implementation module iTasks.API.Extensions.GIS.GoogleMap import iTasks import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Editlet import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Interface import iTasks.API.Core.Client.Map import Data.Functor, Text, StdMisc from Data.Map import newMap :: GoogleMapDiff = SetSettings GoogleMapSettings | SetPerspective GoogleMapPerspective | AddMarkers [GoogleMapMarker] | UpdateMarkers [GoogleMapMarker] | RemoveMarkers [String] //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: GoogleMapState = {mapobj :: JSVal JSObject ,nextMarkerId :: Int ,markerMap :: JSVal (JSMap String GoogleMapMarker) } // Parameter object for creating google.maps.Map :: MapOptions = {center :: JSVal JSObject ,zoom :: Int ,mapTypeId :: JSVal JSObject ,mapTypeControl :: Bool ,panControl :: Bool ,zoomControl :: Bool ,streetViewControl :: Bool ,scaleControl :: Bool ,scrollwheel :: Bool ,draggable :: Bool } // Parameter object for creating google.maps.Marker :: MarkerOptions = {map :: JSVal JSObject ,position :: JSVal JSObject ,title :: String ,draggable :: Bool ,icon :: Maybe (JSVal JSObject) ,id :: String } googleMapEditlet :: GoogleMap -> Editlet GoogleMap [GoogleMapDiff] googleMapEditlet g = Editlet g {EditletDef |html = \id -> DivTag [IdAttr (mapdomid id), StyleAttr "width:100%; height:100%"] [] ,updateUI = onUpdate ,handlers = \_ -> [] ,genDiff = genDiff ,appDiff = appDiff } where mapdomid cid = "map_place_holder_" +++ cid mapcanvasid cid = "map_canvas_" +++ cid onScriptLoad cid _ map _ world # world = setDomAttr (mapdomid cid) "innerHTML" (toJSVal ("
")) world # (mapdiv, world) = getDomElement (mapcanvasid cid) world # (mapTypeId, world) = findObject ("google.maps.MapTypeId." +++ toString (map.perspective.GoogleMapPerspective.type)) world # (center, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.LatLng" [toJSArg ,toJSArg] world # (mapobj, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.Map" [toJSArg mapdiv ,toJSArg {MapOptions |zoom = map.perspective.GoogleMapPerspective.zoom ,center = center ,mapTypeId = mapTypeId ,mapTypeControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.mapTypeControl ,panControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.panControl ,zoomControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.zoomControl ,streetViewControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.streetViewControl ,scaleControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.scaleControl ,scrollwheel = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.scrollwheel ,draggable = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.draggable } ] world # (mapevent, world) = findObject "google.maps.event" world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addListener" [toJSArg mapobj, toJSArg "dragend", toJSArg (onChange "dragend")] mapevent world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addListener" [toJSArg mapobj, toJSArg "maptypeid_changed", toJSArg (onChange "maptype")] mapevent world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addListener" [toJSArg mapobj, toJSArg "zoom_changed", toJSArg (onChange "zoom")] mapevent world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addListener" [toJSArg mapobj, toJSArg "click", toJSArg onClick] mapevent world # (editlets,world) = findObject "" world # (cmp,world) = jsGetObjectAttr cid editlets world # (_,world) = callObjectMethod "addManagedListener" [toJSArg cmp,toJSArg "afterlayout",toJSArg onAfterComponentLayout,toJSArg cmp] cmp world //Place initial markers # (markerMap, world) = jsNewMap world # world = foldl (putOnMarker mapobj markerMap) world map.GoogleMap.markers = (map, Just {mapobj = mapobj, nextMarkerId = 1, markerMap = markerMap}, world) where onChange t = createEditletEventHandler (updatePerspective t) cid onClick = createEditletEventHandler addMarker cid onAfterComponentLayout = createEditletEventHandler resizeMap cid putOnMarker mapobj markerMap world markrec = createMarker cid mapobj markerMap markrec world onUpdate id Nothing map Nothing world # (mapsobj, world) = findObject "google.maps" world | jsIsUndefined mapsobj = (map, Nothing, loadMapsAPI id undef world) = onScriptLoad id undef map Nothing world onUpdate id (Just [SetPerspective {GoogleMapPerspective|type,center,zoom}:updates]) map st=:(Just {mapobj}) world //Update the map perspective //Update type # (mapTypeId, world)= findObject ("google.maps.MapTypeId." +++ toString type) world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "setMapTypeId" [toJSArg mapTypeId] mapobj world //Update center # (latlng, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.LatLng" [toJSArg,toJSArg center.lng] world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "setCenter" [toJSArg latlng] mapobj world //Update zoom # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "setZoom" [toJSArg zoom] mapobj world = onUpdate id (Just updates) map st world onUpdate cid (Just [AddMarkers markers:updates]) map st=:(Just {mapobj,markerMap}) world //TODO: don't update instead of create existing markers but raise exception, this should not happen (but currently does) # world = foldl (\w m -> updateMarker cid mapobj markerMap m w) world markers = onUpdate cid (Just updates) map st world onUpdate cid (Just [RemoveMarkers markers:updates]) map st=:(Just {markerMap}) world # world = foldl (\w m -> removeMarker markerMap m w) world markers = onUpdate cid (Just updates) map st world onUpdate cid (Just [UpdateMarkers markers:updates]) map st=:(Just {mapobj,markerMap}) world //Simply remove and a marker # world = foldl (\w m -> updateMarker cid mapobj markerMap m w) world markers = onUpdate cid (Just updates) map st world onUpdate id (Just []) map st world = (map, st, world) onUpdate id diff map st world //Catchall = (map, st, world) loadMapsAPI id _ world # world = jsSetObjectAttr "gmapscallback" (createEditletEventHandler onScriptLoad id) jsWindow world = addJSFromUrl "" Nothing world updatePerspective "zoom" _ event map st=:(Just {mapobj}) world # (zoom, world) = callObjectMethod "getZoom" [] mapobj world = ({map & perspective={GoogleMapPerspective | map.perspective & zoom = jsValToInt zoom}}, st, world) updatePerspective "maptype" _ event map st=:(Just {mapobj}) world # (maptypeid, world) = callObjectMethod "getMapTypeId" [] mapobj world = ({map & perspective={GoogleMapPerspective | map.perspective & type = fromString (toUpperCase (jsValToString maptypeid))}}, st, world) updatePerspective "dragend" _ event map st=:(Just {mapobj}) world # (center, world) = callObjectMethod "getCenter" [] mapobj world # ((lat, lng), world) = getPos center world = ({map & perspective={GoogleMapPerspective | map.perspective & center = {lat = lat, lng = lng}}}, st, world) addMarker cid event map=:{GoogleMap|markers} (Just st=:{mapobj,nextMarkerId,markerMap}) world # (latlng, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "latLng" event world # ((lat, lng), world) = getPos latlng world # markrec = createMarkerRecord markerId lat lng Nothing # markers = [markrec: markers] # world = createMarker cid mapobj markerMap markrec world = ({GoogleMap|map&markers=markers}, Just {st&nextMarkerId=nextMarkerId+1}, world) where markerId = cid +++ "_" +++ toString nextMarkerId resizeMap cid event map=:{GoogleMap|perspective={GoogleMapPerspective|center}} (Just st=:{mapobj}) world //Resize map # (mapevent, world) = findObject "google.maps.event" world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "trigger" [toJSArg mapobj, toJSArg "resize"] mapevent world //Correct center # (latlng, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.LatLng" [toJSArg,toJSArg center.lng] world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "setCenter" [toJSArg latlng] mapobj world = (map,Just st, world) getPos obj world # (lat, world) = callObjectMethod "lat" [] obj world # (lng, world) = callObjectMethod "lng" [] obj world = ((jsValToReal lat,jsValToReal lng), world) createMarkerRecord markerId lat lng mbTitle = { GoogleMapMarker | markerId = markerId , position = {GoogleMapPosition | lat = lat, lng = lng} , title = mbTitle , icon = Nothing , infoWindow = Nothing , draggable = True , selected = False} createMarker cid mapobj markerMap {GoogleMapMarker|markerId,position,title,draggable,icon} world # (latlng, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.LatLng" [toJSArg ,toJSArg position.lng] world # (mbIconObj, world) = case icon of Nothing = (Nothing, world) (Just (GoogleMapSimpleIcon name)) = (Just (toJSVal ("/icons/"+++name)), world) (Just (GoogleMapComplexIcon prop)) # (size, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.Size" [toJSArg (fst prop.GoogleMapComplexIcon.size), toJSArg (snd prop.GoogleMapComplexIcon.size)] world # (origin, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.Point" [toJSArg (fst prop.origin), toJSArg (snd prop.origin)] world # (anchor, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.Point" [toJSArg (fst prop.anchor), toJSArg (snd prop.anchor)] world # (iconObj, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.MarkerImage" [toJSArg ("/icons/"+++prop.image) ,toJSArg size ,toJSArg origin ,toJSArg anchor] world = (Just iconObj, world) # (marker, world) = jsNewObject "google.maps.Marker" [toJSArg {MarkerOptions | map = mapobj , position = latlng , title = maybe "" id title , draggable = draggable , icon = mbIconObj , id = markerId}] world # (mapevent, world) = findObject "google.maps.event" world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addListener" [toJSArg marker, toJSArg "click", toJSArg onClick] mapevent world # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "addListener" [toJSArg marker, toJSArg "dragend", toJSArg onDrag] mapevent world = jsPut markerId marker markerMap world where onClick = createEditletEventHandler onMarkerClick cid onMarkerClick cid event gmap=:{GoogleMap|markers} mbSt world //Toggle selection # markers = [{GoogleMapMarker|m & selected = (m.GoogleMapMarker.markerId == markerId)} \\ m <- markers] = ({GoogleMap|gmap&markers=markers}, mbSt, world) onDrag = createEditletEventHandler onMarkerDrag cid onMarkerDrag cid event gmap=:{GoogleMap|markers} mbSt world # (latlng, world) = jsGetObjectAttr "latLng" event world # ((lat, lng), world) = getPos latlng world # markers = [if (m.GoogleMapMarker.markerId == markerId) {GoogleMapMarker|m & position= {GoogleMapPosition | lat = lat, lng = lng}} m \\ m <- markers] = ({GoogleMap|gmap&markers=markers}, mbSt, world) removeMarker markerMap markerId world # (mbMarker,world) = jsGet markerId markerMap world = case mbMarker of Just marker # (_, world) = callObjectMethod "setMap" [toJSArg jsNull] marker world # world = jsDel markerId markerMap world = world Nothing = world updateMarker cid mapobj markerMap marker=:{GoogleMapMarker|markerId,position,title,draggable,icon} world # world = removeMarker markerMap markerId world = createMarker cid mapobj markerMap marker world genDiff :: GoogleMap GoogleMap -> Maybe [GoogleMapDiff] genDiff g1 g2 = case settingsDiff ++ perspectiveDiff ++ remMarkersDiff ++ addMarkersDiff ++ updMarkersDiff of [] = Nothing diffs = Just diffs where settingsDiff = if (g1.GoogleMap.settings === g2.GoogleMap.settings) [] [SetSettings g2.GoogleMap.settings] perspectiveDiff = if (g1.GoogleMap.perspective === g2.GoogleMap.perspective) [] [SetPerspective g2.GoogleMap.perspective] remMarkersDiff = case [markerId \\ markerId <-oldMarkerIds | not (isMember markerId newMarkerIds)] of [] = [] markerIds = [RemoveMarkers markerIds] addMarkersDiff = case [marker \\ marker=:{GoogleMapMarker|markerId} <- g2.GoogleMap.markers | not (isMember markerId oldMarkerIds)] of [] = [] markers = [AddMarkers markers] updMarkersDiff = case [marker \\ marker=:{GoogleMapMarker|markerId} <- g2.GoogleMap.markers | isUpdated marker] of [] = [] markers = [UpdateMarkers markers] where isUpdated marker = not (isEmpty [m \\ m <- g1.GoogleMap.markers | m.GoogleMapMarker.markerId == marker.GoogleMapMarker.markerId && m =!= marker]) oldMarkerIds = [markerId \\ {GoogleMapMarker|markerId} <- g1.GoogleMap.markers] newMarkerIds = [markerId \\ {GoogleMapMarker|markerId} <- g2.GoogleMap.markers] appDiff :: [GoogleMapDiff] GoogleMap -> GoogleMap appDiff d g = foldl app g d where app g (SetSettings settings) = {GoogleMap|g & settings = settings} app g (SetPerspective perspective) = {GoogleMap|g & perspective = perspective} app g (AddMarkers m) = {GoogleMap|g & markers = g.GoogleMap.markers ++ m} app g (UpdateMarkers m) = {GoogleMap|g & markers = foldl upd g.GoogleMap.markers m} where upd markers updated = [if (m.GoogleMapMarker.markerId == updated.GoogleMapMarker.markerId) updated m \\ m <- markers] app g (RemoveMarkers m) = {GoogleMap|g & markers = [marker \\ marker <- g.GoogleMap.markers | not (isMember marker.GoogleMapMarker.markerId m)]} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance toString GoogleMapType where toString ROADMAP = "ROADMAP" toString SATELLITE = "SATELLITE" toString HYBRID = "HYBRID" toString TERRAIN = "TERRAIN" instance fromString GoogleMapType where fromString "ROADMAP" = ROADMAP fromString "SATELLITE" = SATELLITE fromString "HYBRID" = HYBRID fromString "TERRAIN" = TERRAIN gVisualizeText{|GoogleMapPosition|} _ {GoogleMapPosition|lat,lng} = [toString lat + " " + toString lng] gEditor{|GoogleMap|} dp vv=:(val,mask,ver) meta vst = gEditor{|*|} dp (googleMapEditlet val,mask,ver) meta vst gUpdate{|GoogleMap|} dp upd (val,mask) # (Editlet value _, mask) = gUpdate{|*|} dp upd (googleMapEditlet val,mask) = (value,mask) //derive gUpdate GoogleMap gVerify{|GoogleMap|} _ mv = alwaysValid mv gDefault{|GoogleMapPerspective|} = { GoogleMapPerspective | type = ROADMAP , center = {GoogleMapPosition|lat = 51.82, lng = 5.86} , zoom = 10 } gDefault{|GoogleMapSettings|} = { GoogleMapSettings | mapTypeControl = True , panControl = True , streetViewControl = True , zoomControl = True , scaleControl = True , scrollwheel = True , draggable = True } derive JSONEncode GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive JSONDecode GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive gDefault GoogleMap, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive gEq GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive gVisualizeText GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive gEditor GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive gEditMeta GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive gUpdate GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff derive gVerify GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType, GoogleMapIcon, GoogleMapComplexIcon,GoogleMapDiff