module AirplaneTasklet import iTasks, iTasks.Framework.ClientSupport.Tasklet import Text.StringAppender, graph_to_sapl_string, MovingEntity import sapldebug //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // TODO: // // zoom, maptype, markers :: GoogleMapsOptions = {center :: HtmlObject ,zoom :: Int ,mapTypeId :: HtmlObject } :: GoogleMapsState = {map :: Maybe HtmlObject ,time :: Int ,centerLA :: Real ,centerLO :: Real ,waypoints :: [(!Int,!Real,!Real)] ,plane :: Maybe MovingEntity ,wppos :: Int ,planejs :: Maybe HtmlObject ,waypointsjs :: [HtmlObject] } :: MarkerOptions = {map :: HtmlObject ,position :: HtmlObject ,title :: HtmlObject ,draggable :: Bool ,icon :: Maybe HtmlObject } derive class iTask MovingEntity, EntityProperties googleMapsTasklet :: Real Real -> Tasklet GoogleMapsState ([(!Int,!Real,!Real)],Maybe MovingEntity) googleMapsTasklet cla clo = { generatorFunc = googleMapsGUI , resultFunc = \{centerLA,centerLO,waypoints,plane,time} = Value (waypoints,plane) False , tweakUI = setTitle "Google Maps Tasklet" } where googleMapsGUI iid taskId Nothing iworld = googleMapsGUI iid taskId (Just {map = Nothing, centerLA = cla, centerLO = clo, waypoints = [], time = 0, wppos = 0,planejs = Nothing,waypointsjs = [], plane = Just (newMovingEntity 1 ( (cla,clo)) 300.0 0)}) iworld googleMapsGUI iid _ (Just st) iworld # canvas = DivTag [IdAttr "map_place_holder", StyleAttr "width:100%; height:100%"] [] # gui = { TaskletHTML | width = FlexSize //ExactSize 600 , height = FlexSize //ExactSize 300 , html = HtmlDef (html canvas) , eventHandlers = [HtmlEvent "tasklet" "init" onInit ,HtmlEvent "tasklet" "update" onUpdate ,HtmlEvent "tasklet" "destroy" onDestroy ,HtmlEvent "tasklet" "afterlayout" onResize] } = (TaskletHTML gui, st, iworld) where updatePerspective st=:{GoogleMapsState|map = Just map} _ _ d # (d, map, center) = runObjectMethod d map "getCenter" [] # (d, center, la) = runObjectMethod d center "lat" [] # (d, center, lo) = runObjectMethod d center "lng" [] = (d, {GoogleMapsState| st & centerLA = fromHtmlObject la, centerLO = fromHtmlObject lo}) onScriptLoad st _ _ d # (d, _) = setDomAttr d "map_place_holder" "innerHTML" "
" # (d, mapdiv) = getDomElement d "map_canvas" # (d, typeId) = findObject d "google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP" # (d, center) = createObject d "google.maps.LatLng" [toHtmlObject st.centerLA, toHtmlObject st.centerLO] # (d, map) = createObject d "google.maps.Map" [mapdiv ,toHtmlObject {center = center, zoom = 10, mapTypeId = typeId}] # (d, mapevent) = findObject d "google.maps.event" # (d, mapevent, _) = runObjectMethod d mapevent "addListener" [map, toHtmlObject "dragend", onChange] # (d, mapevent, _) = runObjectMethod d mapevent "addListener" [map, toHtmlObject "maptypeid_changed", onChange] # (d, mapevent, _) = runObjectMethod d mapevent "addListener" [map, toHtmlObject "click", onClick] # (d, mapevent, _) = runObjectMethod d mapevent "addListener" [map, toHtmlObject "zoom_changed", onChange] # (d, planejs) = createObject d "google.maps.Marker" [toHtmlObject {MarkerOptions| map = map, position = center, title = toHtmlObject "JSF",draggable = False, icon = Just (toHtmlObject "icons/jsf.png")}] # (d, window) = findObject d "window" # (d, _, _) = runObjectMethod d window "setInterval" [createEventHandler doStep iid, toHtmlObject 1000] = (d, {GoogleMapsState| st & map = Just map, planejs = Just planejs}) where onChange = createEventHandler updatePerspective iid onClick = createEventHandler addMarker iid // Google maps API doesn't like to be loaded twice onInit st iid e d # (d, mapsobj) = findObject d "google.maps" | isUndefined mapsobj = (loadMapsAPI iid e d, st) = onScriptLoad st iid e d onUpdate st iid e d # d = updateView st d = (d,st) loadMapsAPI iid e d # (d, window) = findObject d "window" # (d, _, _) = setObjectAttr d window "gmapscallback" (createEventHandler onScriptLoad iid) = loadExternalJS d "" (createEventHandler nullEventHandler iid) nullEventHandler st _ _ d = (d, st) onDestroy st=:{GoogleMapsState| map = Just map} _ _ d # (d, mapevent) = findObject d "google.maps.event" # (d, mapevent, _) = runObjectMethod d mapevent "clearInstanceListeners" [map] // clear generated stuff # (d, _) = setDomAttr d "map_place_holder" "innerHTML" "" = (d, {st & = Nothing}) onDestroy st _ _ d = (d, st) // onResize st=:{GoogleMapsState| map = Just map} _ _ d # (d, mapevent) = findObject d "google.maps.event" # (d, mapevent, _) = runObjectMethod d mapevent "trigger" [map, toHtmlObject "resize"] # (d, center) = createObject d "google.maps.LatLng" [toHtmlObject st.centerLA, toHtmlObject st.centerLO] # (d, map, _) = runObjectMethod d map "setCenter" [center] = (d, st) onResize st _ _ d = (d, st) onDragWP wpid st=:{GoogleMapsState|waypoints} _ e d # (d, e, latlo) = getObjectAttr d e "latLng" # (d, latlo, la) = runObjectMethod d latlo "lat" [] # (d, latlo, lo) = runObjectMethod d latlo "lng" [] # waypoints = updateWP wpid la lo waypoints = (d, {st & waypoints = waypoints}) addMarker st=:{GoogleMapsState|map = Just map, waypoints, waypointsjs} _ e d # (d, e, latlo) = getObjectAttr d e "latLng" # (d, latlo, la) = runObjectMethod d latlo "lat" [] # (d, latlo, lo) = runObjectMethod d latlo "lng" [] # wpid = length waypoints # waypoints = waypoints ++ [(wpid,fromHtmlObject la,fromHtmlObject lo)] # (d, marker) = createObject d "google.maps.Marker" [toHtmlObject {MarkerOptions| map = map, position = latlo, title = toHtmlObject (toString wpid),draggable = True, icon = Nothing}] # (d, mapevent) = findObject d "google.maps.event" # (d, _, _) = runObjectMethod d mapevent "addListener" [marker, toHtmlObject "dragend", createEventHandler (onDragWP wpid) iid] = (d, {st & waypoints = waypoints, waypointsjs = waypointsjs ++ [marker]}) updateWP wpid nla nlo wps = map ud wps where ud wp=:(wid,la,lo) | wpid == wid = (wid,fromHtmlObject nla,fromHtmlObject nlo) = wp // doStep is for simulation on the client doStep st=:{GoogleMapsState|waypoints,plane = Just plane,time,wppos,planejs} _ _ d # (plane=:{MovingEntity|position},wppos,time) = newPlanePosition ((plane,wppos,time),waypoints) # position = position # (d, newpos) = createObject d "google.maps.LatLng" [toHtmlObject (fst position), toHtmlObject (snd position)] # (d, planejs, _) = runObjectMethod d (fromJust planejs) "setPosition" [newpos] = (d, {st & plane = Just plane, time = time, wppos = wppos, planejs = Just planejs}) updateView :: GoogleMapsState *HtmlDocument -> *HtmlDocument updateView st=:{waypoints,waypointsjs,plane = Just plane=:{MovingEntity|position},planejs = Just planejs} d #newwps = map (\(_,x,y) -> (x,y)) waypoints #(newwpsjs,d) = doElems newwps waypointsjs d #position = toDegrees position #(d,planejs) = setPosition planejs position d = d where doElems :: [(!Real,!Real)] [HtmlObject] *HtmlDocument -> ([HtmlObject],*HtmlDocument) doElems [] [] d = ([],d) doElems [pos:wps] [wpjs:waypointsjs] d # (d,newwpjs) = setPosition wpjs pos d # (nwpsjs,d) = doElems wps waypointsjs d = ([newwpjs:nwpsjs],d) setPosition:: HtmlObject (!Real,!Real) *HtmlDocument -> (*HtmlDocument,HtmlObject) setPosition obj position d # (d, newpos) = createObject d "google.maps.LatLng" [toHtmlObject (fst position), toHtmlObject (snd position)] # (d, obj, _) = runObjectMethod d obj "setPosition" [newpos] = (d,obj) newPlanePosition :: ((MovingEntity,Int,Int),[(Int,Real,Real)]) -> (MovingEntity,Int,Int) newPlanePosition ((plane,pos,time),[]) = ({plane&timeLate = time},pos,time + 1) newPlanePosition ((plane,pos,time),route) # (plane,pos) = moveAlongWayPointsDeg plane (map f route) pos time = (plane,pos,time + 1) where f = g g (_,la,lo) = (la,lo) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- taskletExamples :: [Workflow] taskletExamples = [workflow "Google MAP" "Basic Google Maps functionality" tasklet4 ,workflow "Google MAP with sharing" "Basic Google Maps functionality" tasklet1] tasklet1 = withShared ([],Nothing) (\state -> (mkTaskWithShared (googleMapsTasklet 52.8825984009408 4.74849700927734) state updateFun @> (mapWp,state)) -||- viewSharedInformation "The waypoints are" [] state) tasklet2 = withShared ([],Nothing) (\state -> (mkTaskWithShared (googleMapsTasklet 52.8825984009408 4.74849700927734) state updateFun @> (mapWp,state)) -||- viewSharedInformation "The waypoints are" [] state) updateFun (wps,plane) st = {st & waypoints = wps, plane = plane} mapWp (Value wpp _) _ = Just wpp tasklet4 = mkTask (googleMapsTasklet 52.8825984009408 4.74849700927734) >>= \v -> viewInformation "The result is" [] v //Simulate the movement of the airplane //First very simple simulation. Just round robin version of clock //simulateAirplanePosition :: (Shared ([(!Real,!Real)],MovingEntity)) -> Task (LatLng,Int) //Position and heading //simulateAirplanePosition (route,plane) // = withShared (0,0) (\state -> // forever (wait SIMULATE_INTERVAL >>- update newPlanePosition (state >+| ()) // newPlanePosition2 :: ((MovingEntity,[(Int,Real,Real)]),(Int,Int)) -> (MovingEntity,Int,Int) // newPlanePosition2 ((plane,[]),(pos,time)) = ({plane&timeLate = time},(pos,time + 1)) // newPlanePosition2 ((plane,route),(pos,time)) // # (plane,pos) = moveAlongWayPoints plane (map f route) pos time // = ((plane,route),(pos,time+1)) // where f = fromDegrees o g // g (_,la,lo) = (la,lo) //UTIL (>>-) infixl 1 :: !(Task a) (Task b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b (>>-) taska taskb = step taska [WhenStable (const taskb)] //Wait for (at least) n seconds wait :: Int -> Task Void wait n = get currentTime >>= \start -> watch currentTime >>* [OnValue (\(Value now _) -> if (now > addSeconds n start) (Just (return Void)) Nothing)] where //ONLY CORRECT FOR n < 60 addSeconds n t = t + {Time|hour=0,min=0,sec=n} ifValue pred (Value v _) | pred v = Just (return v) = Nothing ifStable (Value v True) = Just (return v) ifStable _ = Nothing returnC :: b (TaskValue a) -> Task b | iTask b returnC v _ = return v returnV :: (TaskValue a) -> Task a | iTask a returnV (Value v _) = return v Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine (workAs (AuthenticatedUser "root" [] Nothing) (manageWorklist taskletExamples)) world