Running iTasks on Linux or a Mac is possible, but it takes a little more work You should be able to get it working if you follow these steps: 1. Install clean. Download the clean 2.4 distribution for your OS, unzip it in your home directory (e.g. in ~/clean) and run make inside that directory. 2. Make sure the clean binaries are in your path by editing your .profile, .bashrc or whatever config file your shell uses. Add ~/clean and ~/clean/bin to your path (assumming you installed clean in ~/clean). You can check by running "clm" (the commandline clean build tool for unix). 3. Get the latest Clean compiler with iTasks specific modifications from SVN ( "svn co clean-compiler-itask" and build it by running the build script for your OS from within the checkout. For example ./unix/ (for 64 bit linux). This will build an executable called "cocl" (the Clean compiler). 4. Get the latest Clean code generator from SVN ( and build it by executing the make file for your platform. E.g. make -f Makefile.linux64 This will create a new executable called "cg". 5. Move or copy the cocl and cg executables to ~/clean/lib/exe/ and execute "make" in ~/clean 6. Get the latest iTasks from Subversion (SVN) ( and check it out to ~/clean/iTasks-SDK from within the ~/clean directory 7. Compile the latest graph_copy for your platform. It can be found in iTasks-SDK/Server/lib/graph_copy. Build it using "make -f Makefile.linux64" if you're compiling for Linux 64. 8. Copy the contents of iTasks-SDK/Server/iTasks(Linux64|OSX).env (depending on your platoform) to your ~/clean/IDEEnvs file. If IDEEnvs does not exist, create it with the following contents and copy the contents of the .env file below it: Version: 1.0 Environments 9. Get the latest Clean IDE from SVN ( and navigate to the BatchBuild directory. Execute the make script for your platform. E.g. ./ Copy the resulting BatchBuild executable to ~/clean If in this step or the next you get an error about a _return_code symbol, edit Unix/set_return_code.icl and replace all occurences of _return_code with return_code 10. At this point, Linux users must follow the instructions at the bottom of this README in order for everything to work. 11. Navigate to the root of your Clean IDE checkout and execute the following command to build CPM for your platform: BatchBuild CpmLinux.prj Replace CpmLinux.prj with CpmMacOSX.prj if you are building for Mac OS X. Copy the resulting "cpm" executable to ~/clean as well. 12. You are now ready to compile your iTasks program. The best way to do so is by using CPM. To build all project files in the current directory, simply type cpm make To build a specific project file, type cpm project MyProject.prj build CPM has a built-in help system as well. If you get an error similar to the following "Link error: File: 'wsock_library' not found." comment out library "wsock_library" in ~/clean/lib/TCPIP/ostcp.icl N.B. If you execute "make" in ~/clean after this process, many of the files you have manually copied to your Clean installation will be overwritten. To prevent this, also copy files to ~/clean/exe, ~/clean/StdEnv and ~/clean/data == Linux specific instructions == A. Get the latest clean-tools from SVN ( and navigate to the elf_tools directory. Modify linker.icl and change the occurence of "set_return_code" to "set_return_code_world". Next, build a new linker with the following command: "clm -nt -nr -h 200M -s 100M -I ai64 -IL ArgEnv -IL Dynamics -I ../../clean-ide/Unix linker -o linker" Depending on where you checked out your copy of the Clean IDE, you might need to modify the relative path to clean-ide/Unix. Copy the resulting linker executable to ~/clean/lib/exe B. Get the latest clean-libraries from SVN ( and navigate to the Libraries/StdEnv/StdEnv\ Changed\ Files directory. Copy _SystemStrictList.icl to ~/clean/lib/StdEnv and copy to ~/clean/lib/StdEnv/Clean\ System\ Files. Remove _SystemStrictList.o and C. Get the latest Clean RTS from SVN ( and execute ./make_astartup.csh. Copy the resulting linux64/_startup.o to ~/clean/lib/StdEnv/Clean\ System\ Files D. Go to iTasks-SDK/Server/lib/graph_copy and remove all .o files by executing "rm -f *.o" and rebuild graph_copy: make -f Makefile.linux64