implementation module iTasks.API.Core.LayoutCombinators import StdTuple, StdList, StdBool, StdOrdList import Data.Maybe, Text, Data.Tuple, Data.Either, Data.Functor import iTasks.Framework.Util, iTasks.Framework.HtmlUtil, iTasks.Framework.UIDefinition import iTasks.API.Core.Types, iTasks.API.Core.TaskCombinators from Data.Map import qualified put, get, del, newMap, toList from StdFunc import o, const from iTasks.Framework.Task import :: EventNo from iTasks.Framework.TaskState import :: TIMeta(..), :: TIType(..) derive gEq UISide autoLayoutRules :: LayoutRules autoLayoutRules = {accuInteract = autoAccuInteract, accuStep = autoAccuStep, accuParallel = autoAccuParallel, accuWorkOn = autoAccuWorkOn ,layoutSubEditor = autoLayoutSubEditor, layoutControlStack = autoLayoutControlStack, layoutSubUIStack = autoLayoutSubUIStack } /** * The basic interaction layout simply decorates the prompt and merges it with the editor. */ autoAccuInteract :: UIDef UIControlStack -> UIControlStack autoAccuInteract prompt editor = {UIControlStack | attributes = mergeAttributes (uiDefAttributes prompt) editor.UIControlStack.attributes , controls = [(c,'Data.Map'.newMap)\\ c <- decoratePrompt (uiDefAnnotatedControls prompt)] ++ editor.UIControlStack.controls , size = editor.UIControlStack.size } autoAccuStep :: UIDef [UIAction]-> UIDef autoAccuStep {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet _,windows} actions = {UIDef|content=UIActionSet actions,windows=windows} autoAccuStep {UIDef|content=UIActionSet actions,windows} stepActions = {UIDef|content=UIActionSet (actions ++ stepActions),windows=windows} autoAccuStep {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack=:{UIControlStack|attributes,controls,size},windows} actions //Recognize special case of a complete empty interaction wrapped in a step as an actionset | isEmpty controls = {UIDef|content=UIActionSet actions,windows=windows} //Promote to abstract container # (triggers,actions) = extractTriggers actions = addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=UISubUI {UISubUI|autoLayoutControlStack stack & actions = actions,size=size},windows=windows} autoAccuStep {UIDef|content=UISubUI sub=:{UISubUI|actions=[]},windows} stepActions //If an abstract container without actions is placed under a step container, we add the actions # (triggers,stepActions) = extractTriggers stepActions = addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=UISubUI {UISubUI|sub & actions = stepActions},windows=windows} autoAccuStep {UIDef|content=UISubUI sub=:{UISubUI|actions},windows} stepActions = {UIDef|content=UISubUI sub,windows=windows} autoAccuStep {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack,windows} stepActions # (triggers,stepActions) = extractTriggers stepActions # sub=:{UISubUI|actions} = autoLayoutSubUIStack stack = addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=UISubUI {UISubUI|sub & actions = actions ++ stepActions},windows=windows} autoAccuParallel :: UIDef [UIDef] [UIAction] -> UIDef autoAccuParallel prompt defs parActions # (triggers,parActions) = extractTriggers parActions # defs = (if (emptyPrompt prompt) defs [prompt:defs]) ++ if (isEmpty parActions) [] [{content=UIActionSet parActions,windows=[]}] # windows = flatten [windows \\ {UIDef|windows} <- [prompt:defs]] # (nAttributeSet,nActionSet,nControlStack,nSubUI,nSubUIStack,nFinal) = foldl count (0,0,0,0,0,0) defs //If there is just one def, leave it be | nAttributeSet+nActionSet+nControlStack+nSubUI+nSubUIStack+nFinal == 1 = /* trace_n "Case for one item"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers (hd defs) //If there are final defs, pick the first one | nFinal > 0 = /*trace_n "Case for final"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers (hd [def \\def=:{UIDef|content=UIFinal _} <- defs]) //If the defs are only attributes we can make an attributeset | nAttributeSet > 0 && nActionSet+nControlStack+nSubUI+nSubUIStack+nFinal == 0 = /*trace_n "Case for attribute set"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=(UIAttributeSet (foldl mergeAttributes 'Data.Map'.newMap [attr \\ {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet attr} <- defs])),windows=windows} //If the defs are only actionsets (or empty attribute sets) we can make an actionsset | nActionSet > 0 && nControlStack+nSubUI+nSubUIStack+nFinal == 0 && (isEmpty (flatten ['Data.Map'.toList a \\{UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet a} <-defs])) = /*trace_n "Case for action set"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=(UIActionSet (flatten [actions \\ {UIDef|content=UIActionSet actions} <- defs])),windows=windows} //If there are no sub uis and actions we can make a control stack | nActionSet+nSubUI+nSubUIStack+nFinal == 0 = /*trace_n "Case for control stack"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=(UIControlStack (fst (foldl collectControlsAndActions ({UIControlStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,controls=[],size=defaultSizeOpts},[]) defs))),windows=windows} //If there are no sub uis, but just controls and actions, we can make a SubUI | nSubUI+nSubUIStack+nFinal == 0 # (controls,actions) = foldl collectControlsAndActions ({UIControlStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,controls=[],size=defaultSizeOpts},[]) defs = /*trace_n "Case for controls + actions"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=(UISubUI {UISubUI|autoLayoutControlStack controls & actions = actions}),windows=windows} //If there is exactly one sub ui, and actions and attributes we add them to that sub ui | nSubUI == 1 && nControlStack+nSubUIStack+nFinal == 0 # ui = hd [ui \\ {UIDef|content=UISubUI ui} <- defs] # actions = flatten (map uiDefActions defs) # attributes = foldl mergeAttributes 'Data.Map'.newMap (map uiDefAttributes defs) = /*trace_n "Case for 1 subui"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=(UISubUI {UISubUI|ui & attributes = attributes, actions = actions, size = ui.UISubUI.size}),windows=windows} //If there are no actions we can create a sub ui stack | nActionSet == 0 = /*trace_n "Case for subui stack"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=(UISubUIStack (foldl collectSubUIs {UISubUIStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,subuis=[],size=defaultSizeOpts} defs)),windows=windows} //We collect the ui stack, combine it to a single UI and add the actions | otherwise # ui = autoLayoutSubUIStack (foldl collectSubUIs {UISubUIStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,subuis=[],size=defaultSizeOpts} defs) # actions = flatten [actions \\ {UIDef|content=UIActionSet actions} <- defs] = /*trace_n "Otherwise"*/ addTriggersToUIDef triggers {UIDef|content=(UISubUI {UISubUI|ui & actions = ui.UISubUI.actions ++ actions}),windows=windows} where emptyPrompt {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet attributes} = isEmpty ('Data.Map'.toList attributes) emptyPrompt {UIDef|content=UIControlStack {UIControlStack|attributes,controls}} = (isEmpty ('Data.Map'.toList attributes)) && (isEmpty controls) emptyPrompt _ = False count (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet _} = (inc n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) count (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) {UIDef|content=UIActionSet _} = (n1,inc n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) count (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) {UIDef|content=UIControlStack _} = (n1,n2,inc n3,n4,n5,n6) count (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) {UIDef|content=UISubUI _} = (n1,n2,n3,inc n4,n5,n6) count (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack _} = (n1,n2,n3,n4,inc n5,n6) count (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6) {UIDef|content=UIFinal _} = (n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,inc n6) print nAttributeSet nActionSet nControlStack nSubUI nSubUIStack nFinal = "AttributeSet #" +++ toString nAttributeSet +++ ", " +++ "ActionSet #" +++ toString nActionSet +++ ", " +++ "ControlStack #" +++ toString nControlStack +++ ", " +++ "SubUI #" +++ toString nSubUI +++ "," +++ "SubUIStack #" +++ toString nSubUIStack +++ ", " +++ "Final # " +++ toString nFinal collectControlsAndActions (stack=:{UIControlStack|attributes},actions) {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet a} = ({UIControlStack|stack & attributes = mergeAttributes attributes a},actions) collectControlsAndActions (stack,actions) {UIDef|content=UIActionSet a} = (stack,actions ++ a) collectControlsAndActions (stack1,actions) {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack2} = ({UIControlStack|attributes = mergeAttributes stack1.UIControlStack.attributes stack2.UIControlStack.attributes ,controls = stack1.UIControlStack.controls ++ stack2.UIControlStack.controls ,size = {UISizeOpts|stack1.UIControlStack.size & width = maybe stack1.UIControlStack.size.UISizeOpts.width Just stack2.UIControlStack.size.UISizeOpts.width , height = maybe stack1.UIControlStack.size.UISizeOpts.height Just stack2.UIControlStack.size.UISizeOpts.height }},actions) collectSubUIs stack=:{UISubUIStack|attributes} {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet a} = {UISubUIStack|stack & attributes = mergeAttributes attributes a} collectSubUIs stack=:{UISubUIStack|subuis} {UIDef|content=UIControlStack c} = {UISubUIStack|stack & subuis = subuis ++ [autoLayoutControlStack c]} collectSubUIs stack=:{UISubUIStack|subuis} {UIDef|content=UISubUI ui} = {UISubUIStack|stack & subuis = subuis ++ [ui] , size = {UISizeOpts|stack.UISubUIStack.size & width = maybe stack.UISubUIStack.size.UISizeOpts.width Just ui.UISubUI.size.UISizeOpts.width , height = maybe stack.UISubUIStack.size.UISizeOpts.height Just ui.UISubUI.size.UISizeOpts.height }} collectSubUIs stack1 {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack2} = {UISubUIStack|subuis = stack1.subuis ++ [{UISubUI|subui & attributes = mergeAttributes stack2.UISubUIStack.attributes subui.UISubUI.attributes} \\ subui <- stack2.subuis] ,attributes=mergeAttributes stack1.UISubUIStack.attributes stack2.UISubUIStack.attributes ,size = {UISizeOpts|stack1.UISubUIStack.size & width = maybe stack1.UISubUIStack.size.UISizeOpts.width Just stack2.UISubUIStack.size.UISizeOpts.width , height = maybe stack1.UISubUIStack.size.UISizeOpts.height Just stack2.UISubUIStack.size.UISizeOpts.height } } collectSubUIs stack _ = stack /** * Overrule the title attribute with the title in the task meta data */ autoAccuWorkOn :: UIDef TIMeta -> UIDef autoAccuWorkOn def meta=:{TIMeta|attributes} # def = uiDefSetSize FlexSize FlexSize def = (maybe def (\title -> uiDefSetAttribute TITLE_ATTRIBUTE title def) ('Data.Map'.get "title" attributes)) /** * The basic data layout groups the controls of a part of a compound datastructure in a fieldset */ autoLayoutSubEditor :: UIControlStack -> UIAnnotatedControls autoLayoutSubEditor {UIControlStack|controls=[]} = [] autoLayoutSubEditor {UIControlStack|controls=[c]} = [c] autoLayoutSubEditor {UIControlStack|attributes,controls} = [(defaultContainer (decorateControls controls),attributes)] autoLayoutControlStack :: UIControlStack -> UISubUI //Special case for choices autoLayoutControlStack {UIControlStack|attributes,controls=[(c=:UITree _ _ _ ,_)],size} = {UISubUI|attributes=attributes,content={UIItemsOpts|defaultItemsOpts [fill c] & direction=Vertical},actions=[],hotkeys=[],size=size} autoLayoutControlStack {UIControlStack|attributes,controls=[(c=:UIGrid _ _ _ ,_)],size} = {UISubUI|attributes=attributes,content={UIItemsOpts|defaultItemsOpts [fill c] & direction=Vertical},actions=[],hotkeys=[],size=size} //General case autoLayoutControlStack {UIControlStack|attributes,controls,size} = {UISubUI|attributes=attributes,content={UIItemsOpts|defaultItemsOpts (decorateControls controls) & direction=Vertical},actions=[],hotkeys=[],size=size} //Add labels and icons to a set of controls if they have any of those attributes set decorateControls :: UIAnnotatedControls -> UIControls decorateControls controls = mapLst decorateControl controls where mapLst f [] = [] mapLst f [x] = [f True x] mapLst f [x:xs] = [f False x: mapLst f xs] decorateControl :: Bool (!UIControl,!UIAttributes) -> UIControl decorateControl last (control,attributes) # mbLabel = 'Data.Map'.get LABEL_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbPrefix = 'Data.Map'.get PREFIX_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbPostfix = 'Data.Map'.get POSTFIX_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbHint = 'Data.Map'.get HINT_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbValid = 'Data.Map'.get VALID_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbWarning = 'Data.Map'.get WARNING_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbError = 'Data.Map'.get ERROR_ATTRIBUTE attributes # hasMargin = hasMargin control # noMargins = noMarginControl control = case (mbLabel,mbPrefix,mbPostfix,mbHint,mbValid,mbWarning,mbError) of (Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing) //Just set margins | hasMargin = control = if noMargins (setMargins 0 0 0 0 control) (if last (setMargins 5 5 5 5 control) (setMargins 5 5 0 5 control)) _ //Add decoration # control = row (labelCtrl mbLabel ++ prefixCtrl mbPrefix ++ [control] ++ postfixCtrl mbPostfix ++ iconCtrl control mbHint mbValid mbWarning mbError) = if noMargins (setMargins 0 0 0 0 control) (if last (setMargins 5 5 5 5 control) (setMargins 5 5 0 5 control)) where row ctrls = (setSize FlexSize WrapSize o setDirection Horizontal) (defaultContainer ctrls) labelCtrl (Just label) = [setWidth (ExactSize 100) (stringDisplay label)] labelCtrl Nothing = [] postfixCtrl (Just postfix) = [setLeftMargin 5 (setWidth (ExactSize 30) (stringDisplay postfix))] postfixCtrl Nothing = [] prefixCtrl (Just prefix) = [setRightMargin 5 (setWidth (ExactSize 30) (stringDisplay prefix))] prefixCtrl Nothing = [] iconCtrl (UIEditCheckbox _ _) _ _ _ _ = [] iconCtrl _ (Just msg) _ _ _ = icon "icon-hint" msg iconCtrl _ _ (Just msg) _ _ = icon "icon-valid" msg iconCtrl _ _ _ (Just msg) _ = icon "icon-warning" msg iconCtrl _ _ _ _ (Just msg) = icon "icon-invalid" msg iconCtrl _ _ _ _ _ = [] icon cls tooltip = [setLeftMargin 5 (UIIcon defaultFSizeOpts {UIIconOpts|iconCls = cls, tooltip = Just tooltip})] hasMargin control = isJust (getMargins control) noMarginControl (UIPanel _ _ _) = True noMarginControl (UIGrid _ _ _) = True noMarginControl (UITree _ _ _) = True noMarginControl _ = False autoLayoutSubUIStack :: UISubUIStack -> UISubUI autoLayoutSubUIStack uis = arrangeVertical uis instance tune InWindow where tune InWindow t = tune (AfterLayout uiDefToWindow) t instance tune InPanel where tune InPanel t = tune (AfterLayout (uiDefSetAttribute CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE "panel")) t instance tune InContainer where tune InContainer t = tune (AfterLayout (uiDefSetAttribute CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE "container")) t instance tune FullScreen where tune FullScreen t = tune (AfterLayout (uiDefSetAttribute SCREEN_ATTRIBUTE "full")) t instance tune Title where tune (Title title) t = tune (AfterLayout (uiDefSetAttribute TITLE_ATTRIBUTE title)) t instance tune Icon where tune (Icon icon) t = tune (AfterLayout (uiDefSetAttribute ICON_ATTRIBUTE icon)) t instance tune NoUserInterface where tune NoUserInterface (Task tid eval) = Task tid eval` where eval` event repOpts state iworld = eval event {repOpts & noUI = True} state iworld instance tune ForceLayout where tune ForceLayout t = tune (AfterLayout forceLayout) t forceLayout :: UIDef -> UIDef forceLayout {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack,windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI (autoLayoutControlStack stack),windows=windows} forceLayout {UIDef|content=UISubUI ui,windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI (autoLayoutSubUIStack {UISubUIStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,subuis=[ui],size=ui.UISubUI.size}),windows=windows} forceLayout {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack,windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI (autoLayoutSubUIStack stack),windows=windows} forceLayout def = def arrangeSubUIStack :: (UISubUIStack -> UISubUI) UIDef -> UIDef arrangeSubUIStack f {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack,windows} # ui = autoLayoutControlStack stack = {UIDef|content=UISubUI (f {UISubUIStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,subuis=[ui],size=ui.UISubUI.size}),windows=windows} arrangeSubUIStack f {UIDef|content=UISubUI ui,windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI (f {UISubUIStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,subuis=[ui],size=ui.UISubUI.size}),windows=windows} arrangeSubUIStack f {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack,windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI (f stack),windows=windows} arrangeSubUIStack f def = def instance tune ArrangeVertical where tune ArrangeVertical t = tune (AfterLayout (arrangeSubUIStack arrangeVertical)) t arrangeVertical :: SubUICombinator arrangeVertical = arrangeStacked Vertical instance tune ArrangeHorizontal where tune ArrangeHorizontal t = tune (AfterLayout (arrangeSubUIStack arrangeHorizontal)) t arrangeHorizontal :: SubUICombinator arrangeHorizontal = arrangeStacked Horizontal arrangeStacked :: UIDirection UISubUIStack -> UISubUI arrangeStacked direction {UISubUIStack|attributes,subuis,size} = foldl append {UISubUI|attributes=attributes,content={UIItemsOpts|defaultItemsOpts [] & direction=direction},actions=[],hotkeys=[],size=size} subuis where append ui1 ui2 # (control,attributes,actions,hotkeys) = subUIToControl ui2 = {UISubUI|ui1 & content = {UIItemsOpts|ui1.UISubUI.content & items = ui1.UISubUI.content.UIItemsOpts.items ++ [control]} , actions = ui1.UISubUI.actions ++ actions , hotkeys = ui1.UISubUI.hotkeys ++ hotkeys , attributes = mergeAttributes ui1.UISubUI.attributes attributes } instance tune ArrangeWithTabs where tune ArrangeWithTabs t = tune (AfterLayout (arrangeSubUIStack arrangeWithTabs)) t arrangeWithTabs :: SubUICombinator arrangeWithTabs = arrange where arrange stack=:{UISubUIStack|attributes,subuis,size} # parts = foldl append [] subuis # tabs = [tab \\ (tab,_) <- parts] # activeTab = activeIndex parts # controls = [UITabSet defaultSizeOpts {UITabSetOpts|items=tabs,activeTab=activeTab}] = {UISubUI|attributes=attributes,content={UIItemsOpts|defaultItemsOpts controls & direction=Vertical},actions=[],hotkeys=[],size=size} append parts ui=:{UISubUI|attributes,content={UIItemsOpts|items}} | isEmpty items = parts | otherwise # tab = subUIToTab ui = parts ++ [(tab,ui.UISubUI.attributes)] activeIndex parts = find 0 Nothing parts where find i best [] = fmap fst best find i Nothing [(_,acur):ds] = find (i+1) (Just (i,acur)) ds find i (Just (ibest,abest)) [(_,acur):ds] | later acur abest = find (i+1) (Just (i,acur)) ds = find (i+1) (Just (ibest,abest)) ds later a b = case ('Data.Map'.get LAST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE a,'Data.Map'.get LAST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE b) of (Just ea,Just eb) | ea == eb //If the last event time is the same, then we compare creation times to which tab is newest = case ('Data.Map'.get CREATED_AT_ATTRIBUTE a, 'Data.Map'.get CREATED_AT_ATTRIBUTE b) of (Just ca,Just cb) = toInt ca > toInt cb _ = False | otherwise = toInt ea > toInt eb (Just _,Nothing) = True _ = False instance tune ArrangeWithSideBar where tune (ArrangeWithSideBar index side size) t = tune (AfterLayout (arrangeSubUIStack (arrangeWithSideBar index side size))) t arrangeWithSideBar :: !Int !UISide !Int -> SubUICombinator arrangeWithSideBar index side size = arrange where arrange stack=:{UISubUIStack|subuis=[]} = autoLayoutSubUIStack stack arrange stack=:{UISubUIStack|attributes,subuis,size=stackSize} | index >= length subuis = autoLayoutSubUIStack stack # sidePart = subuis !! index # restPart = case removeAt index subuis of [ui] = ui uis = autoLayoutSubUIStack {UISubUIStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,subuis=uis,size=defaultSizeOpts} # (sideC,sideAt,sideAc,sideHK) = subUIToControl sidePart # (restC,restAt,restAc,restHK) = subUIToControl restPart # sideC = if (side === TopSide|| side === BottomSide) (setSize FlexSize (ExactSize size) sideC) (setSize (ExactSize size) FlexSize sideC) # restC = fill restC = {UISubUI|attributes=mergeAttributes attributes (mergeAttributes restAt sideAt) ,content= {UIItemsOpts|defaultItemsOpts (if (side===TopSide || side === LeftSide) [sideC,restC] [restC,sideC]) &direction = if (side===TopSide || side === BottomSide) Vertical Horizontal } ,actions = restAc ++ sideAc ,hotkeys = restHK ++ sideHK ,size = stackSize } instance tune ArrangeCustom where tune (ArrangeCustom arranger) t = tune (AfterLayout (arrangeSubUIStack arranger)) t toSubUIStack :: [UISubUI] -> UISubUIStack toSubUIStack subuis = {UISubUIStack|attributes='Data.Map'.newMap,subuis=subuis,size=defaultSizeOpts} subUIToControl :: UISubUI -> (UIControl,UIAttributes,[UIAction],[UIKeyAction]) subUIToControl ui=:{UISubUI|attributes} = case ('Data.Map'.get CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE attributes) of (Just "panel") = subUIToPanel ui (Just "container") = subUIToContainer ui _ = case ('Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes) of Nothing = subUIToContainer ui Just _ = subUIToPanel ui subUIToContainer :: UISubUI -> (UIControl,UIAttributes,[UIAction],[UIKeyAction]) subUIToContainer {UISubUI|content=content=:{UIItemsOpts|items,direction},actions,attributes,size} //Add button actions # (buttons,hotkeys,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # (items,direction) = addButtonPanel attributes direction buttons items = (UIContainer sizeOpts {UIItemsOpts|content & items=items,direction=direction},attributes,actions,hotkeys) where sizeOpts = {UISizeOpts|size & width = Just FlexSize} subUIToPanel :: UISubUI -> (UIControl,UIAttributes,[UIAction],[UIKeyAction]) subUIToPanel {UISubUI|content=content=:{UIItemsOpts|items,direction},actions,attributes,size} //Add button actions # (buttons,hotkeys,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # (items,direction) = addButtonPanel attributes direction buttons items = (UIPanel sizeOpts {UIItemsOpts|content & items=items,direction=direction} panelOpts,attributes`,actions,hotkeys) where sizeOpts = {UISizeOpts|size & width = Just FlexSize} panelOpts = {UIPanelOpts|title = title,frame = False, hotkeys = Nothing, iconCls = iconCls} title = 'Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes iconCls = fmap (\icon -> "icon-" +++ icon) ('Data.Map'.get ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) attributes` = ('Data.Map'.del TITLE_ATTRIBUTE o 'Data.Map'.del ICON_ATTRIBUTE) attributes subUIToTab :: UISubUI -> UITab subUIToTab {UISubUI|content=content=:{UIItemsOpts|items,direction},actions,attributes,size} //Check for tab close action # (close,actions) = actionsToCloseId actions //Add button actions # (buttons,buttonkeys,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # (items,direction) = addButtonPanel attributes direction buttons items //Add menu actions # (menus,menukeys,actions) = actionsToMenus actions = (UITab {UIItemsOpts|content&items=items,direction=direction} (tabOpts (buttonkeys++menukeys) menus close)) where tabOpts hotkeys menus close = {UITabOpts|title = title, menu = if (isEmpty menus) Nothing (Just menus) , hotkeys = if (isEmpty hotkeys) Nothing (Just hotkeys), focusTaskId = taskId, closeTaskId = close,iconCls=iconCls} taskId = 'Data.Map'.get TASK_ATTRIBUTE attributes title = fromMaybe "Untitled" ('Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes) iconCls = fmap (\i -> "icon-" +++ i) ('Data.Map'.get ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) uiDefToWindow :: UIDef -> UIDef uiDefToWindow {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet 'Data.Map'.newMap, windows = [subUIToWindow (autoLayoutControlStack stack):windows]} uiDefToWindow {UIDef|content=UISubUI subui,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet 'Data.Map'.newMap, windows = [subUIToWindow subui:windows]} uiDefToWindow {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet 'Data.Map'.newMap, windows = [subUIToWindow (autoLayoutSubUIStack stack):windows]} uiDefToWindow def = def attributesToWindow :: UIAttributes -> UIWindow attributesToWindow attributes = UIWindow sizeOpts (defaultItemsOpts []) windowOpts where sizeOpts = {UISizeOpts|defaultSizeOpts & width = Just WrapSize, height = Just WrapSize} windowOpts = {UIWindowOpts|title = title, menu = Nothing, closeTaskId = Nothing, focusTaskId = Nothing,hotkeys = Nothing, iconCls = iconCls} title = 'Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes iconCls = fmap (\icon -> "icon-" +++ icon) ('Data.Map'.get ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) actionsToWindow :: UIActions -> UIWindow actionsToWindow actions # (close,actions) = actionsToCloseId actions # (buttons,buttonkeys,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # (items,direction) = addButtonPanel 'Data.Map'.newMap Vertical buttons [] # (menus,menukeys,actions) = actionsToMenus actions = UIWindow sizeOpts {defaultItemsOpts items & direction = direction} (windowOpts (buttonkeys++menukeys) menus close) where sizeOpts = {UISizeOpts|defaultSizeOpts & width = Just WrapSize, height = Just WrapSize} windowOpts hotkeys menus close = {UIWindowOpts|title = Nothing, menu = if (isEmpty menus) Nothing (Just menus), closeTaskId = close, focusTaskId = Nothing ,hotkeys = if (isEmpty hotkeys) Nothing (Just hotkeys), iconCls = Nothing} subUIToWindow :: UISubUI -> UIWindow subUIToWindow {UISubUI|content=content=:{UIItemsOpts|items,direction},actions,attributes,size} //Check for window close action # (close,actions) = actionsToCloseId actions //Add button actions # (buttons,buttonkeys,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # (items,direction) = addButtonPanel attributes direction buttons items //Add menu actions # (menus,menukeys,actions) = actionsToMenus actions = UIWindow sizeOpts {UIItemsOpts|content&items=items,direction=direction} (windowOpts (buttonkeys++menukeys) menus close) where sizeOpts = {UISizeOpts|size & width = Just (fromMaybe WrapSize size.UISizeOpts.width), height = Just (fromMaybe WrapSize size.UISizeOpts.height)} windowOpts hotkeys menus close = {UIWindowOpts|title = title, menu = if (isEmpty menus) Nothing (Just menus), closeTaskId = close, focusTaskId = Nothing ,hotkeys = if (isEmpty hotkeys) Nothing (Just hotkeys), iconCls = iconCls} title = 'Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes iconCls = fmap (\icon -> "icon-" +++ icon) ('Data.Map'.get ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) autoLayoutFinal :: UIDef -> UIDef autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UIActionSet actions,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport (defaultItemsOpts []) {UIViewportOpts|title=Nothing,menu=Nothing,hotkeys=Nothing}),windows=windows} autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet attributes,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport (defaultItemsOpts []) {UIViewportOpts|title='Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes,menu=Nothing,hotkeys = Nothing}),windows=windows} autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack,windows} = autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UISubUI (autoLayoutControlStack stack),windows=windows} autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UISubUI subui=:{UISubUI|attributes,content,actions,hotkeys,size},windows} # fullScreen = ('Data.Map'.get SCREEN_ATTRIBUTE attributes === Just "full") || isNothing ('Data.Map'.get "session" attributes) # (panel,attributes,actions,panelkeys) = subUIToPanel (if fullScreen {UISubUI|subui & attributes = 'Data.Map'.del TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes} subui) # panel = if fullScreen (setSize FlexSize FlexSize panel) ((setSize WrapSize WrapSize o setFramed True) panel) # (menu,menukeys,actions) = actionsToMenus actions # items = [panel] # itemsOpts = {defaultItemsOpts items & direction = Vertical, halign = AlignCenter, valign= AlignMiddle} # hotkeys = case panelkeys ++ menukeys of [] = Nothing ; keys = Just keys = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport itemsOpts {UIViewportOpts|title = 'Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes, menu = if (isEmpty menu) Nothing (Just menu), hotkeys = hotkeys}),windows=windows} autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack,windows} = autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UISubUI (autoLayoutSubUIStack stack),windows=windows} autoLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UIFinal viewport,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal viewport,windows=windows} plainLayoutFinal :: UIDef -> UIDef plainLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UIActionSet actions,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport (defaultItemsOpts []) {UIViewportOpts|title=Nothing,menu=Nothing,hotkeys=Nothing}),windows=windows} plainLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet attributes,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport (defaultItemsOpts []) {UIViewportOpts|title='Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes,menu=Nothing,hotkeys = Nothing}),windows=windows} plainLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UISubUI subui=:{UISubUI|attributes,content,actions,hotkeys},windows} # (UIContainer sOpts iOpts,attributes,_,_) = subUIToContainer subui = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport iOpts {UIViewportOpts|title = 'Data.Map'.get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes, menu = Nothing, hotkeys = Just hotkeys}),windows=windows} plainLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack,windows} = plainLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UISubUI (autoLayoutSubUIStack stack),windows=windows} plainLayoutFinal {UIDef|content=UIFinal viewport,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal viewport,windows=windows} //Wrap the controls of the prompt in a container with a nice css class and add some bottom margin decoratePrompt :: [(UIControl,UIAttributes)] -> [UIControl] decoratePrompt [] = [] decoratePrompt controls = [UIContainer sizeOpts itemsOpts] where sizeOpts = {defaultSizeOpts & margins = Just {top= 5, right = 5, bottom = 10, left = 5} , width = Just FlexSize, minWidth = Just WrapBound, height = Just WrapSize} itemsOpts = {UIItemsOpts|defaultItemsOpts (map fst controls) & baseCls=Just "itwc-prompt"} //Adds a button panel to a set of controls //(not the prettiest code) addButtonPanel :: UIAttributes UIDirection [UIControl] [UIControl] -> (![UIControl],!UIDirection) addButtonPanel attr direction [] items = (items,direction) addButtonPanel attr direction buttons items = case ('Data.Map'.get "buttonPosition" attr,direction) of (Nothing,Vertical) = (items ++ [buttonPanel buttons],Vertical) (Nothing,Horizontal) = ([setDirection Horizontal (defaultContainer items),buttonPanel buttons],Vertical) (Just "left",Vertical) = ([buttonPanel buttons,setDirection Vertical (defaultContainer items)],Horizontal) (Just "left",Horizontal) = ([buttonPanel buttons:items],Horizontal) (Just "right",Vertical) = ([setDirection Vertical (defaultContainer items),buttonPanel buttons],Horizontal) (Just "right",Horizontal) = (items ++ [buttonPanel buttons],Horizontal) (Just "top",Vertical) = ([buttonPanel buttons:items],Vertical) (Just "top",Horizontal) = ([buttonPanel buttons,setDirection Horizontal (defaultContainer items)],Vertical) (Just "bottom",Vertical) = (items ++ [buttonPanel buttons],Vertical) (Just "bottom",Horizontal) = ([setDirection Horizontal (defaultContainer items),buttonPanel buttons],Vertical) addTriggersToUIDef :: [(Trigger,String,String)] UIDef -> UIDef addTriggersToUIDef triggers def=:{UIDef|content=content=:(UIControlStack stack=:{UIControlStack|controls})} = {UIDef|def & content = UIControlStack {UIControlStack|stack & controls = [(addTriggersToControl triggers c,m)\\ (c,m) <- controls]}} addTriggersToUIDef triggers def=:{UIDef|content=content=:(UISubUI subui)} = {UIDef|def & content = UISubUI (addTriggersToSubUI triggers subui)} addTriggersToUIDef triggers def=:{UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack=:{UISubUIStack|subuis}} = {UIDef|def & content = UISubUIStack {UISubUIStack|stack & subuis = map (addTriggersToSubUI triggers) subuis}} addTriggersToUIDef triggers def = def addTriggersToSubUI :: [(Trigger,String,String)] UISubUI -> UISubUI addTriggersToSubUI triggers ui=:{UISubUI|content=content=:{UIItemsOpts|items}} = {UISubUI|ui & content = {UIItemsOpts|content & items = map (addTriggersToControl triggers) items}} addTriggersToControl :: [(Trigger,String,String)] UIControl -> UIControl //Recursive cases addTriggersToControl triggers (UIContainer sOpts iOpts=:{UIItemsOpts|items}) = UIContainer sOpts {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = map (addTriggersToControl triggers) items} addTriggersToControl triggers (UIPanel sOpts iOpts=:{UIItemsOpts|items} opts) = UIPanel sOpts {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = map (addTriggersToControl triggers) items} opts addTriggersToControl triggers (UITabSet sOpts tOpts=:{UITabSetOpts|items}) = UITabSet sOpts {UITabSetOpts|tOpts & items = map (addTriggersToTab triggers) items} //Single controls addTriggersToControl triggers control = foldr addTriggerToControl control triggers addTriggerToControl :: (Trigger,String,String) UIControl -> UIControl addTriggerToControl (DoubleClick,taskId,actionId) (UIGrid sOpts cOpts opts) = UIGrid sOpts cOpts {UIGridOpts|opts & doubleClickAction = Just (taskId,actionId)} addTriggerToControl (DoubleClick,taskId,actionId) (UITree sOpts cOpts opts) = UITree sOpts cOpts {UITreeOpts|opts & doubleClickAction = Just (taskId,actionId)} addTriggerToControl t c = c addTriggersToTab :: [(Trigger,String,String)] UITab -> UITab addTriggersToTab triggers (UITab iOpts=:{UIItemsOpts|items} opts) = (UITab {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = map (addTriggersToControl triggers) items} opts) //Container coercion toPanel :: !UIControl -> UIControl //Panels are left untouched toPanel ctrl=:(UIPanel _ _ _) = ctrl //Containers are coerced to panels toPanel ctrl=:(UIContainer sOpts iOpts) = UIPanel sOpts iOpts {UIPanelOpts|title=Nothing,frame=False,hotkeys=Nothing,iconCls=Nothing} //Uncoercable items are wrapped in a panel instead toPanel ctrl = defaultPanel [ctrl] toContainer :: !UIControl -> UIControl //Containers are left untouched toContainer ctrl=:(UIContainer _ _) = ctrl //Panels can be coerced to containers toContainer ctrl=:(UIPanel sOpts iOpts _) = UIContainer sOpts iOpts //Uncoercable items are wrapped in a container instead toContainer ctrl = defaultContainer [ctrl] //GUI combinators hjoin :: ![UIControl] -> UIControl hjoin items = UIContainer defaultSizeOpts {defaultItemsOpts items & direction = Horizontal, halign = AlignLeft, valign = AlignMiddle} vjoin :: ![UIControl] -> UIControl vjoin items = UIContainer defaultSizeOpts {defaultItemsOpts items & direction = Vertical, halign = AlignLeft, valign = AlignTop} //Container operations addItemToUI :: (Maybe Int) UIControl UIControl -> UIControl addItemToUI mbIndex item ctrl = case ctrl of UIContainer sOpts iOpts=:{UIItemsOpts|items} = UIContainer sOpts {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = add mbIndex item items} UIPanel sOpts iOpts=:{UIItemsOpts|items} opts = UIPanel sOpts {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = add mbIndex item items} opts _ = ctrl where add Nothing item items = items ++ [item] add (Just pos) item items = take pos items ++ [item] ++ drop pos items getItemsOfUI :: UIControl -> [UIControl] getItemsOfUI (UIContainer _ {UIItemsOpts|items}) = items getItemsOfUI (UIPanel _ {UIItemsOpts|items} _) = items getItemsOfUI ctrl = [ctrl] setItemsOfUI :: [UIControl] UIControl -> UIControl setItemsOfUI items (UIContainer sOpts iOpts) = UIContainer sOpts {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = items} setItemsOfUI items (UIPanel sOpts iOpts opts) = UIPanel sOpts {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = items} opts setItemsOfUI items ctrl = ctrl //Container for a set of horizontally layed out buttons buttonPanel :: ![UIControl] -> UIControl buttonPanel buttons = (wrapHeight o fillWidth o setPadding 2 2 2 0 o setDirection Horizontal o setHalign AlignRight) (defaultContainer buttons) actionsToButtons :: ![UIAction] -> (![UIControl],![UIKeyAction],![UIAction]) actionsToButtons [] = ([],[],[]) actionsToButtons [a=:{taskId,action=action=:(Action name _),enabled}:as] # (buttons,hotkeys,actions) = actionsToButtons as = case split "/" name of //Action name consist of only one part -> make a button [name] = ([mkButton taskId action enabled:buttons],maybe hotkeys (\h -> [h:hotkeys]) (actionToHotkey a), actions) //Action name is "/" -> also make a button or we get a weird menu ["",""] = ([mkButton taskId action enabled:buttons],maybe hotkeys (\h -> [h:hotkeys]) (actionToHotkey a), actions) //Action name consists of multiple parts -> pass through _ = (buttons,hotkeys,[a:actions]) where mkButton taskId action=:(Action actionId _) enabled = UIActionButton defaultSizeOpts {UIActionOpts|taskId = toString taskId,actionId=actionId} {UIButtonOpts|text = Just (actionName action), iconCls = (actionIcon action), disabled = not enabled} actionsToMenus :: ![UIAction] -> (![UIControl],![UIKeyAction],![UIAction]) actionsToMenus actions # (menus,hotkeys,actions) = makeMenus [] [] actions = (sortBy menuOrder menus, hotkeys, actions) where makeMenus :: [UIControl] [UIKeyAction] [UIAction] -> ([UIControl],[UIKeyAction],[UIAction]) makeMenus menus hotkeys [] = (menus,hotkeys,[]) makeMenus menus hotkeys [a=:{taskId,action,enabled}:as] = makeMenus (addToMenus (path action) taskId action enabled menus) (addToHotkeys taskId action enabled hotkeys) as path action = case (split "/" (actionName action)) of ["":p] = p p = p addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [] //Create menu = [createButton main item taskId action enabled] addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [m=:(UIMenuButton sOpts opts):ms] //Add to existing menu if it exists | opts.UIMenuButtonOpts.text == Just main //Found! = [UIMenuButton sOpts {UIMenuButtonOpts|opts & menu = addToItems item taskId action enabled}:ms] | otherwise = [m:addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled ms] addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [m:ms] = [m:addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled ms] addToMenus _ taskId action enabled menus = menus addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [] //Create item = [createItem item sub taskId action enabled] addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [i:is] | itemText i == item | isEmpty sub //Duplicate item (just add it) = [i,createItem item sub taskId action enabled:is] | otherwise //Add to the found item = [addToItem sub taskId action enabled i:is] | otherwise = [i:addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled is] addToItems [] _ _ _ _ = [] itemText (UIActionMenuItem _ {UIButtonOpts|text}) = fromMaybe "" text itemText (UISubMenuItem {UIMenuButtonOpts|text}) = fromMaybe "" text itemText _ = "" createButton item [] taskId action enabled = UIActionButton defaultSizeOpts {UIActionOpts|taskId=taskId,actionId=actionName action} {UIButtonOpts|text=Just item,iconCls = actionIcon action, disabled = not enabled} createButton item sub taskId action enabled = UIMenuButton defaultSizeOpts {UIMenuButtonOpts |text = Just item ,iconCls = actionIcon action //Just (icon item) ,disabled = if (isEmpty sub) (not enabled) False ,menu = addToItems sub taskId action enabled [] } createItem item [] taskId action enabled //Action item = UIActionMenuItem {UIActionOpts|taskId=taskId,actionId=actionName action} {UIButtonOpts|text=Just item,iconCls = actionIcon action, disabled = not enabled} createItem item sub taskId action enabled //Sub item = UISubMenuItem { UIMenuButtonOpts | text = Just item , iconCls = actionIcon action , disabled = False , menu = addToItems sub taskId action enabled [] } addToItem sub taskId action enabled item=:(UISubMenuItem opts=:{UIMenuButtonOpts|menu}) = UISubMenuItem {UIMenuButtonOpts|opts & menu = addToItems sub taskId action enabled menu} addToHotkeys taskId action enabled hotkeys = case actionToHotkey {taskId=taskId,action=action,enabled=enabled} of Just hotkey = hotkeys ++ [hotkey] Nothing = hotkeys menuOrder (UIMenuButton _ {UIMenuButtonOpts|text=Just m1}) (UIMenuButton _ {UIMenuButtonOpts|text=Just m2}) = m1 < m2 menuOrder m1 m2 = False //Extract triggers from a list of actions extractTriggers :: ![UIAction] -> ([(Trigger,String,String)], [UIAction]) extractTriggers [] = ([],[]) extractTriggers [a=:{taskId,action=(Action name options)}:as] # (ts,as) = extractTriggers as = case [ t \\ ActionTrigger t <- options] of [] = (ts,[a:as]) triggers = ([(t,taskId,name) \\ t <- triggers] ++ ts, [{a & action= Action name (filter (not o isTrigger) options)}:as]) where isTrigger (ActionTrigger _) = True isTrigger _ = False actionsToCloseId :: ![UIAction] -> (!Maybe String, ![UIAction]) actionsToCloseId [] = (Nothing,[]) actionsToCloseId [{taskId,action=ActionClose,enabled}:as] = (if enabled (Just taskId) Nothing,as) actionsToCloseId [a:as] = let (mbtask,as`) = actionsToCloseId as in (mbtask,[a:as`]) actionToHotkey :: UIAction -> Maybe UIKeyAction actionToHotkey {taskId,action=Action actionId options,enabled=True} = case [key \\ ActionKey key <- options] of [key:_] = Just (key,{taskId=taskId,actionId=actionId}) _ = Nothing actionToHotkey _ = Nothing hasWindowContainerAttr :: UIAttributes -> Bool hasWindowContainerAttr attributes = maybe False ((==) "window") ('Data.Map'.get CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE attributes) hasPanelContainerAttr :: UIAttributes -> Bool hasPanelContainerAttr attributes = maybe False ((==) "panel") ('Data.Map'.get CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE attributes) hasContainerContainerAttr :: UIAttributes -> Bool hasContainerContainerAttr attributes = maybe False ((==) "container") ('Data.Map'.get CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE attributes) hasContainerAttr :: UIAttributes -> Bool hasContainerAttr attributes = isJust ('Data.Map'.get CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTE attributes) singleControl :: UIDef -> Bool singleControl def = case uiDefControls def of [_] = True _ = False mergeAttributes :: UIAttributes UIAttributes -> UIAttributes mergeAttributes attr1 attr2 = foldl setIfNotSet attr1 ('Data.Map'.toList attr2) where setIfNotSet attr (k,v) = maybe ('Data.Map'.put k v attr) (const attr) ('Data.Map'.get k attr) tweakUI :: (UIControl -> UIControl) UIDef -> UIDef tweakUI f {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack=:{UIControlStack|controls},windows} = {UIDef|content=UIControlStack {UIControlStack|stack & controls = [(f c,a) \\ (c,a) <- controls]},windows=windows} tweakUI f {UIDef|content=UISubUI sub=:{UISubUI|content=content=:{UIItemsOpts|items}},windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI {UISubUI|sub & content = {UIItemsOpts|content & items = map f items}},windows=windows} tweakUI f {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport iOpts=:{UIItemsOpts|items} opts),windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = (map f items)} opts),windows=windows} tweakUI f def = def tweakAttr :: (UIAttributes -> UIAttributes) UIDef -> UIDef tweakAttr f {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet attributes,windows} = {UIDef|content=UIAttributeSet (f attributes),windows=windows} tweakAttr f {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack=:{UIControlStack|attributes},windows} = {UIDef|content=UIControlStack {UIControlStack|stack & attributes = f attributes},windows=windows} tweakAttr f {UIDef|content=UISubUI sub=:{UISubUI|attributes},windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI {UISubUI| sub & attributes = f attributes},windows=windows} tweakAttr f {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack stack=:{UISubUIStack|attributes},windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUIStack {UISubUIStack| stack & attributes = f attributes},windows=windows} tweakAttr f def = def tweakControls :: ([(UIControl,UIAttributes)] -> [(UIControl,UIAttributes)]) UIDef -> UIDef tweakControls f {UIDef|content=UIControlStack stack=:{UIControlStack|controls},windows} = {UIDef|content=UIControlStack {UIControlStack|stack & controls = f controls},windows=windows} tweakControls f {UIDef|content=UISubUI sub=:{UISubUI|content=content=:{UIItemsOpts|items}},windows=windows} = {UIDef|content=UISubUI {UISubUI|sub & content = {UIItemsOpts|content & items = map fst (f [(c,'Data.Map'.newMap) \\ c <- items])}},windows=windows} tweakControls f {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport iOpts=:{UIItemsOpts|items} opts),windows} = {UIDef|content=UIFinal (UIViewport {UIItemsOpts|iOpts & items = map fst (f [(c,'Data.Map'.newMap) \\ c <- items])} opts),windows=windows} tweakControls f def = def