module BatchBuild import StdEnv import ArgEnv import PmDriver import PmProject import IdeState from UtilIO import GetFullApplicationPath,GetLongPathName import PmEnvironment, logfile, set_return_code from Platform import application_path Start world # commandline = getCommandLine args = [arg \\ arg <-: commandline] (path_ok,force_rebuild,proj_path) = case args of [_,prj] -> (True,False,GetLongPathName prj) [_,"--force",prj] -> (True,True,GetLongPathName prj) _ -> (False,False,"") # (startup,world) = accFiles GetFullApplicationPath world # envspath = application_path EnvsFileName # (envs,world) = openEnvironments startup envspath world // | not ok = wAbort ("Unable to read environments\n") world | not path_ok = wAbort ("BatchBuild\nUse as: 'BatchBuild [--force] projectname.prj'\n") world # ((proj,ok,err),world) = accFiles (ReadProjectFile proj_path startup) world | not ok || err <> "" = wAbort ("BatchBuild failed while opening project: "+++.err+++."\n") world # (ok,logfile,world) = openLogfile proj_path world | not ok = wAbort ("BatchBuild failed while opening logfile.\n") world # default_compiler_options = DefaultCompilerOptions # iniGeneral = initGeneral True default_compiler_options startup proj_path proj envs logfile # ps = {ls=iniGeneral,gst_world=world,gst_continue_or_stop=False} # {ls,gst_world} = pinit force_rebuild ps = finish gst_world pinit force_rebuild ps = BringProjectUptoDate force_rebuild cleanup ps where cleanup exepath bool1 bool2 ps = abortLog False "" ps wAbort message world // # (console,world) = stdio world // # console = console <<< message // # (_,world) = fclose console world # stderr = fwrites message stderr # (ok,world) = fclose stderr world # world = set_return_code_world (-1) world = finish world //finish :: !*World -> String //finish _ = "" finish w = w