implementation module Text.JSON import StdGeneric, Data.Maybe, StdList, StdOrdList, StdString, _SystemArray, StdTuple, StdBool, StdFunc, StdOverloadedList import Text, Text.PPrint //Basic JSON serialization instance toString JSONNode where //make target string -> copy characters //The reason why first a big string is made into which the characters are copied is to //avoid many string concatenations with big strings toString node # len = sizeOf node = snd (copyNode 0 node (createArray len '\0')) //Determine serialized size of a JSON datastructure sizeOf :: !JSONNode -> Int sizeOf (JSONNull) = 4 sizeOf (JSONBool True) = 4 sizeOf (JSONBool False) = 5 sizeOf (JSONInt x) = size (toString x) sizeOf (JSONReal x) = size (toString x) sizeOf (JSONString x) = size x + 2 + count_escape_chars 0 x sizeOf (JSONArray x) = let len = length x in (if (len > 0) (foldl (\s x -> s + sizeOf x) (len - 1) x) 0) + 2 sizeOf (JSONObject x) = let len = length x in (if (len > 0) (foldl (\s (l,o) -> s + size l + 2 + 1 + sizeOf o) (len - 1) x) 0) + 2 sizeOf (JSONRaw x) = size x sizeOf (JSONError) = 0 count_escape_chars :: !Int !String -> Int count_escape_chars i s | i < size s # c = s.[i] | c >= '0' | c <> '\\' = count_escape_chars (i + 1) s = count_more_escape_chars (i + 1) s 1 | c == '"' || c == '/' || c == '\b' || c == '\f' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' = count_more_escape_chars (i + 1) s 1 = count_escape_chars (i + 1) s = 0 where count_more_escape_chars :: !Int !String !Int -> Int count_more_escape_chars i s n | i < size s # c = s.[i] | c >= '0' | c <> '\\' = count_more_escape_chars (i + 1) s n = count_more_escape_chars (i + 1) s (n+1) | c == '"' || c == '/' || c == '\b' || c == '\f' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' = count_more_escape_chars (i + 1) s (n+1) = count_more_escape_chars (i + 1) s n = n //Copy structure to a string copyNode :: !Int !JSONNode !*{#Char} -> *(!Int, !*{#Char}) copyNode start (JSONNull) buffer = (start + 4, copyChars start 4 "null" buffer) copyNode start (JSONBool True) buffer = (start + 4, copyChars start 4 "true" buffer) copyNode start (JSONBool False) buffer = (start + 5, copyChars start 5 "false" buffer) copyNode start (JSONInt x) buffer = let s = toString x in (start + size s, copyChars start (size s) s buffer) copyNode start (JSONReal x) buffer = let s = toString x in (start + size s, copyChars start (size s) s buffer) copyNode start (JSONString s) buffer # reps = findChars 0 s | reps=:[!!] # len = size s = (start + len + 2, copyChars (start + 1) len s {buffer & [start] = '"', [start + len + 1] = '"'}) # buffer & [start] = '"' (start,buffer) = copyAndReplaceChars 0 (start+1) reps s buffer = (start+1, {buffer & [start] = '"'}) where // Copy the escaped string from the original and the replacements copyAndReplaceChars :: !Int !Int ![!(Int,Char)!] !String !*String -> (!Int,!*String) copyAndReplaceChars is id [!(ir,c):rs!] src dest # (is,id,src,dest) = copyCharsI is id ir src dest = copyAndReplaceChars (is + 1) (id + 2) rs src {dest & [id] = '\\', [id + 1] = c} copyAndReplaceChars is id [!!] src dest = copyRemainingChars is id src dest copyRemainingChars :: !Int !Int !String !*String -> (!Int,!*String) copyRemainingChars is id src dest | is < size src = copyRemainingChars (is + 1) (id + 1) src {dest & [id] = src.[is]} = (id,dest) copyNode start (JSONArray items) buffer # (start,buffer) = (start + 1, {buffer & [start] = '['}) # (start,buffer) = copyArrayItems start items buffer = (start + 1, {buffer & [start] = ']'}) where copyArrayItems start [] buffer = (start,buffer) copyArrayItems start [x] buffer = copyNode start x buffer copyArrayItems start [x:xs] buffer # (start,buffer) = copyNode start x buffer = copyArrayItems (start + 1) xs {buffer & [start] = ','} copyNode start (JSONObject items) buffer # (start,buffer) = (start + 1, {buffer & [start] = '{'}) # (start,buffer) = copyObjectItems start items buffer = (start + 1, {buffer & [start] = '}'}) where copyObjectItems start [] buffer = (start,buffer) copyObjectItems start [(l,x)] buffer # (start,buffer) = let len = size l in (start + len + 3 , copyChars (start + 1) len l {buffer & [start] = '"', [start + len + 1] = '"', [start + len + 2] = ':'}) = copyNode start x buffer copyObjectItems start [(l,x):xs] buffer # (start,buffer) = let len = size l in (start + len + 3 , copyChars (start + 1) len l {buffer & [start] = '"', [start + len + 1] = '"', [start + len + 2] = ':'}) # (start,buffer) = copyNode start x buffer = copyObjectItems (start + 1) xs {buffer & [start] = ','} copyNode start (JSONRaw x) buffer = (start + size x, copyChars start (size x) x buffer) copyNode start _ buffer = (start,buffer) copyChars :: !Int !Int !String !*String -> *String copyChars offset i src dst | i>3 # di = offset + i dst & [di-4] = src.[i-4] dst & [di-3] = src.[i-3] dst & [di-2] = src.[i-2] dst & [di-1] = src.[i-1] = copyChars offset (i-4) src dst | i>1 # dst & [offset] = src.[0] # dst & [offset+1] = src.[1] | i==3 = {dst & [offset+2] = src.[2]} = dst | i==1 = {dst & [offset] = src.[0]} = dst //Basic JSON deserialization (just structure) instance fromString JSONNode where fromString s = fst (parse 0 s) IsDigit c :== c >= '0' && c <= '9' parse :: !Int !String -> (!JSONNode,!Int) parse offset input | offset (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_string offset stringCharsOffset input | offset '"' | c <> '\\' = parse_string (offset + 1) stringCharsOffset input = parse_string_with_escape (offset + 2) stringCharsOffset input // skip the escaped character #! string = input % (stringCharsOffset,offset-1) = (JSONString string, offset+1) = (JSONError,offset) // missing '"' where parse_string_with_escape :: !Int !Int !{#Char} -> (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_string_with_escape offset stringCharsOffset input | offset '"' | c <> '\\' = parse_string_with_escape (offset + 1) stringCharsOffset input = parse_string_with_escape (offset + 2) stringCharsOffset input // skip the escaped character #! string = input % (stringCharsOffset,offset-1) = (JSONString (jsonUnescape string), offset+1) = (JSONError,offset) // missing '"' skip_spaces :: !Int !String -> Int skip_spaces offset input | offset (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_number offset numberOffset input | offset>=size input #! i = toInt (input % (numberOffset,offset-1)) = (JSONInt i,offset) # c = input.[offset] | IsDigit c = parse_number (offset+1) numberOffset input | c<>'.' #! i = toInt (input % (numberOffset,offset-1)) = (JSONInt i, offset) = parse_real (offset+1) numberOffset input where parse_real :: !Int !Int !{#Char} -> (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_real offset numberOffset input | offset>=size input #! r = toReal (input % (numberOffset,offset-1)) = (JSONReal r,offset) # c = input.[offset] | IsDigit c = parse_real (offset+1) numberOffset input | c<>'e' && c<>'E' #! r = toReal (input % (numberOffset,offset-1)) = (JSONReal r, offset) | offset+1 (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_real_with_exponent offset numberOffset input | offset>=size input #! r = toReal (input % (numberOffset,offset-1)) = (JSONReal r,offset) | IsDigit input.[offset] = parse_real_with_exponent (offset+1) numberOffset input #! r = toReal (input % (numberOffset,offset-1)) = (JSONReal r, offset) parse_array :: !Int !{#Char} -> (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_array offset input | offset (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_array_items offset items offset_after_bracket_open input # (item,offset) = parse offset input | offset (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_object offset input | offset (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_object_items offset items offset_after_bracket_open input | offset=0 | offset (!{#Char},!Int) lex_label offset stringCharsOffset input | offset '"' | c <> '\\' = lex_label (offset + 1) stringCharsOffset input = lex_label_with_escape (offset + 2) stringCharsOffset input // skip the escaped character #! string = input % (stringCharsOffset,offset-1) = (string, offset+1) = ("",-1) // missing '"' lex_label_with_escape :: !Int !Int !{#Char} -> (!{#Char},!Int) lex_label_with_escape offset stringCharsOffset input | offset '"' | c <> '\\' = lex_label_with_escape (offset + 1) stringCharsOffset input = lex_label_with_escape (offset + 2) stringCharsOffset input // skip the escaped character #! string = input % (stringCharsOffset,offset-1) = (jsonUnescape string, offset+1) = ("",-1) // missing '"' parse_object_items_after_label_and_colon :: !{#Char} !Int !*[({#Char},JSONNode)] !Int !{#Char} -> (!JSONNode,!Int) parse_object_items_after_label_and_colon label offset items offset_after_brace_open input # (item,offset) = parse offset input | offset *[.a] reverse_append [hd:tl] list = reverse_append tl [hd:list] reverse_append [] list = list //Escape a string jsonEscape :: !String -> String jsonEscape src # reps = findChars 0 src = case reps of [!!] -> src reps -> copyAndReplaceChars 0 0 reps src (createArray (size src + Length reps) '\0') where //Build the escaped string from the original and the replacements copyAndReplaceChars :: !Int !Int ![!(Int,Char)!] !String !*String -> *String copyAndReplaceChars is id reps=:[!(ir,c):rs!] src dest # (is,id,src,dest) = copyCharsI is id ir src dest = copyAndReplaceChars (is + 1) (id + 2) rs src {dest & [id] = '\\', [id + 1] = c} copyAndReplaceChars is id [!!] src dest = copyRemainingChars is id src dest //Find the special characters findChars :: Int String -> [!(Int,Char)!] findChars i s | i < size s # c = s.[i] | c >= '0' | c <> '\\' = findChars (i + 1) s = [!(i,c): findChars (i + 1) s!] | c == '"' || c == '/' = [!(i,c): findChars (i + 1) s!] | c == '\b' = [!(i,'b'): findChars (i + 1) s!] | c == '\f' = [!(i,'f'): findChars (i + 1) s!] | c == '\n' = [!(i,'n'): findChars (i + 1) s!] | c == '\r' = [!(i,'r'): findChars (i + 1) s!] | c == '\t' = [!(i,'t'): findChars (i + 1) s!] = findChars (i + 1) s = [!!] //Unescape a string jsonUnescape :: !String -> String jsonUnescape src # reps = findChars 0 src = case reps of [!!] -> src reps -> copyAndReplaceChars 0 0 reps src (createArray (size src - length reps) '\0') where //Find the special characters findChars :: Int String -> [!(Int,Char)!] findChars i s | i+1>=size s = [!!] # c0 = s.[i] | c0 == '\\' # c1 = s.[i+1] #! rc = rep c1 = [!(i,rc): findChars (i + 2) s!] = findChars (i + 1) s where rep '\\' = '\\' rep '"' = '"' rep '/' = '/' rep 'b' = '\b' rep 'f' = '\f' rep 'n' = '\n' rep 'r' = '\r' rep 't' = '\t' rep c = c //Build the escaped string from the original and the replacements copyAndReplaceChars :: Int Int [!(Int,Char)!] String *String -> *String copyAndReplaceChars is id reps=:[!(ir,c):rs!] src dest # (is,id,src,dest) = copyCharsI is id ir src dest = copyAndReplaceChars (is + 2) (id + 1) rs src {dest & [id] = c} copyAndReplaceChars is id [!!] src dest = copyRemainingChars is id src dest copyCharsI :: !Int !Int !Int !String !*String -> (!Int,!Int,!String,!*String) copyCharsI is id iend src dest | is < iend = copyCharsI (is + 1) (id + 1) iend src {dest & [id] = src.[is]} = (is,id,src,dest) copyRemainingChars :: !Int !Int !String !*String -> *String copyRemainingChars is id src dest | is < size src = copyRemainingChars (is + 1) (id + 1) src {dest & [id] = src.[is]} = dest //Intersperse an element on a list intersperse :: a [a] -> [a] intersperse i [] = [] intersperse i [x] = [x] intersperse i [x:xs] = [x,i:intersperse i xs] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toJSON :: !a -> JSONNode | JSONEncode{|*|} a toJSON x = case (JSONEncode{|*|} x) of [node] = node _ = JSONError /* * Generic JSON encoder */ generic JSONEncode t :: !t -> [JSONNode] JSONEncode{|Int|} x = [JSONInt x] JSONEncode{|Real|} x = [JSONReal x] JSONEncode{|Char|} x = [JSONString {x}] JSONEncode{|Bool|} x = [JSONBool x] JSONEncode{|String|} x = [JSONString x] JSONEncode{|UNIT|} (UNIT) = [] JSONEncode{|PAIR|} fx fy (PAIR x y) = fx x ++ fy y where (++) infixr 5::![.a] u:[.a] -> u:[.a] (++) [hd:tl] list = [hd:tl ++ list] (++) nil list = list JSONEncode{|EITHER|} fx fy (LEFT x) = fx x JSONEncode{|EITHER|} fx fy (RIGHT y) = fy y JSONEncode{|OBJECT|} fx (OBJECT x) = fx x JSONEncode{|CONS of {gcd_arity=0,gcd_name}|} fx (CONS x) //Constructor without parameters = [JSONString gcd_name] JSONEncode{|CONS of {gcd_name}|} fx (CONS x) //Constructor with parameters = [JSONArray [JSONString gcd_name : fx x]] JSONEncode{|RECORD of {grd_fields}|} fx (RECORD x) = [JSONObject [(name, o) \\ o <- fx x & name <- grd_fields | isNotNull o]] where isNotNull JSONNull = False isNotNull _ = True JSONEncode{|FIELD|} fx (FIELD x) = fx x JSONEncode{|[]|} fx x = [JSONArray (flatten [fx e \\ e <- x])] JSONEncode{|(,)|} fx fy (x,y) = [JSONArray (fx x ++ fy y)] JSONEncode{|(,,)|} fx fy fz (x,y,z) = [JSONArray (fx x ++ fy y ++ fz z)] JSONEncode{|(,,,)|} fx fy fz fi (x,y,z,i) = [JSONArray (fx x ++ fy y ++ fz z ++ fi i)] JSONEncode{|(,,,,)|} fx fy fz fi fj (x,y,z,i,j) = [JSONArray (fx x ++ fy y ++ fz z ++ fi i ++ fj j)] JSONEncode{|{}|} fx x = [JSONArray (flatten [fx e \\ e <-: x])] JSONEncode{|{!}|} fx x = [JSONArray (flatten [fx e \\ e <-: x])] JSONEncode{|Maybe|} fx (Just x) = fx x JSONEncode{|Maybe|} fx (Nothing) = [JSONNull] JSONEncode{|JSONNode|} node = [node] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fromJSON :: !JSONNode -> Maybe a | JSONDecode{|*|} a fromJSON node = fst (JSONDecode{|*|} [node]) /* * Generic JSON parser, using a list of tokens */ generic JSONDecode t :: ![JSONNode] -> (!Maybe t, ![JSONNode]) JSONDecode{|Int|} [JSONInt i:xs] = (Just i, xs) JSONDecode{|Int|} l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|Real|} [JSONReal r:xs] = (Just r, xs) JSONDecode{|Real|} [JSONInt i:xs] = (Just (toReal i), xs) JSONDecode{|Real|} l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|Char|} l =: [JSONString s:xs] | size s == 1 = (Just s.[0],xs) = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|Char|} l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|Bool|} [JSONBool b:xs] = (Just b,xs) JSONDecode{|Bool|} l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|String|} [JSONString s:xs] = (Just s, xs) JSONDecode{|String|} l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|UNIT|} l = (Just UNIT, l) JSONDecode{|PAIR|} fx fy l = d1 (fx l) l where d1 (Just x,xs) l = d2 x (fy xs) l d1 (Nothing, _) l = (Nothing, l) d2 x (Just y, ys) l = (Just (PAIR x y), ys) d2 x (Nothing, _) l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|EITHER|} fx fy l = case fx l of (Just x, xs) = (Just (LEFT x),xs) (Nothing, xs) = case fy l of (Just y, ys) = (Just (RIGHT y),ys) (Nothing, ys) = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|OBJECT|} fx l = case fx l of (Just x, xs) = (Just (OBJECT x),xs) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|CONS of {gcd_arity=0,gcd_name}|} fx l=:[JSONString name: xs] //Constructor without parameters | name == gcd_name = case fx xs of (Just x, ys) = (Just (CONS x),ys) _ = (Nothing, l) | otherwise = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|CONS of {gcd_name}|} fx l=:[JSONArray [JSONString name:fields] :xs] //Constructor with parameters | name == gcd_name = case fx fields of (Just x, _) = (Just (CONS x), xs) _ = (Nothing, l) | otherwise = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|CONS|} fx l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|RECORD|} fx l=:[obj=:JSONObject fields : xs] = d (fx [obj]) xs l where d (Just x, _) xs l = (Just (RECORD x),xs) d (Nothing, _) xs l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|RECORD|} fx l = (Nothing,l) JSONDecode{|FIELD of {gfd_name}|} fx l =: [JSONObject fields] # field = findField gfd_name fields = case fx field of (Just x, _) = (Just (FIELD x), l) (_, _) = (Nothing, l) where findField match [(l,x):xs] | l == match = [x] = findField match xs findField match [] = [] JSONDecode{|FIELD|} fx l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|[]|} fx l =:[JSONArray items:xs] = case decodeItems fx items of (Just x) = (Just x, xs) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|[]|} fx l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,)|} fx fy l =:[JSONArray [xo,yo]:xs] = case fx [xo] of (Just x,_) = case fy [yo] of (Just y,_) = (Just (x,y), xs) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,)|} fx fy l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,,)|} fx fy fz l =:[JSONArray [xo,yo,zo]:xs] = case fx [xo] of (Just x,_) = case fy [yo] of (Just y,_) = case fz [zo] of (Just z,_) = (Just (x,y,z), xs) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,,)|} fx fy fz l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,,,)|} fx fy fz fi l =:[JSONArray [xo,yo,zo,io]:xs] = case fx [xo] of (Just x,_) = case fy [yo] of (Just y,_) = case fz [zo] of (Just z,_) = case fi [io] of (Just i,_) = (Just (x,y,z,i), xs) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,,,)|} fx fy fz fi l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,,,,)|} fx fy fz fi fj l =:[JSONArray [xo,yo,zo,io,jo]:xs] = case fx [xo] of (Just x,_) = case fy [yo] of (Just y,_) = case fz [zo] of (Just z,_) = case fi [io] of (Just i,_) = case fj [jo] of (Just j,_) = (Just (x,y,z,i,j), xs) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|(,,,,)|} fx fy fz fi fj l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|{}|} fx l =:[JSONArray items:xs] = case decodeItems fx items of (Just x) = (Just {e \\ e <- x}, xs) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|{}|} fx l = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|{!}|} fx l =:[JSONArray items:xs] = case decodeItems fx items of (Just x) = (Just {e \\ e <- x}, xs) _ = (Nothing, l) JSONDecode{|{!}|} fx l = (Nothing, l) decodeItems fx [] = Just [] decodeItems fx [ox:oxs] = case fx [ox] of (Just x, _) = case decodeItems fx oxs of (Just xs) = Just [x:xs] _ = Nothing _ = Nothing JSONDecode{|Maybe|} fx [] = (Just Nothing, []) JSONDecode{|Maybe|} fx [JSONNull:xs] = (Just Nothing, xs) JSONDecode{|Maybe|} fx l = case fx l of (Just x,xs) = (Just (Just x), xs) _ = (Nothing,l) JSONDecode{|JSONNode|} [] = (Just JSONNull, []) JSONDecode{|JSONNode|} [x:xs] = (Just x, xs) JSONDecode{|JSONNode|} l = (Nothing, l) jsonQuery :: !String !JSONNode -> Maybe a | JSONDecode{|*|} a jsonQuery path node = case (findNode (split "/" path) node ) of Just child = fromJSON child Nothing = Nothing where findNode :: ![String] !JSONNode -> (Maybe JSONNode) findNode [] node = Just node findNode [s:ss] (JSONObject fields) = case findField s fields of Just f = findNode ss f Nothing = Nothing findNode [s:ss] (JSONArray items) # index = toInt s | index >= 0 && index < length items = findNode ss (items !! index) | otherwise = Nothing findNode _ _ = Nothing findField s [] = Nothing findField s [(l,x):xs] = if (l == s) (Just x) (findField s xs) instance == JSONNode where (==) JSONNull JSONNull = True (==) (JSONBool x) (JSONBool y) = x == y (==) (JSONInt x) (JSONInt y) = x == y (==) (JSONReal x) (JSONReal y) = toString x == toString y (==) (JSONInt x) (JSONReal y) = toString (toReal x) == toString y (==) (JSONReal x) (JSONInt y) = toString x == toString (toReal y) (==) (JSONString x) (JSONString y) = x == y (==) (JSONArray xs) (JSONArray ys) = xs == ys (==) (JSONObject xs) (JSONObject ys) = sortBy cmpFst (filter (notNull o snd) xs) == sortBy cmpFst (filter (notNull o snd) ys) where cmpFst a b = fst a < fst b notNull JSONNull = False notNull _ = True (==) (JSONRaw x) (JSONRaw y) = x == y (==) JSONError JSONError = True (==) _ _ = False jsonPrettyPrint :: JSONNode -> String jsonPrettyPrint json = display (renderPretty 0.0 400 (pretty json)) instance Pretty JSONNode where pretty JSONNull = string "null" pretty (JSONBool x) = string (if x "true" "false") pretty (JSONInt x) = string (toString x) pretty (JSONReal x) = string (toString x) pretty (JSONString x) = dquotes (string (jsonEscape x)) pretty (JSONArray nodes) = list (map pretty nodes) pretty (JSONObject attr) = encloseSep lbrace rbrace comma [dquotes (string label) <-> colon <-> pretty val \\ (label,val) <- attr] pretty (JSONRaw x) = string x pretty JSONError = string "null"