module Airplane /** * This module provides a simple simulation of an airplane flying a route over the Netherlands */ import iTasks, StdInt, StdOverloaded, MovingEntity //:: LatLng :== (!Real,!Real) INITIAL_ROUTE = [(52.187704,4.776612) ,(52.709971,6.062013) ,(53.462181,5.567628) ,(53.324603,4.468995) ,(51.543222,3.34839) ,(51.556885,5.095216) ] MY_ROUTE = [(52.05586831074774, 5.50140380859375),(52.07444183716456, 6.336364746093759), (52.07444183716456, 6.33636474609375),(51.82219818336938, 6.46820068359375), (51.67936786087718, 5.99578857421875),(51.80691653515817, 5.44647216796875)] ROUTE2 = [(52.9047608002297, 4.7124481201171875),(52.904346653702405, 4.8401641845703125), (52.83927653705786, 4.857330322265625),(52.82932091031373, 4.7076416015625)] SIMULATE_INTERVAL :== 1 //In seconds derive class iTask MovingEntity, EntityProperties simulateInteractive :: Task [LatLng] simulateInteractive = withShared ROUTE2 \route -> simulateAirplanePosition route <<@ SetLayout (partLayout 0) >&> \mbPos -> interactWithSimulation (route >+| (mapRead fromJust mbPos)) //Simulate the movement of the airplane //First very simple simulation. Just round robin version of clock simulateAirplanePosition :: (Shared [LatLng]) -> Task (LatLng,Int) //Position and heading simulateAirplanePosition route = withShared (newMovingEntity 0 (ROUTE2!! 0) 300.0 0, 1, 0) (\state -> watch (mapRead (\(plane,pos,time) -> ( plane.MovingEntity.position, toInt ( plane.MovingEntity.direction))) state) -|| //Step the position forever (wait SIMULATE_INTERVAL >>- update newPlanePosition (state >+| route)) ) where newPlanePosition :: ((MovingEntity,Int,Int),[LatLng]) -> (MovingEntity,Int,Int) newPlanePosition ((plane,pos,time),route) # (plane,pos) = moveAlongWayPointsDeg plane route pos time = (plane,pos,time + 1) viewSharedInformation //Interact with the running simulation interactWithSimulation :: (ReadWriteShared ([LatLng],(LatLng,Int)) [LatLng]) -> Task [LatLng] interactWithSimulation sim = updateSharedInformation "Waypoints and position" [UpdateWith toPrj fromPrj] sim where toPrj (route,(pos,heading)) = {GoogleMap|defaultValue & perspective = perspective, markers = markers} where markers = waypointMarkers ++ [planeMarker] planeMarker = {GoogleMapMarker|defaultValue & title = Just "Airforce one", position = {GoogleMapPosition|lat=fst pos,lng=snd pos}, icon = Just planeIcon } planeIcon = GoogleMapComplexIcon {image="jsf-sprite.png",size=(24,24),origin=(0, 24 * headingIndex),anchor=(12,12)} headingIndex = ((heading + 360) rem 360) / 15 waypointMarkers = [{GoogleMapMarker|defaultValue & title = Just ("Waypoint " <+++ i), position = {GoogleMapPosition|lat=lat,lng=lng}} \\ (lat,lng) <- route & i <- [1..]] perspective = {GoogleMapPerspective|defaultValue.perspective & center = {lat = 52.948300, lng = 4.776007}, zoom = 11} fromPrj (route,_) map = route //UTIL (>>-) infixl 1 :: !(Task a) (Task b) -> Task b | iTask a & iTask b (>>-) taska taskb = step taska [WhenStable (const taskb)] //Wait for (at least) n seconds wait :: Int -> Task Void wait n = get currentTime >>= \start -> watch currentTime >>* [OnValue (\(Value now _) -> if (now > addSeconds n start) (Just (return Void)) Nothing)] where //ONLY CORRECT FOR n < 60 addSeconds n t = t + {Time|hour=0,min=0,sec=n} Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine simulateInteractive world