implementation module iTasks.Gin.AbstractSyntax import StdBool from StdFunc import o import StdOrdList import StdList import StdString import StdClass, StdInt import Data.Void import Data.Map import Text import Data.Maybe from iTasks.Gin.Parser import :: GPath(..), :: GTypeDefinition(..), :: GTypeExpression(..), :: GFormalParameter(..), :: GIdentifier(..), :: GTypeVariable(..), :: GTypeRhs(..), :: GRecordField(..), :: GDataConstructor(..) from iTasks.Gin.Types import generic gEq, generic JSONDecode, generic JSONEncode, generic gVerify, generic gUpdate, generic gDefault, generic gGridRows, generic gHeaders, generic gVisualizeText, generic gVisualizeEditor from iTasks.Gin.Types import :: JSONNode, :: InteractionMask, :: VerifyMask, :: VerifyOptions, :: ConsPos, :: StaticVisualizationMode, :: VSt, :: VisualizationResult from iTasks.Gin.Types import printGTypeDefinition, typeIsDefined, printGTypeExpression import iTasks.Gin.Printer from GenEq import === from iTasks.Framework.iTaskClass import class iTask, gEq derive class iTask AModule, ADefinition, AExpression, ACaseAlt, AListComprehension, AGeneratorList, AGenerator, AFix instance == AFix where (==) Infixl Infixl = True (==) Infix Infix = True (==) Infixr Infixr = True (==) _ _ = False expandModule :: AModule -> AModule expandModule aMod = { AModule | aMod & definitions = flatten (map expandDefinition aMod.AModule.definitions) } expandDefinition :: ADefinition -> [ADefinition] expandDefinition aDef =: { ADefinition | formalParams, body } # scope = [ \\ p <- formalParams] #(accLocals, body) = case body of PathContext path exp = let (accLocals, body) = expandExpression scope [] exp in (accLocals, PathContext path body) otherwise = expandExpression scope [] body = [{ ADefinition | aDef & body = body, locals = flatten (map expandDefinition aDef.ADefinition.locals) } : reverse accLocals ] expandExpression :: Scope Locals (AExpression Void) -> (Locals, AExpression Void) expandExpression scope accLocals (Unparsed s) = (accLocals, Unparsed s) expandExpression scope accLocals (Lit s) = (accLocals, Lit s) expandExpression scope accLocals (Var v) = (accLocals, Var v) expandExpression scope accLocals (App exps) # (accLocals, exps`) = expandMap scope accLocals expandExpression exps = (accLocals, App exps`) expandExpression scope accLocals (AppInfix i fix prec e1 e2) # (accLocals, e1`) = expandExpression scope accLocals e1 # (accLocals, e2`) = expandExpression scope accLocals e2 = (accLocals, AppInfix i fix prec e1` e2`) expandExpression scope accLocals (Lambda pat exp) # (accLocals, exp`) = expandExpression (bind pat scope) accLocals exp = (accLocals, Lambda pat exp`) expandExpression scope accLocals (Let defs exp) # (accLocals, alts`) = expandMap scope accLocals expandLetDefs defs # (accLocals, exp`) = expandExpression scope accLocals exp = (accLocals, Let alts` exp`) expandExpression scope accLocals (Case exp alts) # (accLocals, exp`) = expandExpression scope accLocals exp # (accLocals, alts`) = expandMap scope accLocals expandCaseAlt alts = (accLocals, Case exp` alts`) expandExpression scope accLocals (Tuple exps) # (accLocals, exps`) = expandMap scope accLocals expandExpression exps = (accLocals, Tuple exps`) expandExpression scope accLocals (List exps) # (accLocals, exps`) = expandMap scope accLocals expandExpression exps = (accLocals, List exps`) expandExpression scope accLocals (ListComprehension alc) # (accLocals, alc`) = expandListComprehension scope accLocals alc = (accLocals, ListComprehension alc`) expandExpression scope accLocals (PathContext path exp) # (accLocals, exp`) = expandExpression scope accLocals exp = makeLocal scope accLocals (PathContext path exp`) expandLetDefs :: Scope Locals (APattern, AExpression Void) -> (Locals, (APattern, AExpression Void)) expandLetDefs scope accLocals (pat, exp) # (accLocals, exp`) = expandExpression (bind pat scope) accLocals exp = (accLocals, (pat,exp`)) expandCaseAlt :: Scope Locals (ACaseAlt Void) -> (Locals, ACaseAlt Void) expandCaseAlt scope accLocals (CaseAlt pat exp) # scope` = if (trim pat == "otherwise") scope (bind pat scope) # (accLocals, exp`) = expandExpression scope` accLocals exp = (accLocals, CaseAlt pat exp`) expandListComprehension :: Scope Locals (AListComprehension Void) -> (Locals, (AListComprehension Void)) expandListComprehension scope accLocals { AListComprehension | output, generators, guards } # (accLocals, generators`, patterns) = expandGeneratorList scope accLocals generators # scope` = foldr bind scope patterns # (accLocals, guards`) = expandMap scope` accLocals expandExpression guards # (accLocals, output`) = expandExpression scope` accLocals output = (accLocals, { AListComprehension | output = output`, generators = generators`, guards = guards` }) expandGeneratorList :: Scope Locals (AGeneratorList Void) -> (Locals, AGeneratorList Void, [APattern]) expandGeneratorList scope accLocals (NestedGeneratorList generators) # (accLocals, generators`) = expandMap scope accLocals expandGenerator generators = (accLocals, NestedGeneratorList generators`, generatorPatterns generators) expandGeneratorList scope accLocals (ParallelGeneratorList generators) # (accLocals, generators`) = expandMap scope accLocals expandGenerator generators = (accLocals, ParallelGeneratorList generators`, generatorPatterns generators) generatorPatterns :: [AGenerator Void] -> [APattern] generatorPatterns generators = map (\(Generator pat _) = pat) generators expandGenerator :: Scope Locals (AGenerator Void) -> (Locals, AGenerator Void) expandGenerator scope accLocals (Generator pat exp) # (accLocals, exp`) = expandExpression scope accLocals exp = (accLocals, Generator pat exp`) expandMap :: Scope Locals (Scope Locals a -> (Locals, b)) [a] -> (Locals, [b]) expandMap scope accLocals f [] = (accLocals, []) expandMap scope accLocals f [x:xs] # (accLocals, x`) = f scope accLocals x # (accLocals, xs`) = expandMap scope accLocals f xs = (accLocals, [x`:xs`]) emptyVars :: Vars emptyVars = [] addVar :: AIdentifier Vars -> Vars addVar i vars = [i : filter (\p = p <> i) vars] addVars :: [AIdentifier] Vars -> Vars addVars is vars = foldr addVar vars is mergeVars :: [Vars] -> Vars mergeVars vs = foldr addVars emptyVars vs inVars :: AIdentifier Vars -> Bool inVars ident vars = isMember ident vars makeLocal :: Scope Locals (AExpression Void) -> (Locals, (AExpression Void)) makeLocal scope accLocals exp #var = freeVariable scope accLocals #def = { ADefinition | name = var , formalParams = reverse [ { GFormalParameter | name = x , title = Nothing , description = Nothing , type = GUndefinedTypeExpression , defaultValue = Nothing , visible = True } \\ x <- scope ] , returnType = GUndefinedTypeExpression , body = exp , locals = [] } = ([def : accLocals], if (isEmpty scope) (Var var) (App [(Var var) : reverse (map Var scope)])) /** * Generate a new variable name which is free in Scope and Locals */ freeVariable :: Scope Locals -> AIdentifier freeVariable scope locals = find 1 where find i = let name = "v" +++ toString i in if (isMember name (scope ++ [ \\ a <- locals ])) (find (inc i)) name /** * Pretty-printing of AModule's */ derive gEq PrintOption instance == PrintOption where (==) a b = a === b prettyPrintAModule :: PrintOption AModule -> String prettyPrintAModule opt aMod = prettyPrint (printAModule opt aMod) syntaxCheckPrintAModule :: AModule -> (String, FunctionMap, LineMap) syntaxCheckPrintAModule aMod # aMod = expandModule aMod # (source, lineMap) = positionPrint (printAModule POSyntaxCheck aMod) = (source, makeFunctionMap aMod, lineMap) where makeFunctionMap :: AModule -> FunctionMap makeFunctionMap {definitions} = fromList (flatten (map mkF definitions)) where mkF :: ADefinition -> [(AIdentifier, GPath)] mkF { name, body = PathContext path _ , locals} = [(name, path)] ++ flatten (map mkF locals) mkF { locals } = flatten (map mkF locals) printAModule :: PrintOption AModule -> a | Printer a printAModule opt aMod = scope ( [ printAModuleHeader opt aMod ] ++ printAImports opt aMod.AModule.imports ++ printATypes opt aMod.AModule.types ++ printATypeDerives opt aMod.AModule.types ++ flatten (map (printADefinition opt) aMod.AModule.definitions) ++ printAStart opt aMod ) printAModuleHeader :: PrintOption AModule -> a | Printer a printAModuleHeader opt aMod = def ( ( case opt of PODCL = text "definition " POICL = text "implementation " _ = empty ) <-> text "module" <+> text ) printAImports :: PrintOption [AImport] -> [a] | Printer a printAImports opt imports # standardImports = [ "StdInt" , "StdBool" , "StdString" , "StdList" , "StdOrdList" , "StdTuple" , "StdEnum" , "StdOverloaded" , "StdFile" ] ++ ( if (opt == POWriteDynamics) ["File", "Serialization"] [] ) //CoreCombinators is necessary for >>= and >>|, which do not require explicit imports in Gin = [ def (text "import" <+> align (fillSep (punctuate comma [ text i \\ i <- standardImports ]))) , def (text "import" <+> align (fillSep (punctuate comma [ text i \\ i <- removeDup (sort ["CoreCombinators" : imports])]))) ] printATypes :: PrintOption [GTypeDefinition] -> [a] | Printer a printATypes opt _ | opt == POICL = [] printATypes opt types = map (printGTypeDefinition) types printATypeDerives :: PrintOption [GTypeDefinition] -> [a] | Printer a printATypeDerives opt types = flatten (map (printATypeDerive opt) types) printATypeDerive :: PrintOption GTypeDefinition -> [a] | Printer a printATypeDerive opt {name, rhs = GSynonymTypeRhs _} = [] printATypeDerive opt {name, rhs = GAbstractTypeRhs} = [] printATypeDerive opt {GTypeDefinition | name} = [text "derive class iTask" <+> text name] printADefinition :: PrintOption ADefinition -> [a] | Printer a printADefinition opt def = printADefinitionComment opt def ++ printADefinitionType def ++ printADefinitionBody opt def printADefinitionComment :: PrintOption ADefinition -> [a] | Printer a printADefinitionComment PODCL def = [ text "/**" <-$> text "*" <+> text <-$> text "*" <-$> (if (isEmpty def.ADefinition.formalParams) empty ( foldr (<-$>) empty (map (\fp -> text "* @param" <+> text def.ADefinition.formalParams ) ) ) <-$> // text "* @return" <-$> text "*/" ] printADefinitionComment _ _ = [] printADefinitionType :: ADefinition -> [a] | Printer a printADefinitionType { ADefinition | name, formalParams, returnType } | typeIsDefined returnType && and (map (\fp = typeIsDefined fp.GFormalParameter.type) formalParams) = [ def ( text name <+> text "::" <-/> if (isEmpty formalParams) empty ( fillSep (map (\fp = printGTypeExpression True fp.GFormalParameter.type) formalParams) <-/> (text "->" <-/> space) <-/> empty ) <-> printGTypeExpression False returnType ) ] | otherwise = [] printADefinitionBody :: PrintOption ADefinition -> [a] | Printer a printADefinitionBody PODCL _ = [] printADefinitionBody opt { ADefinition | name, formalParams, body, locals } = [ def ( text name <+> if (isEmpty formalParams) empty (fillSep (map (\fp = text formalParams) <-> space) <-> char '=' <$?> printAExpression opt False body ) ] ++ if (isEmpty locals) [] [ text "where" , newscope (flatten ((map (printADefinition opt) locals))) ] printAStart :: PrintOption AModule -> [a] | Printer a printAStart POSyntaxCheck _ = [ def (text "Start :: Int") , def (text "Start = 0") ] printAStart POWriteDynamics aMod # task = hd aMod.AModule.definitions = [ def (text "Start :: *World -> *World") , def (text "Start world") , text "# (_, world) = writeFile" <-/> dquotes (text ( +++ ".dyn")) <-/> parens (text "serialize" <-/> text ( <-/> text "world" , text "= world" ] printAStart _ _ = [] printAExpression :: PrintOption Bool (AExpression Void) -> a | Printer a printAExpression opt withParens (Unparsed s) = parens (string (replaceSubString "\n" " " (replaceSubString "\r" "" s))) printAExpression opt withParens (Lit s) = text s printAExpression opt withParens (Var v) = text v printAExpression opt withParens (App exps) = addParens withParens (fillSep (map (printAExpression opt True) exps)) printAExpression opt withParens (AppInfix i fix prec e1 e2) # doc1 = case e1 of (AppInfix e1i e1fix e1prec _ _) = printAExpression opt (e1prec < prec || i == e1i && fix == Infixl) e1 otherwise = printAExpression opt False e1 # doc2 = case e2 of (AppInfix e2i e2fix e2prec _ _) = printAExpression opt (e2prec < prec || i == e2i && fix == Infixr) e2 otherwise = printAExpression opt False e2 = doc1 <-$> text i <-/> doc2 printAExpression opt withParens (Lambda pat exp) = addParens withParens (text "\\" <-> printAPattern opt pat <-/> text "->" <-/> printAExpression opt False exp) printAExpression opt withParens (Let defs inexp) = addParens withParens (align (text "let" <+> newscope (map (\(pat,exp) -> text pat <-/> text "=" <-/> align (printAExpression opt False exp)) defs) <-$> text "in" <-/> align (printAExpression opt False inexp))) printAExpression opt withParens (Case exp alts) = addParens withParens ( align (text "case" <-/> (printAExpression opt False exp) <-/> (text "of") <-$> newscope (map (\alt = printACaseAlt opt alt) alts) ) ) printAExpression opt withParens (Tuple exps) = parens (fillSep (punctuate comma (map (printAExpression opt False) exps))) printAExpression opt withParens (List exps) = brackets (fillSep (punctuate comma (map (printAExpression opt False) exps))) printAExpression opt withParens (ListComprehension alc) = printAListComprehension opt alc printAExpression opt withParens (PathContext path exp) | opt == POSyntaxCheck = position path <-> printAExpression opt withParens exp | otherwise = printAExpression opt withParens exp addParens :: Bool a -> a | Printer a addParens withParens a = if withParens (parens a) a printAListComprehension :: PrintOption (AListComprehension Void) -> a | Printer a printAListComprehension opt alc = brackets ( (printAExpression opt False alc.AListComprehension.output) <-/> text "\\\\" <-/> printGeneratorList opt alc.AListComprehension.generators <-/> hsep (map (\guard -> text "|" <-/> printAExpression opt False guard) alc.AListComprehension.guards)) printGeneratorList :: PrintOption (AGeneratorList Void) -> a | Printer a printGeneratorList opt (NestedGeneratorList generators) = fillSep (punctuate comma (map (printGenerator opt) generators)) printGeneratorList opt (ParallelGeneratorList generators) = fillSep (punctuate (text "&") (map (printGenerator opt) generators)) printGenerator :: PrintOption (AGenerator Void) -> a | Printer a printGenerator opt (Generator sel exp) = printAPattern opt sel <-/> text "<-" <-/> printAExpression opt False exp printACaseAlt :: PrintOption (ACaseAlt Void) -> a | Printer a printACaseAlt opt (CaseAlt pat exp) = def (printAPattern opt pat <-/> text "=" <-/> align (printAExpression opt False exp)) printAPattern :: PrintOption APattern -> a | Printer a printAPattern opt p = text p printAIdentifier :: PrintOption AIdentifier -> a | Printer a printAIdentifier opt i = text i printComment :: PrintOption String -> a | Printer a printComment opt s = text "/*" <-/> text s <-/> text "*/"