module TaskletExamples
import iTasks, iTasks.API.Core.Client.Tasklet, iTasks.API.Core.Client.Interface
from StdArray import class Array(uselect), instance Array {} a
:: GeoLocationParams = {enableHighAccuracy :: Bool
,timeout :: Int
,maximumAge :: Int
:: GPSCoord :== (Real,Real)
geoTasklet :: Tasklet (Maybe GPSCoord) (Maybe GPSCoord)
geoTasklet =
{ genUI = geoTaskletGUI
, resultFunc = \pos = Value pos False
, tweakUI = setTitle "GEO Tasklet"
geoTaskletGUI _ _ iworld
# gui = { width = ExactSize 300
, height = ExactSize 30
, html = RawText "Current position: "
, eventHandlers = [ComponentEvent "tasklet" "init" onInit]
= (TaskletHTML gui, Nothing, iworld)
onSuccess _ {[0]=pos} st world
# (la, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "coords.latitude" pos world
# (lo, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "coords.longitude" pos world
# world = setDomAttr "loc" "innerHTML" (toJSVal (jsValToString la +++ ", " +++ jsValToString lo)) world
= (Just (la,lo), world)
onFailure _ {[0]=pos} st world
# world = setDomAttr "loc" "innerHTML" (toJSVal "FAILURE") world
= (st, world)
onInit taskId _ st world
# (loc, world) = findObject "navigator.geolocation" world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "getCurrentPosition"
[toJSArg (createTaskletEventHandler onSuccess taskId)
,toJSArg (createTaskletEventHandler onFailure taskId)
,toJSArg {enableHighAccuracy = True, timeout = 10 * 1000 * 1000, maximumAge = 0}]
loc world
= (st, world)
pushTasklet :: Tasklet Int Int
pushTasklet =
{ genUI = pushGenerateGUI
, resultFunc = \i = Value i False
, tweakUI = setTitle "Push Tasklet"
pushGenerateGUI :: !TaskId (Maybe Int) !*IWorld -> *(!TaskletGUI Int, !Int, !*IWorld)
pushGenerateGUI taskId Nothing iworld = pushGenerateGUI taskId (Just 1) iworld
pushGenerateGUI _ (Just st) iworld
# gui = { width = ExactSize 50
, height = ExactSize 27
, html = RawText ("")
, eventHandlers = [ComponentEvent "pushbtn" "click" onClick]
= (TaskletHTML gui, st, iworld)
onClick _ _ state world
# world = setDomAttr "pushbtn" "value" (toJSVal (toString (state + 1))) world
= (state + 1, world)
:: PainterState = { tool :: String
, color :: String
, mouseDown :: Maybe (Int, Int)
, lastDraw :: Maybe DrawType
, draw :: ![DrawType]
, finished :: Bool
:: DrawType = DrawLine !String !Int !Int !Int !Int
| DrawRect !String !Bool !Int !Int !Int !Int
| DrawCircle !String !Bool !Int !Int !Int !Int
:: Drawing = Drawing [DrawType]
derive class iTask PainterState, DrawType, Drawing
info = "Draw something, but use the pencil _slowly_ in Chrome!"
painterTasklet :: Tasklet PainterState Drawing
painterTasklet =
{ genUI = painterGenerateGUI
, resultFunc = \{draw,finished} = Value (Drawing draw) finished
, tweakUI = setTitle "Drawing Tasklet"
canvasWidth :== 300
canvasHeight :== 300
// TODO:
painterGenerateGUI taskId Nothing iworld
= painterGenerateGUI taskId (Just {tool = "P", color = "black", mouseDown = Nothing, draw = [], lastDraw = Nothing, finished = False}) iworld
painterGenerateGUI _ (Just defSt) iworld
# ws = toString canvasWidth
# hs = toString canvasHeight
# canvas =
DivTag [StyleAttr "position: relative; float: left;"] [
CanvasTag [IdAttr "canvas", WidthAttr ws, HeightAttr hs, StyleAttr "border: 1px solid #000;"] [],
CanvasTag [IdAttr "tempcanvas", WidthAttr ws, HeightAttr hs, StyleAttr "position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 1px;"] []
# editor = [
DivTag [StyleAttr "float: right;"] [
DivTag [IdAttr "selectorYellow", StyleAttr "border-style:solid; border-color:white; background-color:yellow; width: 40px; height:40px; margin: 5px;"] [],
DivTag [IdAttr "selectorRed", StyleAttr "border-style:solid; border-color:white; background-color:red; width: 40px; height: 40px; margin: 5px;"] [],
DivTag [IdAttr "selectorGreen", StyleAttr "border-style:solid; border-color:white; background-color:green; width: 40px; height: 40px; margin: 5px;"] [],
DivTag [IdAttr "selectorBlue", StyleAttr "border-style:solid; border-color:white; background-color:blue; width: 40px; height: 40px; margin: 5px;"] [],
DivTag [IdAttr "selectorBlack", StyleAttr "border-style:solid; border-color:pink; background-color:black; width: 40px; height: 40px; margin: 5px;"] []
DivTag [StyleAttr "clear: both"] [],
DivTag [] ([
Text "Tool: ",
SelectTag [IdAttr "selecttool"] [
OptionTag [ValueAttr "P"] [Text "Pencil"],
OptionTag [ValueAttr "L"] [Text "Line"],
OptionTag [ValueAttr "R"] [Text "Rectangle"],
OptionTag [ValueAttr "r"] [Text "Rectangle (filled)"],
OptionTag [ValueAttr "C"] [Text "Circle"],
OptionTag [ValueAttr "c"] [Text "Circle (filled)"]],
ButtonTag [IdAttr "clearbtn", TypeAttr "button"] [Text "Clear"],
ButtonTag [IdAttr "finishbtn", TypeAttr "button"] [Text "Finish"]
# html = DivTag [StyleAttr "width: 360px; margin-right: auto;"] [canvas:editor]
# eventHandlers = [
ComponentEvent "tasklet" "init" onStart,
ComponentEvent "selectorYellow" "click" (onSelectColor "yellow"),
ComponentEvent "selectorRed" "click" (onSelectColor "red"),
ComponentEvent "selectorGreen" "click" (onSelectColor "green"),
ComponentEvent "selectorBlue" "click" (onSelectColor "blue"),
ComponentEvent "selectorBlack" "click" (onSelectColor "black"),
ComponentEvent "canvas" "mousedown" onMouseDown,
ComponentEvent "tempcanvas" "mousedown" onMouseDown,
ComponentEvent "canvas" "mouseup" onMouseUp,
ComponentEvent "tempcanvas" "mouseup" onMouseUp,
ComponentEvent "canvas" "mousemove" onMouseMove,
ComponentEvent "tempcanvas" "mousemove" onMouseMove,
ComponentEvent "selecttool" "change" onChangeTool,
ComponentEvent "clearbtn" "click" onClickClear,
ComponentEvent "finishbtn" "click" onClickFinish]
# gui = { width = ExactSize (canvasWidth + 70)
, height = ExactSize (canvasHeight + 50)
, html = html
, eventHandlers = eventHandlers
= (TaskletHTML gui, defSt, iworld)
onStart _ e state world
# (context, world) = getContext False world
# world = foldl (\world dr = draw context dr world) world (reverse state.draw)
= (state, world)
onChangeTool _ {[0]=e} state world
# (selectedIndex, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "target.selectedIndex" e world
# (options, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "target.options" e world
# (option, world) = jsGetObjectEl (jsValToInt selectedIndex) options world
# (atool, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "value" option world
= ({state & tool = jsValToString atool}, world)
onSelectColor color _ {[0]=e} state world
# world = foldl (\world el = setDomAttr el "style.borderColor" (toJSVal "white") world) world
# (target, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "target" e world
# world = jsSetObjectAttr "style.borderColor" (toJSVal "pink") target world
= ({state & color = color}, world)
getCoordinates e world
# (x, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "layerX" e world
# (y, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "layerY" e world
= ((jsValToInt x, jsValToInt y), e, world)
onMouseDown _ {[0]=e} state world
# (coords, e, world) = getCoordinates e world
= ({state & mouseDown = Just coords, lastDraw = Nothing}, world)
getCanvas temp world
= case temp of
True = getDomElement "tempcanvas" world
_ = getDomElement "canvas" world
getContext temp world
# (canvas, world) = getCanvas temp world
# (context, world) = callObjectMethod "getContext" [toJSArg "2d"] canvas world // not "2D" !
= (context, world)
clearContext context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "clearRect"
[toJSArg 0, toJSArg 0, toJSArg canvasWidth, toJSArg canvasHeight] context world
= world
onMouseUp _ {[0]=e} state world
# (tempcanvas, world) = getCanvas True world
# (tempcontext, world) = getContext True world
# (context, world) = getContext False world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "drawImage" [toJSArg tempcanvas, toJSArg 0, toJSArg 0] context world
# world = clearContext tempcontext world
| isJust state.lastDraw
= ({state & mouseDown = Nothing, draw = [fromJust state.lastDraw:state.draw], lastDraw = Nothing}, world)
= ({state & mouseDown = Nothing}, world)
// generate onDrawing event
onMouseMove _ {[0]=e} state world
= case state.mouseDown of
Just coord = onDrawing coord e state world
_ = (state, world)
drawLine context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "beginPath" [] context world
# world = jsSetObjectAttr "strokeStyle" (toJSVal color) context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "moveTo" [toJSArg x1, toJSArg y1] context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "lineTo" [toJSArg x2, toJSArg y2] context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "stroke" [] context world
= world
drawRect context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
# world = jsSetObjectAttr "strokeStyle" (toJSVal color) context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "strokeRect"
[toJSArg x1, toJSArg y1, toJSArg (x2 - x1), toJSArg (y2 - y1)]
context world
= world
drawFilledRect context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
# world = jsSetObjectAttr "fillStyle" (toJSVal color) context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "fillRect"
[toJSArg x1, toJSArg y1, toJSArg (x2 - x1), toJSArg (y2 - y1)]
context world
= world
drawCircle context fill color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "beginPath" [] context world
# world = jsSetObjectAttr "strokeStyle" (toJSVal color) context world
# world = jsSetObjectAttr "fillStyle" (toJSVal color) context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "arc"
[toJSArg (center x1 x2), toJSArg (center y1 y2)
,toJSArg (toInt ((distance x1 y1 x2 y2)/2.0))
,toJSArg 0, toJSArg (3.14159265*2.0), toJSArg True]
context world
# (_, world) = case fill of
True = callObjectMethod "fill" [] context world
_ = callObjectMethod "stroke" [] context world
# (_, world) = callObjectMethod "closePath" [] context world
= world
center x1 x2 = (max x1 x2) - (abs (x1 - x2))/2
distance x1 y1 x2 y2 = sqrt (toReal ((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2)))
onDrawing (dx,dy) e state world
# ((x, y), e, world) = getCoordinates e world
# (tempcontext, world) = getContext True world
// Don't clear for pencil
# world = case state.tool of
"P" = world
= clearContext tempcontext world
# drawType = case state.tool of
"P" = DrawLine state.color dx dy x y
"L" = DrawLine state.color dx dy x y
"R" = DrawRect state.color False dx dy x y
"r" = DrawRect state.color True dx dy x y
"C" = DrawCircle state.color False dx dy x y
"c" = DrawCircle state.color True dx dy x y
# world = draw tempcontext drawType world
// Update start coordinates for pencil
= case state.tool of
"P" = ({state & mouseDown = Just (x,y), draw=[drawType:state.draw], lastDraw = Nothing}, world)
_ = ({state & lastDraw = Just drawType}, world)
draw context (DrawLine color x1 y1 x2 y2) world
= drawLine context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
draw context (DrawRect color False x1 y1 x2 y2) world
= drawRect context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
draw context (DrawRect color True x1 y1 x2 y2) world
= drawFilledRect context color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
draw context (DrawCircle color fill x1 y1 x2 y2) world
= drawCircle context fill color x1 y1 x2 y2 world
onClickClear _ e state world
# (context, world) = getContext False world
# world = clearContext context world
= ({state & draw = []}, world)
onClickFinish _ e state world
= ({state & finished = True}, world)
taskletExamples :: [Workflow]
taskletExamples =
[workflow "Simple push button tasklet" "Push the button 3(three) times" tasklet1,
workflow "Painter tasklet" "Simple painter tasklet" tasklet2,
workflow "GEO location tasklet" "GEO location tasklet" tasklet3]
tasklet1 :: Task Int
= mkTask pushTasklet
>>* [ OnAction ActionOk (ifValue (\n -> n >= 3))
tasklet2 :: Task Drawing
= mkTask painterTasklet
>>* [ OnValue ifStable
tasklet3 :: Task (Maybe GPSCoord)
= mkTask geoTasklet
>>* [ OnAction ActionOk (ifValue isJust),
OnAction ActionCancel (\_ = Nothing)
ifValue pred (Value v _) | pred v
= Just (return v)
= Nothing
ifStable (Value v True) = Just (return v)
ifStable _ = Nothing
returnC :: b (TaskValue a) -> Task b | iTask b
returnC v _ = return v
returnV :: (TaskValue a) -> Task a | iTask a
returnV (Value v _) = return v
Start :: *World -> *World
Start world = startEngine (workAs (AuthenticatedUser "root" [] Nothing) (manageWorklist taskletExamples)) world