module sds import StdEnv import Data.Void, Data.Error, Data.Map, Data.Func, Text.JSON import System.File, System.Time println :: !a !*MyWorld -> *MyWorld | toString a println msg iw=:{world} # (console,world) = stdio world # console = fwrites (toString msg) console # console = fwrites "\n" console # (_,world) = fclose console world = {iw & world = world} getDescriptor :: !a -> SDSID getDescriptor _ = code { pushD_a 0 pop_a 1 } genID world=:{nextid} = (nextid, {world & nextid = nextid + 1}) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: SDSID :== Int :: NotificationRequest = { target :: SDSID , origin :: SDSID , request :: IRequest , handler :: *MyWorld -> *MyWorld } :: *MyWorld = { sdsmem :: Map Int JSONNode , notification :: [NotificationRequest] , nextid :: Int , world :: *World } createMyWorld :: *World -> *MyWorld createMyWorld world = {MyWorld | sdsmem = newMap, notification = [], nextid = 1, world = world} :: InvalidateFun q :== q -> Bool // TODO: InvalidateFun q :== [q] -> [Int] :: CommitFun *env :== env -> env :: AbortFun *env :== env -> env :: IRequest = //IView Dynamic E.qr: IView qr (Dynamic -> (qr -> Bool)) | IAlways :: WriteRes q *env = { invalidate :: q -> Bool , commit :: env -> env , abort :: env -> env } :: ChangeNotification = OnWrite | Predictable | Polling !Timestamp :: Shared qr qw r w *env = Source (Source qr qw r w env) | E.qr` qw` r` w`: Projection (Shared qr` qw` r` w` env) (Projection qr` qw` r` w` qr qw r w) & TC qr` | E.qr` r`: ComposedRead (Shared qr` qw r` w env) (qr -> (qr`, r` -> r)) & TC qr` | E.qw` w`: ComposedWrite (Shared qr qw` r w` env) (qw -> (qr, r w -> (qw`, w`, InvalidateFun qr))) | E.qr` qw` r` w`: ComposedRW (Shared qr` qw` r` w` env) (qr -> (qr`, r` -> r)) (qw -> (qr`, r` w -> (qw`, w`, InvalidateFun qr))) & TC qr` | E.qrx qwx rx wx qry qwy ry wy: Parallel (Shared qrx qwx rx wx env) (Shared qry qwy ry wy env) (qr->(qrx,qry)) (qw->(qwx,qwy)) ((rx,ry)->r) (w->(wx,wy)) & TC qrx & TC qry :: Source qr qw r w *env = { read :: qr env -> *(MaybeErrorString r, env) // Valid for ... , write :: qw w env -> *(MaybeErrorString (WriteRes qr env), env) } :: Projection qr` qw` r` w` qr qw r w = { pr_read :: (qr -> (qr`, r` -> r)) , pr_write :: (qw -> (qr`, r` w -> (qw`, w`))) , pr_ntfcnt :: (qw w -> InvalidateFun qr) , pr_inv :: (qw` w` -> (qw, w)) } :: SymmetricShared q r env :== Shared q q r r env simpleRW = (\Void -> (Void, id), \Void -> (Nothing, (\Nothing v -> (Void, v, const True)))) // A.K.A withShared createMemorySDS :: (q -> (Void, r -> r), q -> (Maybe Void, (Maybe r) r -> (Void, r, InvalidateFun q))) r *MyWorld -> *(SymmetricShared q r MyWorld, *MyWorld) | JSONEncode{|*|} r & JSONDecode{|*|} r createMemorySDS (rt,wt) val myworld=:{sdsmem} # (memid, myworld) = genID myworld # sds = Source {read = read` memid rt, write = write` memid wt} = (sds, {myworld & sdsmem = put memid (toJSON val) sdsmem}) where readAll :: Int *MyWorld -> *(MaybeErrorString r, *MyWorld) | JSONDecode{|*|} r readAll memid myworld=:{sdsmem} = case get memid sdsmem of (Just json) = case fromJSON json of (Just val) = (Ok val, myworld) Nothing = (Error "E2", myworld) Nothing = (Error "E1", myworld) read` memid rt q myworld=:{sdsmem} # (ret, myworld) = readAll memid myworld # (_, tf) = rt q = (fmap tf ret, myworld) write` memid wt q val myworld=:{sdsmem} # (mbRead, tf) = wt q = case mbRead of (Just Void) # (ret, myworld) = readAll memid myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, myworld) (Ok full) = let (_, nval, invalidator) = tf (Just full) val in (Ok {invalidate=invalidator, commit=commit memid (toJSON nval), abort=id}, myworld) Nothing = let (_, nval, invalidator) = tf Nothing val in (Ok {invalidate=invalidator, commit=commit memid (toJSON nval), abort=id}, myworld) where commit memid json myworld=:{sdsmem} = {myworld & sdsmem = put memid json sdsmem} read :: (Shared qr qw r w *MyWorld) qr *MyWorld -> *(MaybeErrorString r, *MyWorld) | TC qr read (Source {read}) q myworld # (ret, myworld) = read q myworld = (ret, myworld) read (Projection sds pr) q myworld # (oq, f) = pr.pr_read q # (ret, myworld) = read sds oq myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, myworld) (Ok val) = (Ok (f val), myworld) read (ComposedRead sds tf) q myworld = read (ComposedRW sds tf undef) q myworld read (ComposedRW sds tfr _) q myworld # (oq, f) = tfr q # (ret, myworld) = read sds oq myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, myworld) (Ok val) = (Ok (f val), myworld) read (ComposedWrite sds tf) q myworld = read sds q myworld read (Parallel sdsX sdsY tfqr _ tfr _) q myworld # (qrx,qry) = tfqr q # (ret, myworld) = read sdsX qrx myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, myworld) (Ok val1) # (ret, myworld) = read sdsY qry myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, myworld) (Ok val2) = (Ok (tfr (val1,val2)), myworld) write :: (Shared qr qw r w *MyWorld) qw w *MyWorld -> *(MaybeErrorString Void, *MyWorld) | TC qr write sds qw val myworld = case write` sds qw val myworld of (Error msg, ts, _, _, myworld) = (Error msg, foldl (flip ($)) myworld (map snd ts)) (Ok Void, ts, ns, _, myworld) # myworld = foldl (flip ($)) myworld (map fst ts) # myworld = notificateAll (getDescriptor sds) ns myworld = (Ok Void, myworld) write` :: (Shared qr qw r w *MyWorld) qw w *MyWorld -> (MaybeErrorString Void, [(*MyWorld -> *MyWorld, *MyWorld -> *MyWorld)], [NotificationEvent], *MyWorld) | TC qr write` d=:(Source sds) qw val myworld = case sds.write qw val myworld of (Error msg, myworld) = (Error msg, [], [], myworld) (Ok r, myworld) = (Ok Void, [(r.commit,r.abort)], [NotificationEvent (getDescriptor d) (qw, val)], myworld) write` d=:(Projection sds pr) qw val myworld # (qr, f) = pr.pr_write qw # (ret, myworld) = read sds qr myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, [], [], undef, myworld) (Ok rval) # (oqw, oval) = f rval val = case write` sds oqw oval myworld of (Error msg, ts, _, _, myworld) = (Error msg, ts, [], myworld) (Ok Void, ts, ns, _, myworld) = (Ok Void, ts, [NotificationEvent (getDescriptor d) (qw, val):ns], myworld) write` d=:(ComposedWrite sds tf) qw val myworld # (ret, ts, ns, inv, myworld) = write` (ComposedRW sds (\a -> (a, id)) tf) qw val myworld | isError ret = (ret, ts, ns, myworld) = (ret, ts, [NotificationEvent (getDescriptor d) (qw, val):ns], myworld) write` d=:(ComposedRW sds _ tf) qw val myworld # (qr, f) = tf qw # (ret, myworld) = read sds qr myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, [], [], undef, myworld) (Ok mbVal) # (oqw, oval, invalidator) = f mbVal val = case write` sds oqw oval myworld of (Error msg, ts, _, _, myworld) = (Error msg, ts, [], myworld) (Ok Void, ts, ns, _, myworld) = (Ok Void, ts, [NotificationEvent (getDescriptor d) (qw, val):ns], myworld) write` d=:(ComposedRead sds tf) qw val myworld # (ret, ts, ns, inv, myworld) = write` sds qw val myworld | isError ret = (ret, ts, ns, myworld) = (ret, ts, [NotificationEvent (getDescriptor d) (qw, val):ns], myworld) write` d=:(Parallel sdsX sdsY tfqr tfqw _ tfw) qw val myworld = case write` sdsX qwx valx myworld of (Error msg, ts, _, _, myworld) = (Error msg, ts, [], myworld) (Ok Void, ts1, ns1, inv1, myworld) = case write` sdsY qwy valy myworld of (Error msg, ts, _, _, myworld) = (Error msg, ts, [], myworld) (Ok Void, ts2, ns2, inv2, myworld) = (Ok Void, ts1++ts2, [NotificationEvent (getDescriptor d) (qw, val)):ns1++ns2], myworld) //:: NotificationEvent = E.qr: NotificationEvent SDSID (qr -> Bool) & TC qr :: NotificationEvent = E.qw w: NotificationEvent SDSID (qw, w) & TC qw & TC w notificateAll :: SDSID [NotificationEvent] *MyWorld -> *MyWorld notificateAll eventsource ns myworld = foldl notificate myworld ns where notificate myworld=:{MyWorld|notification} (NotificationEvent sdsid invalidator) = foldl geninv myworld notification where // Skip if ... geninv myworld {target, origin} | target <> sdsid || (target <> origin && origin == eventsource) = myworld geninv myworld {target, handler, request} | target == sdsid = case request of (IAlways) = handler myworld /* (IView (qr :: qr^)) = case invalidator qr of False = myworld True = handler myworld*/ = myworld geninv myworld _ = myworld // TODO: transaction upd :: qr (r -> (qw,w,ret)) (Shared qr qw r w *MyWorld) *MyWorld -> *(MaybeErrorString ret, *MyWorld) upd qr f (Source sds) myworld # (ret, myworld) = qr myworld = case ret of (Error msg) = (Error msg, myworld) (Ok val) # (qw,w,retval) = f val # (ret, myworld) = sds.write qw w myworld // TODO: notification = (fmap (const retval) ret, myworld) class registerForNotification env :: (Shared qr qw r w *env) qr String !*env -> *env | TC qr instance registerForNotification MyWorld where registerForNotification sds qr msg myworld=:{MyWorld|notification} = {MyWorld | myworld & notification = [createRequest origin (IView (dynamic qr)):lowerLayers++notification]} where origin = getDescriptor sds createRequest target invreq = { target = target , origin = origin , request = invreq , handler = println ("Notification: "+++msg) } lowerLayers = [] //createRequest sdsid IAlways \\ sdsid <- tl (collectIds sds)] collectIds :: (Shared qr qw r w *MyWorld) -> [SDSID] collectIds d=:(Source _) = [getDescriptor d] collectIds d=:(Projection sds _) = collectIds sds // collectIds d=:(ComposedRead sds _) = collectIds sds // collectIds d=:(ComposedWrite sds _) = collectIds sds // collectIds d=:(ComposedRW sds _ _) = collectIds sds collectIds d=:(Parallel sdsX sdsY _ _ _ _) = collectIds sdsX++collectIds sdsY //:: T qw w qw` w` = T (qw w -> (qw`, w`)) mapRead :: (qr` -> (qr, r -> r`)) (Shared qr qw r w env) -> (Shared qr` qw r` w env) | TC qr mapRead tf sds = ComposedRead sds tf mapWrite :: (qw` -> (qr, r w` -> (qw, w, InvalidateFun qr))) (Shared qr qw r w env) -> (Shared qr qw` r w` env) mapWrite tf sds = ComposedWrite sds tf mapReadWrite :: (qr` -> (qr, r -> r`), qw` -> (qr`, r` w` -> (qw, w, InvalidateFun qr`))) (Shared qr qw r w env) -> (Shared qr` qw` r` w` env) | TC qr mapReadWrite (tfr, tfw) sds = mapWrite tfw (mapRead tfr sds) //mapReadWrite :: (qr` -> (qr, r -> r`), qw` -> (Maybe qr, (Maybe r) w` -> (qw, w, InvalidateFun qr`))) (Shared qr qw r w env) -> (Shared qr` qw` r` w` env) | TC qr //mapReadWrite (tfr, tfw) sds = ComposedRW sds tfr tfw //project :: (qr` -> (qr, r -> r`)) // Read project :: (Projection qr qw r w qr` qw` r` w`) (Shared qr qw r w env) -> (Shared qr` qw` r` w` env) | TC qr project pr sds = Projection sds pr (>+<) infixl 6 :: (Shared qrx qwx rx wx *env) (Shared qry qwy ry wy *env) -> Shared (qrx,qry) (qwx,qwy) (rx,ry) (wx,wy) *env | TC qrx & TC qry (>+<) sdsX sdsY = Parallel sdsX sdsY id id id id // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :: ListFilter = LF_WholeList | LF_Range Int Int | LF_Highest Int // Should be a _filter_ so "LF_Insert Int" doesn't make sense listView :: (ListFilter -> (Void, [r] -> [r]), ListFilter -> (Maybe Void, (Maybe [r]) [r] -> (Void, [r], InvalidateFun ListFilter))) | Ord r listView = (readv, writev) where readv LF_WholeList = (Void, id) readv (LF_Range s l) = (Void, \as -> take l (drop s as)) readv (LF_Highest n) = (Void, \as -> take n (sortBy (>) as)) writev LF_WholeList = (Nothing, \Nothing val -> (Void, val, const True)) writev (LF_Range s l) = (Just Void, \(Just as) val -> (Void, setRange as val, invalidator val)) where setRange as val | length as < s = as | length as < s+l = take s as ++ val = take s as ++ val ++ drop (s+l) as invalidator _ LF_WholeList = True invalidator val (LF_Range s` l`) | length val <> l = s` >= s || e` >= s = (s` >= s && s` <= e) || (e` >= s && e` <= e) || (s` < s && e` > e) where e = s + l e` = s` + l` writev (LF_Highest n) = (Just Void, writev`) where writev` (Just as) val = (Void, update, invalidator) where (os, rs) = splitAt n (sortBy (\a b -> snd a > snd b) (zip2 [1..] as)) is = take (length (take n val)) (fst (unzip os)) update | length as < n = val # os = zip2 is val # as = sortBy (\a b -> fst a < fst b) (os ++ rs) = snd (unzip as) invalidator _ = True // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- instance fromString Int where fromString str = toInt str stringView = (stringReadView, stringWriteView) stringReadView :: q -> (q, r -> String) | toString r stringReadView q = (q, toString) stringWriteView :: qw -> (Maybe qr, (Maybe r) String -> (qw, w, InvalidateFun qr)) | fromString w stringWriteView q = (Nothing, \Nothing val -> (q, fromString val, const True)) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //Start :: *World -> (*World, String) Start world # myworld = createMyWorld world # (memsds1, myworld) = createMemorySDS simpleRW 10 myworld # myworld = registerForNotification memsds1 Void "memsds1" myworld # (Ok val, myworld) = read memsds1 Void myworld # (_, myworld) = write memsds1 Void 11 myworld # (_, myworld) = write memsds1 Void 12 myworld # (Ok val, myworld) = read memsds1 Void myworld # (arrsds1, myworld) = createMemorySDS listView [1,2,3] myworld # myworld = registerForNotification arrsds1 (LF_Range 0 0) "arrsds1" myworld # (_, myworld) = write arrsds1 (LF_Range 1 1) [] myworld # (_, myworld) = write arrsds1 (LF_Range 0 0) [0] myworld // This trigers notification # (Ok val, myworld) = read arrsds1 (LF_WholeList) myworld # compsds = memsds1 >+< arrsds1 # myworld = registerForNotification compsds (Void,LF_Range 0 0) "compsds" myworld # (Ok val, myworld) = write compsds (Void,LF_Range 2 0) (13,[9]) myworld // # (_, myworld) = write memsds1 Void 11 myworld // # (Ok val, myworld) = read compsds (Void,LF_WholeList) myworld /* # (arrsds1, myworld) = createMemorySDS simpleRW 3 myworld # arrsds2 = mapRead stringReadView arrsds1 # arrsds3 = mapWrite stringWriteView arrsds2 # (_, myworld) = write arrsds3 Void "11" myworld # (arrsds4, myworld) = createMemorySDS simpleRW 4 myworld # arrsds5 = mapReadWrite stringView arrsds4 # (_, myworld) = write arrsds5 Void "6" myworld # (Ok _, myworld) = write (arrsds3 >+< arrsds5) (Void,Void) ("9","7") myworld # (Ok val, myworld) = read (arrsds1 >+< arrsds4) (Void,Void) myworld */ /* # (arrsds2, myworld) = createMemorySDS_new listView [5,8,9,2,11] myworld # (Ok val, myworld) = read arrsds2 (LF_Highest 3) myworld # (_, myworld) = write arrsds2 (LF_Highest 3) [1,4,3] myworld # (Ok val, myworld) = read arrsds2 LF_WholeList myworld */ = (, val)