 curpos` curlen line; | curchar == ';' = (True, curpos`, SemiColonSym); | curchar == '_' = FindId1 IdentLowerSymID curpos curpos` curlen line; // for the moment | curchar == '`' = FindId1 IdentLowerSymID curpos curpos` curlen line; // for the moment | LowerCase curchar = FindId1 IdentLowerSymID curpos curpos` curlen line; | UpperCase curchar = FindId1 IdentUpperSymID curpos curpos` curlen line; | SpecialChar curchar = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID curpos curpos` curlen line; | Digit curchar = (True,curpos`,DigitSym); = (False, curpos`, ErrorSym); find_module_symbol :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool,!Int,!Symbol); find_module_symbol curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = (False, curpos, ErrorSym); | UpperCase line.[curpos] = find_module_ident curpos (curpos+1) curlen line; = FindSym curpos curlen line; where find_module_ident :: !Int !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); find_module_ident start curpos curlen str | curpos >= curlen = FindId1 IdentUpperSymID start curpos curlen str; # curchar = str.[curpos]; | LowerCase curchar || UpperCase curchar || Digit curchar || Special curchar = find_module_ident start (curpos+1) curlen str; | curchar=='.' = find_h_module_ident start (curpos+1) curlen str; = FindId1 IdentUpperSymID start curpos curlen str; find_h_module_ident :: !Int !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); find_h_module_ident start curpos curlen str | curpos >= curlen = (True,curpos,{repr=IdentUpperSymID, string=str % (start,dec curpos)}); # curchar = str.[curpos]; | LowerCase curchar || UpperCase curchar || Digit curchar || Special curchar || curchar=='.' = find_h_module_ident start (curpos+1) curlen str; = (True,curpos,{repr=IdentUpperSymID, string=str % (start,dec curpos)}); FindColon1 :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindColon1 curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (dec curpos) curpos curlen line; # curchar = line.[curpos]; curpos` = inc curpos; | curchar == '=' = FindColon2 curpos` curlen line; | curchar == ':' = (True, curpos`, TypeSpecSym); = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (dec curpos) curpos curlen line; where FindColon2 :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindColon2 curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (dec curpos) curpos curlen line; # curchar = line.[curpos]; curpos` = inc curpos; | curchar == '=' = (True, curpos`, SynonymSym); = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (curpos-2) curpos curlen line; FindIs1 :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindIs1 curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = (True, curpos, IsSym); | SpecialChar curchar = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (dec curpos) (inc curpos) curlen line; = (True, curpos, IsSym); where curchar = line.[curpos]; FindHash1 :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindHash1 curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = (True, curpos, HashSym); | SpecialChar curchar = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (dec curpos) (inc curpos) curlen line; = (True, curpos, HashSym); where curchar = line.[curpos]; FindBar1 :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindBar1 curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = (True, curpos, BarSym); | SpecialChar curchar = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (dec curpos) (inc curpos) curlen line; = (True, curpos, BarSym); where curchar = line.[curpos]; FindStar1 :: !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindStar1 curpos curlen line | curpos >= curlen = (True, curpos, UniqueAttrSym); | SpecialChar curchar = FindId2 IdentFunnySymID (dec curpos) (inc curpos) curlen line; = (True, curpos, UniqueAttrSym); where curchar = line.[curpos]; FindId1 :: !SymbolId !Int !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindId1 symid start curpos curlen str | curpos >= curlen = FindReserved symid start curpos curlen str; | LowerCase curchar = FindId1 symid start curpos` curlen str; | UpperCase curchar = FindId1 symid start curpos` curlen str; | Digit curchar = FindId1 symid start curpos` curlen str; | Special curchar = FindId1 symid start curpos` curlen str; = FindReserved symid start curpos curlen str; where curchar = str.[curpos]; curpos` = inc curpos; eq3chars1 s i c1 c2 c3 :== s.[i+1]==c1 && s.[i+2]==c2 && s.[i+3]==c3 eq4chars1 s i c1 c2 c3 c4 :== s.[i+1]==c1 && s.[i+2]==c2 && s.[i+3]==c3 && s.[i+4]==c4 eq5chars1 s i c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 :== s.[i+1]==c1 && s.[i+2]==c2 && s.[i+3]==c3 && s.[i+4]==c4 && s.[i+5]==c5 eq6chars1 s i c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 :== s.[i+1]==c1 && s.[i+2]==c2 && s.[i+3]==c3 && s.[i+4]==c4 && s.[i+5]==c5 && s.[i+6]==c6 eq7chars1 s i c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 :== s.[i+1]==c1 && s.[i+2]==c2 && s.[i+3]==c3 && s.[i+4]==c4 && s.[i+5]==c5 && s.[i+6]==c6 && s.[i+7]==c7 FindReserved :: !SymbolId !Int !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindReserved symid start curpos curlen str | start>=curpos = (True,curpos,{repr=symid, string=str % (start,dec curpos)}); # first_char = str.[start]; | first_char=='f' && start+4==curpos && eq3chars1 str start 'r' 'o' 'm' = (True,curpos,FromSym); | first_char=='i' && start+6==curpos && eq5chars1 str start 'm' 'p' 'o' 'r' 't' = (True,curpos,ImportSym); | first_char=='i' && start+8==curpos && eq7chars1 str start 'n' 's' 't' 'a' 'n' 'c' 'e' = (True,curpos,InstanceSym); | first_char=='c' && start+5==curpos && eq4chars1 str start 'l' 'a' 's' 's' = (True,curpos,ClassSym); | first_char=='i' && start+5==curpos && eq4chars1 str start 'n' 'f' 'i' 'x' = (True,curpos,InfixSym); | first_char=='i' && start+6==curpos && eq4chars1 str start 'n' 'f' 'i' 'x' && (str.[start+5]=='l' || str.[start+5]=='r') = (True,curpos,InfixSym); | first_char=='w' && start+5==curpos && eq4chars1 str start 'h' 'e' 'r' 'e' = (True,curpos,WhereSym); | first_char=='g' && start+7==curpos && eq6chars1 str start 'e' 'n' 'e' 'r' 'i' 'c' = (True,curpos,{repr=GenericSymID,string=""}); | first_char=='d' && start+6==curpos && eq5chars1 str start 'e' 'r' 'i' 'v' 'e' = (True,curpos,{repr=DeriveSymID,string=""}); = (True,curpos,{repr=symid, string=str % (start,dec curpos)}); FindId2 :: !SymbolId !Int !Int !Int !String -> (!Bool, !Int, !Symbol); FindId2 symid start curpos curlen str | curpos >= curlen = (True, curpos, {repr=symid, string=str % (start,dec curpos)}); | SpecialChar curchar = FindId2 symid start curpos` curlen str; = (True, curpos, {repr=symid, string=str % (start,dec curpos)}); where curchar = str.[curpos]; curpos` = inc curpos; /* Aux. functions for parsing text in a file */ OpenTextFile :: !String !Files -> (!Files, !Bool, !*File) OpenTextFile path files = (files`, ok, file) where (ok,file,files`) = fopen path FReadData files CloseTextFile :: !*File !Files -> Files CloseTextFile file files = files` where (_,files`) = fclose file files StartInput :: !*File -> Input *File StartInput file = { offside = offside, curpos = curpos, curlen = curlen, line = line, file = file`, linenr = linenr, charnr = charnr } where (_,curpos,curlen,line,file`,linenr,charnr) = SkipLayOut1 False 0 0 0 "" file (-1) (-1); offside = ApplyLayOutRule curpos curlen line; StartInput` :: !*{String} -> Input *{String} StartInput` file = { offside = offside, curpos = curpos, curlen = curlen, line = line, file = file`, linenr = linenr, charnr = charnr } where (_,curpos,curlen,line,file`,linenr,charnr) = SkipLayOut1` False 0 0 0 "" file (-1) (-1); offside = ApplyLayOutRule curpos curlen line; ApplyLayOutRule :: !Int !Int !String -> Bool ApplyLayOutRule curpos curlen str | curpos >= curlen = True | curchar == ';' = False = ApplyLayOutRule (inc curpos) curlen str where curchar = str.[curpos] EndInput :: !(Input *File) -> *File EndInput {Input | file} = file /* Checks whether string at current input position matches a symbol , if so the corresponding symbol is returned, together with the new input skipped over the matched part, otherwise 'ErrorSym' or 'EofSym' is returned */ class ScanInput a where ScanInput :: !(Input *a) -> (!Input *a, !Symbol, !Int, !Int) scan_module_symbol_from_input :: !(Input *a) -> (!Input *a, !Symbol, !Int, !Int) instance ScanInput File where ScanInput input=:{offside,curpos,curlen,line,file,linenr,charnr} # (eof,curposa,curlen`,line`,file`,linenr`,charnr`) = SkipLayOut1 offside 0 curpos curlen line file linenr charnr; # inputa = { offside = offside, curpos = curposa, curlen = curlen`, line = line`, file = file`, linenr = linenr`, charnr = charnr` }; | eof = (inputa, EofSym, linenr`, charnr`); # (ok,curposb,sym) = FindSym curposa curlen` line`; inputb = { Input | inputa & curpos = curposb, charnr = charnr` + (curposb - curposa) }; | ok = (inputb, sym, linenr`, charnr`); = ScanInput inputb; scan_module_symbol_from_input {offside,curpos,curlen,line,file,linenr,charnr} # (eof,curposa,curlen`,line`,file`,linenr`,charnr`) = SkipLayOut1 offside 0 curpos curlen line file linenr charnr; # inputa = { offside = offside, curpos = curposa, curlen = curlen`, line = line`, file = file`, linenr = linenr`, charnr = charnr` }; | eof = (inputa, EofSym, linenr`, charnr`); # (ok,curposb,sym) = find_module_symbol curposa curlen` line`; inputb = { Input | inputa & curpos = curposb, charnr = charnr` + (curposb - curposa) }; | ok = (inputb, sym, linenr`, charnr`); = scan_module_symbol_from_input inputb; instance ScanInput {{#Char}} where ScanInput input=:{offside,curpos,curlen,line,file,linenr,charnr} # (eof,curposa,curlen`,line`,file`,linenr`,charnr`) = SkipLayOut1` offside 0 curpos curlen line file linenr charnr; # inputa = { offside = offside, curpos = curposa, curlen = curlen`, line = line`, file = file`, linenr = linenr`, charnr = charnr` }; | eof = (inputa, EofSym, linenr`, charnr`); # (ok,curposb,sym) = FindSym curposa curlen` line`; inputb = { Input | inputa & curpos = curposb, charnr = charnr` + (curposb - curposa) }; | ok = (inputb, sym, linenr`, charnr`); = ScanInput inputb; scan_module_symbol_from_input {offside,curpos,curlen,line,file,linenr,charnr} # (eof,curposa,curlen`,line`,file`,linenr`,charnr`) = SkipLayOut1` offside 0 curpos curlen line file linenr charnr; # inputa = { offside = offside, curpos = curposa, curlen = curlen`, line = line`, file = file`, linenr = linenr`, charnr = charnr` }; | eof = (inputa, EofSym, linenr`, charnr`); # (ok,curposb,sym) = find_module_symbol curposa curlen` line`; inputb = { Input | inputa & curpos = curposb, charnr = charnr` + (curposb - curposa) }; | ok = (inputb, sym, linenr`, charnr`); = scan_module_symbol_from_input inputb; // Skips all layout (i.e. newlines, spaces and tabs), comments, string and character denotations SkipLayOut1 :: !Bool !Int !Int !Int !String !*File !Int !Int -> (!Bool, !Int, !Int, !String, !*File, !Int, !Int); SkipLayOut1 offside nesting curpos curlen str text linenr charnr | curpos >= curlen = SkipToNewLine offside nesting text linenr charnr; # curchar = str.[curpos]; | WhiteSpace curchar = SkipLayOut1 offside nesting (inc curpos) curlen str text linenr (inc charnr); # more2 = inc curpos < curlen; nextchar = str.[inc curpos]; | curchar=='/' && more2 && nextchar=='*' = SkipLayOut1 offside (inc nesting) (curpos+2) curlen str text linenr (charnr+2); | curchar=='*' && more2 && nextchar=='/' # nesting` = if (nesting==0) nesting (dec nesting); = SkipLayOut1 offside nesting` (curpos+2) curlen str text linenr (charnr+2); | nesting > 0 = SkipLayOut1 offside nesting (inc curpos) curlen str text linenr (inc charnr); | curchar == '\"' # (curposq,curlenq,charnrq) = SkipQuote (inc curpos) curlen str (inc charnr); = SkipLayOut1 offside nesting curposq curlenq str text linenr charnrq; | curchar=='/' && more2 && nextchar=='/' = SkipToNewLine offside nesting text linenr 0; = (False, curpos, curlen, str, text, linenr, charnr); where SkipToNewLine :: !Bool !Int !*File !Int !Int -> (!Bool, !Int, !Int, !String, !*File, !Int, !Int); SkipToNewLine offside nesting text linenr charnr # (str,text) = readLine text # curlen = size str | curlen==0 = (True, 0, 0, "", text, linenr, charnr) # linenr = inc linenr # newline = str.[0]== '\n' | newline = SkipToNewLine offside nesting text linenr 0 # semicolon = nesting == 0 && offside && curlen > 0 && NoLayOut (str.[0]) && NoComment str | semicolon = (False, 0, inc curlen, ";"+++str, text, linenr, -1) = SkipLayOut1 offside nesting 0 curlen str text linenr 0 SkipLayOut1` :: !Bool !Int !Int !Int !String !*{String} !Int !Int -> (!Bool, !Int, !Int, !String, !*{String}, !Int, !Int); SkipLayOut1` offside nesting curpos curlen str text linenr charnr | curpos >= curlen = SkipToNewLine` offside nesting text linenr charnr; # curchar = str.[curpos]; | WhiteSpace curchar = SkipLayOut1` offside nesting (inc curpos) curlen str text linenr (inc charnr); # more2 = inc curpos < curlen; nextchar = str.[inc curpos]; | curchar=='/' && more2 && nextchar=='*' = SkipLayOut1` offside (inc nesting) (curpos+2) curlen str text linenr (charnr+2); | curchar=='*' && more2 && nextchar=='/' # nesting` = if (nesting==0) nesting (dec nesting); = SkipLayOut1` offside nesting` (curpos+2) curlen str text linenr (charnr+2); | nesting > 0 = SkipLayOut1` offside nesting (inc curpos) curlen str text linenr (inc charnr); | curchar == '\"' # (curposq,curlenq,charnrq) = SkipQuote (inc curpos) curlen str (inc charnr); = SkipLayOut1` offside nesting curposq curlenq str text linenr charnrq; | curchar=='/' && more2 && nextchar=='/' = SkipToNewLine` offside nesting text linenr 0; = (False, curpos, curlen, str, text, linenr, charnr); where SkipToNewLine` :: !Bool !Int !*{String} !Int !Int -> (!Bool, !Int, !Int, !String, !*{String}, !Int, !Int); SkipToNewLine` offside nesting text linenr charnr # (siz,text) = usize text # eof = dec siz == linenr | eof = (True, 0, 0, "", text, linenr, charnr) # linenr = inc linenr # (str,text) = text![linenr] # curlen = size str # newline = curlen > 0 && str.[0]== '\n' | newline = SkipToNewLine` offside nesting text linenr 0 # semicolon = nesting == 0 && offside && curlen > 0 && NoLayOut (str.[0]) && NoComment str | semicolon = (False, 0, inc curlen, ";"+++str, text, linenr, -1) = SkipLayOut1` offside nesting 0 curlen str text linenr 0 NoLayOut :: !Char -> Bool NoLayOut c = c <> ' ' && c <> '\t' NoComment :: !String -> Bool NoComment s | size s <= 1 = True # curchar = s.[0] nextchar = s.[1] | curchar=='/' && (nextchar=='*' || nextchar=='/') = False | curchar=='*' && nextchar=='/' = False = True SkipQuote :: !Int !Int !String !Int -> (!Int, !Int, !Int); SkipQuote pos len str charnr | pos >= len = (pos,len,charnr); | curchar == '\"' = (pos`,len,charnr`); | curchar == '\\' = SkipQuote2 pos` len str charnr`; = SkipQuote pos` len str charnr`; where curchar = str.[pos]; pos` = inc pos; charnr` = inc charnr; SkipQuote2 :: !Int !Int !String !Int -> (!Int, !Int, !Int); SkipQuote2 pos len str charnr | pos >= len = (pos,len,charnr); = SkipQuote (inc pos) len str (inc charnr); /* Aux. function for testing whether strings occur as a substring */ IsSubStr :: !Int !Int String !Int !Int !String -> Bool; IsSubStr subpos substop substr pos stop str | subpos >= substop = pos >= stop; | pos >= stop = False; | subc == c = IsSubStr (inc subpos) substop substr (inc pos) stop str; = False; where subc = substr.[subpos]; c = str.[pos]; /* Aux. functions for testing whether characters are in certain classes */ SpecialChar :: !Char -> Bool; SpecialChar c = pos < speciallen; where pos = FindChar c special speciallen 0; special = "~@#$%^?!+-*<>\\/|&=:."; speciallen = size special; FindChar :: !Char !String !Int !Int -> Int; FindChar c line linelen pos | pos >= linelen = pos; | c == line.[pos] = pos; = FindChar c line linelen (inc pos); // LowerCase :: !Char -> Bool; LowerCase c :== 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ; // UpperCase :: !Char -> Bool; UpperCase c :== 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ; // Digit :: !Char -> Bool; Digit c :== '0' <= c && c <= '9'; // Special :: !Char -> Bool; Special c :== c == '`' || c == '_'; // WhiteSpace :: !Char -> Bool; WhiteSpace c :== c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f'; // IdChar :: !Char -> Bool; IdChar c :== LowerCase c || UpperCase c || Digit c || Special c; // Check whether a clipboard selection is a valid Clean module identifier CleanModId :: !String -> Bool; CleanModId id = IsModId 0 (size id) id; is_h_module_name :: !String -> Bool; is_h_module_name id # len=size id; | len==0 = False; # c = id.[0]; | LowerCase c || UpperCase c || c == '_' = is_h_module_name1 1 len id; | SpecialChar c = IsModId2 1 len id; = False; is_h_module_name1 :: !Int !Int !String -> Bool; is_h_module_name1 pos len id | pos >= len = True; # c = id.[pos]; | LowerCase c || UpperCase c || Digit c || Special c || c=='.' = is_h_module_name1 (inc pos) len id; = False; IsModId :: !Int !Int !String -> Bool; IsModId pos len id | pos >= len = False; | LowerCase curchar || UpperCase curchar || curchar == '_' = IsModId1 (inc pos) len id; | SpecialChar curchar = IsModId2 (inc pos) len id; = False; where curchar= id.[pos]; IsModId1 :: !Int !Int !String -> Bool; IsModId1 pos len id | pos >= len = True; | LowerCase curchar = IsModId1 (inc pos) len id; | UpperCase curchar = IsModId1 (inc pos) len id; | Digit curchar = IsModId1 (inc pos) len id; | Special curchar = IsModId1 (inc pos) len id; = False; where curchar = id.[pos]; IsModId2 :: !Int !Int !String -> Bool; IsModId2 pos len id | pos >= len = True; | SpecialChar curchar = IsModId2 (inc pos) len id; = False; where curchar = id.[pos]; // Checks whether string is a type specification IsTypeSpec :: !String -> Bool; IsTypeSpec str | comment < strlen = True; = cleanid < strlen && hastype < strlen; where strlen = size str; pos1 = SkipLayOutChars str strlen 0; comment = HasSubStr 2 "//" strlen str pos1; (_,cleanid) = FindCleanId str strlen pos1; hastype = HasSubStr 2 "::" strlen str (inc cleanid); HasSubStr :: !Int !String !Int !String !Int -> Int; HasSubStr substrlen substr strlen str pos | pos + dec substrlen >= strlen = strlen; | IsSubStr 0 substrlen substr pos (pos+substrlen) str = pos; = HasSubStr substrlen substr strlen str (inc pos); SkipLayOutChars :: !String !Int !Int -> Int; SkipLayOutChars str strlen pos | pos >= strlen = pos; | curchar == ' ' || curchar == '\t' = SkipLayOutChars str strlen (inc pos); = pos; where curchar = str.[pos]; FindCleanId :: !String !Int !Int -> (!Int, !Int); FindCleanId id idlen pos | pos >= idlen = (idlen, idlen); # curchar = id.[pos]; pos` = inc pos; | LowerCase curchar = (pos, FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`); | UpperCase curchar = (pos, FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`); | SpecialChar curchar = (pos, FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`); | Special curchar = (pos, FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`); = (idlen, idlen); where FindCleanId1 :: !String !Int !Int -> Int; FindCleanId1 id idlen pos | pos >= idlen = dec pos; # curchar = id.[pos]; pos` = inc pos; | LowerCase curchar = FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`; | UpperCase curchar = FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`; | Digit curchar = FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`; | SpecialChar curchar = FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`; | Special curchar = FindCleanId1 id idlen pos`; = dec pos; // Checks whether string is an error message Error :: !String !Int !Int -> Int; Error str strlen pos | pos + 4 >= strlen = strlen; | is_error = pos; = Error str strlen (inc pos); where is_error = (str.[pos]=='e' || str.[pos]=='E') && str.[pos+1]=='r' && str.[pos+2]=='r' && str.[pos+3]=='o' && str.[pos+4]=='r'; // Extracts the modulename out of a ' could not be imported' message IsImportError13 :: !String -> (!Bool,!String); IsImportError13 str #! strlen = size str; #! error = Error str strlen 0; #! open = FindOpenChar str strlen 0; #! close = FindCloseChar str strlen (inc open); #! colon = FindColonChar str strlen (inc close); #! layout = SkipLayOutChars str strlen (inc colon); #! (id1,id2) = FindCleanId str strlen layout; #! pat = "could not be imported"; #! notimport = HasSubStr (size pat) pat strlen str (inc id2); #! path = str % (id1, id2); | error' message IsImportError20 :: !String -> (!Bool,!String); IsImportError20 str #! strlen = size str; #! error = Error str strlen 0; #! open = FindOpenChar str strlen 0; #! close = FindCloseChar str strlen (inc open); #! colon = FindColonChar str strlen (inc close); #! layout = SkipLayOutChars str strlen (inc colon); #! pat = "could not open"; #! notimport = HasSubStr (size pat) pat strlen str layout; #! (id1,id2) = FindCleanId str strlen (notimport + size pat + 1); #! path = str % (id1, id2); | error Int; FindOpenChar str len pos :== FindChar '[' str len pos; // FindCloseChar :: !String !Int !Int -> Int; FindCloseChar str len pos :== FindChar ']' str len pos; // FindCommaChar :: !String !Int !Int -> Int; FindCommaChar str len pos :== FindChar ',' str len pos; // FindQuoteChar :: !String !Int !Int -> Int; FindQuoteChar str len pos :== FindChar '\"' str len pos; // FindColonChar :: !String !Int !Int -> Int; FindColonChar str len pos :== FindChar ':' str len pos;