implementation module iTasks.Framework.UIDiff import StdBool, StdClass, StdList, StdEnum, StdMisc, StdTuple, sapldebug import Text, Text.JSON, Data.Map import iTasks.Framework.Util, iTasks.Framework.UIDefinition from iTasks.Framework.Task import :: Event(..), :: EventNo :: DiffResult = DiffImpossible | DiffPossible [UIUpdate] :: UIEditletID :== (String,String) derive gEq UIFSizeOpts, UISizeOpts, UIHSizeOpts, UISide, UISize, UIBound, UISideSizes, UIViewOpts, UISliderOpts, UIProgressOpts, UIButtonOpts derive gEq UIGridOpts, UITreeOpts, UITreeNode, UIMenuButtonOpts, UIMenuItem, UIActionOpts derive gEq UILabelOpts, UIIconOpts derive gEq UIViewport, UIWindow, UIControl, UIItemsOpts, UIWindowOpts, UIFieldSetOpts, UIPanelOpts, UIViewportOpts, UIChoiceOpts, UIEditOpts, UIVAlign, UIHAlign, UIDirection, UITabSetOpts, UITab, UITabOpts derive gEq UIDef, UIContent, UIControlStack, UISubUI, UISubUIStack, UIAction derive gEq UITaskletOpts, UIEditletOpts, UIEmbeddingOpts derive JSONEncode UITreeNode, UIActionOpts, UIFSizeOpts, UISizeOpts, UIHSizeOpts, UISideSizes, UIBound, UISize //TODO Make a good diffViewports function that considers also the other parts of a viewport diffUIDefinitions :: !UIDef !UIDef !Event !UIEditletDiffs -> (![UIUpdate],!UIEditletDiffs) diffUIDefinitions _ def ResetEvent editletDiffs # (updates, editletDiffs) = diffUIDefinitions emptyUI def (RefreshEvent Nothing) editletDiffs = ([UIUpdate [] [("reset",[])]:updates],editletDiffs) diffUIDefinitions {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport iOpts1 opts1),windows=w1} {UIDef|content=UIFinal vp2=:(UIViewport iOpts2 opts2),windows=w2} event editletDiffs = ( diffItems [] event editletDiffs iOpts1.UIItemsOpts.items iOpts2.UIItemsOpts.items ++ diffAllWindows event editletDiffs w1 w2 ++ (case (diffHotkeys (fromMaybe [] opts1.UIViewportOpts.hotkeys) (fromMaybe [] opts2.UIViewportOpts.hotkeys)) of [] = []; ops = [UIUpdate [] ops]) ++ if (opts1.UIViewportOpts.title === opts2.UIViewportOpts.title) [] [UIUpdate [] [("setTitle",[toJSON opts2.UIViewportOpts.title])]] ++ diffMenus [] event editletDiffs , removeEditletDiffs (findEditletsInViewport vp2 ++ findEditletsInWindows w2 []) editletDiffs) removeEditletDiffs removeIds editletDiffs = fromList [(editletId,(value,opts,if (isMember editletId removeIds) [] diffs)) \\ (editletId,(value,opts,diffs)) <- toList editletDiffs] //Compare controls diffControls :: !UIPath !Event !UIEditletDiffs !UIControl !UIControl -> DiffResult diffControls path event editletDiffs c1 c2 # parts = case (c1,c2) of (UIViewString sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewString sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewHtml sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewHtml sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewDocument sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewDocument sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewCheckbox sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewCheckbox sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewSlider sOpts1 vOpts1 opts1, UIViewSlider sOpts2 vOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIViewProgress sOpts1 vOpts1 opts1, UIViewProgress sOpts2 vOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIEditString sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditString sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditNote sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditNote sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditPassword sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditPassword sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditInt sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditInt sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditDecimal sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditDecimal sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditCheckbox sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditCheckbox sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditSlider sOpts1 eOpts1 opts1, UIEditSlider sOpts2 eOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIEditDate sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditDate sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditTime sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditTime sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditDocument sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditDocument sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditButton sOpts1 eOpts1 opts1, UIEditButton sOpts2 eOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIDropdown sOpts1 cOpts1, UIDropdown sOpts2 cOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffChoiceOpts path cOpts1 cOpts2] (UIGrid sOpts1 cOpts1 opts1, UIGrid sOpts2 cOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffChoiceOpts path cOpts1 cOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UITree sOpts1 cOpts1 opts1, UITree sOpts2 cOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffChoiceOpts path cOpts1 cOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIActionButton sOpts1 aOpts1 opts1, UIActionButton sOpts2 aOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffActionOpts path aOpts1 aOpts2,diffButtonOpts path opts1 opts2] (UIMenuButton sOpts1 opts1, UIMenuButton sOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UILabel sOpts1 opts1, UILabel sOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIIcon sOpts1 opts1, UIIcon sOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffIconOpts path opts1 opts2] // Check their instance id. Different: replace, Equals: update (mostly taskId) (UITasklet sOpts1 opts1, UITasklet sOpts2 opts2) | opts1.UITaskletOpts.taskId == opts2.UITaskletOpts.taskId = [] = [DiffImpossible] // Editlets have custom diff functions which are passed in separately (UIEditlet sOpts1 opts1, UIEditlet sOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2, diffEditletOpts path editletDiffs opts1 opts2] (UIContainer sOpts1 iOpts1, UIContainer sOpts2 iOpts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffItemsOpts path event editletDiffs iOpts1 iOpts2] (UIPanel sOpts1 iOpts1 opts1, UIPanel sOpts2 iOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffItemsOpts path event editletDiffs iOpts1 iOpts2, diffPanelOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2] (UIFieldSet sOpts1 iOpts1 opts1, UIFieldSet sOpts2 iOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2,diffItemsOpts path event editletDiffs iOpts1 iOpts2, diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UITabSet sOpts1 opts1, UITabSet sOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2, diffTabSetOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2] (UIEmbedding sOpts1 opts1, UIEmbedding sOpts2 opts2) = [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2, diffOpts opts1 opts2] (_,_) = [DiffImpossible] = DiffPossible (replaceControlIfImpossible path c2 parts) //As a first step, only do diffs for value changes, all other diffs trigger replacements... diffViewOpts :: UIPath (UIViewOpts a) (UIViewOpts a) -> DiffResult | gEq{|*|} a & encodeUIValue a diffViewOpts path opts1 opts2 | opts1 === opts2 = DiffPossible [] = DiffPossible [UIUpdate path [("setValue",[encodeUIValue opts2.UIViewOpts.value])]] diffEditOpts :: UIPath Event UIEditOpts UIEditOpts -> DiffResult diffEditOpts path event opts1 opts2 | isEmpty taskIdUpd && isEmpty editorIdUpd = DiffPossible (flatten [taskIdUpd,editorIdUpd,valueUpd]) | otherwise = DiffImpossible where taskIdUpd = if (opts1.UIEditOpts.taskId == opts2.UIEditOpts.taskId) [] [UIUpdate path [("setTaskId",[toJSON opts2.UIEditOpts.taskId])]] editorIdUpd = if (opts1.UIEditOpts.editorId == opts2.UIEditOpts.editorId) [] [UIUpdate path [("setEditorId",[toJSON opts2.UIEditOpts.editorId])]] valueUpd | eventMatch opts2 event = if (eventValue event === opts2.UIEditOpts.value) [] [UIUpdate path [("setEditorValue",[toJSON opts2.UIEditOpts.value])]] | otherwise = if (opts1.UIEditOpts.value === opts2.UIEditOpts.value) [] [UIUpdate path [("setEditorValue",[toJSON opts2.UIEditOpts.value])]] eventMatch {UIEditOpts|taskId,editorId} (EditEvent _ matchTask matchEditor _) = (taskId == toString matchTask) && (editorId == matchEditor) eventMatch _ _ = False eventValue (EditEvent _ _ _ value) = Just value diffEditletOpts :: UIPath UIEditletDiffs UIEditletOpts UIEditletOpts -> DiffResult diffEditletOpts path editletDiffs opts1 opts2 | opts1.UIEditletOpts.value === opts2.UIEditletOpts.value = DiffPossible [] //Check if we have a local diff function for this editor... | opts1.UIEditletOpts.taskId == opts2.UIEditletOpts.taskId && opts1.UIEditletOpts.editorId == opts2.UIEditletOpts.editorId = case get (opts2.UIEditletOpts.taskId,opts2.UIEditletOpts.editorId) editletDiffs of Just (_,_,[]) = DiffPossible [] Just (_,_,diffs) = DiffPossible [UIUpdate path [("applyDiff",[JSONString diff,JSONString script]) \\ (diff,script) <- diffs]] _ = DiffImpossible | otherwise = DiffImpossible diffChoiceOpts :: UIPath (UIChoiceOpts a) (UIChoiceOpts a) -> DiffResult | gEq{|*|} a & JSONEncode{|*|} a diffChoiceOpts path opts1 opts2 | opts1.UIChoiceOpts.taskId <> opts2.UIChoiceOpts.taskId = DiffImpossible | opts1.UIChoiceOpts.editorId <> opts2.UIChoiceOpts.editorId = DiffImpossible | opts1.UIChoiceOpts.options =!= opts2.UIChoiceOpts.options = DiffImpossible = DiffPossible valueDiff //(valueDiff ++ optionDiff) where valueDiff = if (opts1.UIChoiceOpts.value === opts2.UIChoiceOpts.value) [] [UIUpdate path [("setValue",[toJSON opts2.UIChoiceOpts.value,JSONBool True])]] optionDiff = if (opts1.UIChoiceOpts.options === opts2.UIChoiceOpts.options) [] [UIUpdate path [("setOptions",[toJSON opts2.UIChoiceOpts.options])]] diffActionOpts :: UIPath UIActionOpts UIActionOpts -> DiffResult diffActionOpts path opts1 opts2 = DiffPossible (flatten [taskIdUpd,actionIdUpd]) where taskIdUpd = if (opts1.UIActionOpts.taskId == opts2.UIActionOpts.taskId) [] [UIUpdate path [("setTaskId",[toJSON opts2.UIActionOpts.taskId])]] actionIdUpd = if (opts1.UIActionOpts.actionId == opts2.UIActionOpts.actionId) [] [UIUpdate path [("setActionId",[toJSON opts2.UIActionOpts.actionId])]] diffItemsOpts :: UIPath !Event UIEditletDiffs UIItemsOpts UIItemsOpts -> DiffResult diffItemsOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2 | opts1.UIItemsOpts.direction =!= opts2.UIItemsOpts.direction = DiffImpossible | opts1.UIItemsOpts.halign =!= opts2.UIItemsOpts.halign = DiffImpossible | opts1.UIItemsOpts.valign =!= opts2.UIItemsOpts.valign = DiffImpossible | opts1.UIItemsOpts.padding =!= opts2.UIItemsOpts.padding = DiffImpossible | opts1.UIItemsOpts.baseCls =!= opts2.UIItemsOpts.baseCls = DiffImpossible | opts1.UIItemsOpts.bodyCls =!= opts2.UIItemsOpts.bodyCls = DiffImpossible | otherwise = DiffPossible (diffItems path event editletDiffs opts1.UIItemsOpts.items opts2.UIItemsOpts.items) diffTabSetOpts :: UIPath !Event UIEditletDiffs UITabSetOpts UITabSetOpts -> DiffResult diffTabSetOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2 # (tabUpdates,replacedTabs) = diffTabItemsSet path event editletDiffs opts1.UITabSetOpts.items opts2.UITabSetOpts.items = DiffPossible (tabUpdates ++ activeTabUpd replacedTabs) where activeTabUpd replacedTabs | opts1.UITabSetOpts.activeTab =!= opts2.UITabSetOpts.activeTab || maybe False (\i -> isMember i replacedTabs) opts2.UITabSetOpts.activeTab = [UIUpdate path [("setActiveTab",[toJSON opts2.UITabSetOpts.activeTab,JSONBool True])]] = [] diffOpts :: a a -> DiffResult | gEq{|*|} a //Very crude, but always working fallback diff diffOpts opts1 opts2 | opts1 === opts2 = DiffPossible [] = DiffImpossible //Let the client figure out the update if there are differences selfUpdate :: UIPath UIControl UIControl -> DiffResult selfUpdate path c1 c2 | c1 === c2 = DiffPossible [] = DiffPossible [UIUpdate path [("selfUpdate",[encodeUIControl c2])]] //Group multiple operations in a single component update diffMultiProperties :: UIPath [[UIUpdateOperation]] -> [UIUpdate] diffMultiProperties path ops = case flatten ops of [] = [] ops = [UIUpdate path ops] //Specialized diffs for the control specific options diffPanelOpts :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs UIPanelOpts UIPanelOpts -> DiffResult diffPanelOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2 | impossible = DiffImpossible = case flatten [titleUpd,hotkeyUpd] of [] = DiffPossible [] ops = DiffPossible [UIUpdate path ops] where impossible = opts1.UIPanelOpts.frame <> opts2.UIPanelOpts.frame || opts1.UIPanelOpts.iconCls <> opts2.UIPanelOpts.iconCls titleUpd = if (opts1.UIPanelOpts.title == opts2.UIPanelOpts.title) [] [("setTitle",[toJSON opts2.UIPanelOpts.title])] hotkeyUpd = diffHotkeys (fromMaybe [] opts1.UIPanelOpts.hotkeys) (fromMaybe [] opts2.UIPanelOpts.hotkeys) diffWindowOpts :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs UIWindowOpts UIWindowOpts -> DiffResult diffWindowOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2 | impossible = DiffImpossible = case flatten [titleUpd,hotkeyUpd] of [] = DiffPossible menusUpd ops = DiffPossible [UIUpdate path ops:menusUpd] where impossible = opts1.UIWindowOpts.focusTaskId =!= opts2.UIWindowOpts.focusTaskId //TODO Make more possible on client || opts1.UIWindowOpts.closeTaskId =!= opts2.UIWindowOpts.closeTaskId || opts1.UIWindowOpts.iconCls =!= opts2.UIWindowOpts.iconCls titleUpd = if (opts1.UIWindowOpts.title == opts2.UIWindowOpts.title) [] [("setTitle",[toJSON opts2.UIWindowOpts.title])] hotkeyUpd = diffHotkeys (fromMaybe [] opts1.UIWindowOpts.hotkeys) (fromMaybe [] opts2.UIWindowOpts.hotkeys) menusUpd = diffMenus path event editletDiffs diffButtonOpts :: UIPath UIButtonOpts UIButtonOpts -> DiffResult diffButtonOpts path b1 b2 = DiffPossible (diffMultiProperties path [textUpd,iconUpd,enabledUpd]) where textUpd = if (b1.UIButtonOpts.text === b2.UIButtonOpts.text) [] [("setText",[toJSON b2.UIButtonOpts.text])] iconUpd = if (b1.UIButtonOpts.iconCls === b2.UIButtonOpts.iconCls) [] [("setIconCls",[toJSON b2.UIButtonOpts.iconCls])] enabledUpd = if (b1.UIButtonOpts.disabled === b2.UIButtonOpts.disabled) [] [("setDisabled",[toJSON b2.UIButtonOpts.disabled])] diffIconOpts :: UIPath UIIconOpts UIIconOpts -> DiffResult diffIconOpts path i1 i2 = DiffPossible (diffMultiProperties path [iconUpd,tooltipUpd]) where iconUpd = if (i1.UIIconOpts.iconCls === i2.UIIconOpts.iconCls) [] [("setIconCls",[toJSON i2.UIIconOpts.iconCls])] tooltipUpd = if (i1.UIIconOpts.tooltip === i2.UIIconOpts.tooltip) [] [("setTooltip",[toJSON i2.UIIconOpts.tooltip])] diffTabOpts :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs UITabOpts UITabOpts -> DiffResult diffTabOpts path event editletDiffs t1 t2 | (isJust t1.UITabOpts.closeTaskId && isNothing t2.UITabOpts.closeTaskId) //We cannot make a non-closable tab closable or vice-versa || (isNothing t1.UITabOpts.closeTaskId && isJust t2.UITabOpts.closeTaskId) = DiffImpossible | otherwise = DiffPossible ((diffMultiProperties path [titleUpd,focusUpd,closeUpd,iconUpd,hotkeyUpd]) ++ menusUpd) where titleUpd = if (t1.UITabOpts.title === t2.UITabOpts.title) [] [("setTitle",[toJSON t2.UITabOpts.title])] focusUpd = if (t1.UITabOpts.focusTaskId === t2.UITabOpts.focusTaskId) [] [("setFocusTaskId",[toJSON t2.UITabOpts.focusTaskId])] closeUpd = if (t1.UITabOpts.closeTaskId === t2.UITabOpts.closeTaskId) [] [("setCloseTaskId",[toJSON t2.UITabOpts.closeTaskId])] iconUpd = if (t1.UITabOpts.iconCls === t2.UITabOpts.iconCls) [] [("setIconCls",[toJSON t2.UITabOpts.iconCls])] menusUpd = diffMenus path event editletDiffs hotkeyUpd = diffHotkeys (fromMaybe [] t1.UITabOpts.hotkeys) (fromMaybe [] t2.UITabOpts.hotkeys) diffItems :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs [UIControl] [UIControl] -> [UIUpdate] diffItems path event editletDiffs items1 items2 = diff path event 0 items1 items2 where diff path event i [] [] = [] diff path event i items1 [] //Less items in new than old (remove starting with the last item) = [UIUpdate path [("remove",[toJSON n])] \\ n <- reverse [i.. i + length items1 - 1 ]] diff path event i [] items2 //More items in new than old = [UIUpdate path [("add",[toJSON n,encodeUIControl def])] \\ n <- [i..] & def <- items2] diff path event i [c1:c1s] [c2:c2s] //Compare side by side = replaceControlIfImpossible [ItemStep i:path] c2 [diffControls [ItemStep i:path] event editletDiffs c1 c2] ++ diff path event (i + 1) c1s c2s diffTabItemsSet :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs [UITab] [UITab] -> ([UIUpdate],[Int]) diffTabItemsSet path event editletDiffs items1 items2 = diff path event 0 items1 items2 where diff path event i [] [] = ([],[]) diff path event i items1 [] = ([UIUpdate path [("remove",[toJSON n])] \\ n <- reverse [i.. i + length items1 - 1 ]], []) diff path event i [] items2 //More items in new than old = ([UIUpdate path [("add",[toJSON n,encodeUITab def])] \\ n <- [i..] & def <- items2], []) diff path event i [c1:c1s] [c2:c2s] //Compare side by side # (tabUpdates,replaced) = diffTabs [ItemStep i:path] event editletDiffs c1 c2 # (restUpdates,replacedTabs) = diff path event (i + 1) c1s c2s = (tabUpdates ++ restUpdates,replacedTabs ++ if replaced [i] []) diffTabs :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs UITab UITab -> ([UIUpdate],Bool) diffTabs path event editletDiffs t1=:(UITab iOpts1 opts1) t2=:(UITab iOpts2 opts2) # parts = [diffItemsOpts path event editletDiffs iOpts1 iOpts2, diffTabOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2] | allDiffsPossible parts = (flatten [d \\ DiffPossible d <- parts],False) | otherwise = ([UIUpdate parentPath [("replace",[toJSON parentIndex,encodeUITab t2])]],True) where [ItemStep parentIndex:parentPath] = path diffAllWindows :: Event UIEditletDiffs [UIWindow] [UIWindow] -> [UIUpdate] diffAllWindows event editletDiffs windows1 windows2 = diff event 0 windows1 windows2 where diff event i [] [] = [] diff event i windows1 [] //Less windows = [UIUpdate [] [("removeWindow",[toJSON n])] \\ n <- reverse [i.. i + length windows1 - 1 ]] diff event i [] windows2 //More windows = [UIUpdate [] [("addWindow",[toJSON n,encodeUIWindow def])] \\ n <- [i..] & def <- windows2] diff event i [w1:w1s] [w2:w2s] //Compare side by side (TODO: Make more granular) = diffWindows [WindowStep i] event editletDiffs w1 w2 ++ diff event (i + 1) w1s w2s diffWindows :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs UIWindow UIWindow -> [UIUpdate] diffWindows path event editletDiffs w1=:(UIWindow sOpts1 iOpts1 opts1) w2=:(UIWindow sOpts2 iOpts2 opts2) = replaceWindowIfImpossible path w2 [diffOpts sOpts1 sOpts2 ,diffItemsOpts path event editletDiffs iOpts1 iOpts2 ,diffWindowOpts path event editletDiffs opts1 opts2] diffHotkeys :: [UIKeyAction] [UIKeyAction] -> [UIUpdateOperation] diffHotkeys keys1 keys2 = if (keys1 === keys2) [] [("setHotkeys",[toJSON keys2])] diffMenus :: UIPath Event UIEditletDiffs (Maybe [UIControl]) (Maybe [UIControl]) -> [UIUpdate] diffMenus path event editletDiffs Nothing Nothing = [] diffMenus path event editletDiffs (Just menu1) (Just menu2) = diffItems [MenuStep:path] event editletDiffs menu1 menu2 diffMenus path event editletDiffs Nothing (Just menu2) = [UIUpdate path [("addMenu",[JSONArray (map encodeUIControl menu2)])]] diffMenus path event editletDiffs (Just _) Nothing = [UIUpdate path [("removeMenu",[])]] //Try to diff a control in parts. If one of the parts is impossible, then return a full replace instruction replaceControlIfImpossible :: UIPath UIControl [DiffResult] -> [UIUpdate] replaceControlIfImpossible path fallback parts | allDiffsPossible parts = flatten [d \\DiffPossible d <- parts] = [UIUpdate parentPath [("remove",[toJSON parentIndex]) ,("add",[toJSON parentIndex,encodeUIControl fallback])]] where [ItemStep parentIndex:parentPath] = path replaceWindowIfImpossible :: UIPath UIWindow [DiffResult] -> [UIUpdate] replaceWindowIfImpossible path fallback parts | allDiffsPossible parts = flatten [d \\ DiffPossible d <- parts] = [UIUpdate [] [("removeWindow",[toJSON windowIndex]) ,("addWindow",[toJSON windowIndex,encodeUIWindow fallback])]] where [WindowStep windowIndex:_] = path allDiffsPossible :: [DiffResult] -> Bool allDiffsPossible [] = True allDiffsPossible [DiffImpossible:_] = False allDiffsPossible [(DiffPossible _):ps] = allDiffsPossible ps //Collect all editlet definitions findEditletsInViewport :: UIViewport -> [UIEditletID] findEditletsInViewport (UIViewport {UIItemsOpts|items} _) =findEditletsInItems items [] findEditletsInWindows :: [UIWindow] [UIEditletID] -> [UIEditletID] findEditletsInWindows windows acc = foldr findEditletsInWindow acc windows findEditletsInWindow :: UIWindow [UIEditletID] -> [UIEditletID] findEditletsInWindow (UIWindow _ {UIItemsOpts|items} _) acc = findEditletsInItems items acc findEditletsInItems :: [UIControl] [UIEditletID] -> [UIEditletID] findEditletsInItems controls acc = foldr findEditletsInControl acc controls findEditletsInControl :: UIControl [UIEditletID] -> [UIEditletID] findEditletsInControl (UIEditlet _ {UIEditletOpts|taskId,editorId}) acc = [(taskId,editorId):acc] findEditletsInControl (UIContainer _ {UIItemsOpts|items}) acc = findEditletsInItems items acc findEditletsInControl (UIPanel _ {UIItemsOpts|items} _) acc = findEditletsInItems items acc findEditletsInControl (UIFieldSet _ {UIItemsOpts|items} _) acc = findEditletsInItems items acc findEditletsInControl (UITabSet _ {UITabSetOpts|items}) acc = foldr findEditletsInTab acc items findEditletsInControl _ acc = acc findEditletsInTab :: UITab [UIEditletID] -> [UIEditletID] findEditletsInTab (UITab {UIItemsOpts|items} _) acc = findEditletsInItems items acc encodeUIUpdates :: ![UIUpdate] -> JSONNode encodeUIUpdates updates = JSONArray (map encodeUIUpdate updates) encodeUIUpdate :: !UIUpdate -> JSONNode encodeUIUpdate (UIUpdate path operations) = JSONObject [("path",encodeUIPath path) ,("operations", JSONArray [JSONObject [("method",JSONString method),("arguments",JSONArray arguments)] \\ (method,arguments) <- operations])] encodeUIPath :: UIPath -> JSONNode encodeUIPath path = JSONArray (enc (reverse path)) where enc [] = [] enc [ItemStep i:ss] = [JSONInt i:enc ss] enc [MenuStep:ss] = [JSONString "m":enc ss] enc [WindowStep i:ss] = [JSONString "w",JSONInt i:enc ss]