definition module iTasks.Framework.IWorld from System.FilePath import :: FilePath from Data.Void import :: Void from Data.Map import :: Map from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe from Data.Set import :: Set from StdFile import class FileSystem from System.Time import :: Timestamp from Text.JSON import :: JSONNode from iTasks.API.Core.Types import :: Date, :: Time, :: DateTime, :: User, :: Config, :: InstanceNo, :: TaskNo, :: TaskId, :: TaskListItem, :: ParallelTaskType, :: TaskTime, :: SessionId from iTasks.Framework.UIDefinition import :: UIDef, :: UIControl, :: UIEditletOpts from iTasks.Framework.UIDiff import :: UIUpdate, :: UIEditletDiffs from iTasks.Framework.TaskState import :: TaskListEntry, :: TIMeta from iTasks.Framework.Task import :: TaskValue, :: ConnectionTask, :: BackgroundTask from iTasks.Framework.SDS import :: SDSNotifyRequest, :: BasicShareId from iTasks.Framework.SDS import :: RWShared, :: ReadWriteShared, :: Shared from Sapl.Linker.LazyLinker import :: LoaderState from Sapl.Linker.SaplLinkerShared import :: LineType, :: FuncTypeMap from Sapl.Target.Flavour import :: Flavour from Sapl.SaplParser import :: ParserState from TCPIP import :: TCP_Listener, :: TCP_Listener_, :: TCP_RChannel_, :: TCP_SChannel_, :: TCP_DuplexChannel, :: DuplexChannel, :: IPAddress, :: ByteSeq :: *IWorld = { server :: !ServerInfo // Static server info, initialized at startup , config :: !Config // Server configuration , clocks :: !SystemClocks // Server side clocks , current :: !TaskEvalState // Shared state during task evaluation , random :: [Int] // Infinite random stream , sdsNotifyRequests :: ![SDSNotifyRequest] // Notification requests from previously read sds's , exposedShares :: !Map String (Dynamic, Shared JSONNode) // Shared source , jsCompilerState :: (!LoaderState // State of the lazy loader ,!FuncTypeMap // Function name -> source code mapping ,!Flavour // Clean flavour for JS compilation ,!Maybe ParserState // Some information collected by the parser for the code generator ,!Map InstanceNo (Set String)) // Per client information of the names of the already generated functions , ti :: ![TIMeta] // Task instance table , nextInstanceNo :: !InstanceNo // Next task instance number , refreshQueue :: ![InstanceNo] // Instances that need refreshing , uiUpdates :: !Map InstanceNo [UIUpdate] // (Instance output) , io :: !*IOTasks // The low-level input/output tasks , ioValues :: !Map TaskId IOTaskValue // Task values of low-level tasks, indexed by the high-level taskid that it is linked to , world :: !*World // The outside world //Experimental database connection cache , resources :: !*(Maybe *Resource) , onClient :: !Bool // "False" on the server, "True" on the client , shutdown :: !Bool // Flag that signals the server function to shut down } :: ServerInfo = { serverName :: !String // The name of the server application , serverURL :: !String // URL of the server like "//" , buildID :: !String // The date/time identifier of the server's build , paths :: !SystemPaths // Filesystem paths that are used by iTasks , customCSS :: !Bool // Does the application use a custom css stylesheet } :: SystemPaths = { appDirectory :: !FilePath // Location of the application's executable , dataDirectory :: !FilePath // Location of the applications data files , sdkDirectory :: !FilePath // Location of the iTasks SDK , publicWebDirectories :: ![FilePath] // List of directories that contain files that are served publicly by the iTask webserver } :: SystemClocks = { localDate :: !Date , localTime :: !Time , utcDate :: !Date , utcTime :: !Time } :: TaskEvalState = { timestamp :: !Timestamp // The timestamp of the current request , taskTime :: !TaskTime // The 'virtual' time for the task. Increments at every event , taskInstance :: !InstanceNo // The current evaluated task instance , sessionInstance :: !Maybe InstanceNo // If we are evaluating a task in response to an event from a session , attachmentChain :: ![TaskId] // The current way the evaluated task instance is attached to other instances , nextTaskNo :: !TaskNo // The next task number to assign , user :: !User // The current user , localShares :: !Map TaskId JSONNode // The set of locally shared values , localLists :: !Map TaskId [TaskListEntry] // The set of local parallel task lists , localTasks :: !Map TaskId Dynamic // The set of local parallel tasks , eventRoute :: !Map TaskId Int // Index of parallel branches the event is targeted at , readShares :: ![String] // The IDs of shares from which was read , editletDiffs :: !UIEditletDiffs // Diffs of editlets } :: *IOTasks = { done :: !*[IOTaskInstance] , todo :: !*[IOTaskInstance] } :: *IOTaskInstance = ListenerInstance !Int !*TCP_Listener !ConnectionTask | ConnectionInstance !IPAddress !*TCP_DuplexChannel !ConnectionTask !Dynamic | BackgroundInstance !BackgroundTask :: IOTaskValue = IOValue !Dynamic !Bool | IOException !String :: *Resource = Resource | .. //Extensible resource type for caching database connections etc... //Internally used clock shares iworldLocalDate :: Shared Date iworldLocalTime :: Shared Time iworldUTCDate :: Shared Date iworldUTCTime :: Shared Time //Update the clock shares updateClocks :: !*IWorld -> *IWorld getResponseExpiry :: !InstanceNo !*IWorld -> (!Maybe Int, !*IWorld) addUIUpdates :: !InstanceNo ![UIUpdate] !*IWorld -> *IWorld popUIUpdates :: ![InstanceNo] !*IWorld -> (![(!InstanceNo,![UIUpdate])],!*IWorld) clearUIUpdates :: !InstanceNo !*IWorld -> *IWorld instance FileSystem IWorld