implementation module iTasks.API.Extensions.GIS.Leaflet import iTasks import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Editlet import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Map import StdMisc, Data.Tuple from StdArray import class Array(uselect), instance Array {} a LEAFLET_JS :== "leaflet-0.7.2/leaflet.js" LEAFLET_CSS :== "leaflet-0.7.2/leaflet.css" :: LeafletClientState = {mapObj :: !JSObj JSLM ,mapLayers :: !JSArr (JSObject JSLM) ,mapIcons :: !JSArr (JSObject JSLM) ,mapCursor :: !Maybe (JSObj JSLM) ,mapObjects :: !JSMap Int (JSArr JSLM) } :: IconOptions = { iconUrl :: !String , iconSize :: ![Int] } :: MapOptions = { attributionControl :: !Bool , zoomControl :: !Bool } :: CursorOptions = { color :: !String , opacity :: !Real , radius :: !Int } CURSOR_OPTIONS :== {color = "#00f", opacity = 1.0, radius = 3} MAP_OPTIONS :== {attributionControl = False, zoomControl = True} :: LeafletDiff //Perspective = LDSetZoom !Int | LDSetCenter !LeafletLatLng | LDSetCursor !(Maybe LeafletLatLng) | LDSetBounds !(Maybe LeafletBounds) //Icons | LDAddIcons ![LeafletIcon] | LDUpdateIcon !Int LeafletIcon | LDRemoveIcons !Int //Layers | LDAddLayers ![LeafletLayer] | LDUpdateLayer !Int LeafletLayer | LDRemoveLayers !Int //Individual objects | LDAddObjects !Int ![LeafletObject] | LDUpdateObject !Int !Int !LeafletObject | LDRemoveObjects !Int !Int genDiff :: LeafletMap LeafletMap -> Maybe [LeafletDiff] genDiff m1 m2 = case diffs of [] = Nothing ; _ = Just diffs where diffs = diffPerspectives m1.perspective m2.perspective ++ diffIcons 0 m1.icons m2.icons ++ diffLayers 0 m1.layers m2.layers diffPerspectives p1 p2 = if (p1.zoom === p2.zoom) [] [LDSetZoom p2.zoom] ++ if ( === [] [LDSetCenter] ++ if (p1.cursor === p2.cursor) [] [LDSetCursor p2.cursor] ++ if (p1.bounds === p2.bounds) [] [LDSetBounds p2.bounds] diffIcons i [] [] = [] diffIcons i [] i2 = [LDAddIcons i2] diffIcons i i1 [] = [LDRemoveIcons i] diffIcons i [i1:is1] [i2:is2] | i1 === i2 = diffIcons (inc i) is1 is2 = [LDUpdateIcon i i2:diffIcons (inc i) is1 is2] diffLayers i [] [] = [] diffLayers i [] l2 = [LDAddLayers l2] diffLayers i l1 [] = [LDRemoveIcons i] diffLayers i [TileLayer url1:ls1] [TileLayer url2:ls2] | url1 == url2 = diffLayers (inc i) ls1 ls2 = [LDUpdateLayer i (TileLayer url2):diffLayers (inc i) ls1 ls2] diffLayers i [ObjectLayer obj1:ls1] [ObjectLayer obj2:ls2] = diffObjects i 0 obj1 obj2 ++ diffLayers (inc i) ls1 ls2 diffLayers i [l1:ls1] [l2:ls2] = [LDUpdateLayer i l2:diffLayers (inc i) ls1 ls2] diffObjects l i [] [] = [] diffObjects l i [] o2 = [LDAddObjects l o2] diffObjects l i o1 [] = [LDRemoveObjects l i] diffObjects l i [o1:os1] [o2:os2] | o1 === o2 = diffObjects l (inc i) os1 os2 = [LDUpdateObject l i o2:diffObjects l (inc i) os1 os2] appDiff :: [LeafletDiff] LeafletMap -> LeafletMap appDiff [] m = m appDiff [LDSetZoom zoom:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & perspective = {m.perspective & zoom = zoom}} appDiff [LDSetCenter center:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & perspective = {m.perspective & center = center}} appDiff [LDSetCursor cursor:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & perspective = {m.perspective & cursor = cursor}} appDiff [LDSetBounds bounds:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & perspective = {m.perspective & bounds = bounds}} appDiff [LDAddIcons icons:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & icons = m.icons ++ icons} appDiff [LDRemoveIcons n:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & icons = take n m.icons} appDiff [LDUpdateIcon i icon:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & icons = updateAt i icon m.icons} appDiff [LDAddLayers layers:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & layers = m.layers ++ layers} appDiff [LDRemoveLayers n:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & layers = take n m.layers} appDiff [LDUpdateLayer i layer:ds] m = appDiff ds {m & layers = updateAt i layer m.layers} appDiff [LDAddObjects l objects:ds] m = let (ObjectLayer o) = m.layers !! l in appDiff ds {m & layers = updateAt l (ObjectLayer (o++objects)) m.layers} appDiff [LDRemoveObjects l n:ds] m = let (ObjectLayer o) = m.layers !! l in appDiff ds {m & layers = updateAt l (ObjectLayer (take n o)) m.layers} appDiff [LDUpdateObject l i object:ds] m = let (ObjectLayer o) = m.layers !! l in appDiff ds {m & layers = updateAt l (ObjectLayer (updateAt i object o)) m.layers} appDiff _ m = m openStreetMapTiles :: LeafletLayer openStreetMapTiles = TileLayer "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" leafletEditlet :: LeafletMap -> Editlet LeafletMap [LeafletDiff] leafletEditlet map = Editlet map { EditletServerDef | genUI = \cid world -> (uiDef cid, world) , defVal = gDefault{|*|} , genDiff = genDiff , appDiff = appDiff } { EditletClientDef | updateUI = onUpdate , defVal = (gDefault{|*|},Nothing) , genDiff = \(v1,_) (v2,_) -> genDiff v1 v2 , appDiff = \diff (map,st) -> (appDiff diff map,st) } where uiDef cid = { html = DivTag [IdAttr (mapdivid cid)] [] , eventHandlers = [] , width = ExactSize 600 , height = ExactSize 300 } mapdivid cid = "map_div_" +++ cid onUpdate cid mbDiff (map,Nothing) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world | jsIsUndefined l # world = addCSSFromUrl LEAFLET_CSS world # world = addJSFromUrl LEAFLET_JS (Just (createEditletEventHandler onLibLoaded cid)) world = ((map,Nothing), world) | otherwise = onLibLoaded cid Nothing (map,Nothing) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDSetZoom zoom:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj}) world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "setZoom" [toJSArg zoom] mapObj world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDSetCenter {LeafletLatLng|lat,lng}:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj}) world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "panTo" [toJSArg [lat,lng]] mapObj world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDSetCursor (Just {LeafletLatLng|lat,lng}):diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapCursor=Nothing}) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world # (mapCursor,world) = callObjectMethod "circleMarker" [toJSArg [lat,lng],toJSArg CURSOR_OPTIONS] l world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg mapObj] mapCursor world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just {st & mapCursor = Just mapCursor}) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDSetCursor (Just {LeafletLatLng|lat,lng}):diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapCursor=Just mapCursor}) world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "setLatLng" [toJSArg [lat,lng]] mapCursor world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDSetCursor Nothing:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapCursor=Just mapCursor}) world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "removeLayer" [toJSArg mapCursor] mapObj world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map ,Just {st & mapCursor = Nothing}) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDUpdateLayer idx (ObjectLayer objects):diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapIcons,mapLayers,mapObjects}) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world # (layer,world) = jsGetObjectEl idx mapLayers world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "removeLayer" [toJSArg layer] mapObj world # (layer,world) = callObjectMethod "layerGroup" [] l world # (objRefs,world) = newJSArray world # (_,world) = foldl (\w object -> createObject object l layer objRefs mapIcons cid w) (0,world) objects # world = jsSetObjectEl idx layer mapLayers world # world = jsPut idx objRefs mapObjects world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg mapObj] layer world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDAddLayers [TileLayer url:layers]:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapIcons,mapLayers}) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world # (layer,world) = callObjectMethod "tileLayer" [toJSArg url] l world # (_,world) = jsArrayPush layer mapLayers world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg mapObj] layer world = onUpdate cid (Just [LDAddLayers layers:diffs]) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDAddLayers [ObjectLayer objects:layers]:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapIcons,mapLayers,mapObjects}) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world # (layer,world) = callObjectMethod "layerGroup" [] l world # (objRefs,world) = newJSArray world # (lidx,world) = appFst jsValToInt (jsGetObjectAttr "length" mapLayers world) # (_,world) = foldl (\w object -> createObject object l layer objRefs mapIcons cid w) (0,world) objects # world = jsPut lidx objRefs mapObjects world # (_,world) = jsArrayPush layer mapLayers world = onUpdate cid (Just [LDAddLayers layers:diffs]) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDAddLayers []:diffs]) (map,st) world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDUpdateObject lidx oidx object:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapIcons,mapLayers,mapObjects}) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world # (layer,world) = jsGetObjectEl lidx mapLayers world # (objRefs,world) = appFst fromJust (jsGet lidx mapObjects world) # (objRef,world) = jsGetObjectEl oidx objRefs world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "removeLayer" [toJSArg objRef] layer world # (_,world) = createObject object l layer objRefs mapIcons cid (oidx,world) = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDAddObjects lidx objects:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapObj,mapIcons,mapLayers,mapObjects}) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world # (layer,world) = jsGetObjectEl lidx mapLayers world # (objRefs,world) = appFst fromJust (jsGet lidx mapObjects world) # (oidx,world) = appFst jsValToInt (jsGetObjectAttr "length" objRefs world) # (_,world) = foldl (\w object -> createObject object l layer objRefs mapIcons cid w) (oidx,world) objects = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid (Just [LDRemoveObjects lidx oidx:diffs]) (map,Just st=:{mapLayers,mapObjects}) world # (layer,world) = jsGetObjectEl lidx mapLayers world # (objRefs,world) = appFst fromJust (jsGet lidx mapObjects world) # (removeRefs,world)= callObjectMethod "splice" [toJSArg oidx] objRefs world # world = removeObjects removeRefs layer world = onUpdate cid (Just diffs) (map,Just st) world onUpdate cid _ (map,st) world = ((map,st),world) onLibLoaded cid _ (map=:{LeafletMap|perspective,icons,layers},_) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world //Create map # world = syncMapDivSize cid world # (mapObj, world) = callObjectMethod "map" [toJSArg (mapdivid cid),toJSArg MAP_OPTIONS] l world //Set perspective # (center,world) = toJSArray [,] world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "setView" [toJSArg center, toJSArg perspective.LeafletPerspective.zoom] mapObj world //Update map bounds # (bounds,world) = getMapBounds mapObj world # map = {LeafletMap|map & perspective ={LeafletPerspective|perspective & bounds = bounds}} //Create cursor # (mapCursor,world) = case perspective.cursor of Nothing = (Nothing,world) Just {LeafletLatLng|lat,lng} # (mapCursor,world) = callObjectMethod "circleMarker" [toJSArg [lat,lng],toJSArg CURSOR_OPTIONS] l world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg mapObj] mapCursor world = (Just mapCursor,world) //Add icons # (mapIcons,world) = newJSArray world # world = foldl (\w icon -> createIcon icon l mapIcons w) world icons //Add initial layers # (mapLayers,world) = newJSArray world # (mapObjects,world) = jsNewMap world # (_,world) = foldl (\w layer -> createLayer layer l mapObj mapLayers mapObjects mapIcons cid w) (0,world) layers //Add map event handlers # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addEventListener" [toJSArg "dragend",toJSArg (createEditletEventHandler onMapMove cid)] mapObj world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addEventListener" [toJSArg "zoomend",toJSArg (createEditletEventHandler onZoomChange cid)] mapObj world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addEventListener" [toJSArg "click",toJSArg (createEditletEventHandler onMapClick cid)] mapObj world //Add editlet event handler # (editlets,world) = findObject "itwc.controller.editlets" world # (cmp,world) = jsGetObjectAttr cid editlets world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "afterShow" (toJSVal (createEditletEventHandler onAfterShow cid)) cmp world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "afterResize" (toJSVal (createEditletEventHandler onAfterShow cid)) cmp world = ((map,Just {mapObj=mapObj,mapIcons=mapIcons,mapLayers=mapLayers,mapObjects,mapCursor=mapCursor}),world) createIcon {LeafletIcon|iconUrl,iconSize=(w,h)} l mapIcons world # (icon,world) = callObjectMethod "icon" [toJSArg {IconOptions|iconUrl=iconUrl,iconSize=[w,h]}] l world # (_, world) = jsArrayPush icon mapIcons world = world createLayer :: !LeafletLayer !(JSObj JSLM) a !(JSArr (JSObject b)) !(JSMap Int (JSArr JSLM)) !(JSVal (JSObject d)) !String !*(!Int,!*JSWorld) -> *(!Int,!*JSWorld) createLayer (TileLayer url) l mapObj mapLayers mapObjects mapIcons cid (i,world) # (layer,world) = callObjectMethod "tileLayer" [toJSArg url] l world # (_,world) = jsArrayPush layer mapLayers world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg mapObj] layer world = (i + 1,world) createLayer (ObjectLayer objects) l mapObj mapLayers mapObjects mapIcons cid (i,world) # (layer,world) = callObjectMethod "layerGroup" [] l world # (objRefs,world) = newJSArray world # (_,world) = foldl (\w object -> createObject object l layer objRefs mapIcons cid w) (0,world) objects # (_,world) = jsArrayPush layer mapLayers world # world = jsPut i objRefs mapObjects world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg mapObj] layer world = (i + 1,world) createObject :: !LeafletObject !(JSObj JSLM) !a !(JSVal (JSObject b)) !(JSVal (JSObject c)) !String !(!Int,!*JSWorld) -> (!Int,!*JSWorld) createObject (Marker {LeafletMarker|markerId,position,title,icon}) l layer objRefs mapIcons cid (i,world) # (args,world) = case icon of Nothing = ([toJSArg [,position.lng]],world) Just iconIdx # (options,world) = jsEmptyObject world # (iconRef,world) = jsGetObjectEl iconIdx mapIcons world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "icon" iconRef options world = ([toJSArg [,position.lng],toJSArg options],world) # (marker,world) = callObjectMethod "marker" args l world # world = jsSetObjectEl i marker objRefs world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addEventListener" [toJSArg "click",toJSArg (createEditletEventHandler (onMarkerClick markerId) cid)] marker world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg layer] marker world = (i + 1,world) onMapMove cid {[0]=event} (map=:{LeafletMap|perspective},mbSt) world # (mapobj,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "target" event world # (latlng,world) = callObjectMethod "getCenter" [] mapobj world # (center,world) = getPos latlng world # (bounds,world) = getMapBounds mapobj world = (({LeafletMap|map & perspective = {perspective & center = center,bounds=bounds}},mbSt),world) onZoomChange cid {[0]=event} (map=:{LeafletMap|perspective},mbSt) world # (mapobj,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "target" event world # (zoom,world) = callObjectMethod "getZoom" [] mapobj world # (bounds,world) = getMapBounds mapobj world = (({LeafletMap|map & perspective = {perspective & zoom = jsValToInt zoom,bounds=bounds}},mbSt),world) onMapClick cid {[0]=event} (map=:{LeafletMap|perspective},Just st=:{mapObj,mapCursor=Nothing}) world # (l, world) = findObject "L" world # (latlng,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "latlng" event world # (cursor,world) = getPos latlng world # (mapCursor,world) = callObjectMethod "circleMarker" [toJSArg latlng,toJSArg CURSOR_OPTIONS] l world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addTo" [toJSArg mapObj] mapCursor world = (({LeafletMap|map & perspective = {perspective & cursor = Just cursor}},Just {st & mapCursor = Just mapCursor}),world) onMapClick cid {[0]=event} (map=:{LeafletMap|perspective},Just st=:{mapObj,mapCursor=Just mapCursor}) world # (latlng,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "latlng" event world # (cursor,world) = getPos latlng world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "setLatLng" [toJSArg latlng] mapCursor world = (({LeafletMap|map & perspective = {perspective & cursor = Just cursor}},Just st),world) onMarkerClick markerId cid event (map=:{LeafletMap|layers},st) world # layers = [selectMarker l \\ l <- layers] = (({map & layers = layers},st),world) where selectMarker (ObjectLayer objects) = ObjectLayer [Marker {m & selected = m.markerId == markerId} \\ Marker m <- objects] selectMarker l = l onAfterShow cid event (map=:{LeafletMap|perspective},Just st=:{mapObj}) world # world = syncMapDivSize cid world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "invalidateSize" [] mapObj world # (bounds,world) = getMapBounds mapObj world # map = {LeafletMap|map & perspective ={LeafletPerspective|perspective & bounds = bounds}} = ((map,Just st),world) onAfterShow cid event st world = (st,world) getPos obj world # (lat, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "lat" obj world # (lng, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "lng" obj world = ({LeafletLatLng|lat=jsValToReal lat,lng=jsValToReal lng}, world) getMapBounds mapObj world # (bounds,world) = callObjectMethod "getBounds" [] mapObj world # (sw,world) = callObjectMethod "getSouthWest" [] bounds world # (ne,world) = callObjectMethod "getNorthEast" [] bounds world # (swpos, world) = getPos sw world # (nepos, world) = getPos ne world = (Just {southWest=swpos,northEast=nepos},world) removeObjects :: !(JSArr a) !(JSObj b) !*JSWorld -> *JSWorld removeObjects removeRefs layer world # (ref,world) = jsArrayPop removeRefs world | jsIsUndefined ref = world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "removeLayer" [toJSArg ref] layer world = removeObjects removeRefs layer world syncMapDivSize :: !String !*JSWorld -> *JSWorld syncMapDivSize cid world # (editlets,world) = findObject "itwc.controller.editlets" world # (cmp,world) = jsGetObjectAttr cid editlets world # (cmpDiv,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "domEl" cmp world # (mapDiv,world) = getDomElement (mapdivid cid) world # (divSize,world) = measureDomEl cmpDiv world = sizeDomEl divSize mapDiv world measureDomEl :: !(JSObj a) !*JSWorld -> (!(!Int,!Int),!*JSWorld) measureDomEl el world # (w,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "clientWidth" el world # (h,world) = jsGetObjectAttr "clientHeight" el world = ((jsValToInt w,jsValToInt h),world) sizeDomEl :: !(!Int,!Int) !(JSObj a) !*JSWorld -> *JSWorld sizeDomEl (w,h) el world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "style.width" (toJSVal (toString w +++"px")) el world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "style.height" (toJSVal (toString h +++"px")) el world = world gEditor{|LeafletMap|} dp vv=:(val,mask,ver) meta vst = gEditor{|*|} dp (leafletEditlet val,mask,ver) meta vst gUpdate{|LeafletMap|} dp upd (val,mask) iworld # ((Editlet value _ _,mask),iworld) = gUpdate{|*|} dp upd (leafletEditlet val,mask) iworld = ((value,mask),iworld) gVerify{|LeafletMap|} _ vst = alwaysValid vst gDefault{|LeafletPerspective|} = {LeafletPerspective|center = {LeafletLatLng|lat = 51.82, lng = 5.86}, zoom = 7, cursor = Nothing, bounds = Nothing} //Comparing reals may have unexpected results!!! //Especially when comparing constants to previously stored ones gEq{|LeafletLatLng|} x y = (toString == toString && (toString x.lng == toString y.lng) derive JSONEncode LeafletMap, LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive JSONDecode LeafletMap, LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive gDefault LeafletMap, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive gEq LeafletMap, LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive gVisualizeText LeafletMap, LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive gEditor LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive gEditMeta LeafletMap, LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive gUpdate LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff derive gVerify LeafletPerspective, LeafletIcon, LeafletLatLng, LeafletBounds, LeafletLayer, LeafletObject, LeafletMarker, LeafletDiff