implementation module iTasks.Gin.DCLImport import StdEnv from System.File import deleteFile from System.FilePath import dropDirectory, dropExtension, :: FilePath from Data.Error import Error, Ok from System.OSError import :: MaybeOSError, :: OSError, :: OSErrorMessage, :: OSErrorCode, :: MaybeError, :: MaybeErrorString import Data.Maybe from CleanDocParser import parseModule, parseFunctionComment, emptyFunctionComment, :: FunctionComment (..), :: ParamComment (..) import iTasks.Gin.Syntax from general import ::Optional(..) from Heap import ::Ptr from scanner import ::Assoc(..), ::Priority(..) from syntax import ::AttributeVar, ::AttrInequality, ::AType(..), ::ATypeVar, ::BasicType, ::ClassDef, ::ConsVariable, ::DefinedSymbol, ::FunKind, ::FunSpecials, ::GenericCaseDef, ::GenericDef, ::Global, ::GlobalIndex, ::Ident(..), ::Import, ::ImportedObject, ::Index, ::ParsedDefinition(..), ::ParsedExpr, ::ParsedImport, ::ParsedInstanceAndMembers, ::ParsedTypeDef, ::Position, ::Rhs, ::RhsDefsOfType, ::StrictnessList, ::SymbolPtr, ::SymbolTableEntry, ::SymbolType(..), ::TempVarId, ::Type(..), ::TypeAttribute(..), ::TypeContext, ::TypeDef, ::TypeKind, ::TypeSymbIdent(..), ::TypeSymbProperties, ::TypeVar(..), ::TypeVarInfo, ::TypeVarInfoPtr, instance toString BasicType importDCL :: !String !String *World -> (MaybeErrorString GModule, *World) importDCL filename source world # errorFilename = "errors" # (ok,errorFile,world) = fopen errorFilename FWriteText world | not ok = (Error "Failed to open errors file", world) # (defs, errorFile) = parseModule source False errorFile # (ok,world) = fclose errorFile world | not ok = (Error "Failed to close errors file", world) # (ok, world) = deleteFile errorFilename world # gMod = mapModule (dropExtension (dropDirectory filename)) defs = (Ok gMod, world) mapModule :: !String [ParsedDefinition] -> GModule mapModule name defs = { GModule | name = name , types = [] , moduleKind = GCleanModule (mapDefinitions defs) , imports = [] } mapDefinitions :: [ParsedDefinition] -> [Binding] mapDefinitions [] = [] mapDefinitions [PD_Documentation docstr: PD_TypeSpec pos ident prio optSymbtype specials: defs] # res = parseFunctionComment docstr # doc = case res of Ok doc = doc Error err = emptyFunctionComment = case mapFunction doc ident prio optSymbtype of Just binding = [binding:mapDefinitions defs] Nothing = mapDefinitions defs mapDefinitions [def:defs] = mapDefinitions defs mapFunction :: !FunctionComment Ident Priority (Optional SymbolType) -> Maybe Binding mapFunction _ _ _ No = Nothing mapFunction _ _ _ (Yes st) | not (isTask (mapAType st.st_result)) = Nothing mapFunction doc _ _ _ | not doc.FunctionComment.gin = Nothing mapFunction doc ident prio (Yes st) | doc.FunctionComment.parallel && isJust doc.FunctionComment.title && isJust doc.FunctionComment.icon = Just ( ParallelBinding { split = { GDeclaration | name = "_split" , title = Just "Parallel split" , description = Just "Splits a parallel branch into multiple concurrent branches" , formalParams = [] , returnType = GUndefinedTypeExpression , returnDescription = Nothing , icon = Just "parallel-split" , shape = GDefaultShape } , merge = { GDeclaration | name = ident.id_name , title = doc.FunctionComment.title , description = doc.FunctionComment.description , formalParams = [] , returnType = GUndefinedTypeExpression , returnDescription = Nothing , icon = doc.FunctionComment.icon , shape = GDefaultShape } , type = mapAType st.st_result , fixedNrBranches = case prio of NoPrio = Nothing Prio _ _ = Just 2 , parameterMap = case prio of NoPrio = App [Var ident.id_name,Extension PBBranchList] Prio assoc pri = AppInfix ident.id_name (mapAssoc assoc) pri (Extension (PBBranch 0)) (Extension (PBBranch 1)) } ) mapFunction doc ident prio (Yes st) | not doc.FunctionComment.parallel = (Just ( NodeBinding { NodeBinding | declaration = { GDeclaration | name = ident.id_name , title = doc.FunctionComment.title , description = doc.FunctionComment.description , formalParams = if (length doc.FunctionComment.params == length st.st_args) [ mapFormalParameter d p \\ d <- doc.FunctionComment.params & p <- st.st_args ] [ mapFormalParameter { ParamComment | name = "param" +++ toString i , title = Just (toString (mapAType p)) , description = Nothing , defaultValue = Nothing , visible = True } p \\ p <- st.st_args & i <- [1..] ] , returnType = mapAType st.st_result , returnDescription = doc.FunctionComment.return , icon = doc.FunctionComment.icon , shape = case doc.FunctionComment.shape of Just filename = GExternalShape filename Nothing = GDefaultShape } , parameterMap = case prio of NoPrio = NBPrefixApp Prio assoc pri = NBInfixApp (mapAssoc assoc) pri } ) ) mapFunction _ _ _ _ = Nothing mapAssoc :: Assoc -> AFix mapAssoc LeftAssoc = Infixl mapAssoc RightAssoc = Infixr mapAssoc NoAssoc = Infix mapFormalParameter :: !ParamComment AType -> GFormalParameter mapFormalParameter doc type = { GFormalParameter | name = , title = doc.ParamComment.title , description = doc.ParamComment.description , type = mapAType type , defaultValue = doc.ParamComment.defaultValue , visible = doc.ParamComment.visible } mapAType :: AType -> GTypeExpression mapAType atype = mapType atype.at_type mapType :: Type -> GTypeExpression mapType (TA ident []) = GConstructor (ident.type_ident.id_name) mapType (TA ident [param]) | ident.type_ident.id_name == "_List" = GList (mapAType param) mapType (TA ident params) = GTypeApplication [GConstructor ident.type_ident.id_name : map mapAType params] mapType (TAS ident [] _) = GConstructor (ident.type_ident.id_name) mapType (TAS ident params _) = GTypeApplication [GConstructor ident.type_ident.id_name : map mapAType params] mapType (TV tv) = GTypeVariable (tv.tv_ident.id_name) mapType (--> a b) = GFunction (mapAType a) (mapAType b) mapType (TB bt) = GConstructor (toString bt) mapType _ = GTypeVariable "(Unknown type)"