implementation module PmCleanSystem import StdEnv,StdMisc from Directory import pd_StringToPath,getFileInfo,createDirectory,::Path,::FileInfo{pi_fileInfo},::PI_FileInfo{isDirectory},::DirError(..) import UtilStrictLists from Platform import DirSeparatorString import StdPathname import PmTypes from PmCompilerOptions import ::CompilerOptions(..),::ListTypes(..),instance == ListTypes import PmPath import PmCallBack from PmParse import IsTypeSpec,IsImportError20 :: CompileOrCheckSyntax = SyntaxCheck | Compilation :: CompilePollCompletedResult = NoFinishedCompiler | UnknownFinishedCompiler | FinishedCompiler !Int !Int :: CodeGenerateAsmOrCode = AsmGeneration | CodeGeneration :: CompilingInfo = NoCompiler | CompilerProcess !CompilerProcess :: CompilerProcess = { commands_file_name :: !{#Char}, results_file_name :: !{#Char}, compiler_pid :: !Int, commands_fd :: !Int, results_fd :: !Int } :: CompilerProcessIds :== [CompilerProcess] :: CompilerMsg = CompilerOK | SyntaxError | Patherror Pathname :: WindowFun env :== ([String]) -> env -> env instance == CompileOrCheckSyntax where (==) SyntaxCheck SyntaxCheck = True (==) SyntaxCheck _ = False (==) Compilation Compilation = True (==) Compilation _ = False instance == CodeGenerateAsmOrCode where (==) CodeGeneration CodeGeneration = True (==) AsmGeneration AsmGeneration = True (==) _ _ = False NoCompilerProcessIds :: CompilerProcessIds NoCompilerProcessIds = [] standardStaticLibraries :: !Processor !LinkMethod -> List String standardStaticLibraries _ method = Nil standardObjectFiles :: !Bool !Bool !Processor !Bool -> List String standardObjectFiles stack_traces profiling _ use_64_bit_processor #! startup_file = if stack_traces "_startupTrace.o" (if profiling "_startupProfile.o" "_startup.o") = (startup_file :! "_system.o" :! Nil) getLibs :: ![String] !*Files -> (!(![String],![String]),!*Files) getLibs [] files = (([],[]),files) getLibs libs files = abort "getLibs" InitCompilingInfo :: *CompilingInfo InitCompilingInfo = NoCompiler Compile :: !String !Bool !Bool !(WindowFun *env) !(WindowFun *env) !CompileOrCheckSyntax !ModuleDirAndName !Pathname !(List Pathname) !Bool !Bool !Bool !CompilerOptions !Pathname !CompilerProcessIds !*env -> (!Pathname,!CompilerMsg,!CompilerProcessIds,!*env) | FileEnv env Compile cocl use_compiler_process_ids write_module_times errwin typewin compileOrCheckSyntax mdn path paths projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co=:{CompilerOptions | listTypes} startupdir compiler_process_ids env # (cocl,cocl_dir,options1,options2) = get_path_name_and_options2 cocl startupdir # temp_dir = temp_dir_path startupdir out_file_name = out_file_path temp_dir 0 errors_file_name = errors_file_path temp_dir 0 # cocl_arguments = compiler_arguments out_file_name errors_file_name compileOrCheckSyntax path paths write_module_times projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co cocl_arguments = add_options_string_to_args 0 options2 cocl_arguments cocl_arguments = add_options_string_to_args 0 options1 cocl_arguments # (argv,args_memory) = make_argv [cocl:cocl_arguments] # compiler_pid = fork | compiler_pid<0 = abort "fork failed" | compiler_pid==0 | execv (cocl+++"\0") argv<0 = abort ("execv failed: could not run '" +++ cocl +++ "'") = abort "execution continued after execv" | free args_memory<0 = abort "free failed" # (w_pid,status) = wait_pid compiler_pid 0 | w_pid <> -1 && w_pid<>compiler_pid = abort "waitpid failed" # result = (status bitand 0xff00) >> 8 # wtermsig = status bitand 0x7f | wtermsig<>0 = abort "compiler exited abnormally" # exitcode = if (result==0) 0 1 # dummy_slot = 0 # (path,mess,env) = CompileHandleExitCode exitcode cocl startupdir dummy_slot errwin typewin mdn listTypes env = (path,mess,compiler_process_ids,env) CompilePersistent :: !String !Bool !(WindowFun *env) !(WindowFun *env) !CompileOrCheckSyntax !ModuleDirAndName !(List Pathname) !Bool !Bool !Bool !CompilerOptions !Pathname !*CompilingInfo !*env -> (!*CompilingInfo,!(!*env, !Pathname, !CompilerMsg)) | FileEnv env CompilePersistent cocl write_module_times errwin typewin compileOrCheckSyntax mdn paths projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co=:{CompilerOptions | listTypes} startupdir compiling_info env # (cocl,cocl_dir,options1,options2) = get_path_name_and_options2 cocl startupdir # (compiling_info=:CompilerProcess {commands_fd,results_fd}) = start_compiler_if_not_yet_started cocl compiling_info # temp_dir = temp_dir_path startupdir out_file_name = out_file_path temp_dir 0 errors_file_name = errors_file_path temp_dir 0 # args = makeCompilerOptionsArguments compileOrCheckSyntax write_module_times projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co # args_string = concat_args args+++ " "+++mdn.mdn_name+++ " -P "+++"\""+++concatenate_paths paths+++"\""+++ " -RE "+++"\""+++errors_file_name+++"\""+++ " -RO "+++"\""+++out_file_name+++"\"" # args_string = if (size options2==0) args_string (options2+++" "+++args_string) # args_string = if (size options1==0) args_string (options1+++" "+++args_string) # args_string = "cocl "+++args_string+++"\n" n_chars = size args_string # r = write commands_fd args_string n_chars | r<>n_chars = abort "write_failed" # result_string = createArray 6 '\0' # r = read results_fd result_string 6; | r<=1 = abort ("read failed "+++toString r) # exitcode = parse_result_number 0 result_string # dummy_slot = 0 # (path,mess,env) = CompileHandleExitCode exitcode cocl startupdir dummy_slot errwin typewin mdn listTypes env = (compiling_info,(env,path,mess)) parse_result_number i result_string # c=result_string.[i] | c>='0' && c<='9' = parse_result_number2 (i+1) (toInt c-48) result_string | c=='-' = 0 - parse_result_number (i+1) result_string = abort "parse_result_number failed" where parse_result_number2 i n result_string | i='0' && c<='9' = parse_result_number2 (i+1) (n*10+(toInt c-48)) result_string | c=='\n' = n = abort "parse_result_number2 failed" = abort "parse_result_number2 failed" CompileStartCommand :: !String !Bool !(WindowFun *env) !CompileOrCheckSyntax !Pathname !(List Pathname) !Int !Bool !Bool !Bool !CompilerOptions !Pathname !CompilerProcessIds !*env -> (!Bool,!CompilerProcessIds,!*env) | FileEnv env CompileStartCommand cocl write_module_times errwin compileOrCheckSyntax path paths slot projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co startupdir compiler_process_ids ps # (cocl,cocl_dir,options1,options2) = get_path_name_and_options2 cocl startupdir # ({commands_fd,results_fd},compiler_process_ids) = start_a_compiler_if_not_yet_started cocl slot compiler_process_ids # temp_dir = temp_dir_path startupdir out_file_name = out_file_path temp_dir slot errors_file_name = errors_file_path temp_dir slot # args = makeCompilerOptionsArguments compileOrCheckSyntax write_module_times projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co # args_string = concat_args args+++ " "+++path+++ " -P "+++concatenate_paths paths+++ " -RE "+++errors_file_name+++ " -RO "+++out_file_name # args_string = if (size options2==0) args_string (options2+++" "+++args_string) # args_string = if (size options1==0) args_string (options1+++" "+++args_string) # args_string = "cocl "+++args_string+++"\n" n_chars = size args_string # r = write commands_fd args_string n_chars | r<>n_chars = abort "write_failed" = (True,compiler_process_ids,ps) exit_clean_compiler {compiler_pid,commands_fd,results_fd,commands_file_name,results_file_name} env # args_string = "quit\n" n_chars = size args_string # r = write commands_fd args_string n_chars | r<>n_chars = abort "write_failed" # (w_pid,status) = wait_pid compiler_pid 0 | w_pid <> -1 && w_pid<>compiler_pid = abort "waitpid failed" # result = (status bitand 0xff00) >> 8 # wtermsig = status bitand 0x7f | wtermsig<>0 = abort "compiler exited abnormally" # r=close commands_fd | r==(-1) = abort "close failed" # r=close results_fd | r==(-1) = abort "close failed" | unlink (commands_file_name+++"\0")<>0 = abort "unlink failed" | unlink (results_file_name+++"\0")<>0 = abort "unlink failed" = env ExitCleanCompiler :: !*(!*CompilingInfo,*env) -> *(!*CompilingInfo,*env) ExitCleanCompiler (NoCompiler,env) = (NoCompiler,env) ExitCleanCompiler (CompilerProcess compiler,env) #! env = exit_clean_compiler compiler env = (NoCompiler,env) QuitCleanCompiler :: !Bool !CompilerProcessIds !*World -> *World QuitCleanCompiler async compiler_process_ids world | async = exit_compilers compiler_process_ids world = world where exit_compilers [compiler:compilers] world = exit_compilers compilers (exit_clean_compiler compiler world) exit_compilers [] world = world import StdDebug CodeGen :: !String !Bool !(WindowFun *GeneralSt) !CodeGenerateAsmOrCode !Pathname !Pathname !Bool !CodeGenOptions !Processor !ApplicationOptions !Pathname !CompilerProcessIds !*GeneralSt -> (!Pathname,!Bool,!CompilerProcessIds,!*GeneralSt) CodeGen cgen used_compiler_process_ids wf genAsmOrCode abc_path obj_path timeprofile cgo tp ao startupdir compiler_process_ids ps | not(trace_tn "codegen") = undef # (cgen,cgendir,options) = get_path_name_and_options cgen startupdir # path_without_suffix = RemoveSuffix abc_path # cg_arguments = make_code_generator_arguments genAsmOrCode cgo # temp_dir = temp_dir_path startupdir errors_file_name = errors_file_path temp_dir 0 # stderr_fd = creat (errors_file_name+++"\0") 0777; | stderr_fd== (-1) = abort "creat failed" # (argv,args_memory) = make_argv [cgen : add_options_string_to_args 0 options (cg_arguments++[path_without_suffix])] # code_generator_pid = fork | code_generator_pid<0 = abort "fork failed" | code_generator_pid==0 # r=dup2 stderr_fd 2 | r== (-1) = abort "dup2 failed" | execv (cgen+++"\0") argv<0 = abort ("execv failed: Could not run '" +++ cgen +++ "'") = abort "execution continued after execv" | free args_memory<0 = abort "free failed" # (w_pid,status) = wait_pid code_generator_pid 0 | w_pid <> -1 && w_pid<>code_generator_pid = abort "waitpid failed" # result = (status bitand 0xff00) >> 8 # wtermsig = status bitand 0x7f | wtermsig<>0 = abort "code generator exited abnormally" # r=close stderr_fd | r==(-1) = abort "close failed" # exit_code = if (result==0) 0 1 # ((_, errors_not_empty, error_text),ps) = accFiles (readErrorsAndWarnings errors_file_name) ps ps = if errors_not_empty (wf (StrictListToList error_text) ps) (if (exit_code <> 0) (wf ["Error: Code generator failed for '"+++abc_path+++"' with exit code: "+++toString exit_code,(quoted_string path_without_suffix)] ps) ps ) | exit_code<>0 = (obj_path,exit_code==0,compiler_process_ids,ps) # assembly_path_name = path_without_suffix+++".s" # assembler_path_name = "/usr/bin/as" # (argv,args_memory) = make_argv [assembler_path_name,"-o",obj_path,assembly_path_name] # assembler_pid = fork | assembler_pid<0 = abort "fork failed" | assembler_pid==0 | execv (assembler_path_name+++"\0") argv<0 = abort "execv failed for assembler in function CodeGen" = abort "execution continued after execv" | free args_memory<0 = abort "free failed" # (w_pid,status) = wait_pid assembler_pid 0 | w_pid <> -1 && w_pid<>assembler_pid = abort "waitpid failed" # result = (status bitand 0xff00) >> 8 # wtermsig = status bitand 0x7f | wtermsig<>0 = abort "assembler exited abnormally" | unlink (assembly_path_name+++"\0")<>0 = abort "deleting the assembler file failed" = (obj_path,exit_code==0,compiler_process_ids,ps) :: StartedCodeGenerator = !{ scg_abc_path :: !{#Char}, scg_path_without_suffix :: !{#Char}, scg_std_error_fd :: !Int, scg_errors_file_name :: !{#Char} } start_code_generator :: !String !(WindowFun *GeneralSt) !Pathname !Int !Bool !CodeGenOptions !Processor !Pathname !*GeneralSt -> (!Bool,!Int/*HANDLE*/,!StartedCodeGenerator,!*GeneralSt) start_code_generator cgen wf abc_path slot timeprofile cgo tp startupdir ps # (cgen,cgendir,options) = get_path_name_and_options cgen startupdir # path_without_suffix = RemoveSuffix abc_path # cg_arguments = make_code_generator_arguments CodeGeneration cgo # temp_dir = temp_dir_path startupdir errors_file_name = errors_file_path temp_dir slot # stderr_fd = creat (errors_file_name+++"\0") 0777; | stderr_fd== (-1) = abort "creat failed" # (argv,args_memory) = make_argv [cgen : add_options_string_to_args 0 options (cg_arguments++[path_without_suffix])] # code_generator_pid = fork | code_generator_pid<0 = abort "fork failed" | code_generator_pid==0 # r=dup2 stderr_fd 2 | r== (-1) = abort "dup2 failed" | execv (cgen+++"\0") argv<0 = abort ("execv failed: Could not run '" +++ cgen +++ "'") = abort "execution continued after execv" | free args_memory<0 = abort "free failed" # scg = {scg_abc_path=abc_path,scg_path_without_suffix=path_without_suffix, scg_std_error_fd=stderr_fd,scg_errors_file_name=errors_file_name} = (True,code_generator_pid,scg,ps) wait_for_finished_code_generator :: !{#Int} !*GeneralSt -> (!Int,!Int,!*GeneralSt) wait_for_finished_code_generator process_ids ps # (w_pid,status) = wait_pid -1 0 | w_pid<0 = abort "waitpid failed" # process_n = find_process_id_index 0 w_pid process_ids # result = (status bitand 0xff00) >> 8 # wtermsig = status bitand 0x7f | wtermsig<>0 = abort "code generator exited abnormally" = (process_n,result,ps) where find_process_id_index i w_pid pids | i (!Bool,!*GeneralSt) finish_code_generator process_handle {scg_abc_path,scg_path_without_suffix,scg_std_error_fd,scg_errors_file_name} exit_code wf ps # r=close scg_std_error_fd | r==(-1) = abort "close failed" # ((_, errors_not_empty, error_text),ps) = accFiles (readErrorsAndWarnings scg_errors_file_name) ps ps = if errors_not_empty (wf (StrictListToList error_text) ps) (if (exit_code <> 0) (wf ["Error: Code generator failed for '" +++ scg_abc_path +++ "' with exit code: "+++toString exit_code,(quoted_string scg_path_without_suffix)] ps) ps) = (exit_code==0, ps) Link :: !String !(WindowFun *GeneralSt) !Pathname !ApplicationOptions !Pathname !(List Pathname) !(List Pathname) !(List Pathname) !Bool !Bool !Bool !Bool !String !Bool !String !Pathname !String !Processor !Bool !*GeneralSt -> (!*GeneralSt,!Bool) Link linker winfun path applicationOptions=:{ss,hs,initial_heap_size,profiling,heap_size_multiple,o,memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize=minheap} optionspathname library_file_names object_file_names static_libraries static gen_relocs gen_linkmap link_resources resource_path gen_dll dll_syms startupdir dynlstr _ use_64_bit_processor ps # (linker,linker_dir,opts) = get_path_name_and_options linker startupdir # flags = ApplicationOptionsToFlags applicationOptions optdirpath = RemoveFilename optionspathname ((ok,pd_optdirpath),ps) = pd_StringToPath optdirpath ps | not ok = (winfun ["Linker error: Unable to understand path: "+++optdirpath] ps,False) # ((err,{pi_fileInfo={isDirectory}}),ps) = getFileInfo pd_optdirpath ps (err,ps) = if (case err of DoesntExist -> True; _ -> not isDirectory) (createDirectory pd_optdirpath ps) (err,ps) | case err of NoDirError -> False; _ -> True = (winfun ["Linker error: Unable to access or create: "+++optdirpath] ps,False) # (options_file_ok,ps) = accFiles (write_options_file optionspathname flags hs ss initial_heap_size heap_size_multiple minheap use_64_bit_processor) ps | not options_file_ok = (winfun ["Linker error: Could not write the options object file: "+++optionspathname] ps,False) # object_paths = [optionspathname : StrictListToList (RemoveDup object_file_names)] # ld_args = ["-o",path:object_paths++StrictListToList library_file_names] # ld = "/usr/bin/gcc" # (argv,args_memory) = make_argv [ld,"-s":ld_args] # ld_pid = fork | ld_pid<0 = abort "fork failed" | ld_pid==0 | execv (ld+++"\0") argv<0 = abort ("execv failed: Could not run '" +++ ld +++ "'") = abort "execution continued after execv" | free args_memory<0 = abort "free failed" # (w_pid,status) = wait_pid ld_pid 0 | w_pid <> -1 && w_pid<>ld_pid = abort "waitpid failed" # result = (status bitand 0xff00) >> 8 # wtermsig = status bitand 0x7f | wtermsig<>0 = abort "ld exited abnormally" # link_ok = result>=0 = (ps,link_ok) DelayEventLoop :: !.ps -> .ps DelayEventLoop ps = ps POLLIN :== 1 CompilePollCompleted :: !CompilerProcessIds !*env -> (!CompilePollCompletedResult, !*env) | FileEnv env CompilePollCompleted compiler_process_ids ps # n_processes = length compiler_process_ids fda = createArray (IF_INT_64_OR_32 n_processes (n_processes<<1)) 0 fda = fill_fda compiler_process_ids 0 fda r = poll fda n_processes -1 | r<0 = abort "poll failed" | r==0 = (NoFinishedCompiler,ps) # compiler_id = find_fd_index 0 fda # results_fd = (compiler_process_ids !! compiler_id).results_fd # result_string = createArray 6 '\0' # r = read results_fd result_string 6; | r<=1 = abort ("read failed "+++toString r) # exit_code = parse_result_number 0 result_string = (FinishedCompiler compiler_id exit_code,ps) where fill_fda :: !CompilerProcessIds !Int !*{#Int} -> *{#Int} fill_fda [{results_fd}:process_ids] i fda # fda = IF_INT_64_OR_32 {fda & [i] = results_fd + (POLLIN<<32)} {fda & [i] = results_fd, [i+1] = POLLIN} = fill_fda process_ids (i+(IF_INT_64_OR_32 1 2)) fda fill_fda [] i fda = fda find_fd_index i fda | i> (IF_INT_64_OR_32 48 16)) bitand 0xffff; | r_events==0 = find_fd_index (i+1) fda | r_events==POLLIN = i = abort ("polling file descriptors failed with event"+++toString r_events) O_RDONLY:==0; O_WRONLY:==1; O_RDWR:==2; start_compiler :: !{#Char} -> *CompilerProcess start_compiler compiler_file_name # commands_file_name = "/tmp/comXXXXXX" +++ "\0" // +++ because modified by mkstemp # fd = mkstemp commands_file_name | fd== -1 = abort "mkstemp failed" # r = close fd | r== -1 = abort "close failed" # r = unlink commands_file_name | r== -1 = abort "unlink failed" # r = mkfifo commands_file_name (S_IRUSR bitor S_IWUSR) | r== -1 = abort "mkfifo failed" # results_file_name = "/tmp/resXXXXXX" +++ "\0" // +++ because modified by mkstemp # fd = mkstemp results_file_name | fd== -1 = abort "mkstemp failed" # r = close fd | r== -1 = abort "close failed" # r = unlink results_file_name | r== -1 = abort "unlink failed" # r = mkfifo results_file_name (S_IRUSR bitor S_IWUSR) | r== -1 = abort "mkfifo failed" # cocl_arguments = ["--pipe",commands_file_name,results_file_name] # (argv,args_memory) = make_argv [compiler_file_name:cocl_arguments] # compiler_pid = fork | compiler_pid<0 = abort "fork failed" | compiler_pid==0 | execv (compiler_file_name+++"\0") argv<0 = abort ("execv failed: Could not run '" +++ compiler_file_name +++ "'") = abort "execution continued after execv" | free args_memory<0 = abort "free failed" # commands_fd = open (commands_file_name+++"\0") O_WRONLY 0 | commands_fd == -1 = abort "open failed" # results_fd = open (results_file_name+++"\0") O_RDONLY 0 | results_fd == -1 = abort "open failed" = { commands_file_name=commands_file_name, results_file_name=results_file_name, compiler_pid=compiler_pid, commands_fd=commands_fd, results_fd=results_fd} start_compiler_if_not_yet_started :: !{#Char} !*CompilingInfo -> *CompilingInfo start_compiler_if_not_yet_started compiler_file_name NoCompiler = CompilerProcess (start_compiler compiler_file_name); start_compiler_if_not_yet_started compiler_file_name compiling_info = compiling_info start_a_compiler_if_not_yet_started compiler_file_name slot compiler_process_ids | slot (!Pathname,!CompilerMsg,!*env) | FileEnv env CompileHandleExitCode exitcode cocl startupdir slot errwin typewin mdn listTypes ps # temp_dir = temp_dir_path startupdir out_file_name = out_file_path temp_dir slot errors_file_name = errors_file_path temp_dir slot # ((type_text_not_empty,type_text),ps) = accFiles (readTypesInfo (listTypes<>NoTypes) out_file_name) ps ((errors,errors_and_messages_not_empty,errors_and_messages),ps) = accFiles (readErrorsAndWarnings errors_file_name) ps | exitcode <> 0 && not errors_and_messages_not_empty = ( "" , SyntaxError , errwin [ "Error: Compiler crashed: "+++cocl : (case errors of CompilerOK -> ["Unable to open Errors file"] ; _ -> []) ] ps ) # abcpath = ModuleDirAndNameToABCSystemPathname mdn ps = (if type_text_not_empty (typewin (StrictListToList type_text)) id) ps ps = (if errors_and_messages_not_empty (errwin (StrictListToList errors_and_messages)) id) ps errors = case exitcode of 0 -> CompilerOK _ -> errors = (abcpath,errors,ps) where readTypesInfo :: !Bool !Pathname !*Files -> ((!Bool,!(List String)),!*Files) readTypesInfo readtypes path env | not readtypes = ((False,Nil),env) # (opened,file,env) = fopen path FReadText env | not opened = ((False,Nil),env) # (typelist,types_read,file`) = readTypeMsg file (_,env) = fclose file` env = ((types_read,typelist),env) readTypeMsg :: !*File -> (!List String,!Bool,!*File) readTypeMsg file # (string,file) = freadline file (eof,file) = fend file | eof && IsTypeSpec string = (strip_newlines string :! Nil,True,file) | eof = (Nil,False,file) # (typeslist,types_read,file) = readTypeMsg file = (strip_newlines string :! typeslist,types_read,file) readErrorsAndWarnings :: !Pathname !*Files -> ((!CompilerMsg, !Bool, !(List String)), !*Files) readErrorsAndWarnings path env # (opened,file,env) = fopen path FReadText env | not opened = ((CompilerOK,False,Nil),env) # (errors,errors_and_warnings_read,errlist,file`) = readErrorAndWarningMessages file (_,env) = fclose file` env = ((errors,errors_and_warnings_read,errlist),env) where readErrorAndWarningMessages :: !*File -> (!CompilerMsg,!Bool,!List String,!*File) readErrorAndWarningMessages file #! (string, file1) = freadline file (eof,file2) = fend file1 (is_import_error,path) = IsImportError20 string | eof #! not_empty_or_newline = (size string)<>0 && string.[0]<>'\n' = (if is_import_error (Patherror path) SyntaxError,not_empty_or_newline,strip_newlines string :! Nil,file2) # (path_error,_,errlist,file3) = readErrorAndWarningMessages file2 = (if is_import_error (Patherror path) path_error,True,strip_newlines string:!errlist,file3) strip_newlines :: !{#Char} -> {#Char} strip_newlines s | size s==0 = s # last = dec (size s) char = s.[last] | char == '\n' || char == '\r' = strip_newlines (s % (0,dec last)) = s temp_dir_path startupdir = startupdir +++ DirSeparatorString +++ "Temp" out_file_path temp_dir slot | slot==0 = temp_dir +++ DirSeparatorString +++ "out" = temp_dir +++ DirSeparatorString +++ "out"+++toString slot errors_file_path temp_dir slot | slot==0 = temp_dir +++ DirSeparatorString +++ "errors" = temp_dir +++ DirSeparatorString +++ "errors"+++toString slot get_path_name_and_options2 ccstring startupdir # (ccstring,rem) = splitOptions ccstring (opts,opts`) = splitOptions rem cocl = startupdir +++ "/" +++ ccstring cocldir = RemoveFilename cocl = (cocl,cocldir,opts,opts`) get_path_name_and_options codegen_or_linker startupdir # (codegen_or_linker,opts) = splitOptions codegen_or_linker | size codegen_or_linker>0 && codegen_or_linker.[0]=='/' # codegen_or_linker_dir = RemoveFilename codegen_or_linker = (codegen_or_linker,codegen_or_linker_dir,opts) # codegen_or_linker = startupdir +++ "/" +++ codegen_or_linker # codegen_or_linker_dir = RemoveFilename codegen_or_linker = (codegen_or_linker,codegen_or_linker_dir,opts) splitOptions :: !{#Char} -> (!{#Char},!{#Char}) splitOptions str # len_str = size str first_q = FindQuoteChar str len_str 0 | first_q >= len_str = (str,"") # first_str = str % (0,dec first_q) last_str = str % (first_q+1, len_str) = (first_str,last_str) where FindQuoteChar str len pos = FindChar ':' str len pos; FindChar :: !Char !.String !.Int !Int -> Int; FindChar c line linelen pos | pos >= linelen = pos; | c == line.[pos] = pos; = FindChar c line linelen (pos+1); add_options_string_to_args i s args # first_i = skip_spaces_and_tabs i s | first_i>=size s = args # end_i = skip_to_space_or_tab (i+1) s = [s % (first_i,end_i-1) : add_options_string_to_args end_i s args] where skip_spaces_and_tabs i s | i [String] compiler_arguments out_file_name errors_file_name compileOrCheckSyntax path paths write_module_times projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co # args = makeCompilerOptionsArguments compileOrCheckSyntax write_module_times projectHeapProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic co = args ++ [path,"-P",concatenate_paths paths,"-RE",errors_file_name,"-RO",out_file_name]; concat_args [] = "" concat_args [arg] = arg concat_args [arg:args] = arg+++" "+++concat_args args makeCompilerOptionsArguments :: !CompileOrCheckSyntax !Bool !Bool !Bool !Bool !CompilerOptions -> [String] makeCompilerOptionsArguments compileOrCheckSyntax write_module_times projectMemoryProfiling projectTimeProfiling projectEagerOrDynamic {neverMemoryProfile,neverTimeProfile,sa,gw,gc,listTypes,attr,reuseUniqueNodes,fusion} = write_module_times_arg ++ checksyntax ++ timeProfileSwitch ++ memoryProfileSwitch ++ dynamicLinkSwitch ++ strictness ++ warnings ++ comments ++ listtypes ++ show_attr ++ reuse ++ fusion_arg where write_module_times_arg | write_module_times = ["-wmt"] = [] memoryProfileSwitch | (not neverMemoryProfile && projectMemoryProfiling) || projectEagerOrDynamic = ["-desc"] = [] timeProfileSwitch | not neverTimeProfile && projectTimeProfiling = ["-pt"] = [] dynamicLinkSwitch | projectEagerOrDynamic = ["-exl","-dynamics"] = [] strictness | sa = [] = ["-sa"] warnings | gw = [] = ["-w"] comments | gc = ["-d"] = [] listtypes | listTypes == InferredTypes = ["-lt"] | listTypes == AllTypes = ["-lat"] | listTypes == StrictExportTypes = ["-lset"] = [] show_attr | attr = [] = ["-lattr"] checksyntax | compileOrCheckSyntax == SyntaxCheck = ["-c"] = [] reuse | reuseUniqueNodes = ["-ou"] = [] fusion_arg | fusion = ["-fusion"] = [] make_code_generator_arguments genAsmOrCode {ci,cs} = checkindex++checkstack++genasm where checkindex | ci = ["-ci"]; = [] checkstack | cs = ["-os"]; = [] genasm | genAsmOrCode == AsmGeneration = ["-a"] = [] concatenate_paths :: (List Pathname) -> String concatenate_paths ss # s = createArray (sSize ss) ':' = sUpdate 0 s ss where sSize Nil = 0 sSize (string :! Nil) = size string sSize (string :! rest) = size string + 1 + sSize rest sUpdate i s Nil = s sUpdate i s (string :! Nil) # (_,s) = sU (size string) i 0 s string = s sUpdate i s (string :! rest) # (i,s) = sU (size string) i 0 s string # i = inc i = sUpdate i s rest sU l i j s h | j >= l = (i,s) # s = update s i h.[j] = sU l (inc i) (inc j) s h make_argv argv_list # args_size = argv_length argv_list 0 args_string = create_args_string args_size argv_list args_memory = malloc args_size | args_memory==0 = abort "malloc failed" # args_memory = memcpy_string_to_pointer args_memory args_string args_size argv = create_argv argv_list args_memory = (argv,args_memory) where argv_length [a:as] l = argv_length as (l+((size a+4) bitand -4)) argv_length [] l = l create_args_string args_size argv_list # s = createArray args_size '\0' = copy_args argv_list 0 s where copy_args [a:as] i s # s = copy_chars 0 a i s = copy_args as (i+((size a+4) bitand -4)) s copy_args [] i s = s copy_chars :: !Int !{#Char} !Int !*{#Char} -> *{#Char} copy_chars ai a si s | ai *{#Int} fill_argv arg_n [a:as] argv args_memory # argv = {argv & [arg_n]=args_memory} args_memory = args_memory + ((size a+4) bitand -4) = fill_argv (arg_n+1) as argv args_memory fill_argv arg_n [] argv args_memory = {argv & [arg_n]=0} ApplicationOptionsToFlags :: !ApplicationOptions -> Int ApplicationOptionsToFlags {sgc,pss,marking_collection,set,o,memoryProfiling,write_stderr_to_file} = showgc+printstacksize+showexectime+cons+marking_collection_mask+memory_profiling_mask+write_stderr_to_file_mask where showgc | sgc = 2 = 0 printstacksize | pss = 4 = 0 showexectime | set = 8 = 0 write_stderr_to_file_mask | write_stderr_to_file = 128 = 0 marking_collection_mask | marking_collection = 64 = 0 memory_profiling_mask | memoryProfiling = 32 = 0 cons = case o of BasicValuesOnly -> 1 ShowConstructors -> 0 NoReturnType -> 16 NoConsole -> 16 (FWI) infixl (FWI) f i :== fwritei i f write_options_file :: !{#.Char} !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !.Int !Bool !*Files -> *(!Bool,!*Files) write_options_file options_file_name flags heap_size stack_size initial_heap_size heap_size_multiple min_write_heap_size use_64_bit_processor files # (opened,file,files) = fopen options_file_name FWriteData files | not opened = (False,files) #! file = file FWI 0xfeedfacf FWI 0x01000007 FWI 0x00000003 FWI 0x00000001 FWI 0x00000003 FWI 0x00000150 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000019 FWI 0x000000e8 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000028 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000170 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000028 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000007 FWI 0x00000007 FWI 0x00000002 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x65745f5f FWI 0x00007478 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x45545f5f FWI 0x00005458 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000170 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x80000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x61645f5f FWI 0x00006174 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x41445f5f FWI 0x00004154 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000028 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000170 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000002 FWI 0x00000018 FWI 0x00000198 FWI 0x00000005 FWI 0x000001e8 FWI 0x0000004c FWI 0x0000000b FWI 0x00000050 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000005 FWI 0x00000005 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI flags FWI 0x00000000 FWI initial_heap_size FWI 0x00000000 FWI heap_size FWI 0x00000000 FWI stack_size FWI 0x00000000 FWI heap_size_multiple FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000026 FWI 0x0000020f FWI 0x00000018 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000001 FWI 0x0000020f FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x0000001b FWI 0x0000020f FWI 0x00000010 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000035 FWI 0x0000020f FWI 0x00000020 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x00000008 FWI 0x0000020f FWI 0x00000008 FWI 0x00000000 FWI 0x6c665f00 FWI 0x00736761 FWI 0x696e695f FWI 0x6c616974 FWI 0x6165685f FWI 0x69735f70 FWI 0x5f00657a FWI 0x70616568 FWI 0x7a69735f FWI 0x615f0065 FWI 0x74735f62 FWI 0x5f6b6361 FWI 0x657a6973 FWI 0x65685f00 FWI 0x735f7061 FWI 0x5f657a69 FWI 0x746c756d FWI 0x656c7069 FWI 0x00000000 # (close_ok,files) = fclose file files = (close_ok,files) ClearCompilerCache :: .a ClearCompilerCache = abort "ClearCompilerCache" ClearCompilerCaches :: .a ClearCompilerCaches = abort "ClearCompilerCaches" SendRepeatResult :: .a SendRepeatResult = abort "SendRepeatResult" StartCodeGenerator :: .a StartCodeGenerator = abort "StartCodeGenerator" Execute` :: .a Execute` = abort "Execute`" wait_pid :: !Int !Int -> (!Int,!Int) wait_pid pid options # status_a = createArray 1 0 # w_pid = waitpid pid status_a 0 | w_pid==w_pid # status = status_a.[0] = (w_pid,status) # status = status_a.[0] = (w_pid,status) S_IRUSR:==0x100 S_IWUSR:==0x080 mkstemp :: !{#Char} -> Int; mkstemp temp_file_name = code { ccall mkstemp "s:I" } creat :: !{#Char} !Int -> Int; creat string0 mode = code { ccall creat "sI:I" } open :: !{#Char} !Int !Int -> Int; open path_name flags mode = code { ccall open "sII:I" } write :: !Int !{#Char} !Int -> Int; write fd buffer count = code { ccall write "Isp:p" } read :: !Int !{#Char} !Int -> Int; read fd buffer count = code { ccall read "Isp:p" } close :: !Int -> Int; close fd = code { ccall close "I:I" } unlink :: !{#Char} -> Int; unlink file_name = code { ccall unlink "s:I" } mkfifo :: !{#Char} !Int -> Int; mkfifo name flags = code { ccall mkfifo "sI:I" } dup2 :: !Int !Int -> Int dup2 oldfd newfd = code { ccall dup2 "II:I" } fork :: Int fork = code { ccall fork ":I" } execv :: !{#Char} !{#Int} -> Int execv program argv = code { ccall execv "sA:I" } waitpid :: !Int !{#Int} !Int -> Int waitpid pid status_p options = code { ccall waitpid "IAI:I" } poll :: !{#Int} !Int !Int -> Int; poll fds nfds timeout = code { ccall poll "AII:I" } malloc :: !Int -> Int malloc s = code { ccall malloc "p:p" } free :: !Int -> Int free p = code { ccall free "p:I" } memcpy_string_to_pointer :: !Int !{#Char} !Int -> Int memcpy_string_to_pointer p s n = code { ccall memcpy "psp:p" }