implementation module iTasks.API.Core.SDSs import StdList, StdBool, StdFile, StdTuple import System.Time, Text, Data.Tuple, Data.Functor, Data.Error, System.File import iTasks.Framework.Store, iTasks.Framework.TaskStore, iTasks.Framework.Util import iTasks.Framework.Task import iTasks.Framework.IWorld import iTasks.API.Core.Types import iTasks.API.Core.SDSCombinators, iTasks.API.Common.SDSCombinators from StdFunc import o, seq, const from iTasks.Framework.Util as iFU import qualified currentTimestamp, dateToTimestamp from iTasks.Framework.TaskEval import topListShare, currentInstanceShare import qualified Data.Map as DM derive gEq TIType SYSTEM_DATA_NS :== "SystemData" sharedStore :: !String !a -> Shared a | JSONEncode{|*|}, JSONDecode{|*|}, TC a sharedStore storeId defaultV = storeAccess NS_APPLICATION_SHARES storeId (Just defaultV) constShare :: !a -> ROShared p a constShare v = createReadOnlySDS (\_ env -> (v, env)) null :: WriteOnlyShared a null = createReadWriteSDS SYSTEM_DATA_NS "null" (\Void env -> (Ok Void, env)) (\Void _ env -> (Ok (const False), env)) currentDateTime :: ReadOnlyShared DateTime currentDateTime = mapRead (\(d,t) -> DateTime d t) (iworldLocalDate |+| iworldLocalTime) currentTime :: ReadOnlyShared Time currentTime = toReadOnly iworldLocalTime currentDate :: ReadOnlyShared Date currentDate = toReadOnly iworldLocalDate currentUTCDateTime :: ReadOnlyShared DateTime currentUTCDateTime = mapRead (\(d,t) -> DateTime d t) (iworldUTCDate |+| iworldUTCTime) currentUTCTime :: ReadOnlyShared Time currentUTCTime = toReadOnly iworldUTCTime currentUTCDate :: ReadOnlyShared Date currentUTCDate = toReadOnly iworldUTCDate // Workflow processes topLevelTasks :: SharedTaskList Void topLevelTasks = topListShare currentSessions ::ReadOnlyShared [TaskListItem Void] currentSessions = mapRead (map toTaskListItem) (toReadOnly (setParam {InstanceFilter|instanceNo=Nothing,session=Just True} filteredInstanceMeta)) currentProcesses ::ReadOnlyShared [TaskListItem Void] currentProcesses = mapRead (map toTaskListItem) (toReadOnly (setParam {InstanceFilter|instanceNo=Nothing,session=Just False} filteredInstanceMeta)) toTaskListItem :: !TIMeta -> TaskListItem a toTaskListItem {TIMeta|instanceNo,listId,progress,attributes} = {taskId = TaskId instanceNo 0, listId = listId, name = Nothing, value = NoValue, progressMeta = Just progress, attributes = attributes} processesForCurrentUser :: ReadOnlyShared [TaskListItem Void] processesForCurrentUser = mapRead readPrj (currentProcesses >+| currentUser) where readPrj (items,user) = filter (forWorker user) items forWorker user {TaskListItem|attributes} = case 'DM'.get "user" attributes of Just uid1 = case user of (AuthenticatedUser uid2 _ _) = uid1 == uid2 _ = False Nothing = case 'DM'.get "role" attributes of Just role = case user of (AuthenticatedUser _ roles _) = isMember role roles _ = False Nothing = True allTaskInstances :: ReadOnlyShared [TaskListItem Void] allTaskInstances = createReadOnlySDS (\Void iworld=:{ti} -> (map toTaskListItem ti,iworld)) currentUser :: ReadOnlyShared User currentUser = createReadOnlySDS (\Void iworld=:{current={user}} -> (user,iworld)) currentTopTask :: ReadOnlyShared TaskId currentTopTask = mapRead (\currentInstance -> TaskId currentInstance 0) currentInstanceShare applicationName :: ReadOnlyShared String applicationName = createReadOnlySDS appName where appName Void iworld=:{IWorld|server={serverName}} = (serverName,iworld) applicationBuild :: ReadOnlyShared String applicationBuild = createReadOnlySDS appBuild where appBuild Void iworld=:{IWorld|server={buildID}} = (buildID,iworld) applicationDirectory :: ReadOnlyShared FilePath applicationDirectory = createReadOnlySDS appDir where appDir Void iworld=:{IWorld|server={paths={appDirectory}}} = (appDirectory,iworld) applicationConfig :: ReadOnlyShared Config applicationConfig = createReadOnlySDS config where config Void iworld=:{IWorld|config} = (config,iworld) // Random source randomInt :: ReadOnlyShared Int randomInt = createReadOnlySDS randomInt where randomInt Void iworld=:{IWorld|random=[i:is]} = (i, {IWorld|iworld & random = is}) externalFile :: !FilePath -> Shared String externalFile path = createReadWriteSDS "externalFile" path read write where read Void iworld=:{world} # (ok,file,world) = fopen path FReadData | not ok = (Ok "", {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) // empty string if file doesn't exist # (res,file) = readAll file # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = (Error (toString CannotClose) ,{IWorld|iworld & world = world}) | isError res = (Error (toString (fromError res)) ,{IWorld|iworld & world = world}) = (Ok (fromOk res), {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) write Void content iworld=:{world} # (ok,file,world) = fopen path FWriteText world | not ok = (Error (toString CannotOpen), {IWorld|iworld & world = world}) # file = fwrites content file # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = (Error (toString CannotClose) ,{IWorld|iworld & world = world}) = (Ok (const True), {IWorld|iworld & world = world})