definition module iTasks.API.Common.ExportTasks
* This module provides tasks for exporting data from a workflow to an external source
from System.FilePath import :: FilePath
import iTasks.API.Core.SystemTypes
import iTasks.Framework.Task

* Export a document to the server's filesystem.
* @param File path: The path of the exported file
* @param Document: The document to export
* @return The exported document
* @throws FileException
* @gin-icon page_white
exportDocument		:: !FilePath !Document -> Task Document

* Export a string as text file to the server's filesystem.
* @param File path: The path of the exported file
* @param Text: The content to export
* @return The exported content
* @throws FileException
* @gin-icon page_white_text
exportTextFile		:: !FilePath !String -> Task String

* Export a list of rows of fields to a comma separated vector (CSV) document.
* @param File name: A name of the created CSV file
* @param Cells: The content to export as a list of rows of lists of fields
* @return The exported content as a document
* @gin-icon page_white_csv
createCSVFile		:: !String ![[String]] -> Task Document
* Export a list of rows of fields to a comma separated vector (CSV) file on the server's filesystem.
* @param File path: The path of the exported file
* @param Cells: The content to export as a list of rows of lists of fields
* @return The exported content
* @throws FileException
* @gin-icon page_white_csv
exportCSVFile		:: !FilePath ![[String]] -> Task [[String]]

* Export a list of rows of fields to a comma separated vector (CSV) file on the server's filesystem
* using custom separator characters.
* @param Separator: The field separator
* @param Quote character: The string quote character
* @param Escape character: The escape character
* @param File path: The path of the exported file
* @param Cells: The content to export as a list of rows of lists of fields
* @return The exported content
* @throws FileException
* @gin False
exportCSVFileWith	:: !Char !Char !Char !FilePath ![[String]] -> Task [[String]]

* Encode and export a JSON datafile to the server's filesystem.
* @param File path: The path of the exported file
* @param Value: The content to encode as JSON using the generic JSON encoder
* @return The exported content
* @gin-icon page_white_json
exportJSONFile		:: !FilePath a -> Task a | iTask a
* Encode and export a JSON datafile to the server's filesystem using a custom encode function.
* @param Encoder function: The JSON encoder function
* @param File path: The path of the exported file
* @param Value: The content to encode as JSON
* @return The exported content
* @throws FileException
* @gin False
exportJSONFileWith	:: !(a -> JSONNode) !FilePath a -> Task a | iTask a