implementation module ligrettoTOP import StdArray import ligretto import iTasks derive class iTask Player, Color, Hand, Card instance toString Color where toString c = hd (gVisualizeText{|*|} AsLabel c) view_player` :: !Player -> Task Player view_player` player = viewSharedInformation ("Player " <+++ player.color) [ViewWith player_view] (player_state player.color) view_player :: !Player -> Task Player view_player player = viewInformation ("Player " <+++ player.color) [ViewWith player_view] player player_view :: !Player -> HtmlTag player_view player = TableTag [BorderAttr "2"] [view_row player.row ,view_ligretto player.ligretto ,view_hand player.hand ] view_row :: !Row -> HtmlTag view_row row = TableTag [] [TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text (if (i==1) "row" "")] \\ i <- [1..length row]] ,TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text (toString i)] \\ i <- [1..length row]] ,TrTag [] [view_card Front card \\ card <- row] ] view_card :: !SideUp !Card -> HtmlTag view_card side_up card = TdTag [StyleAttr (glue_style_atts [("text-align","center") ,("background",""<+++color) ,("padding","20px") ,("color",if (color===Yellow) "black" "white") ])] [Text content] where (color,content) = case side_up of Front = (card.front, toString Back = (card.back, "-") view_ligretto :: !Pile -> HtmlTag view_ligretto pile = TableTag [] [TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text "ligretto"]] ,if (isEmpty pile) (TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text "empty!"]]) (TrTag [] [view_card Front (hd pile)]) ] view_hand :: !Hand -> HtmlTag view_hand {conceal,discard} = TableTag [] [TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text "hand"]] ,TrTag [] [if (isEmpty conceal) (TdTag [] [Text "empty!"]) (view_card Back (hd conceal)) ,if (isEmpty discard) (TdTag [] [Text "empty!"]) (view_card Front (hd discard)) ] ] view_piles` :: Task [Pile] view_piles` = viewSharedInformation "Middle" [ViewWith piles_view] middle_state view_piles :: ![Pile] -> Task [Pile] view_piles piles = viewInformation "Piles" [ViewWith piles_view] piles piles_view :: ![Pile] -> HtmlTag piles_view piles = TableTag [BorderAttr "2"] [TrTag [] [ if (isEmpty pile) (TdTag [] [Text "empty!"]) (view_card Front (hd pile)) \\ pile <- piles ] ,TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text (toString i)] \\ i <- [1..length piles]] ] glue_style_atts atts = foldr (\(a,b) c -> a<+++":"<+++b<+++";"<+++c) "" atts middle_state :: Shared Middle middle_state = sharedStore "middle" (repeatn 16 []) player_state :: Color -> Shared Player player_state color = sharedStore ("player " <+++ color) {color=color,row=[],ligretto=[],hand={conceal=[],discard=[]}} invite_friends :: Task [User] invite_friends = enterSharedMultipleChoice "Select friends to play with" [] users >>= \friends -> if (not (isMember (length friends) [1..3])) (viewInformation "Oops" [] "number of friends must be 1, 2, or 3" >>| invite_friends) (return friends) /** play_ligretto = task: @task plays a single game of Ligretto. The result task value is the winner of that game. This task is suited as an element of BasicAPIExamples in which it is assumed that each player is invited by the person starting up this task. */ play_ligretto :: Task Color play_ligretto = get currentUser >>= \me -> invite_friends >>= \friends -> set (repeatn 16 []) middle_state >>| let nr_of_players = length friends + 1 in anyTask [ player @: game nr_of_players color \\ player <- [me:friends] & color <- colors nr_of_players ] >>= \winner -> allTasks [ player @: (viewInformation "The winner is:" [] winner >>= return) \\ player <- [me:friends] ] >>| return winner /** play_ligretto_as nr_of_players color = task: @task is a game of Ligretto for a player with given @color. @nr_of_players is the number of participating players in the game. This task is suited as a stand-alone version of Ligretto in which it is assumed that each player enters the game on their own initiative. */ play_ligretto_as :: NrOfPlayers Color -> Task Color play_ligretto_as nr_of_players color = game nr_of_players color getValue (Value v _) = v game :: NrOfPlayers Color -> Task Color game nr_of_players color = get randomInt >>= \r -> let player = initial_player nr_of_players color (abs r) in set player (player_state color) >>| view_piles` ||- view_player` player ||- play_cards nr_of_players player play_cards :: !NrOfPlayers !Player -> Task Color play_cards nr_of_players player = watch (player_state player.color >+< middle_state) >>* ( [ OnAction (Action ("Play card "<+++cardnr) []) (play_card nr_of_players player cardnr) \\ cardnr <- [1..nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players] ] ++ [ OnAction (Action "Play hand" []) (play_hand nr_of_players player) , OnAction (Action "Next hand" []) (next_hand nr_of_players player) , OnAction (Action "Shuffle hand" []) (shuffle nr_of_players player) , OnValue player_wins ] ) player_wins :: (TaskValue (Player,Middle)) -> Maybe (Task Color) player_wins (Value (me,middle) _) | isEmpty me.ligretto = Just (return me.color) | otherwise = Nothing player_wins _ = Nothing shuffle :: NrOfPlayers Player (TaskValue (Player,Middle)) -> Maybe (Task Color) shuffle nr_of_players player (Value (me,middle) _) | not (isEmpty conceal) = Nothing | otherwise = Just ( get randomInt >>= \r -> set (shuffle_hand (abs r) me) (player_state player.color) >>| play_cards nr_of_players player ) where conceal = me.hand.conceal shuffle _ _ _ = Nothing next_hand :: NrOfPlayers Player (TaskValue (Player,Middle)) -> Maybe (Task Color) next_hand nr_of_players player (Value (me,middle) _) | isEmpty conceal = Nothing | otherwise = Just (set (swap_discards me) (player_state player.color) >>| play_cards nr_of_players player ) where conceal = me.hand.conceal next_hand _ _ _ = Nothing play_card :: NrOfPlayers Player Int (TaskValue (Player,Middle)) -> Maybe (Task Color) play_card nr_of_players player cardnr (Value (me,middle) _) | cardnr > length me.row= Nothing | isEmpty matching_piles= Nothing | otherwise = let (pilenr,pile) = hd matching_piles in Just (upd (updateAt pilenr [card : pile]) middle_state >>| set (move_ligretto_card_to_row cardnr me) (player_state player.color) >>| play_cards nr_of_players player ) where card = row_card cardnr me matching_piles = [(pilenr,pile) \\ pile <- middle & pilenr <- [0..] | card_matches_top_of_pile card pile] play_card _ _ _ _ = Nothing play_hand :: NrOfPlayers Player (TaskValue (Player,Middle)) -> Maybe (Task Color) play_hand nr_of_players player (Value (me,middle) _) | isNothing maybe_card = Nothing | isEmpty matching_piles= Nothing | otherwise = let (pilenr,pile) = hd matching_piles in Just (upd (updateAt pilenr [card : pile]) middle_state >>| set (remove_top_of_discard me) (player_state player.color) >>| play_cards nr_of_players player ) where maybe_card = top_discard me card = fromJust maybe_card matching_piles = [(pilenr,pile) \\ pile <- middle & pilenr <- [0..] | card_matches_top_of_pile card pile] play_hand _ _ _ = Nothing