.#{$prefix}form-invalid-under { padding: top($form-error-under-padding) right($form-error-under-padding) bottom($form-error-under-padding) (left($form-error-under-padding) + $form-error-icon-width + $form-error-under-icon-spacing); color: $form-error-msg-color; font: $form-error-msg-font; line-height: $form-error-msg-line-height; background: no-repeat left($form-error-under-padding) top($form-error-under-padding); background-image: theme-background-image($form-exclamation-icon); } // When the label is on top, the right icon cell is taller, so the icon image needs bumping down // add element name to increase specificity to be greater than .x-form-invalid-under div.#{$prefix}lbl-top-err-icon { margin-bottom: round(($form-field-height - $form-error-icon-height) / 2); } .#{$prefix}form-invalid-icon { width: $form-error-icon-width; height: $form-error-icon-height; margin: $form-error-icon-side-margin; background-image: theme-background-image($form-exclamation-icon); background-repeat: no-repeat; } .#{$prefix}form-item-label { color: $form-label-font-color; font: $form-label-font; @if $include-ext-toolbar-toolbar { .#{$prefix}toolbar-item & { font-size: $toolbar-font-size; @if $form-toolbar-label-line-height != $form-label-line-height { line-height: $form-toolbar-label-line-height } } } } // form items within auto, anchor, vbox checkboxgroup, and table layouts have bottom margin of 5px .#{$prefix}autocontainer-form-item, .#{$prefix}anchor-form-item, .#{$prefix}vbox-form-item, .#{$prefix}checkboxgroup-form-item, .#{$prefix}table-form-item { margin-bottom: $form-item-margin-bottom; } // IE6 cannot do border-color: transparent // So we revert pack to a pad row for IE6 .#{$prefix}ie6 { .#{$prefix}form-form-item { td { border-top-width: 0; } } // Padding row for IE6 when Labelable Fields are in a form layout td.#{$prefix}form-item-pad { height: $form-item-margin-bottom; } }